arms tycoon

Chapter 277 Script

Song Jiahao was just stunned for a moment, he felt that if this matter was really related to Li Jingxue, then Li Jingxue would definitely be speechless now.But judging from Li Jingxue's reaction just now, she doesn't seem to know.

"It's nothing, something happened in Sanhe Heavy Industry. Don't heat the milk, pay attention to your body, go out for a walk, don't get tired while it's not too hot in the morning." Song Jiahao hugged Li Jingxue into his arms, gently He kissed her on the cheek, then slowly squatted down, leaning his ear against Li Jingxue's swollen belly.

"Baby, I can hear your heartbeat." Song Jiahao seemed to be less tired, and his face gradually calmed down. He smiled and listened to the clear beating sound.

Li Jingxue frowned and said softly. "Go and rest quickly, I'll go out for a walk right now."

"It's chaotic outside now, be careful." Song Jiahao stretched his waist and walked up the stairs.

Before leaving, Li Jingxue looked at the Type 92 pistol on the cabinet.This pistol is not a Chinese product, although it still looks the same, from materials to technology, from the shell of the bullet to the gunpowder inside, all are products of Untr Sannuo Heavy Industry.She still carried the gun in her bosom.

Song Jiahao was right, the weather outside was really nice.It's just that Li Jingxue ran into Fu Ming just after taking two steps.

"Come with me." Fu Ming had a gloomy face, holding a folder in his hand, it was obvious that he was going to look for Li Jingxue.And Song Jiahao had just returned to his apartment to rest, so Fu Ming didn't even think about having a conversation in his apartment.

Fu Ming found a relatively quiet and shady place and sat down, "Sit anywhere, don't think it's dirty, if you don't feel well, I'll find someone to move a chair for you."

Li Jingxue shook her head with a smile, and sat beside Fu Ming without saying a word.

Fu Ming waved away the guards around him. "Don't bother us."

The four guards saluted Fu Ming, then walked in four directions, and surrounded Fu Ming and Li Jingxue 20 meters away.Although the sun in the morning is not too strong, Kinshasa is also quite hot, and I sweat profusely after standing for a while.

Fu Ming and Li Jingxue were alright, they were cool and majestic.

Fu Ming put the portfolio at hand, and pointed to Li Jingxue's stomach. "Boy or girl, do you know now?" From now on, Fu Ming still had a smile on his face. This smile was sincere, as if it was really for Li Jingxue's health.

Li Jingxue blushed. "The doctor said, I still can't see it. I like everything." Li Jingxue lowered her head and rubbed her stomach.

"It's good to be born healthy and healthy. This should be the first little life born in the iron-and-steel city of Sanhe Heavy Industry." Fu Ming looked at the sky, and his face gradually became serious. Get up, still picked up the folder.

"Okay, I've finished talking about the useless stuff. Now, help me see if there is anyone you know among these people." He stood up and handed the folder in front of Li Jingxue.

"You didn't torture me, it's already doing Song Jiahao a lot of face." Li Jingxue took the folder, which contained the detailed information of several Chinese people. "What happened, I really don't know at all." Li Jingxue looked through the personal information in the folder with a wry smile. There were only a dozen pages in total, and the suspects had already been narrowed down. Here, there are only four names.

When Li Jingxue saw a piece of information, her eyes flickered obviously, but she glanced over to look at the document below. "There's no one I know here." She handed the folder back to Fu Ming. "Let's talk about it. People have already identified you for you. You always have to tell me about things. Why do you need someone?"

"All the confidential data of untr have traces of being copied. This is something that can only be accessed by insiders, especially the technology department, these Chinese people in the computer core laboratory. The information I obtained through artificial intelligence, It should be... the chief staff officer." When Fu Ming said the word general staff, he deliberately emphasized his tone, "That's where you stayed before, I think... if the general staff sent someone over, this person should be someone he knows Yours, because he will also kill you, you know a lot about the general staff. And, it is very likely to leak it to me. For example, the list."

"I won't reveal these things to you!" Li Jingxue stood up with support. "You know this, so you didn't ask me at all. Although I have left the General Staff and become a deserter, as a soldier, I have to be responsible for my country and organization, even if I am no longer a member of that organization, I'm not going to completely betray it either."

"I understand, I understand." Fu Ming laughed, "That's why I didn't ask. Since you don't know anything..." Fu Ming coughed a few times. "I hope you can be more careful. If it's really a member of the general staff, it's normal to come and kill him. A soldier doesn't care if you have a child in your belly. Song Jiahao can't lose you, he's worked too hard. If he loses you, he will probably single out the General Staff of the General Staff Intelligence Department alone. I don't want to see that kind of scene." Fu Ming sighed, took back the folder, pulled Li Jingxue up, and faced Several guards waved. "Responsible for her safety, if something goes wrong, you will go to a military court."

Several guards saluted Fu Ming again. "But...boss, what about you?"

"Me?" Fu Ming smiled slightly, "I'm fine, that person's target is not me." Fu Ming left here with his hands behind his back.

Li Jingxue knew that it was for protection, but in fact these four people were used to monitor her.

Fu Ming had just walked a few steps when the cat came out from a corner and followed behind Fu Ming. "Have you found anything?"

"This person." Fu Ming opened the folder again. Li Jingxue must have known this person. He stayed on this person's information for three seconds longer than anyone else.

cat poked her head over, "Rong Tiejun?" She laughed. "The name is quite iron-blooded. Is it reliable?"

"According to the information, there is nothing wrong with this person. It's better to pay more attention..." Fu Ming closed the folder, patted his thigh with the folder, and walked towards his office. "How many hours did you sleep?"

"Less than three hours." Cat stretched and yawned. "Wage increase, overtime pay."

Fu Ming smiled. "It's useless to ask for money in this place where the birds don't shit."

"That..." cat began to twitch. "When the matter on the Korean peninsula is over, the launch of Zenith II is completed, and the second conscription plan is almost completed, can I ask for a leave?"

"Ask for leave?" Fu Ming felt very strange, cat never said the word "ask for leave", she was always by Fu Ming's side. "What are you going to do? Spend all your money while you're still alive?"

"At that time, I also want Xu Cheng to take a vacation. After all, he hasn't had any vacation with you until now. I go home with him again. His parents are good people." Cat blushed.

Fu Ming looked at cat in amazement. He didn't expect that during the time when cat and Xu Cheng were sent to China, the two of them would actually have some tricks, and he was still kept in the dark.Anyway, it's all their business, and Fu Ming can't take care of it, he can't wait for this kind of scene in his small group.But on the other hand, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and several oil wells and oil pipelines in the United Arab Emirates are inseparable from the operation and operation of cats, even the later maintenance of the Zenith satellite system, and even the entire untr economy And the military operation system, both need cat to personally control. "I really can't do without you here. These days, Karianna is alone in Untr, which exhausts her."

"It doesn't matter, I will teach him those things. If it doesn't work, you can help me take care of it. He is the president of Fu's Trading and Transportation Company, the top leader of untr. He knows how to wander around all day long and doesn't do any serious business. Really. No, I'm going to ask Ke Ke for help... Anyway, you're right about this fake, and you're right if you're not. I'm going!" cat pouted, and began to criticize Fu Ming.

Fu Ming opened the door of the office, sat down on the sofa with a single mind, took a picture of the folder on the coffee table, found a comfortable position for himself, and lay down.He scratched the back of his head, as if this hands-off shopkeeper was really a little out of character. "Okay, I'm sure." Fu Ming couldn't figure it out, there was nothing he could do, some things had to be done by himself.

"I don't know who the other party is, whether they have already obtained our confidential information, or what they know...following the wind and shadows." Fu Ming rubbed his head, in fact, weapons and high-tech data, even if it is The existence of t-81192 was acquired by the General Staff, so it doesn't matter.China's high-tech industry is very developed, especially the military industry and supercomputers.They have already realized the quantum communication experiment last year.Quantum computers, biological cores, are only a matter of time.

What Fu Ming was really worried about was the script.

That is something that the core members of UNTR often hold meetings to discuss and decide.Everything proceeded to the next step according to the script plan they formulated.This script includes untr's future development trend, direction, and region. Of course, it also includes specific plans and steps for untr to invade and control the world.

As long as Fu Ming stays at Sanhe Heavy Industry, there will always be two or three meetings within a month.

And this script has been modified dozens of times. Although the details have been modified according to the actual situation, the direction of the play has not changed at all.

"Draft of the Nine Meetings on the Plan to Control the World Pattern by 2020 and the Final Goal No.60".

This is a recent meeting, the final name of the script.

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