arms tycoon

Chapter 265 Tentative attack

The wait was always very long. Fu Ming asked the cat to wake up all the security personnel. Except for Wayne Brad who was stationed in Pyongyang, everyone followed him through North Korean military vehicles and drove to the front line.

At daybreak, the remaining fifteen general-purpose humanoid fighter mechas had all been air-dropped near the border line at 38 degrees north latitude. They could prevent the South Korean ground armored forces from continuing to advance to a certain extent. The armored forces could not go up. I can't keep up.The situation on the border has eased, which Fu Ming is very happy to see.

Cat looked at his tablet computer, and the news finally came that the Y-20 transport planes that landed at various airports in North Korea had safely delivered all the soldiers of a division to North Korea, scattered in various places, and were also collecting them.Except for two transport planes with minor engine damage, the other transport planes returned to Trinuclear Heavy Industry after being filled with fuel.After confirmation, what Fu Ming feared most still happened.

The transport plane that was hit by the missile did not carry a driver, but instead carried a biological computer core and an artificial brain.According to sources, the transport plane did not land at any airport in North Korea, and there were no crashes in North Korea.Fu Ming suspected that it crashed before reaching North Korea.He can only hope that the violent explosion will destroy the artificial brain. The design of the body is nothing. If the biological computer is taken away by the Americans, it will be a big deal.

With very complicated emotions, Fu Ming sat in the car without saying a word, making everyone in the military vehicle very dull. Cat poked his head out of the window and looked at the four MiG-29 fighter jets outside.This fighter formation is protecting Fu Ming's convoy.

Two 99-type main battle tanks were also around the convoy. Their speed was relatively slow, and the convoy and fighter formation also had to slow down.

"Everyone has 99 main battle tanks bought from China, and the hundreds of tanks we assemble are still 69 modifications, alas..." Cat sighed. "It's too stupid!"

"The Chinese military does not sell, and the government does not allow heavy industry factories to sell new equipment. You see, their 99 tanks have nothing but main guns and machine gun grenade launchers. There are no additional armor and laser weapons. In the twentieth century In the early days, the 99 tank was already equipped with low-power laser weapons that could cause damage to the enemy's electronic system and vision." Fu Ming said with a sad face. "Even if you don't have anything, just give me a shelf. I only want the main gun, and nothing else..."

"It seems that the Chinese government has also started to adopt a technology ban policy on untr. Who made our reverse engineering more unscrupulous than them..." cat spread his hands. "Originally, we planned to get the Xianglong UAV, but as long as we only need the model without technology, they actually offered such a high price." The failure of the negotiation made cat feel very headache, and she couldn't afford that price Yes, and untr has just acquired Hongan Machinery Intelligence Co., Ltd., and the funds are completely insufficient.

"Xianglong is a reconnaissance plane, better than the American Global Hawk. What I am paying attention to is the sword." Fu Ming took the tablet computer from cat's hand, searched it through the search engine, and the screen appeared on the screen. A drone with a very strange shape.

"Sharp Sword Stealth Unmanned Attack Aircraft..." Cat took back the computer again. "It's earlier than the one in England. The United States, France, and then China. The third in the world! But..."

"After the first flight in the middle of last year and the bomb-loading test, I haven't shown up. I'm also thinking about this issue. Is there something wrong with the drone, and the Chinese government has given up on this plan... ..." Fu Ming felt a little regretful. "At the Zhuhai Air Show, there was only Xianglong, but there was no sword. This is too abnormal." If the sword appeared at the Zhuhai Air Show, and if the Chinese government could sell it to him, Fu Ming would be paying the Chinese government twice. Oil wells in Venezuela are also OK!

"There should be no problem. This is our Chinese practice. If you don't prepare something, you will never show it to others. The sword should be complete now. As for Xuezang, I think it is I don’t want others to know too much about this secret weapon. If it is possible, there should be many models of the sharp sword... Get this, it’s more valuable than Xianglong!" Cat put away the computer, stretched out his hand and patted it Xu Cheng's shoulder. "Where are we now?"

Xu Cheng, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned his head. "We are about to reach the border. There is a supply station ten kilometers ahead. We need to add fuel there, and the fighter formation will return there."

The driver of the military vehicle was a North Korean military officer, and Jack and others were sitting in other military vehicles.The officer turned his face and said in very blunt Chinese. "Please be careful, we are about to enter the firefight area, the fighter jets will evacuate immediately, and the tanks will not stop at the supply station."

After the convoy drove for a while, Fu Ming saw the so-called supply station. In fact, it was a supply station, rather it was a small town, not too big or small, and there were civilians in it.Here they produce and sell themselves, receive subsidies from the North Korean government, and maintain the military facilities here.

Of course, it is controlled by the military.

Fu Ming got out of the car, stretched and yawned, the dark circles under the cat's eyes came out, but Xu Cheng, Jack and others were still in good spirits, and were not affected by the lack of water at all.

"You said, will there be our battle mechs on the front line?" Cat looked further south, and then looked up to the east.The sun has just risen, and the morning glow is very bright. The morning sun is actually a bit dazzling, and the temperature is gradually rising.This made cat feel a comfortable warmth.

"Maybe, Sixteen..." Fu Ming paused. "Fifteen general-purpose humanoid battle mechas are distributed on this short border, and the combat range should be completely covered. It's a pity..."

"Boss, don't worry, it's ours, and no one else can take it away." Xu Cheng seemed very optimistic.

Fu Ming nodded, hoping that the core of the bio-computer was intelligent enough, even if he couldn't return, he should activate the self-destruct system.

Fuel is continuously pumped into the fuel tanks of military vehicles through the gas station. Fu Ming believes that this is a very important stronghold. If the South Korean troops are aware of this and have the help of American satellites, the first attack should not be Instead of tank units, use air power or missiles and rockets to strike strongholds.Even if they don't, it's still useful to have some self-propelled artillery with a range of [-] to [-] kilometers to bombard them. Although the accuracy is not high, it is still useful.

It was very quiet here, there was no sign of war at all, and everyone's thoughts were relaxed. Fu Ming ordered a 15-minute break, and Mo Bing and Hearing Hall walked out of the gas station and hid aside to smoke.Mo Bing just lit the cigarette in his mouth with a lighter, and with the click of the lighter, something flew over from the sky whistling.

Years of battlefield experience let Xu Cheng know that this is a large-caliber artillery, and there is no sound of cannon nearby, only the sound of shells, which is obviously far away.Xu Cheng quickly pulled Fu Ming and cat out of the gas station, and Jack Davis also pushed down the North Korean officer beside him.

A second later, the shell landed on the house next to the gas station.Looks like the Koreans have realized that there is a stronghold here.It is the best way to cut off the logistical supplies and then proceed with the invasion.However, the Koreans seem to be very cautious. Aircraft and missiles are useless. Instead, they use long-distance and large-caliber artillery.

The house that was hit made a loud bang, and the smoke and dust shot up from the ruins, but the flames could hardly be seen. There were still a few civilians in the house, and the relatives outside were howling loudly at the house, but the ruins There is no movement in the house!

"Just one shell?" Cat hid behind a building and patted his chest.

"This is a test firing! Once the target is confirmed by close-range observers, it will soon be covered by artillery in a large area!" Xu Cheng got up from the ground and wiped his face.

"Attention everyone, enemy artillery fire is coming, please go to the underground fortifications to take shelter immediately." The gas station was not ignited, the North Korean officer got up from the ground, inserted a few wires after entering the car door, grabbed the microphone and shouted .The sound came from the horn on the military vehicle, and the civilians went to the entrance of the fortification one after another, and those civilians who lost their families and kept crying in front of the smoking ruins were also pulled away by a few North Korean soldiers .He pushed Jack out. "Please protect the safety of civilians and Mr. K!"

Without hesitation, Jack first sent Fu Ming and cat into the bunker together with Xu Cheng. The reinforced concrete structure here is very strong, and it is buried underground. At such a long distance, even a 155mm shell would be lost. Some kinetic energy will not cause a breakdown here.

Just as Jack and Xu Cheng were about to leave, they were stopped by the cat. "What are you going to do? It's so dangerous outside, and the caliber of this artillery is huge!"

"There must be artillery observers nearby to adjust and direct the strike parts of the rear artillery to judge the damage. If they are found, the artillery will be blind! At least, they don't know how much damage has been suffered here!"

"A few hundred meters around are their lurking places, how to find them?"

Xu Cheng held cat's shoulder and pushed her back. "Don't worry, we have a solution!"

The two found Mo Bing and the auditory hallucination, and the four of them looked at each other and knew exactly what they were going to do.The four took out four AK-103 assault rifles from the military vehicle, and each loaded a magazine.

In less than 2 minutes, the second shelling followed.

This time, the sound of countless shells roaring in the air made Xu Cheng almost want to give up the idea just now. "Brothers, rush, rush out of the area covered by the artillery, and find a favorable terrain. They should be at the commanding heights to see the whole picture here!"

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