arms tycoon

Chapter 262 The Battle of the Peninsula

When Fu Ming walked out of Pyongyang Sun'an Airport, the capital of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon local time.

Although this is an international airport, the specific routes are strictly restricted. The imperial capital of China, Vladivostok in Russia, and Moscow are all the final destinations of the planes departing from this airport.Not only are the landing locations and routes strictly restricted, but even the number of flights and charter flights require the unification of the North Korean government.This kind of move makes the words "international airport" in quotation marks.

A few minutes ago, when Fu Ming got off the plane, he seemed to already smell the smell of gunpowder in the air.At the airport, I saw two greeters sent by the North Korean government. Their Chinese was not very good, so Fu Ming communicated with them directly in Korean.

The arrival of these two people made Fu Ming somewhat dissatisfied. After all, UNTR was a role that neither the United States nor China dared to neglect. Such hospitality made Fu Ming feel that it was belittling him.

However, North Koreans have always treated respectable foreign guests well. Even the members of the security forces behind Fu Ming have arranged hotels with very good conditions.Fu Ming's expression softened when he saw a few military vehicles outside.

A whistling sound came from the sky, Fu Ming and the others looked up, and saw four fighter jets of unknown type flying over the sky at high speed, leaving behind a loud sound caused by supersonic speed. White lines created by airflow fluctuations are left behind.

"Fighters?" Cat frowned and said in a low voice. In the sky over Pyongyang, even ordinary military exercises would not have fighter jets.This situation is simply too unusual.

"What's that?" Fu Ming pointed to the formation of fighter jets that turned into a few black dots in the sky.

A North Korean man smiled. "Air patrol team. In order to prevent sudden air strikes by South Korean F16 fighter jets, the leader comrades decided that the air force will take turns patrolling the air above important cities and the border of the Republic from one o'clock in the morning today. The four planes just now are all MiG- 29."

MiG-29, developed by the Mikoyan Design Bureau of the former Soviet Union and produced by the Gorky Factory.Although it was an idea and idea in the 70s and 29s, it is still the mainstream fighter jet in third world countries.The Russians sell these stocks to North Korea, which is relatively poor, and the newly produced MiG-[-]n is sold to rich masters in Southeast Asia.

The main role of this fighter is to compete for air supremacy and expulsion. Compared with Sukhoi's products, such as the Su-27, which is China's J-10 fighter, its combat performance is still weaker.But the design concepts and main functions are all different, and it is impossible to compare them at all.

If Fu Ming remembers correctly, the MiG-27 should be the most advanced fighter in the so-called North Korean air force. After China gave up the fighter jets of the Sukhoi line, all the relevant materials of the Mikoyan Design Bureau in China were thrown away. It was given to North Korea, but North Korea is still under blockade, and there is nothing else except these precious materials.And Russia will not hand over anything related to the plane to North Korea.

So the so-called North Korean Air Force is just a show.It is said that there are 11 troops, 40 reserves, 25 official airports and 26 airports, and the Korean People's Air Force with 6 highway takeoff and landing sites. Only the J-19 (MiG-5), which is no longer used by China, J-17 (MiG-[-]) and other old aircraft.

Attack aircraft, bombers, and transport aircraft were all obsolete before the disintegration of the Soviet Union at the end of the last century.

Although the equipment is old, the North Korean driver is still very brave.

Fu Ming didn't know what method Kim Jong-un would use to fight such a war with no chance of winning.Of course, if untr really gets involved, the outcome of the war is still uncertain.

"When can I see Chairman Kim Jong-un." Fu Ming got into the military vehicle, "It seems that you have already made all preparations for war."

"Millions of armies are gathering at the armistice border line at 38 degrees north latitude. The great leader does not want to fire the first shot. We want to let the world know that the Communist People's Republic of Korea is on the side of justice in this war." , We are fighting back in self-defense. The great leader is waiting for your arrival at the Mansudae Chamber." The North Korean official instructed the driver to drive, then turned his head and said to Fu Ming.

The Wanshoutai Assembly Hall is modeled on the Great Hall of the People in the Tiananmen Square of the Chinese imperial capital. It is located in the center of Pyongyang and is considered a relatively large landmark building.

Fu Ming and the cat sitting next to him looked at each other, and exchanged their views.The degree of tacit understanding between the two people is not the same, just a look, you know what the other party wants to say.

Cat turned his face out of the window, and whispered in Chinese, "Being a bitch wants to set up an archway!"

Fu Ming coughed dryly and smiled. Although the North Korean official was not good at Chinese, he obviously heard this sentence, and of course probably knew what it meant, because his face immediately darkened.

Fu Ming hid his expression, trying to break the awkward atmosphere in the car, "So, you are going to be in Korea..." Fu Ming paused for a moment, but changed his words. "After the South Korean army or the U.S. army attacked, then launched a counterattack? This will lose the initiative in the war."

"Mr. K, you have a great say in international military affairs, diplomacy, arms, and even war. As members of the Labor Party, Comrade Kim Jong-un is our only supreme great leader, and we will not question the great leader Decision-making. If you really think this is not a good way, please be sure to explain it to the great leader!" The North Korean official nodded to Fu Ming.He also knew in his heart that if he just waited for a counterattack and lost the initiative in the war, then the first wave of South Korean attacks would likely destroy North Korea's local anti-war facilities and elite troops, making it impossible to counterattack.

South Korea's army is not as large as the North Korean army, and most of them are not good enough in tactics.Although wars are decided by people, the gap in weapons and equipment made the Korean People's Army have to use huge sacrifices in exchange.

The air force alone is several grades behind, let alone the basic equipment of the army.The equipment of the South Korean Army is very modern, while most of the North Korean Army only have camouflage uniforms, helmets, rifles, pistols and bullets.As for the other mess of night vision goggles, knee pads, elbow pads, etc., none at all.

Fu Ming thought about it, and the car stopped in front of the Wanshou Terrace Council Hall. Other members of Fu Ming's security force were waiting outside. After all, it was useless if there were too many people in, and it would make people think that they were here to find trouble. son of a bitch.

He only brought cat, Xu Cheng and Wayne Brad, and under the guidance of the North Korean official, walked through the magnificent and dazzling hall of the meeting hall, and went up to the second floor to find an inconspicuous hut.

There were two armed men standing in front of the house, well-trained just by looking at their eyes.After checking the password with them, North Korean officials pushed open the door that looked like a wooden door but felt very heavy.

Sweat dripped from the face of the North Korean official who pushed the door open. After entering the door, he saluted the person sitting in front of his work. "Great Comrade Leader, here we come."

Sitting at his desk, Kim Jong-un waved at him. "Thanks for your hard work!"

The North Korean officials went out and pulled the very heavy door again.The door shut with a bang, and the inside of several steel locks locked the door tightly.

The sound of mechanical gears turning and the sound of the door lock made Fu Ming feel very uncomfortable.

"Four seats, please." Kim Jong-un didn't say any polite words, but sat on the sofa in the office very casually.

Fu Ming began to make a lot of Kim Jong-un. This is a person who often appears on TV, and the rate of leaving the country is comparable to his own. This is the first time he has seen the supreme ruler of North Korea face to face. .After all, Kim Jong-un is the youngest national leader in the advanced world, and he doesn't add a single word.

Fu Ming felt that the current Kim Jong-un really looked like a "person", not the unsmiling one on TV, and he didn't look so bloated now.

"Mr. K, I'm glad to meet you. Untr has become so strong recently that even the US imperialists are afraid of you." Kim Jong-un shook hands with Fu Ming. "But what I don't understand is why you compromised with those evil Americans on the matter of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. This should not be the style of untr. And I heard that many of your family and friends died at the hands of the Americans."

Fu Ming smiled and directly avoided the question. "It's all trivial. As long as it doesn't hinder the cooperation between Untr and the Great Republic. Mr. Great Leader, I already know your general plan. Now let me tell you that it is not feasible to strike after the strike. If the Republic really wants to win This war must be waged first.”

"The Chinese, the Americans, will not participate in this war. They will just hide behind and watch us shoot each other, sacrifice each other, and the outcome they want will definitely not be either North Korea or South Korea , to unify the Korean peninsula. This is not in their interest. Mr. K, I am right." Kim Jong-un looked at Fu Ming. "I want to know what untr means."

"I will realize the reunification of the Korean peninsula. The same nation has been artificially divided for half a century. This does not conform to my standard of conduct." Looking at Kim Jong-un's expression, Fu Ming still intends to tell the truth. "Even though UNTR is an arms sales alliance and has participated in many wars, our goal is still to achieve peace and stability. Let human beings not be destroyed by war on the earth. I also need UNTR's interests in the Korean peninsula. Here It is a buffer zone for direct conflict between China and the United States, and untr needs to master it."

"You never need to spend too much time talking to smart people. I have a question, Mr. K, why don't you go to Park Geun-hye?" Kim Jong-un clasped his hands together, put them on his lap, and looked at Fu Ming with a smile.

Park Geun-hye, who just took over Lee Myung-bak as the president of South Korea in February 2013, is the first female president in South Korean history. Born in 1952, she almost dedicated her life to politics and never married.In the general election, she received more than 50.00% of the vote, which is also unprecedented.Moreover, Park Geun-hye's father, Park Chung-hee, was also the president of South Korea and was assassinated in the late 70s.

"This is a woman who is too complicated. I still hope to cooperate more with the socialist camp. You are many times more reliable than those real politicians." Fu Ming said, pushing his glasses. "She has experienced too many intrigues and conspiracies in her life. She will not choose to believe me."

"Mr. K, I will let you know that your choice is a very wise decision. Now, where is your army and what do you have?"

"Over the Pacific Ocean, inside the Yun-20, more than 1 well-trained and well-equipped soldiers are waiting to land in the transport fleet. I brought the highest technology of UNTR, the war machine."

"Universal humanoid battle mecha? How many are there?" When it comes to war machines, the first word that comes to mind of Kim Jong-un is the Suzaku class.This monster, which has appeared on the battlefields of the Middle East and Africa, is about to stand in its own camp and charge forward.Thinking of this, Kim Jong-un was filled with uncontrollable excitement.

"Four models, each model has five." Fu Ming said very proudly.

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