arms tycoon

Chapter 263 The Controversy of the Peninsula

"Each...four sets?" Hearing Fu Ming's words, Kim Jong-un was overjoyed. "In this small battlefield on the Korean Peninsula, it is a bit too..."

"My army will arrive in Pyongyang at three o'clock in the morning, and it may take four to six hours for the army to reach the border. The general-purpose humanoid fighter mecha is for airdrop operations." Fu Ming ignored Kim Jong-un's question.Anyway, the battle mechs are all nuclear powered. Except for ammunition that needs to be replenished, the capacitor relay can fully satisfy its perpetual motion.Even the ammunition cannot be completely used up within a few hours. Even if it is used up, the four machine bodies are equipped with high-frequency vibrating knives, which will not cause great damage to the soldiers. It is possible to combine tanks and aircraft.

"Wait until ten o'clock tomorrow morning, if you really want to win this war and unify the Korean peninsula, then do as I said, pre-emptive. Although it cannot be said that the United States and China will not intervene at the last minute, but if the war The speed of progress is faster than they expected, and I don’t think they have time to prepare for intervention. Taking Seoul in one go and forcing South Korea to surrender, then they really have nothing to say.” What Fu Ming was really worried about was, Two American airborne divisions had just arrived and were stationed on the northern and southern borders, and one armored division.

Whether they will intervene in this war is a big question. On the surface, these people want to maintain regional stability and prevent the North Korean army from forcibly attacking. In fact, they have long been ready for war. It depends on whether Obama allows them to do it.

Although there are some small troubles, Fu Ming still has a plan in mind. The existence of the general-purpose humanoid battle mech has made the fairness of this war begin to pour out.In the previous actual combat, even the Chinese military's general-purpose humanoid combat mechs modified by untr, the Imperial Capital and the Great Wall, were able to imitate the Japanese lithgleader (Dawn Guider) 004 in the United States, which was named by the Americans as the looting In the battle of the 014-class general-purpose humanoid battle mech, it does not lose the wind at all, so the equipment is very complete, let alone the Suzaku-class that has gone through many actual combat missions and data collection.

After Harry Cloud lost interest in the Zhuhai Air Show, he immediately returned to the Tri-Nuclear Heavy Industry base on the outskirts of Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.He has to carry out the final adjustment of all sixteen airframes to ensure that the airframes can meet the combat requirements.In the end, he deliberately loaded the biological brain manufactured by Hongan Mechanical Intelligence Co., Ltd., which has just entered the company of R Alliance, into a brand-new Xuanwu 014-level general-purpose humanoid combat mech.

The main military task of the Xuanwu class is defense, which is much simpler than active attack. Harry is reluctant to install this thing on the expensive Suzaku class. If the biological computer does not work well and the body is destroyed, it will be fine. If the enemy took it for imitation, or beat one of his own people, then Harry would suffer a lot.

Of course, Harry's idea is not just that simple. Untr's general-purpose humanoid battle mech embodies the mentality of Han Yu who has already sacrificed.Han Yu's time in UNTR can be said to be the happiest time for Harry, because finally someone can talk to him about this kind of war machine. Many of the ideas of Suzaku's current equipment renovation come from Han Yu.But ever since Han Yu was killed by the American Predator class, Harry has been depressed.

This is one of the places where scientists have sympathy for each other.Harry really hoped that the Suzaku could meet the Americans and avenge Han Yu.Although Fu Ming had already destroyed the US naval base in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, in retaliation.

Fu Ming did not intend to use UNTR's sea power and armored forces.It is very troublesome to transfer these things, and their own transport planes are not enough.If a large freighter is used to transport it from the sea, it may encounter the American sea blockade, and Fu Ming cannot afford this kind of loss.

An elite unit of a reorganized division, sixteen general-purpose humanoid combat mechs, plus two Raytheon air-to-ground fire support platforms modified from Yun-20, this is what Fu Ming can produce, and the most overseas wars s things.

Of course, if it is a large battlefield in the Middle East or Europe, these things are not enough to see at all, but in the Korean peninsula, there are already a lot of them.

After thinking about it for a long time, Kim Jong-un opened the cabinet of the writing desk. After entering the password in the key of the safe, he took out a military map sealed in the file bag.

This is a map of the entire Korean peninsula, with dense and confusing Korean markings on it. Fu Ming roughly glanced at it. The map is drawn in great detail. Every path, every hillside and river is drawn out, cities, villages , Military sites, airports, these things are marked with different patterns in different colors.This is the most detailed map, or military map, of the Korean peninsula.

According to Fu Ming's thinking, if he mastered this map, then without the interference of China and the United States, his own more than 5 people, plus tanks, planes and combat mechs, could completely capture the entire Korean peninsula.

Fu Ming smiled viciously. Although he didn't say anything, he thought in his heart that North Koreans were thinking about the great cause of reunification, and it wasn't just a matter of a day or two.After all, such detailed intelligence collection would be impossible to complete in a short period of time without the help of spy satellites.

"The specific battle plan has been drawn up by me and my general staff." Kim Jong-un took out another stack of thick A4 papers from the file bag, and stapled them together with pins.

Fu Ming took over the very detailed battle plan from Kim Jong-un.In Fu Ming's view, any battle plan is just a general tactical idea, a strategy of how to fight and how to win.But in war, what to use to fight, what to do if you lose, these are the serious things.So this thick stack of paper is a pile of rubbish to Fu Ming. The battlefield changes rapidly, and the plan is not as fast as the change. A detailed plan cannot lead to victory.This is what Wayne Brad told Fu Ming.

After many years of battlefield baptism, even though Fu Ming has been selling arms, he has also gained some experience in the war. Coupled with Xu Cheng and Wayne, the elites of the special forces elite have taught him carefully, Fu Ming is not only A qualified businessman, but also a very good army leader.

"The great cause of reunification, the record of the resolution of the Sixth Operation Meeting of the New Korean State Establishment Plan No. 30. (Top secret, read only.)" Fu Ming looked at the top sheet of paper, the bold black font was very conspicuous.

"Mr. Leader, what do you mean?"

"I choose to trust UNTR, so I will hand over this map and report to you." Kim Jong-un sat on the sofa again and said seriously. "I think you can read these things within a dozen hours. If there is anything that needs to be supplemented or changed, I can immediately hold the No.30 Seventh Meeting and make a decision. Although it says that only reading is allowed, But I give you permission to make copies of the map and resolution records."

Fu Ming laughed. "No, Mr. Great Leader. This war is a civil war of the Korean nation. I am an outsider, and I only help you in your great cause of unification and post-war peaceful development, not the protagonist of this war. All battle plans are decided by your people's army staff and you, and I only play a supporting role. It is because of your trust, Mr. Great Leader." Fu Ming said to this young national leader who was ten years older than himself I have a good impression, whether it is Obama or President Xi, even Blakely Paidar and Ajax Rilling, those people are old men who have no common language and ambitions, and Kim Jong-un is at the golden age, Fu Ming The distance with him has been shortened a lot.

"Because of your trust, I decided to give up the command of an integrated division of Untr, and only request the command of the battle mecha and two Thors. These 1 people can be at your disposal." Fu Ming also became serious, So far, this deal with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is Fu Ming's sincere deal.Give all your troops to others, can you not call it sincere?In fact, Fu Ming still has a little calculation in his heart. The quality of the UNTR troops is high. Kim Jong-un will definitely not let this group of people charge up with bullets for the sake of face. You can't use it, otherwise you just look down on untr.And Fu Ming also thinks that Kim Jong-un is not an idiot, he knows how to use the 1 people, and he doesn't have too many doubts about their safety.

However, once this decision is made, as long as North Korea can win this war, Kim Jong-un will always remember Fu Ming, and remember that Untr gave him the most powerful help at his most critical time.

This is what Fu Ming really wants, over and over again, extremely complicated, in fact there are only two words, interest.

Although Kim Jong-un was excited, his face was still very calm. "In this way, UNTR's exclusive troops are temporarily dispatched by the staff of the People's Army. If you feel that there is something wrong with the order, you don't have to execute it."

Fu Ming handed back the combat report in his hand to Kim Jong-un, but left the map behind. "I just need this map!"

"Mr. K, I'll find someone to make another copy for you right away." The copy Kim Jong-un mentioned was not using a color printer or scanning a computer for output, but drawing by hand!

Because no one knows whether these printers and computers from China have recording chips installed in them.

"Then wish us success. It will also help your country achieve reunification as soon as possible." Fu Ming stood up and shook hands with Kim Jong-un.After walking out the door, the other three sighed.

In the room just now, cat, Xu Cheng and Wayne were completely afraid to speak.

"Boss, if you fail this war, you know what it will mean..." Wayne followed Fu Ming and said in English.And Fu Ming also followed a North Korean officer in front, and set off for his residence.

"It means that untr will no longer enjoy any international status. Once the war fails, the Americans, Chinese, and Europeans will all attack us. Untr may be disbanded." Fu Ming slowed down, "I think you should too Know what it will mean if the war is successful."

"It means that we will enter the United Nations, and maybe we will become the first economic organization to enter the United Nations!" cat joked. "The risk is too great."

"Isn't it all a gamble that Untr can go so far? Old Xu, what do you think, what do you think of this war?" Fu Ming smiled, then turned to ask Xu Cheng.

Xu Cheng actually shook his head. "I don't know." Xu Cheng has experienced hundreds of large and small battles, and he has also seen medium and large-scale wars. He has always had a prediction about the outcome of the war.But this time, he shook his head.

"I don't know what to do."

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