arms tycoon

Chapter 264

Fu Ming was awakened by knocking on the door at around two o'clock in the morning of the next day.He opened the door in his pajamas. The security here is very complete. Even if there is a killer, he can be awakened immediately. The alarm is directly installed in his room.

This hotel was originally used to entertain foreign guests. The so-called foreign guests, except for a few heads of state from neighboring countries, there are no other people.What Fu Ming now enjoys is the same treatment as the country's prime minister, president or chairman.

After opening the door of the room, standing outside the door was a North Korean officer in military uniform.The officer, thin and frail, with deep-set eyes and piercing eyes, handed over a sealed portfolio.He also didn't know what was in the file bag.Because he has no authority to read this information at all.

But at four o'clock in the morning, the urgent intelligence still made the officer aware of something, and the expression on his face was very serious. "Mr. K, the great leader personally entrusted me to give this to you." The officer's chest was still rising and falling, which was obviously the reason for his fast running just now.

"I'm sorry to trouble you!" Fu Ming opened the file bag. It seems that the information has been translated, and the words on it are in Chinese.After just a few glances, Fu Ming's brows furrowed like twists, and he quickly walked a few steps to catch up with the officer.

"Please take me to meet Mr. Leader!" Fu Ming pulled the officer, and then returned to his room. It only took a few minutes to get dressed, and he didn't forget to put away the plain glasses, cigarettes, mobile phones, etc. Take things together.

Ten minutes later, the military vehicle pulled up at the gate of Kim Jong-un's secret residence.Fu Ming got out of the car and looked up at the starry sky. The air in North Korea is very good, and you can see the stars high in the sky at a glance. The sky is not getting brighter at all. After the officer exchanged passwords with the guards, Fu Ming saw half of them. Kim Jong-un, who was awakened by this information hours ago.

"When did this happen?" Fu Ming kept the information in his hand on the sofa, took off his glasses and rubbed his temples. "I didn't expect them to be more anxious than us!"

"It should have happened an hour ago. The news is rather vague, and so far, I don't know whether the downed Yun-20 was filled with soldiers or a general-purpose humanoid combat mech. Over the Pacific Ocean, outside China's inland sea It's an American missile." Kim Jong-un moved his neck, obviously, he didn't sleep well at night.

Fu Ming took out his mobile phone and made a direct call to Sannuo Heavy Industry.

Carianna Soyce immediately answered the phone in the office. At this time, she was also devastated. The Y-20 formation that took off from the Trinuclear Heavy Industry Airport has no news. The last message is the one that was hit by a missile. A distress message from a transport aircraft.After this, UNTR's intelligence department did not receive any follow-up intelligence.

Carianna tried to obtain information from China, which was close to the incident, but the Intelligence Department of the General Staff of the People's Liberation Army resolutely rejected the request, claiming that China had no information about the Korean War and would not release it to the public.After despairing of the Beidou satellite system, Carianna decided to report to Fu Ming after clarifying the matter.

After all, according to the time difference, Pyongyang is early in the morning.Carianna didn't want to disturb Fu Ming's rest.

"What happened, why don't I know anything?" Fu Ming sat on the sofa, and once again opened the one-page confidential information.The content of this information is very brief. Half an hour ago, a Y-20 transport plane belonging to Untr was attacked by missiles over the Pacific Ocean. North Korea's conventionally powered submarine saw the scene of an American warship launching an anti-aircraft missile.On the wide area radio signal channel, the submarine received a distress signal from the transport aircraft.

As for whether the plane crashed or where it crashed, it was not written in the newspaper.

"I want to figure it out before I tell you, I'm sorry brother, I don't want to disturb your rest..."

Fu Ming suppressed his anger. After all, Kariana has not been in control of Untr for a long time, and she has learned a lot. She cannot be blamed for this matter. On the contrary, Fu Ming's own decision was somewhat ill-considered.The second war on the Korean peninsula is about to break out, which is well known to the world. Although the United States will not directly participate, it can at least form a protective circle within the Pacific Ocean to protect its own interests in this war. At the very least, Do not allow other forces to intervene in this war.

Although Untr has a large transport aircraft such as the Yun-20 in its hands and has the ability to project combat power around the world, it does not have the ability to escort.Before the delivery of the transport plane, there will be a fleet to clear the route to ensure that the transport plane will not be attacked, and the carrier-based aircraft on the aircraft carrier will also escort the transport plane. Fu Ming's consideration is too simple.

"So, there is no news about Untr now?" Fu Ming asked impatiently.

Carianna was silent, and according to her information, even the informants inside the cia couldn't reveal more things.It seems that the Americans also know that the missile hit the Y-20 transport plane. As for whether it crashed or made a forced landing, they don't know what was in the transport plane that hit it.There is always nothing wrong with hitting the target when you see it.

If Fu Ming calculated correctly, the one who was hit should be the transport plane carrying the universal humanoid battle mech.Because the transport plane that the soldiers of that division were on was taking the route of the inland sea of ​​China.Although radar warning will be carried out, the Chinese government knows that those planes belong to UNTR, so naturally they will not interfere.

Fu Ming was stunned for a moment, but hung up the phone anyway. It seems that the current UNTR headquarters can't help much.What is the specific situation, we have to wait until the Yun-20 transport fleet resumes communication.Although the Zenith Star 2020 has been launched and the [-]nd satellite is also under preparation, Fu Ming's global communication has been greatly hindered.Previously, they rented satellites from the United States, but now they use China's Beidou series positioning communication system, which has very limited functions and the lines are not confidential.Although the Chinese military will achieve global coverage of the Beidou system by [-], Fu Ming always feels that it is better to use his own for these things.

"After getting the prototype of the Yun-20, we immediately carried out industrial development in this area. The imitation Yun-20 that Dr. Claude presided over the construction did not just build [-], but hundreds of them. You can listen to this number It may seem very surprising, but it is true. Untr's current huge manufacturing capacity is beyond your imagination." Fu Ming explained to Kim Jong-un.In fact, Kim Jong-un doubted from the very beginning whether UNTR had the ability to allow soldiers from a reorganized division to arrive in Pyongyang by plane.

"Then the transport plane that was hit by the missile was transporting soldiers?" Kim Jong-un seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. If it was really soldiers, then the number of soldiers on the transport plane was only the tip of the iceberg, and the wreckage of the Y-20 was no longer high. The value of scientific and technological research, the loss is not too big.

"I'm afraid not. The route of the transport plane transporting soldiers is not so far outside, but flies in the air over the inland sea of ​​China. The Americans still dare not shoot missiles into China." Fu Ming was really worried. "I'm afraid that what the transport plane is carrying is one of the sixteen general-purpose humanoid battle mechs. If we can make an emergency landing, we still have time to rescue, so that this technology will not be obtained by the Americans or South Koreans. But if The crash... the situation in China's inland sea is better, if it is on the high seas, then our fighter mechs will not pose any threat to the Americans at all."

In fact, Fu Ming wasn't worried about the other three models of general-purpose humanoid battle mechs, but the Xuanwu class equipped with a biological computer intelligence system.

Originally, the Suzaku class was imitated and improved based on the Japanese ll004. In time, the Americans will definitely be able to create a combat mech similar to the Suzaku class.There is only one basalt-level biological computer, which imitates the intelligent core of the human brain for logical thinking, and there is only one in the whole world.

Fu Ming did not reveal the real reason for his worry.

"Now all we can do is wait?" Kim Jong-un looked at his watch. "It is estimated that in half an hour, your transport formation will be able to reach the sky above here. They will land at various airports in batches under the guidance of the control tower, and there will be no problems."

Fu Ming nodded. Just as he was about to say something, a North Korean military officer broke in without even knocking on the door.

This kind of behavior is disrespectful to Kim Jong-un, and no one dares to do it unless there is an emergency military situation or incident.

"Great leader!" the officer saluted Kim Jong-un panting, and saluted Fu Ming again without letting go of his hand.

"What's the matter, speak slowly!" Kim Jong-un frowned.

"An accident happened in Panmunjom!"

Fu Ming was startled, Panmunjom is a very special place, it is the only point of contact between the North and the South on the Korean peninsula.It belongs to Paju City, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea, and is also under the jurisdiction of Kaesong Special City in North Korea.Here, the Armistice Military Committee of the roommate neutral countries is supervised by four famous neutral countries, Switzerland, Sweden, Czech Republic, and Poland.But I am afraid that at this time, the diplomats of the four neutral countries have already evacuated the area.

Fu Ming remembered that at this only interface, the North Korean government set up concrete piers on the road, behind which were gasoline barrels.Once a war breaks out and an enemy invades, South Korean soldiers will immediately ignite and detonate these gasoline barrels, blow up the concrete pier to block the road, and organize the enemy's army armored forces to invade.

The officer sighed deeply. "Our gasoline barrels were all drained of gasoline by South Korean agents, and the bullets did not explode after being hit. Now South Korean K1 tanks are driving towards us through that interface. In addition, other tanks on the border The stronghold has also been hit by artillery to varying degrees, and the South Korean army is already advancing there. The incident happened just over ten minutes ago, and there is no result yet."

After Fu Ming listened, he took his mobile phone and called cat, and walked out the door.

"Mr. K, where are you going?" Although Kim Jong-un was upset, he still noticed Fu Ming's anxious behavior.

"I'm going to the front."

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