arms tycoon

Chapter 286 Under Conflict

"Headquarters, this is the Lijian crew. We found the outpost tower of Trinuclear Heavy Industry 800 meters ahead and asked for permission to attack." The co-pilot of the Apache helicopter at the front of the crew put his helmet visor on When it came down, the mask immediately changed to an infrared display mode, and the people on the outer sentry tower, as well as the portable anti-aircraft missiles they held in their hands, could have a panoramic view at this moment.

"They found us, it's too late." The co-pilot said into the microphone, "The guidance laser starts to correct, and the Hellfire missile is launched!"

As soon as the laser guide pointed to the sentry tower, the co-pilot pressed the button in his hand, and the missile was launched from under the short wings on the side of the Apache gunship, flying towards the sentry tower with crimson flames.

Before the UNTR soldiers on the sentry tower could lock the helicopter with the fn-6 missile in their hands, the Hellfire missile arrived here.

When the warhead touched the sentry tower made of stone and reinforced concrete, it exploded with a bang. The huge explosion sound was heard for several kilometers, and the echo echoed continuously in the vast base of Sannuo Heavy Industry.

Thick black and gray smoke and dust came out from here, but there was not much fire to be seen, and broken stones fell from the sentry tower sparingly. By the time the smoke and dust cleared, the place had become a ruin It seems to be a remnant stone that has experienced hundreds of years of wind and frost.And the two UNTR soldiers were also shaken out by the shock wave, and fell to the ground from the sentry tower more than 30 meters high.

"Let the ground personnel hurry up, don't be delayed by the local armed forces for too long, the target is a general-purpose humanoid battle mech!" the co-pilot said to the driver.

The three helicopters changed their formation, were side by side, and quickly advanced forward.

In fact, they chose to directly attack the Untr headquarters Tri-Nuclear Heavy Industry this time. Although the rescue of Rong Tiejun accounted for a large part of the reason, the Americans still have other things they want to do.

For example, testing whether a new type of missile is effective against untr's generic humanoid battle mech.

For example, find Dr. Daisy Sparrow.

After the test site in Afghanistan was destroyed, Dr. Daisy Sparrow disappeared.According to recent intelligence, untr seems to have a quantum supercomputer.In this incident, both China and the United States are accusing each other of dishonesty, and each has its own object of suspicion.The object of their doubts is the same, and they also strive for it.

This thing is done by untr.There are also reasons for Leng Jianbin's arrival at Trinuclear Heavy Industry to interrogate Rong Tiejun.He wanted to see if there was a quantum computer in Tri-Core Heavy Industry, and he also wanted Rong Tiejun to tell if he had seen Daisy Sparrow.

But before Fu Ming handed Rong Tiejun over to the general staff, he had already beat Rong Tiejun speechless.Leng Jianbin looked at the half-dead double agent, but was also speechless.

Fu Ming had already ordered that Harry Crowder and Daisy Sparrow would not appear in front of the General Staff.

The sound of explosions from afar let Fu Ming know that the American forceful attack had already begun.

"Song Jiahao, I'm counting on you!" Fu Ming frowned and looked at Song Jiahao.A guard trotted to Fu Ming's side and saluted him. "Western Wall, Observation Post No. 044 was attacked by missiles, it was the Longbow Apache. Boss, for your safety, please go to the underground command post..."

Fu Ming waved his hand, "I hope to be closer to the battlefield!"

And Song Jiahao ran towards the Suzaku-class prototype without hesitation. Although the prototype has become a decoration, Harry Cloud has always loved this machine very much, whether it is armor, weapons, or electronic systems and reactors. , will be maintained on time, more carefully than mass-produced models.

This kind of unconscious action also made this Suzaku class very good now. Song Jiahao put on a special combat uniform, jumped into the cockpit, and operated the prototype very skillfully.

A few switches were pressed, and after voice confirmation of the password and scanning of the driver's iris, the cockpit was slowly suspended under the charge of the electrolyte solution.

"All weapons and equipment have been inspected and can be dispatched!" An untr technician jumped off the body and gave a thumbs up to the prototype.He knew that Song Jiahao who was sitting in the cockpit could see it.

"There is no problem with the armor, the power system has been checked, and there is no damage or gap on the outside of the vector thruster!" Harry Crowder personally inspected the external power facilities and the vector thruster.

If the nozzle of the vector propeller is even slightly damaged, it may cause abnormal jet flames, not to mention affecting the maneuverability, the power cannot be output normally, and the engine will stall and explode.This is simply too dangerous.

"Dr. Cloud, please leave the rear vector thruster immediately." Song Jiahao looked at the monitor. After Harry left that position, he was conducting the final inspection of the internal power system and reactor.

"Start the engine!" After Song Jiahao pressed the button, the mechanical female voice said unhurriedly.

A faint blue flame sprayed out from the nozzle on the back of the prototype. It seems that the power system of this prototype has been greatly improved like those of the mass-produced machines.

Fu Ming turned his back and didn't look at the startup procedure of the Suzaku class.He got into a military vehicle, and the cat was still following him.

"Who is in the battle command room?" Fu Ming thought about it. Several core members of the security force were on the Korean battlefield, and Song Jiahao was also driving the aircraft. He really couldn't think of anyone who could replace him in the battle command room. rule.

"Attention combatants, immediately gather at the No. 044 sentry tower on the western border. We are under attack. The opponent has helicopters and ground troops. Non-combatants should immediately back up relevant data and evacuate to the designated location according to the exercise plan. Repeat. One more time..." Fu Ming had just entered the military vehicle when he heard the loudspeaker of the assembly workshop blare.

Not only this airframe assembly workshop, but all corners of Sannuo Heavy Industry, including toilets, have this kind of broadcasting speakers, which are used to broadcast all emergencies.

"This is... Karianna?" Fu Ming looked at the cat in surprise, if the situation wasn't tense now, he would really be able to laugh.It was Karianna who was in the command room, commanding everyone in the Tri-Nuclear Heavy Industry. "It's actually quite clear!"

"Do you think that the time she spent with me was for nothing? This little girl is young, but she is very smart. She can learn everything." Cat said with a little pride. "With her in the combat command room, you don't have to worry. You just need to contact her through a wireless device and give important orders directly."

The wheels of the military vehicle began to turn slowly, and the speed picked up after a while.From the south of the Sannuo Heavy Industry Industrial Park to the west, it takes 10 minutes by car. There is no traffic jam in the industrial park, and it takes such a long time to drive at a speed of [-].The area occupied is really too big.

But the car had just been driving for a few minutes, when only a few rumbling sounds were heard in the air. Fu Ming stuck his head out of the car window and looked up. A fiery red figure quickly jumped into the sky from behind the car. In a matter of seconds, it turned into a small black dot in the distant sky.

This is the scene where the Suzaku-class just took off from the ground and rushed to the accident site.Fu Ming frowned, and picked up the satellite phone that had vibrated many times in his pocket.

This call was made by Ajax Rilling himself.Because the situation is too serious.The special operations soldiers of the SEAL Team Six of the US JOSC landed directly from the west coast of Kinshasa in a landing craft. The so-called navy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo only had a few broken ships, and they did not dare to step forward to resist.It was already too late for Untr's ship to rush over.

However, Ajax still instructed the army to closely monitor the movements of the SEAL Team [-] soldiers. In name, although the Congolese did not object to their landing and recognized its legality, they had to go through a review and needed the supervision of the Congolese military to prevent the soldiers from entering Kinshasa. Caused damage to local civilians around.But this approach is Ajax trying to delay the time for the US ground forces to enter the triple nuclear heavy industry as much as possible.

Up to now, I really can't hold it anymore.The Americans didn't care about anything else, they just moved forward, and when they encountered any problems, they handled things quickly and simply detoured if they couldn't go to this land. No matter how difficult the Congolese military made for them, they always had a reasonable solution.Because their purpose is only one, and that is the three-core heavy industry.

"Mr. K, the military department really has no choice. They will soon arrive at the headquarters of the Three Nuclear Heavy Industry. We can't help you, and we dare not directly conflict with the Americans. Mr. K, I'm very sorry..." Ajak Si is now in a cold sweat. He wants to help, but he is so powerless. The Americans cannot be offended, and Untr cannot be neglected.

"Mr. Prime Minister, this is not your fault. I am very grateful to the government and military of the Democratic Republic of the Congo for all their help to UNTR. This matter will be handled by ourselves."

The speed of the Suzaku class is not bad. In the initial movement in the air, the speed was only [-] kilometers per hour, but now this kind of propulsion equipment can reach [-] kilometers per hour. In just a few minutes, the Suzaku class will come To the devastated western frontier.In fact, this place has been bombarded by Apache helicopters beyond recognition, and several surrounding watchtowers have been attacked, and the anti-aircraft missiles and rocket launchers have also been wiped out in the first place. The three Apache helicopters are like no one here. realm.

"Damn it, do you really think of this as your own home?" Song Jiahao looked at the casualties below, feeling distressed for a while. Every defending soldier was taught by him himself.If these soldiers saw Song Jiahao, they would call them instructors kindly.

"Song Jiahao, the troops are almost assembled now, and the American ground troops will not arrive so soon. Killing those helicopters is your main task." Fu Ming directly contacted the cockpit of Song Jiahao's prototype by phone .

"Understood, start fighting immediately!"

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