arms tycoon

Chapter 242 Acceptance

China, imperial capital time at five thirty in the morning.The reason why Xu Cheng felt that it was daytime was because the sunlight penetrated through the cracks of the nailed windows, but in fact, the sun had just risen.

"Are you sure to kill the three of them? There are three people in the warehouse, and there is a high possibility of their sentry outside. Are we sure we can get out from here?" Cat leaned against the door and said softly.Jack held the pistol and leaned against the door. Xu Cheng pulled the corpse behind the door, so that people outside could not see the corpse from the door and realize that something was wrong.

After hiding the corpse, Xu Cheng put his index finger in front of his lips and made a silent movement. Just when the visitor was about to reach the door, there was a rush of cell phone ringing, and the cell phone belonged to this person.

He looked at the caller ID and frowned. "It's the boss." He listened to the footsteps and picked up the phone. "Hello boss."

United States of America, [-]:[-] p.m. ET.Of course, the date is the previous day in China.

On the other end of the phone was Jim Hunt.Now he is being hallucinated with a gun pointed at his head, his face is covered with cold sweat, and his mind is full of doubts.The bodyguards haven't broken in yet, so things are indeed a little dangerous.

"How is the situation of the three people? Are there any injuries or deaths?" All Jim can do now is to read the words printed on the note. Looking at the expression of the auditory hallucination, he dare not neglect it at all. Auditory hallucinations are not a kind person. , As a killer, if you say you pull the trigger, you will never open the insurance.

But the auditory hallucination is now very satisfied with Jim's performance.He sat down slowly, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but the pistol did not relax at all, and the muzzle of the gun was still pressed against Jim's forehead.

The originally cold tungsten steel has been gradually warmed by Jim's body temperature, which makes Jim feel better.

"Boss, Hux just went in to deliver food. No one was injured or killed. But I think it will take some time to transport them back to China. The Shandong Peninsula is very strict, and it is difficult to smuggle out. The railways are all checkpoints, not to mention aviation and customs..." Jim's subordinate looked worriedly at the dark hut. "I was just about to go in to check the situation. Hucks didn't come out for 10 minutes. I was afraid that something might happen."

According to the request of the auditory hallucination, Jim turned the phone on speakerphone, and the auditory hallucination could also hear what Jim's subordinates said.When he heard the last sentence, the expression on his face didn't change at all, but he already understood in his heart that the man named Hux had turned into a corpse.The current cat, Xu Cheng and Jack are just making plans inside because they are afraid that there will be too many people outside.

"Release them, cancel the operation, and return home immediately." Jim looked at the print on the note and said it directly.The content of the note is only the inquiry and the release order, nothing else.The shortest and most direct language will cause the least error and the least chance for the other party to play tricks.Auditory hallucinations understand this deeply.In fact, the auditory hallucination is fully capable of imitating Jim Hunt's speech and giving orders by himself after killing Jim, but this time, he needs to retreat completely, not suicidal. Jim still needs to be alive now.At least, Jim needs to be alive before the hallucinations leave the DDB mansion.

His hands froze, thinking he had heard wrong. "Boss, you mean..."

"Let people go and execute the order." Jim hung up the phone and sighed deeply. "You are satisfied now."

The auditory hallucination still did not put away the fmg9 submachine gun. "At least, I need to stay here for another hour until I confirm that my companion is safe, so Mr. Hunter, I will wrong you for another hour." The beautiful secretary whose thighs were trembling with fear. "And you girl, I'm sorry."

Hearing that Jim hung up the phone, his subordinates were puzzled for a while. He looked back at his two companions, and then went straight to the small black room. "Hucks, what are you doing? The boss called and said he wants to..." He just stepped into the hut, before he finished speaking, he felt his feet tripped, and he wanted to touch the pistol at his waist, but his temples Overwhelmed by something cold.

"Move slowly towards me, and I will kill you if you make a sound." Jack put a pistol on the man's temple.

The men sighed when they saw the body of the man named Hux. "Hucks, you are out of luck. You three, I am sorry to disturb your vacation. We are also following orders. However, you are free now." The subordinate said silently, he did not raise his hand, but put his waist He took the pistol in his hand and threw it to the ground. "The boss just called. This order is very strange. Even if you kill Hucks, I can't kill you now. It's very simple. This is the boss's order. You are free. Let me out, I will notify Outer sentry."

Jack watched the action of the subordinate drawing the gun, and wanted to shoot for a moment, but when he saw him throwing the gun away, he looked at cat with a puzzled face.

Cat's eyes rolled around, and he raised his hand to slowly press down the pistol in Jack's hand. "I choose to believe you."

Democratic Republic of the Congo, Three Nuclear Heavy Industries.

"Anyway, I am no longer trusted by the Intelligence Department of the General Staff." Li Jingxue walked into the room and turned to look at Fu Ming who was still closing the door. "I think that if I return to China now, I will definitely be imprisoned, or even sent to a military court, and the charge will be defection."

Fu Ming raised his uninjured left arm and pointed to the sofa, "Sit down and talk." Fu Ming originally wanted to go to the airport, he had already packed his luggage, and was about to go to New York, USA, but when Li Jingxue came, he knew Li Jingxue must have something to say, so she secretly sent a message to Carianna and postponed the schedule.

Li Jingxue and Fu Ming sat face to face on the sofa, and Li Jingxue looked into Fu Ming's eyes. "You are really becoming more and more invisible. I have received higher education, and it is a higher special education. As for what is taught, you should know."

Fu Ming nodded, picked up the latte on the table, took a sip, and looked at Li Jingxue with a smile, "Really? Continue."

Li Jingxue sighed, and also picked up the coffee on the table. Although the weather was very hot, the air-conditioning circulation system was able to work normally with low energy consumption after technical transformation, and the water circulation cooling system was also operating as usual, and the room temperature was already very comfortable.Li Jingxue even felt that the cold wind from the air conditioner was a bit chilly, and she clenched the hot coffee cup tightly.

"A sinister and full of tricks and calculations, oh no, a fox, never being what they seem. They don't pretend to be deep, they are lively in their daily life , will make people unable to guess what is hidden behind their smiling expressions. Such a person, from the outside, looks like the most ordinary, heartless, and least planned person. They even make people Simply think that they have nothing in their hearts, and they simply cannot arouse people's desire to guess. Fu Ming, you are such a person."

"I am not such a person. In this world, there are hundreds of people who are very interested in what is going on in my mind. At least, they want to know what is hidden under my expression. In this way, I He is no longer a fox." Fu Ming's defense seemed a little weak. "Okay, don't go around in circles, what do you want to say?"

"It's good that you admit that you are such a person. You should know my situation now." Li Jingxue closed her eyes and said slowly.

Fu Ming agreed. "Only by becoming a member of Untr, the General Staff will not make things difficult for you. You are still caught between Untr and the General Staff, we don't want you, they treat you as a traitor. Going back is a dead end. The only way out is to join Untr, Do things for me." Fu Ming took the coffee from Li Jingxue's hand and said softly. "Caffeine has an effect on fetal brain development, don't occupy these things."

Li Jingxue froze slightly in surprise. "What if I tell you now that in Beirut, Venice, and Tokyo, I approached you only after receiving orders from Leng Jianbin?"

"I have already guessed this point. You are a member of the Chinese military, so naturally you have to do things for them. This is your duty." Fu Ming pushed his glasses, put down his coffee cup and rubbed his injured area.Although the scapula has almost recovered, the muscles and nerve tissue are still messed up by the broken bones. Fu Ming still needs to undergo minimally invasive surgery to remove the broken bones wrapped in connective tissue, so as to ensure the maximum recovery of his right arm. to the previous active state.

"Then let me tell you again, I have been following you all this time because of Leng Jianbin's order?" Li Jingxue put away the relaxation and emotion just now, and said seriously. "At all costs, get close to you, obtain as much information as possible from Fu's Trading and Transportation Company, and directly arrest or eliminate you or Fu's Trading and Transportation Company when there is a major threat to China's national security and interests. Of course, in the When I took this order, untr had not yet been established."

Fu Ming rested his left hand on the wound, and frowned at Li Jingxue. "At all costs, including your body?"

"As a soldier, my body belongs to my motherland." Li Jingxue lowered her head and touched her slightly raised belly.

Fu Ming pointed to the fetus in Li Jingxue's stomach, "Then your plan is Song Jiahao?"

"My plan was originally you, but this plan fell through. I love Song Jiahao, I am a soldier, but I am Song Jiahao's wife, and my basic moral concepts do not allow me to betray my husband. I did learn from Song Jiahao I have obtained some irrelevant untr information, but these information have been kept here without a return receipt. Information is worthless once its timeliness expires. I don’t have any hole cards in my hand. Now, you will provide me with Protect?" Li Jingxue raised her head, looking at Fu Baibai's face with firm eyes, there was still some expectation in that eyes.

Until now, Fu Ming recalled the girl who tricked him into speaking Chinese a year ago at Beirut Airport, the capital of Lebanon, the girl who didn’t make him let out a last sigh on the Bridge of Sighs in Venice, the girl who was on the first East Pacific When the war broke out, the girl who jumped on Fu Ming's Yongcheng ship with a shameless face and escaped from Japan.

At that time, Li Jingxue was just a girl, but now, she is a woman. In a few months, at the end of the year, she will become a mother again.

These images are not very old, but Fu Ming thought for a while before he remembered them all. After all, too many things happened.Fu Ming stood up and stretched out his left hand.

"Captain, oh no, Li Jingxue. I will clarify your identity with the Chinese government. I guarantee that you will not be followed or arrested when you return to China, and you can visit your parents freely." Fu Ming Smiling and looking at Li Jingxue.

Li Jingxue knew that Fu Ming couldn't change this smile.She had already read the meaning of the smile.In her heart, she was smiling wryly.Because she knew that even if she could go home to visit relatives, her stubborn father would not admit that she had such a daughter who defected to other organizations.After all, to be able to enter the general staff, in addition to technical and political and ideological strength, family background is also very important.Li Jingxue grew up living in the compound of the military region.Two generations of ancestors were officials of the local military region.

"What are you waiting for? From now on, your body only belongs to untr." Fu Ming thought for a while, and felt something was wrong. "Uh, it only belongs to Song Jiahao."

Li Jingxue burst out laughing, and then calmed down again. "But why?"

The smile on Fu Ming's face did not change at all, "I spent a few seconds thinking about it, and I think we are friends."

Li Jingxue finally stood up and shook hands with Fu Ming. "First, you are just like what I said, you can never see through your appearance, you are a fox. Second..." She paused, "I saw the right person, although you are indeed a woman who hates you Guy. Women don't like a man with an old fox inside of him."

Fu Ming did not refute. "Welcome to untr."

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