arms tycoon

Chapter 279 Double spy

In the evening, Fu Ming met the man named Rong Tiejun in person.There is no one in the prison of Sannuo Heavy Industry. With such a spy, it seems a bit lively.As for Jax Cabricio, who has only been locked up here for a few days, he has already been executed.

Fu Ming originally wanted to arrest Rong Tiejun at night, but he didn't expect that Rong Tiejun couldn't bear it and carried out the operation to assassinate Li Jingxue. What's more unexpected was that Li Jingxue, who was pregnant, was able to take down Rong Tiejun.Fu Ming asked Song Jiahao to avoid him for the time being, because Song Jiahao's current state would probably beat Rong Tiejun to death. After all, it was his wife that Rong Tiejun wanted to kill.At that time, there will be nothing to ask.

The lights in this interrogation room are still very bright. It is not as dimly lit as in other countries' intelligence agencies. The tables and chairs are also ordinary, and they are not irregularly shaped like other places.Although that kind of design would increase the psychological pressure on the prisoners, Fu Ming felt that those who could enter Untr Prison would basically not be afraid of this kind of psychological pressure.

Fu Ming waved his hand, and a guard sitting next to him stepped forward and cut off the restraint belt on Rong Tiejun's back with special pliers.The sharpest part of the pliers is a composite of carbon molecules, similar to diamonds. The guard picked up the restraint belt from the ground. Although this thing is already common in UNTR, the cost is still very high and it can be recycled. use.

"You are very assured of me. Fu Ming." Rong Tiejun sat on a chair and looked at the surrounding environment. This is a closed interrogation room without even a single-sided glass. There are cameras in the four corners of the room. He didn't stand up. According to his skills, although Fu Ming and the guard in the room could be knocked down, he still couldn't escape. Even if he just started, he might be shot into a sieve by the automatic machine gun on the camera.

This machine gun system is controlled by the t-81192 artificial intelligence system. Because it is mechanically controlled, the ballistic calculation is much more accurate than that of a human, and it will not miss at all.

"Please call me K. My name is K." Fu Ming stood up, walked to Rong Tiejun, and sat down on the table. "The USB flash drive in your pocket records the most confidential data inside Untr, with a containment rate as high as 60.00%." ​​Fu Ming frowned and wiped the lens with a handkerchief. There are omissions.And this omission is the most fatal.If people from the Intelligence Department of the General Staff come in, can it be guaranteed that no one from the CIA will come in?

However, Fu Ming is now in a passive state, and he can only choose to trust those technicians who have access to confidential data.He would rather believe that Rong Tiejun's entry was an accident.

"I think you haven't had time to check the data in that USB flash drive. The data has not been leaked to the outside at all. It is very common to use external network attacks to cover up your internal attacks on the computer core, but it is still used by us. The mastermind searched for clues. Talk about the employer and the purpose. I only need to know these two pieces of information." Fu Ming put the glasses back on and pushed them up again. "The Intelligence Department of the General Staff of the People's Liberation Army can't be wrong."

"I have nothing to say." Rong Tiejun frowned and turned his head aside. He was not afraid of any torture to extract a confession, nor was he afraid of any psychotropic drugs. These things were all involved in the training of the Intelligence Department of the General Staff.To Rong Tiejun, extorting a confession by torture is just an itch, but he has already been able to drink those potions like water for psychotropic drugs, and his resistance to drugs has already been developed.

"The first goal, untr confidential data, no matter what it is, just take it back. The second goal is to clean up Li Jingxue, take away or even assassinate Li Jingxue. Li Jingxue is useful to you, she knows almost everything inside untr, of course , if you can’t take it away, you will kill her without hesitation, because she also knows many secrets of the General Staff’s Intelligence Department. You are from the General Staff’s Intelligence Department, so you are going to find her.” Fu Ming said with a sneer. "Actually, I really want to know the secrets of the General Staff Intelligence Department, but I never asked her, and she didn't say anything. When I took your information to find out if she knew you, her eyes were only on you. I stayed on the photo for a few seconds, and what I said was that I didn’t know him.”

Rong Tiejun's mouth twitched. "What's the matter?"

"Although your former comrade-in-arms has left the organization, he still keeps the organization's secrets. Even when you were in crisis, he chose to deceive me to protect your safety. But you did not hesitate to kill her , even if she is pregnant with a child and will soon become a mother." Fu Ming shook his head, "I'm very sorry."

"That has nothing to do with me. I am a soldier. It is my bounden duty to carry out orders. What the higher-ups want me to do..." Rong Tiejun snorted coldly. "Kill me directly, it will save energy." He replied without even turning his head.

"Bullying a pregnant woman, yet being subdued by her. Hahahaha... You have failed too much as a spy." Fu Ming looked at the camera that was facing him and nodded.After a while, Song Jiahao walked in from the door.

He saluted Fu Ming. "boss!"

"I've entrusted this person to you. I need to get more useful things." Fu Ming whispered next to Song Jiahao's ear. "Don't kill me. He can't die yet." Fu Ming walked out of the room after finishing speaking, and the alloy door slammed shut. After leaving the room, the mobile phone signal was not blocked again. He pressed the keypad on the mobile phone, He called Leng Jianbin.

Leng Jianbin seemed to know that Rong Tiejun had been arrested, because Rong Tiejun hadn't contacted the Kinshasa intelligence staff for twelve hours.He was silent for a while after answering the phone.

Fu Ming sighed, "Uncle Leng, I don't know what is the meaning of this move by the General Staff Intelligence Department. It's fine for Li Jingxue to plant spies inside Untr. Steal UNTR's internal confidential data and assassinate Li Jingxue. I have signed a confidentiality order with the Intelligence Department of the General Staff, Li Jingxue will never disclose any information about you, why kill her?"

Leng Jianbin was speechless after being blocked by Fu Ming's series of cannonballs. After understanding Fu Ming's anger, he instantly understood that this was a huge misunderstanding, or rather, it was a deep conspiracy .A conspiracy to tear apart the cooperation between the General Staff Intelligence Service, the Chinese government, and UNTR. "Fu Ming, I swear in the name of your father, my benefactor Fu Zhongtian, although Rong Tiejun is indeed a member of the General Staff Intelligence Department, but his role is limited to monitoring the military and economic actions of UNTR, so that we can calmly deal with it Unexpectedly, all I got from him was information about the Korean battlefield. I never assigned anyone to carry out any missions to steal confidential data or assassinate!"

Leng Jianbin's words were categorical.Even if Chairman Xi wants to annex UNTR, his order is only to monitor temporarily, and there is no such aggressive behavior at all.After all, Untr's current actions are in line with the interests of the Chinese government.The main enemy of untr is the Americans.There is absolutely no need for them to scare the enemy and destroy the existing cooperative relationship.

Fu Ming was also dumbfounded. He originally thought that Leng Jianbin would falter in his explanation and say that some people could be handled by him, but Leng Jianbin categorically denied that he had given the order! "What's going on?" Fu Ming said to himself in his heart, originally he wanted to ask the teacher for a crime, and by the way, he wanted to get something with the general staff.

"Please hand over the person to me!" Leng Jianbin suddenly realized that this matter is not that simple. If Rong Tiejun is really loyal to the Intelligence Department of the General Staff, then Rong Tiejun will definitely not give orders that he has never given. Acting alone at the risk of being discovered and killed.

And it seems that even if the operation is successful, UNTR's confidential data will not be handed over to the Intelligence Department of the General Staff! "He must have other backgrounds!" Leng Jianbin now felt that he had chosen such a double agent because he was too picky.Originally, there was only one person in this quota, and the most capable spy was needed to carry out Untr's infiltration mission, but after picking and choosing, such a person was actually chosen!

He felt that what he did in this job was a failure! "Rong Tiejun has undergone our special training. Any torture, psychotropic drugs, such as veritaserum, have no effect on him. The general staff has considered all the ways to extract confessions, and we have conducted anti-extortion training for him. Yes, you can't pry anything out of his mouth, if you are worried, you can come to the imperial capital, and we can interrogate him together..."

"Don't forget. In UNTR, there are not only Chinese soldiers, but even Chinese soldiers, and some are not just special forces under the General Staff." Fu Ming smiled. The person he was talking about was Song Jiahao .

When Leng Jianbin heard Fu Ming say this, he suddenly remembered that Song Jiahao was not a general staff member, nor a military member. The tasks he performed and any training he received were similar to those of ordinary soldiers and special forces. Soldiers are different.

He is a special soldier among the special forces, and he is better than Xu Cheng. If he is not younger than Xu Cheng in age and entered UNTR later, he is now the captain.

"Okay, but I hope I can send an observer over there." Leng Jianbin still insisted. "I need to know who is so powerful that he can mix sand in the general staff!"

"I agree. The interrogation will be carried out again tomorrow morning. Before that, I will be lynched. I am very sorry, but you are not ignorant of the importance of intelligence. We need to get the real Rongtie Army online within a limited time! "

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