arms tycoon

Chapter 252 Dr. Sparrow

Holding the rifle in his hand, Jack Davis slowly approached the other three cars alone. After confirming that no one had the ability to fight, he let out a deep breath, slowly put down the rifle, and waved behind him. hint. "Safety!"

Mo Bing also breathed a sigh of relief, and began to check the wound he had just suffered in the battle. The wound was not too bad. The bullet flew past his waist, but it still hurt a lot.The auditory hallucination sprinkled hemostatic powder on him, and wrapped a bandage forcefully, Mo Bing grinned in pain.

"Can you take it easy, kid?"

The auditory hallucination said with a smirk, "It won't stop the bleeding, if you die, Carianna will have to eat me alive when you go back!"

"If you can still breathe, shoot a few more shots. Don't leave anyone alive." Xu Cheng touched the carotid artery of a soldier. He didn't even look at the pistol, he shot it twice, and pressed the bullet into the man's head. The soldier's body jumped up due to the impact of the bullet, and his head turned into a ball of meat sauce.

"I didn't expect that we would also do this kind of kidnapping." Mo Bing patted his bandages, stood up and walked to a soldier. The muzzle of the gun was aimed at his head, and the acr Masada rifle burst out three times. "I don't care about the bullets, don't squat down to check, I'm so tired!" Mo Bing didn't even blink his eyes.

A few minutes later, Song Jiahao trotted over, and everyone gathered around the third jeep, looking at the woman inside through the window.

The auditory hallucination put the rifle behind his back, knocked on the bulletproof glass window with brown film, and then made a "please" gesture.

Daisy Sparrow didn't mean to be afraid at all, but she didn't open the door to get out of the car, and she didn't know the origin of the other party, but she didn't hurt herself, so she couldn't have come to kill herself, it was very likely to kidnap her!Daisy doesn't know who the other party is, kidnaps herself, and lets herself do scientific research. It's okay to say that as long as the hardware facilities meet her requirements, she can meet her research needs with the best conditions, no matter who it is, even if it is Terrorists, Daisy will also go to work for them.It would be wrong if you tied yourself up to blackmail the US government.

"I need to see your person in charge." Daisy didn't look like a prisoner at all, but she seemed to be here to negotiate!

Xu Cheng stepped forward and shouted at the car window. "I'm in charge!" He pulled out a small packet of thermite bombs from his tactical vest, which were specially designed to penetrate armor and dissolve.Of course, this small bag is not enough to burn the bulletproof glass or the thickened armor of the car door at high temperature, but it is more than enough to destroy the door lock.Bullets might hurt himself and others, Xu Cheng didn't want to do that, and directional blasting was undoubtedly the best choice.He held up the bomb and shook it in front of the glass window, then peeled off the plastic paper on the sticky part, and sneered at Daisy.

Although the vehicle has been modified and the armor is thickened, the locks on the jeep have not undergone any special treatment, and the ones that have not been modified are still used.This was a mistake, a small mistake, a mistake that almost all civilian vehicles with thicker armor would have, and Xu Cheng knew it all too well.

Daisy also frowned, she knew what the bomb in Xu Cheng's hand was for.Now if I keep my mouth shut, I won't have any good fruit to eat.In fact, Xu Cheng didn't intend to use the thermite bomb to melt the door lock. He just wanted to scare Daisy. Luo brought out.

Daisy opened the door and got out of the jeep with a laptop bag. "I want to see your real person in charge." Daisy's English accent had a distinct Middle Eastern flavor.

"Dr. Sparrow, please come with us." Jack also put away his rifle, "But I need to check your computer!"

"There is very confidential data in this computer, and it is also very important. I'm sorry I can't give it to you." Daisy put the computer bag behind her and said very seriously.

There was no way, Jack could only look at Xu Cheng, and after seeing Xu Cheng nodding, he pressed the communicator in his throat. "Cat, maintain the state of electromagnetic interference. We have completed the target acquisition. It is not ruled out that there is a tracking device. The radio is also cut off, full-frequency interference."

Cat put down the binoculars in his hand, sighed, and pressed a button on the laptop in front of him without replying.

"The full-frequency electromagnetic interference is turned on, and we have lost contact with the outside world." A technician finally took his eyes off the computer screen and said back.

It wasn't until Daisy Sparrow arrived in this room that Fu Ming took off his earphones and waved his hand. Xu Cheng immediately cleaned up the map and cigarette butts on the table, and moved another chair. "Boss, let's go out first!"

All the people in the room were evacuated outside, only Fu Ming and Daisy were left looking directly at each other, and the sound of the fan in the computer could be heard, it was very quiet.

"I didn't expect it to be you, Mr. K." Daisy put the computer bag on the table, "I left in a hurry, do you have a cigarette?"

Fu Ming took out a pack of Zhongnanhai, threw it on the table, and ignited the old-fashioned lighter once again, "I don't know if it suits your taste." Hearing Daisy's words, Fu Ming felt relieved, after all, Daisy refused without opening her mouth. Fu Ming's request, the conversation between two smart people never required too much language.

"As long as there is nicotine, I don't care what brand the cigarette is." Daisy took out the cigarette, and Fu Ming leaned over to help her light it.

In Fu Ming's mind, the sentence just now had two meanings.The first meaning refers to cigarettes, and the second means that Daisy is testing Fu Ming. She doubts whether there are enough funds, test bases, and even equipment in UNTR to complete what she is doing. experiment.

Fu Ming laughed, Dr. Harry Crowder was really right, this Daisy is a person who just wants to succeed by any means, Fu Ming actually felt a sense of sympathy for each other. "The taste of Chinese cigarettes has always been pure, and the nicotine content, excluding cigars, is the most in the world."

"So, what about the Chinese men?" Daisy looked at the expression on Fu Ming's face with great interest.

"Chinese men have the same smell as Chinese cigarettes." Fu Ming took off his glasses and wiped them with a handkerchief. "I want to know what's inside your laptop."

"Do you want it?" Daisy took out the laptop from the computer bag. After turning it on, she first scanned her iris with the camera and compared her fingerprints. When the fingerprint scanner detected that Daisy's body temperature was normal, this The computer works normally.She tapped the touchpad, then turned the screen to Fu Ming. "This is what you want."

Fu Ming saw that it was a picture, and the thing on the picture was a building with a height of four floors and two staircases, which was not small in scale.He seemed to have seen this building somewhere. "This is..." Fu Ming suddenly remembered that a few days ago, he had seen the satellite picture of this building, which was the test base on the outskirts of Kabul! "You mean, this building is a quantum computer?"

"If this building works six hours a day, its lifespan is only a little more than a year. There is no way. This is the limit of current materials. Using quantum as the basis of computing consumes a lot of energy. I want to know whether untr has the ability to make The building continues to operate."

"Did you mean money?" Fu Ming flipped through a few pages of the photo, and a large amount of experimental data and the physical appearance of the quantum computer appeared on the screen. Of course, Fu Ming couldn't understand these.What Fu Ming didn't know was that if Harry Cloud saw these pictures, he would go crazy with excitement. "Untr has nothing but money."

"If this is the case, I am willing to go to untr to continue my research. However, I need to take away some of the things in this test base in Kabul, and then completely destroy it. I think you can tie me up, and you should know what you are doing. Who did you offend?"

Fu Ming shook his head bluntly, "Actually, I don't know which country or organization you work for. I also don't know where those soldiers belong to. It doesn't matter, anyway, you are already with me..."

"The theoretical basis of this quantum computer experiment project has been completed. What we lack is energy and materials to solve problems. Minimize the volume of quantum computers as much as possible, increase energy efficiency, and extend the life of quantum computers to reach the level of ordinary computers today. , is my specific work. And this work is jointly developed by China and the United States. You have offended the world’s least messed-up country, and there are two of them.” Daisy wanted to see Fu Ming’s joke Seeing that Fu Ming was still unmoved after hearing these things, she still frowned. "Aren't you afraid?"

"You will exist as a secret in Untr. The US and Chinese governments will not know the news, nor will they know who has robbed you. I have offended many people, many organizations and governments." Fu Mingyao He bowed his head and put his glasses back on.

"Should I call you Miss Sparrow, or Ms. Sparrow?"

Daisy held up her left hand, which had no ring on it. "I will give everything for science, even my life. I don't care where my science is used, war, or peace. Because objective science exists there, and my mission is to discover it. Please call I, Dr. Sparrow."

"Okay, Dr. Sparrow, welcome to Untr." Fu Ming stood up and stretched out his right hand reluctantly.

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