arms tycoon

Chapter 280 Enter without staff

Song Jiahao stared at Rong Tiejun in front of him, and Rong Tiejun also stared at Song Jiahao opposite him.Apart from these two people, there was no one else in the room.Song Jiahao deliberately drove out the guards and prison guards. Rong Tiejun couldn't escape anyway. With his own skills, even if it was one-on-one, he would definitely not suffer from Rong Tiejun.

Rong Tiejun spat on the ground, "I really want to know what methods people who are not in the establishment can pry information out of my mouth." Rong Tiejun's face was full of disdain, "You are the same as Li Jingxue , a traitor to the motherland."

It was better not to mention Li Jingxue, but when Li Jingxue was mentioned, Song Jiahao immediately became angry. He frowned and sneered, walked in front of Rong Tiejun, and kicked Rong Tiejun who was sitting on the chair abruptly.

Inside the toe of military boots, there is a steel plate.Although Rong Tiejun was a trained person, he obviously did not expect Song Jiahao's sudden attack. Song Jiahao's feet were blown by strong winds, and even left afterimages in the air. The toes of the military boots with steel plates slammed Put it on Rong Tiejun's lower abdomen.

Although Rong Tiejun's lower abdomen has abdominal muscles, he obviously couldn't stand the vicious blow. He gritted his teeth and didn't let himself make a sound. The chair fell to the ground with a click, and he also landed on his back and rolled a few times on the ground Later, when he was about to stand up and fight back, he found that the automatic machine gun on the camera had already been aimed at himself.

Even if he was beaten to death here, Rong Tiejun would not have a chance to fight back.He stood up unsteadily, straightened the chair, and sat down again clutching his stomach.

"If this is your so-called method, please continue. If I scream for pain, I'm not a man!" Rong Tiejun touched the saliva oozing from the corner of his mouth, and spat it on the ground fiercely.

"Bullying women, bullying pregnant women, and she is also my wife. This one is for you for Li Jingxue." Song Jiahao rolled up his sleeves, "She has worked with you, and even concealed her real identity for you, and you want to silence her !"

Song Jiahao swung his arms round, clenched his fists tightly, and fell from the air, hitting Rong Tiejun's face firmly.Rong Tiejun, who had just sat firmly, was knocked to the ground by this punch again.

When Rong Tiejun raised his head again, the left side of his face was completely red and swollen, and the corner of his mouth was still bleeding.Rong Tiejun spat again, and this spit contained the teeth and gum tissue that were shattered by that punch.

"I gave you this punch." Song Jiahao looked at Rong Tiejun with disdain. "I have also been a soldier, and I am a Chinese soldier. As a Chinese soldier, if my superior asks me to eradicate my teammates under such circumstances, no matter how severe the punishment for refusing the mission is, I will refuse him. The reasons are very Simple, I can't do it, that's my comrade-in-arms. You don't deserve the word Chinese soldier."

Song Jiahao is trying his best to bring himself back from the memories.

2010, January.United States of America, Las Vegas.

Fu Ming circled the Las Vegas International Airport. He had just completed the arms deal here.Las Vegas, the casino city, is one of the most prosperous cities in Nevada, and of course the largest city.As the name suggests, the reason why it is called the casino is because there is a huge tourism, shopping and resort industry centered on the gambling industry, and the underworld gangs here are also very profitable. They can make a lot of money by providing a few hotel wine and casino security personnel. Take a large and aboveboard income.There are also a lot of gray income, mostly relying on drugs and sex trade.

Marijuana is one of the most popular things here, it's not easy to check, and it's not a big deal.But the current Fu Ming can't control these things. The transaction can't be said to be completed perfectly. After killing three members of a local gangster, Fu Ming turned the heroin payment in his hand into green. banknotes.

Using drugs to offset banknotes is what gangsters and drug dealers often do.Fu Ming was very disgusted by this, he didn't even think about it, and directly asked Xu Cheng and Matt Adams to raise their hands and shoot. Due to the powerful influence of iadc, the gang leader didn't dare to make a mistake, so he had to honestly pay the price higher than the original price. 20.00% of the price payment.The cq rifle manufactured by China North Industries is cheap and imitates the American m16 design style. More than a country uses this rifle as the main weapon of its own army, or a prototype weapon, and even the Taliban organization is also using this rifle .

The 5.56mm NATO bullet caliber is easy to find on the battlefield. The magazine used is also an m16 matching magazine, but it has a capacity of 16 rounds. This kind of counterfeit American rifle weapon was actually sold to the United States through regular channels. You can buy them in some gun shops in the northern United States. The performance and appearance are similar to the m16, but the price is almost half cheaper, which makes many gun enthusiasts choose to buy them instead of the more expensive m[-].

Of course, the gangsters will not be satisfied with the rifles in regular gun stores that have locked speed machines and only have semi-automatic functions.They also don't have enough gun licenses, so they can only get this kind of cheap big killer from arms dealers who smuggle arms.As for bullets, of course, the easier it is to get the better.

This deal made Fu Ming a lot of money, or in other words, made iadc a lot of money.He abruptly squeezed out the local arms dealers in the United States. Although they were all insiders of IADC, he still earned face.Although there was a little trouble, Fu Ming felt that it didn't matter, and the transaction went smoothly.

The murderer Fu Ming and his party are being wanted by the local police. Although they have not shown their faces, the police have noticed the list of people who have recently entered and exited the country. I believe that it will not take long for Fu Ming and his party to be discovered and temporarily detained. .Fu Ming didn't want to cause this trouble, but what he didn't expect was that the plane that was originally booked and was supposed to take off an hour ago was actually delayed!

Fu Ming looked at his watch again, and called Fu Dong in a small seaside town in China.

Fu Dong answered the phone immediately. "Haven't got on the plane yet? The local police in Las Vegas are reporting to the state government, hoping to suspend entry and exit for 5 minutes so that the identities of all foreign passengers can be checked and interrogated. This is a big deal!"

Fu Ming sighed deeply, "I've already contacted the iadc branch here, and if it really doesn't work, I can rely on them..." Fu Ming was still wandering around in the waiting hall, holding his phone without looking up, He bumped into a burly man head-on.

Fu Ming raised his head and whispered. "Oh, I'm sorry..." The man didn't make any hostile moves, he just looked at Fu Ming one more time, and hurried forward.

This episode immediately aroused the vigilance of Xu Cheng, Matt and other members of the security forces, and they hurried over.

"Boss... is there anything wrong? Quickly check if there is a bug or a tracking device..." Xu Cheng rummaged through Fu Ming's pockets, but found nothing. "Is it really an accident?"

Matt looked at Xu Cheng and nodded, "It should be right." Then he looked at the man with hurried steps.

"Asian face." Fu Ming saw the man's face. "Big and tall, I was almost knocked down by him just now!"

Xu Cheng also looked at the back of the hurried figure, opened his mouth but said nothing.

"What's the matter?" Fu Ming looked at Xu Cheng's faltering expression but didn't dare to say, and asked suspiciously.

"He seems to have been a soldier, but he doesn't seem like..." Xu Cheng shook his head. Just as he finished speaking, he saw that the man was stopped by the security personnel at the airport. The man did not cooperate with the inspection. There was a dispute among the personnel.Other security personnel also approached, and two policemen also held down the M9 pistols pinned to their waists, moved their left hands forward to signal the man to calm down, and walked forward slowly.

But the man's attention was not on the surrounding security personnel, he just stared at another middle-aged man not far ahead.

"He's a soldier, and he's an agent! He should be a Chinese..." Xu Cheng said without hesitation, pointing to another middle-aged man. "I have met that person before. He is a high-ranking official in a certain military region in China. Without notifying his superiors, this identity is not allowed to appear in other countries..."

Hearing this, Fu Ming finally knew what Xu Cheng wanted to say.Xu Cheng had served as a soldier, and he was a special force directly under the Intelligence Department of the General Staff. Xu Cheng would not make mistakes in the rules here. "You mean... that middle-aged Chinese man defected here?"

Xu Cheng nodded, "And that person you bumped into just now..." He deliberately paused. "He is very likely to be a special soldier among the special forces. He is responsible for foreign missions, assassinations, kidnappings, land laundering, and cleaning up defectors..." Xu Cheng smiled wryly. Presumably, the man had already pretended to the limit. Xu Chengcheng couldn't tell at a glance whether he had been a soldier or not!

"It seems that he is in trouble. Why don't you just use a sniper rifle to deal with it? It's too dangerous for melee attacks." Fu Ming asked.

"Boss, you don't understand. Since the number of participants in overseas assassination activities is small, and there are not many things that can be obtained, in order to ensure the success rate of the assassination, it is necessary to confirm with the naked eye whether the target has used a substitute, so close-range assassination It's the best way, but I really want to know, in a place like the airport, where there is no way to carry weapons, how does he want to complete his mission..."

As soon as Xu Cheng's words fell, the man rushed out of the encirclement of the security personnel, ran towards his target, aimed at the middle-aged man's left back, and punched hard.

This punch was so powerful that even Xu Cheng, Fu Ming and the others were stunned.Because they could clearly see that the back of the middle-aged man had been completely sunken, the shoulder blade seemed to be broken, and the front of the left back, where the heart was, also protruded.

The middle-aged man shook his body, bleeding from the corners of his mouth and nose, and then fell to the ground with a bang, twitching continuously!

"He's dead! His heart was shattered!" Xu Cheng was sweating coldly from his forehead, looking at the man dodging bullets and running out of the airport hall, he turned his head and said to Fu Ming.

Fu Ming nodded and muttered in a low voice. "No wonder you have to act when you can't carry a weapon at the airport... It turns out that to kill a person, you can use your fists..."

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