arms tycoon

Chapter 278

Li Jingxue didn't go too far in the industrial park of Sannuo Heavy Industry. The time was slowly approaching noon, and the weather began to heat up. Li Jingxue just walked around the small park in the green area and walked slowly towards her apartment .Although she doesn't want to wander around in this hot weather, and even if the sewage facilities of Sanhe Heavy Industry are relatively well constructed, there is a certain distance between the apartment area and the industrial park, but this distance is still too tight. Li Jingxue had to cover her nose and walk home quickly due to the choking smoke from the production workshop.

If it wasn't for the health of the child and maintaining enough exercise, Li Jingxue would not bother to come out.She was going to insert the keyhole, twisted it, and then frowned. Before the door was opened, she turned her head to face the four Untr guards behind her.

They all held scar rifles in their hands. Although they were copied by Sannuo Heavy Industry, they were basically the same as those produced by fn company. remodel.Due to the high cost of the acr Masada rifle, it is still only used in a small area. Untr's exclusive equipment and security personnel are still equipped with scar rifles.

The four guards froze for a moment, "What are your orders?"

Li Jingxue snorted coldly. "Are you going to spy on my house? Jiahao is here, do you dare to come in?"

The four guards all acted cleverly. Although Fu Ming meant to monitor Li Jingxue, the person in this room was Song Jiahao, the general manager in charge of the security of the three-core heavy industry in the headquarters of Untr.They saluted Li Jingxue. "I am so sorry!"

Li Jingxue opened the door, walked in, then closed the door heavily, sat down on the sofa, and sighed.There seemed to be no one in the room, and Song Jiahao, who was resting, could even be heard breathing evenly from upstairs.

"Come out. I locked the door when I went out, but when I tried to open it just now, the door was unlocked." Li Jingxue left the key on the coffee table, and then poured herself a glass of water. "You still need me to invite you? Rong Tiejun."

A person came out from behind the curtain of the window. In fact, Li Jingxue didn't know where he was hiding, but only knew that someone had come in.And this person knew where he was, so he must be the Rong Tiejun she knew well.

Li Jingxue felt a little surprised that a person suddenly emerged from the very natural curtain where no one was hiding. "Looks like you've improved again."

"People are always making progress." The Chinese man who was in the Iron Army said coldly. He looked like he was in his 40s, but his body was very vigorous. His upper body was also in an inverted triangle shape. look.Of course, in the main control room of the computer technology department of Untr, he was disguised.He took out an electronic circuit board from his pocket, with wires still attached to it, the copper wires exposed outside the rubber had turned black. "This kind of old-fashioned alarm device, Untr really has the face to install it!"

"When I saw your information, I felt that this matter was related to you. Did you really get all the information of untr?" Li Jingxue poured another glass of water for Rong Tiejun. Rong Tiejun was able to enter this room without a key. The house is really not easy.You know, the key in her own hand contains an electronic identification chip, and it is impossible to get in if it is just by forging the key.

"It's all in here." Rong Tiejun threw the circuit board on the ground, and took out a USB flash drive from his pocket. "In this USB flash drive, there are hundreds of g things. But these are not all the data of untr, only about 60.00%. I have not opened these things through my electronic equipment, because all the computers here are It was monitored by the mastermind. I don't know what's in it, but I know it must be very important. Untr, it's under martial law." Rong Tiejun still smiled coldly, "Captain Li, come with me now , you still have a chance to redeem your sins. You know the specific list of untr core personnel and all kinds of information about untr. The general staff needs you. After you confide all the information, you will get a normal life, including you With the support of the government, their children will spend the rest of their lives in peace."

"I didn't betray the General Staff Intelligence Department, I didn't betray China. I just resigned. I didn't disclose any information about the General Staff Intelligence Department to untr." Li Jingxue said seriously, frowning and rubbing her bulging belly. "I don't need any atonement, I'm not guilty."

"You are a soldier, this kind of behavior is treasonous behavior!" Rong Tiejun carefully installed the USB flash drive, then took out an M9 pistol, loaded it with bullets, and then gently placed it on the coffee table, tungsten The steel pistol collided with the tempered glass coffee table, making a crisp sound. "Don't force me to clean the portal."

"You don't dare to shoot. Song Jiahao is resting on it, and he will definitely wake up when he hears the gunshot. His skill is much better than yours. I already know what he used to do. He was no longer in the army at that time. Fang’s organization is well established, and the level of secrecy is much higher than that of you and me. Even if you can break through the encirclement of the security forces who came after hearing the gunshots, you will not be able to escape from him.” Li Jingxue felt that she She already has a clear conscience. Although she no longer helps the general staff, Li Jingxue really did not tell Fu Ming any information about the general staff, and Fu Ming and Song Jiahao also know that Li Jingxue has this kind of principle, so there is no such thing at all. go ask her.

"Shoot if you can. You can't run away." On Li Jingxue's back was pinned the 92-type pistol that Song Jiahao got from the cabinet before going out.She silently stretched her hand behind her back. "Unexpectedly, the general staff has become so cold-blooded."

"It's not that the general staff is cold-blooded, but that the general staff can't tolerate betrayal." Rong Tiejun didn't want to talk nonsense with Li Jingxue anymore, he didn't use a gun, he drew a knife from his back and threw himself at Li Jingxue.

Li Jingxue didn't expect Rong Tiejun to attack suddenly. It seemed that the conversation just now was just a test. If she really left with Rong Tiejun, then the final result would be death.But Li Jingxue didn't know, Rong Tiejun really wanted to kill herself, why didn't he do it in the first place?At the beginning, Li Jingxue had no idea where Rong Tiejun was!

Although Li Jingxue was pregnant, she was a soldier after all. She was from the Special Forces and was also a former investigator of the Second Office of the General Staff, so her speed was not bad.Although Rong Tiejun is better than Li Jingxue in terms of experience and skills, the two are indeed similar in terms of skills.Li Jingxue quickly tilted her head, the knife wiped her neck, and inserted it into the sofa.

Rong Tiejun didn't pull out the knife. Instead, he inserted it directly into the sofa and slid it sideways quickly. Li Jingxue put her foot on the coffee table, and the coffee table was kicked over. Rong Tiejun had to block it with his left arm, and then stepped back suddenly. It also left Li Jingxue's neck.

On Li Jingxue's left neck, there is already a faint wound, and the blood is constantly oozing out. Although it doesn't look too serious, the blow just now was indeed too dangerous. A little carelessness directly injured the carotid artery , although timely rescue can save life, but the child in Li Jingxue's stomach will die because of Li Jingxue's excessive blood loss.In this situation of stillbirth, it would be better to kill Li Jingxue directly.

"Drink!" Rong Tiejun ignored the pistol that fell on the ground, and rushed forward again, brandishing a knife.

Li Jingxue pulled out the pistol from behind, turned off the safety, and put it on Rong Tiejun's head.She knew that Song Jiahao's pistol was always loaded, but it was only safe to carry it safely.

Rong Tiejun frowned, "I didn't expect that our close comrades-in-arms would meet each other like this one day."

"I don't want to be like this either!" Li Jingxue knew that Rong Tiejun didn't shoot in order not to be exposed, and Li Jingxue was not afraid of shooting at all. Shooting would undoubtedly wake Song Jiahao up and attract the security personnel outside.

However, Song Jiahao had already been awakened. The loud sound of the coffee table being kicked to the ground woke him up from a not-so-deep sleep. As soon as he rushed out of the room, he saw the person downstairs on the stairs. scene.

He trotted down quickly, bewildered.

"Honey, this person wants to kill me, what do you think?" Li Jingxue narrowed her eyes and looked at Song Jiahao. "Thanks to my insight, I kept your pistol away."

Song Jiahao directly pressed Rong Tiejun to the ground, and pulled out a polymer restraint belt from behind. He said it was a polymer, that is, a plastic, but it couldn't be cut by a knife, and it couldn't be broken by a gun. There was no lock, and it was just a restraint belt.He tied up Rong Tiejun's hands and feet, and then took the pistol from Li Jingxue's hand.

"If I didn't think it would hurt the child, I would really like to compete with you. Who is the better of us?" Li Jingxue slowly sat down on the sofa again. Exposed from a neat cut. "We have worked together for so many years, and we have never fought against each other. It seems that there will be no such opportunity in the future."

"There is no good end for a betrayer. Li Jingxue, if you are sensible, kill me quickly. You know the rules of the general staff. If I don't die myself, I will die at the hands of other general staff. No matter what method untr uses to extract a confession, what will I do? You and I have both experienced this kind of training."

"Although you are old, I don't think you are an elder." Song Jiahao opened the safety of the pistol, tucked the pistol behind his back, and then squatted down, "Your behavior makes me wonder if the order to silence is It was really issued by the Intelligence Department of the General Staff. I used to be a Chinese soldier, and the Chinese military is not so ruthless. Sorry, I know what the way the General Staff extracts confessions is, but I didn’t belong to the military establishment before, so I didn’t use that One set. People like us with a black organization naturally have our own means of obtaining information, I hope..." Song Jiahao patted Rong Tiejun's face, "I hope you can bear that."

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