arms tycoon

Chapter 253 Ambition

"K, you almost took everything from me." Jax Cabricio sat in a dimly lit interrogation room with his hands shackled. "I'm already here, and every night for two weeks, I want to kill you with my own hands."

"I gave you a chance, but you don't want it." Although there was a chair in front of Fu Ming, he didn't sit down.

This is the underground prison of Trinuclear Heavy Industries. Currently, Jax is the only prisoner.Because most of the people who are caught here are executed after being sucked out of the last suspected information, it is often empty here.Under such lighting conditions, Jax could only see half of Fu Ming's face, but the reflection on the glasses lens was clearly visible. "A year ago, I gave you a chance to escape from this circle. I never took anything away from you. You just didn't want it."

"K, do you think you can fight against the whole world? Do you think you can defeat the Americans by mastering arms sales? The Chinese? Hahahaha, K, you are too naive, you are too young! You don't know the heights of the sky and the earth."

Fu Ming took out a cigarette, stuffed one into his mouth, and threw another one on the table, ignoring Jax's ridicule.With a click, flames burst out from the lighter, and the flames immediately illuminated Fu Ming's face.

On that young, slightly thin and pale face, there was a slight sneer.

Jax shuddered. The Fu Ming now is indeed different from the Fu Ming a year ago. It seems that there is something more. As for what is more, Jax himself can't tell.He picked up the cigarette on the table and sniffed it vigorously in front of his nose.He knew that this might be the last cigarette he could smoke.

Fu Ming lit a cigarette for Jax, the lighter clicked and closed the lid. "You still have one thing left. I also want to take it away, so that you will have nothing in this world."

"My head?" Jax exhaled a smoke ring. "Do you need to discuss this with me? I'm in your hands now..."

"Wait for him to enjoy the last nicotine." Fu Ming said to the people behind him, then walked out of the room, turned a few turns and walked out of the basement.

The sun outside is very bright, it can even be said that it is very dazzling, the outdoor temperature is very high, about 30 degrees, and the cats waiting outside will be fainted from the sun, only to see Fu Ming slowly coming out of the door .

Fu Ming took off his glasses, put on sunglasses, and straightened his suit. "Is the plane ready?"

"Are you putting on makeup inside? Why is it taking so long?" Cat also arranged his own dress.Their plane will take off to Hong Kong in 10 minutes, and then transfer to Zhuhai. After arriving in Zhuhai, the time is just right, and they can participate in the current three-day professional exhibition time of Zhuhai Air Show.

"Say a few words with Jax, it's his last words." Fu Ming chuckled softly, the last thing that Jax had now should have been taken away by a certain soldier. "About Jim Hunt. Is there any news from cia?"

Fu Ming asked while walking towards the airport.

"There is no letter at all. It seems that the CIA plans to keep a low profile on Jim's private dealing with us. After all, the U.S. government has the final say on the Dafa Group, and Jim did a good job during his tenure. It was hard to find such a person The excellent president, just killed like this, the Americans are not happy!" Cat snickered, trotted a few steps, and arrived at the spiral staircase first. "I said, what happened to the sub-orbital plane? Can you buy it from Russia? If someone finds out that your special plane is still this little thing, they will be laughed out of their teeth!"

"It's on the way to deliver, I'm afraid it won't be in time for the Zhuhai Air Show, so just make do with it. When we come back from China, we will be able to take that orbital plane!" Fu Ming looked at the old private plane, also A little dissatisfied.Once a person has money, he always wants to play in different ways.Using a suborbital high-altitude reconnaissance plane as a private plane is a treatment that even the president and chairman of a major country does not have.Not to mention the extremely expensive cost of that kind of aircraft, the maintenance cost is also very high. Of course, the sub-orbit is relatively safe. The kind of aircraft produced in Russia has stealth performance and is not easy to be discovered.It’s not that it’s impossible to be shot down. If a country’s high-orbit fighter takes off, the pilot can spot it with the naked eye, but the probability of this is extremely low. Sub-orbital aircraft can be regarded as a special aircraft with the best safety performance. Of course, If you have to count it as a special plane.

Fu Ming fastened his seat belt and pressed the button at hand. The cold air from the air conditioner made him feel more comfortable. "This bad weather, why did I have a brain twitch and build the base here!"

"Fortunately, there is enough energy, otherwise the high-power air-conditioning system would be paralyzed, and the entire Three-Core Heavy Industry would become an oven!" Cat closed his eyes, stretched his white neck, and waited for the cold wind.The cold wind poured in from her neck, and she moaned so comfortably.

"Don't make that strange sound, as if I'm doing something here with you!" Fu Ming glanced at the cat in disgust, but the cat just smiled and ignored Fu Ming at all.

"Speaking of energy..." The plane has slowly slid into the air, and Fu Ming looked out of the window. There was a huge concrete building on the ground, just outside the headquarters of Trinuclear Heavy Industry. It was already built, but Has been idle.At the beginning of the construction, Harry Crowder had asked Fu Ming to build such a place, at the outermost edge, still some distance away from the headquarters of the Trinuclear Heavy Industry, but Harry did not explain the specific function of this building.After the three-core heavy industry was put into use, it has been empty.

It wasn't until Karianna Sois bought Harry's dream from Ukraine and put it there that Fu Ming didn't know what the concrete building was for.

"The bunker. It was built to prevent the explosion caused by the failure of the nuclear fusion experiment and destroy the main body of the Trinuclear Heavy Industry." Cat also looked out the window. "Dr. Claude, it's really well-intentioned. I'm afraid that your foundation will be blown into ruins."

"I don't know how the nuclear fusion experiment is going. Yesterday afternoon, I heard from Dr. Sparrow that once the nuclear fusion experiment is successful and the energy can be successfully used, several power stations near us can only be used as backup energy sources." The power provided by the nuclear fusion power plant can also support the operation of high-power quantum computers." Fu Ming sighed deeply, "It's all money-burning things. It's only been a dozen days, and it's burned I have hundreds of millions of dollars!"

"Distressed?" Cat stretched his waist, and unbuttoned his seat belt amidst the sound of a reminder.She walked a few steps, reached the refrigerator, took out two bottles of cold beer, and handed Fu Ming a bottle.

Fu Ming shook his head, "I hate alcohol."

Cat gave him a blank look, "It's rigid, drink less and it won't burn your brain, nicotine is more harmful than alcohol, I won't smoke any more!"

"Like a housekeeper." Fu Ming muttered dismissively.

"Ke Ke or Xiao Ting is here, let me see if you dare to smoke again!" Cat took two sips of ice-cold beer, and after drinking the beer, her face also turned slightly red, feeling unspeakably refreshed. "I didn't expect that blowing up the test base on the outskirts of Kabul, Afghanistan, would cause such a big fluctuation."

"That's right. I didn't expect that they didn't suspect me. I'm already ready to deny it!" Fu Ming laughed.After the UNTR soldiers successfully took out the required information from the test base and blew it up to ashes, the United States and China actually accused each other.

According to the news from the General Staff, the responsibilities of both parties are similar.It was the other party who kidnapped Daisy Sparrow, killed all the guards, sent someone to take away the core data, and blew up the test base in an attempt to monopolize the results of the quantum computer experiment.In order to cover up the truth, the other party also left behind a few corpses of their own people—the experimental base, guarded by Chinese and American agents and soldiers.

"However, even if this is the case, I think their experimental data will be backed up, and they know no less than us. After all, we are still an economy, and there is no comparison with the country." Fu Ming knows, although he himself Here holds the initiative in science and technology, but the speed of development is not as fast as that of China, which has a vast land and a large population.

China has a population of 14 billion. Randomly select a few people from professional colleges to serve the country and become top scientists. They are all good hands, and there are not a few such people.

Compared with China, untr seems to be a bit of a copycat. After finally getting a few scientists, they were dug from others, and the number is not large. One is less than one, and there is no specific experience. After arriving at the technical department of untr, there are some things There is also a need to re-learn, and the quality is also a problem.

"I think, if we can build a real country..." Fu Ming whispered.

Hearing Fu Ming's words, cat almost spit out the beer from his mouth.She wiped the beer from the corner of her mouth and coughed violently, "Are you crazy? You should know the consequences of re-establishing a country. No one will recognize you, even Ajax Rilling will not recognize untr Continue to exist. Besides, land, political parties, sovereignty, large-scale army, and self-defense capabilities. Now we have nothing. If you come to any big country or military organization, we will never last 24 hours if you attack by force. Stop daydreaming. The last place on earth has already been divided up, including the Arctic Ocean, the Antarctic continent, and even every gully in Haiti. If you want to form an untr empire, and you are the commander of the empire, then you can only Go to the moon or Mars to be a polished commander!"

"Maybe one day, this will really become a reality!" Fu Ming laughed.

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