arms tycoon

Chapter 243 Professional Agent

"Cat and they are safe. Get out of here quickly, our safe house is ready." Mo Bing wore two earphones with different signal sources on his two ears.He listened to the sound of the satellite phone signal headset and spoke into the microphone. "The message came 30 seconds ago, you go first, I will cover."

The auditory hallucination did not answer, but just took the muzzle of the submachine gun from Jim Hunt's head. "Thank you very much for your cooperation." He turned to look at the female secretary who gradually calmed down. "Beautiful lady, we have a chance to meet again." He folded the submachine gun again and stuffed it into his suit jacket.

Jim Hunt was desperately pressing the alarm button under the table. For more than 20 minutes, no one came.

Just after the auditory hallucination trot out the door and closed the door, Jim picked up the phone on the table and threw it out desperately.The phone slammed against the door, shattered and fell to the marble floor with a loud crash.The female secretary was startled by the sound and then came back to her senses, took out her mobile phone and dialed the number of the security department.

The auditory hallucination didn't care about what was going on inside the door at this time. After picking up the submachine gun, he trotted, and while pressing the elevator call button, he tore off the pass hanging on his chest, lit it, and threw it into the elevator. in the trash can next to it.He pressed all three elevators, but the elevators were all busy. When the elevators started to go up from the bottom, he found that the three elevators were going up at the same time.The keen insight let the auditory hallucination know that there are quite a few people in the three elevators, and they all came for him.

He turned around in a daze, but ran into a staff member in a building.In fact, this staff member is not in charge of security. He is a senior executive upstairs, but he just came down to get the documents. The staff member looked at the strange oriental face in front of him without any identity information, and stopped him. .

"Sir, you are not from the Great Development Group. Please show your pass and identity information. If you don't have a pass, then this is not the place for you to stay." Suddenly, the staff saw the smoking man behind the auditory hallucination. Trash can, he felt a little puzzled. "Sir, please stay here, I will contact the security department and send you out of here safely!"

"Pass, I thought this thing was useless. No one asked for it when I came here... Wait a moment..." The auditory hallucination ignored the staff's eyes, and just pretended to take something out of his jacket pocket. "it's here!"

The auditory hallucination's right hand was pulled out of the jacket pocket and punched the man in the face.The staff member was punched hard on the left cheek, covered his mouth and stared at the stars, and just wanted to shout out, but his mouth was covered by auditory hallucinations.

The auditory hallucination twisted his arms behind his back, pinned the back of his head, and slammed his head against the wall.There was only a muffled bang, and the staff slowly slumped to the ground facing the wall.

"It's too late..." Hallucination looked at the elevator behind him, and the number of floors displayed had reached eleven.He hurried to the fire stairs, but just pushed open the swing door, only to find that there were chaotic footsteps and shouts from above and below the stairs. "Give me a way to evacuate that is not blocked!" The auditory hallucination knew that the stairs could not be walked.He quickly retreated, trying to find an unlocked room on this floor, but he was greatly disappointed. The rooms on the entire floor were locked electronically after the secretary notified the security department.

"All roads are blocked! Implement Plan C." Mo Bing finally turned off the safety of the m110 sniper rifle, and the cross of the scope moved a little away from Jim Hunt's head.In fact, Jim's office is also locked by the security system, and the bulletproof door is still very reliable. "Armor-piercing bullet, I'll help you open the door of that office, you need Jim Hunt to get out of here."

"Stop rambling, hurry up, they are coming soon!" the auditory hallucination said eagerly.

"Don't rush, don't rush." ​​Mo Bing adjusted his breathing, and then lightly pressed the trigger. The muffler on the muzzle of the gun covered up the sound and flames of the gun, and only three gunshots were heard, followed by three red and yellow flashes. A straight line streaked across the somewhat dark sky and hit the floor-to-ceiling glass windows of that office.

The first bullet penetrated the glass window and got into the wall of the room. Although the tempered glass was pasted with a bulletproof film, the armor-piercing bullet used by Mo Bing was used to penetrate military vehicles, but although the bullet penetrated the glass, it only left There was a bullet hole, the glass cracked and became a small piece, but it still didn't fall off, and was tightly stuck together by the film.

The next two bullets started against the starting position of the film.Mo Bing knew that this was the only room in the entire building that had a bulletproof film, so if two holes were drilled from the starting position of the bulletproof film, then the broken glass that was glued together by the film would completely fall off.Just as Mo Bing thought, just a few seconds later, a large piece of cracked glass fell from the sky, and because it was rush hour, it even killed several people downstairs, and the scene suddenly became bloody , There were screams everywhere, and some policemen had already started looking up to confirm what was going on.

Mo Bing is not in the mood to take care of these things, his ultimate goal is not this.He is carrying out the most accurate standard. He wants to relax his mood and calm his heartbeat so as to achieve the most accurate shooting.

Jim seemed to have spotted the sniper on the tall building. The cold wind in the sky lost the resistance of the tempered glass and rushed in. The books on the bookshelf and the documents on the table suddenly floated up, and the room was in a mess.Jim looked at the roof, and he was convinced that the sniper was there, and that he was probably in the same company as the hallucination.But he didn't know why the bullet didn't hit his head after penetrating and stripping.

"You must be very confused!" Mo Bing smiled coldly and pulled the trigger.The bullet whizzed past Jim's ear with a strong wind and a screech, and then hit the lock of the bulletproof door with a bang.

Parts of the lock came crashing down, an arc flashed across the lock, and the door bounced open!

"It's not open, I'll retreat first, you pay attention to safety, if you need support, call me through the microphone, when you reach the bottom of the building, I will start heading towards the safe house, see you in the safe house! Be careful!"

"You go first, I have a solution!" The auditory hallucination who had been waiting outside for a long time finally breathed a sigh of relief, he kicked open the door, the strong wind blew his hair into mess, he took off his coat against the strong wind, and then again He took out the submachine gun and disassembled the various peripherals of the submachine gun. The gun finally revealed its true colors, Glock 17.

"I still need to borrow it from you!" The auditory hallucination knew that this was the only way after there was no other way.He draped the coat over his right hand, covering the pistol in his hand, and drew Jim towards him. "Please send me out. Don't play tricks, or I will definitely put a bullet in the back of your heart before they catch me."

Jim gritted his teeth and nodded, but now he can only be at the mercy of auditory hallucinations.The two walked out of the room one after the other, and encountered more than 20 security personnel with shotguns and submachine guns.

"Boss, are you going there?" The leading black bodyguard felt that the Asian man behind Jim Hunt was extremely strange. After seeing the Asian man's eyes and movements, he understood that Jim was being held hostage by this man. !Under that jacket, there should be a pistol.

"I need to go out for a while, do I still need to report to you?" Jim's tone was strange, but he kept winking at the black bodyguard, and his eyes almost turned to one side.

"You are in a very dangerous situation. There were snipers just now. Please stay under our protection..." The black bodyguard stared intently at the auditory hallucination, but the auditory hallucination did not have any intention of dodging, and met the gaze directly.

Jim ignored the group of bodyguards. Driven by auditory hallucinations, he went straight into the elevator and pressed the button on the first floor.

Looking at the closed elevator doors, the black bodyguard yelled at his subordinates. "Block the elevator and all the exits, what are you doing in a daze, go down and wait for someone to come out, absolutely don't let him leave the building!"

Hearing hallucinations would not wait until the elevator descended to the first floor. On the tenth floor, he pressed the button for the third floor, and then opened the emergency exit above the elevator.He put on his coat, still aiming the pistol at Jim.The elevator stopped on the third floor, and the door was closed by auditory hallucinations as soon as it opened. Taking advantage of the period of time when the elevator stopped, he jumped out from the emergency exit, and the elevator started again. He pulled the outer door of the third floor, and then Little by little, he opened the door and jumped out from the elevator on the third floor.

Jim was the only one left in the elevator. He leaned against the wall and sighed, then wiped the cold sweat off his brow.In any case, even if the auditory hallucination escapes, this life is preserved.

Just as the auditory hallucination imagined, dozens of guns were pointed at the elevator exit on the first floor. As soon as the elevator door opened, if the auditory hallucination was still inside, it would be shot through the head immediately.

Dozens of bodyguards were staring at the numbers on the elevator door. With a crisp ding, the elevator arrived, and the automatic door slowly opened. Many of them swallowed and put the sights on the submachine guns close to their eyes. After opening it, they found that Jim was alone.

Jim slammed his fist against the wall. "A bunch of idiots!"

At this time, the auditory hallucination came out from the entrance of the fire stairs on the first floor, and went straight to the small side door connecting the fire stairs to the outside of the building. After shooting down the bodyguards at the two doors with three shots, he left here calmly and sneaked into the On the periphery of the building, among the crowd watching the falling objects hurting people.He knew that the security department would not find him leaving the elevator, because everyone started searching for him, and the person who was watching the elevator camera by the monitor had already left his job.

The auditory hallucination wiped the fingerprints on the Glock 17 pistol, then bought a newspaper, wrapped it, and stuffed it into the trash can on the side of the road.He went through the subway security check and boarded a train that was about to leave the station.There are many people in the subway, which is very crowded, but this is exactly what the auditory hallucination wants.The more people there are, the less likely he is to be caught.On the subway, he took out his phone and dialed Fu Ming's satellite phone.

At this time, Fu Ming was taking a private jet on a flight to Hong Kong.If you want to go to New York, you need to transit through Hong Kong.Fly directly from the Congo to New York, and you may be shot down by fighter jets as soon as you enter the country.

Ordinary mobile phones can only receive signals when the plane is taking off or landing, and they cannot receive signals at all in high altitude.The dangers of talking on the phone on the plane are also related to this. The mobile phone signal can interfere with the navigation during takeoff and landing, although only a little, it is also dangerous.But Fu Ming didn't need to think about it at all. During the process of specifying the course, the satellite phone would not have any impact on the plane.He picked up the phone. "how?"

The auditory hallucination took a few rough breaths, and the trot all the way was very tiring. "Successful, Mo Bing and I are safe, we will meet in the safe house. Jim Hunt is not dead."

"Very good. Both of you are about to become professional spies!" Fu Ming's eyes lit up, and he said coldly. "He will die at the hands of cia."

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