arms tycoon

Chapter 287

The Suzaku 013-class general-purpose humanoid fighter mecha prototype turned around in the sky through the vector thrusters on the legs on the back. The tail of the thrusters dragged a very gorgeous tail flame, which was dazzling even in the morning.

The pilot of the Apache helicopter turned pale with fright, "fu*k, didn't the intelligence say that Sannuo Heavy Industry has no remaining airframes? Those bitches in CIA are eating shit all day long?" He hurriedly turned the joystick to Pull back, hoping to increase the height and buy a little time.

In fact, the domestic arms manufacturers in the United States have already produced laser-guided missiles specially used to attack the general-purpose humanoid combat mech according to the characteristics of the general-purpose humanoid combat mech in UNTR!

And these missiles were assembled on jsoc's special forces at the first time, just to prevent this from happening. The airframe at home was reluctant to be a target drone, so they could only operate on untr.

But what the Americans didn't expect was that the Suzaku class had been improved to such an extent.At this speed, it is still difficult to get rid of the missiles, but the advanced weapon configuration and defense system, and the fire control operating system, allow the Suzaku class to survive the most intensive fire attack.

"Define all offensive personnel and vehicles, as well as all ground structures and weapons installations as dangerous targets, and clear them immediately!" The Apache pilot said into the microphone. "Where are the ground crew?"

"The tank formation is advancing at full speed five kilometers away from the western border of Trinuclear Heavy Industry, and is expected to arrive within 5 minutes!" The voice of the jsoc ground troops came from the headset.

"Before they come, we will be killed by this monster!" The co-pilot cursed secretly, because he saw that the Suzaku class approached his helicopter in just a few seconds, and was already at the same height up.

All the rockets and machine guns were dodged by Song Jiahao's precise and accurate operation. The large-caliber machine gun bullets that hit the armor of the prototype machine all bounced off, without any effect, and did not leave a single bullet mark. The paint job still retains its original appearance.

"It's just a tickle!" Song Jiahao sneered, then stepped on the pedal, and pulled the joystick back forcefully. With a thought in his mind, the Suzaku immediately took action and flew towards the Apache helicopter high in the sky.

"Oops! Launch the rockets and missiles right away, don't let him get close!" The pilot had just finished shouting, when he felt his joystick sink, and the two mechanical arms of the Suzaku class pulled the landing gear of the helicopter.

Song Jiahao turned off all the vector propulsion devices at this time, and the Suzaku class was completely hung on the helicopter.

Although the Apache helicopter is an attack aircraft, its load capacity is good. The several tons of Suzaku class only caused the helicopter to sink slightly, but the weapon system was completely unable to carry out any effective attack on the Suzaku class.

The other two Apache helicopters were afraid that their attack would hit their own people, so they didn't dare to act rashly.

Relying on the powerful strength of the mechanical arm, Song Jiahao was stunned that the operator Suzaku climbed onto the helicopter. When the mechanical arm stretched upwards, the high-strength alloy arm was stuck on the main propeller, and a blade of the propeller was instantly broken. The broken leaf flew out sideways and stuck in a building not far away.

One engine of the Apache helicopter has been burned, and the helicopter is slowly falling with thick smoke, but Song Jiahao doesn't want to play any more. He directly controls the Suzaku, kicks his feet, and leaves the helicopter. The vector propeller has full horsepower Open, the Suzaku-class was suspended in the air again, the missile behind the shoulder of the Suzaku-class body was launched, and hit the helicopter head-on with flames.

The missile exploded as soon as it was touched, and the sound of crackling and burning was endless.The two drivers were hit by glass shards and shrapnel, and immediately lost their breath.The helicopter exploded in the air, echoing throughout the three-core heavy industry park. The explosion ignited the fuel tank engine and ammunition, and the helicopter's shell suddenly turned into a big fireball, and quickly fell to the ground.After hitting the ground, there was another violent explosion, and thick smoke rose straight into the sky.

"Hurry up and prepare anti-body missiles, don't let him get close!" Another driver said hurriedly, but ignored the untr soldiers on the ground.

Many soldiers have already taken out the fn-6 portable individual air defense missiles and are aiming at them.At this distance, the helicopter is almost hovering, and the hit rate is very high.

Several anti-aircraft missiles on the ground were launched at the same time, and the helicopter pilot had to readjust the altitude of the aircraft and launch infrared induction bombs to avoid being directly hit by the anti-aircraft missiles.

"AG-8 missile, launch!" As soon as the co-pilot locked on the Suzaku, he immediately pressed the reflex button. He didn't want to delay any longer. If the ground troops didn't arrive, untr has anti-aircraft weapons both in the sky and on the ground. Three helicopters have lost one, and now they can't compete head-on with Untr's people.

If there is no Suzaku class, the situation may become better.No matter what, after these few minutes, the untr soldiers on the ground will be completely useless.

Just as Song Jiahao was about to attack in close quarters for the second time, he heard the siren of being locked by a missile, but just as he was about to react, the missile was already in front of him.

"Damn, why are you so fast?" Song Jiahao had no choice at this time, he didn't even have time to launch the induction bombs, so he had to drive the Suzaku to hold on.Although the Suzaku class is not the Xuanwu class, it is still reliable against all missiles.However, this missile is not an ordinary missile.

The ag-8 missile, the latest anti-aircraft missile introduced by the U.S. military, can effectively penetrate the composite armor of a general-purpose humanoid combat mech through thermite effect, and directly cause damage to the internal structure, violent explosion and super fast speed, Let the general-purpose humanoid fighter mech pilots who can only travel at low speed on land, sea, or in the air have no time to react.Against armor, the penetration can be less, but high temperature is undoubtedly the best solution.If the Suzaku class does not have solid armor and only relies on mobility, it will be a target at all, and it will be destroyed if it is blown up.

The missile exploded, and the cockpit turned red. Song Jiahao felt that something was wrong with the Suzaku-class, and he felt a little out of control.He glanced at the body's health panel and was stunned.

At the same time, the mechanical female voice in the cockpit also began to broadcast, and the voice still had that unhurried feeling.After all, it is a machine and has no personal emotions.

"Alarm, missile hit, 70.00% damage to Suzaku-class frontal armor, damaged chest armor, exposed reactor!"

The entire chest of the Suzaku-class appearance on the panel is already red, and the number 70.00% is constantly flashing on it, and the four yellow characters of "extremely dangerous" are also written on the reactor, which are also constantly flashing.

Alarms sounded everywhere in the cockpit, making Song Jiahao at a loss, "Isn't it just a missile? How could it reach this level?"

The current Fu Ming was still listening to the explosion in the distance, anxiously sitting in the military vehicle and rushing to the western region.But looking up, you can already see the air battle in the distant sky. "The Suzaku class was hit by a missile?" Fu Ming quickly picked up the radio. "Song Jiahao, how is the situation?"

"It's not good. The power system is damaged. The armor is very damaged. The reactor has been completely exposed. Fortunately, the cockpit is behind the reactor. The armor is thick enough and there is an electrolyte solution. Otherwise, the shock wave alone would have knocked the I was shocked to death! Damn, this missile is too perverted!" In order to avoid the small nuclear reactor being hit again and causing a nuclear explosion, Song Jiahao could only retreat temporarily and hid behind a building.

He didn't expect that the Suzaku class, which gallops in the air on weekdays and can deal with several f-22 fighter jets alone, would be hit so embarrassingly by an air-to-air missile!

Fu Ming gradually understood that it was not an ordinary missile, it was probably developed by the special forces of the U.S. military to deal with general-purpose humanoid combat mechs, and it seemed that they used their own airframe as a target for testing.Fu Ming spat, "Hurry up, I'm going to get there right away!"

The four people on the two Apache helicopters suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the newly developed missiles did come in handy. They looked at the UTNR ground soldiers who were preparing air defense facilities on the ground.

"Sharp Arrow Crew, although we lost a helicopter..." a pilot said into the microphone. "However, we can avenge it now!"

"Start the massacre, show time!" The pilot of another Apache helicopter nodded to the co-pilot beside him, "Confirm the attack order, lower the altitude, cruise, and be careful of that machine. All ground personnel and buildings They are all the main goals, and the priority is to eliminate the living forces."

As soon as the words fell, the two helicopters suddenly lowered their altitude. Whether it was machine guns or rockets, they poured towards the people and buildings on the ground as if they didn't want money.

The intensive bombing turned the entire western region into a mess. The flames could be seen everywhere, and the smoke and dust filled the surroundings. The flames exploded in the smoke and dust, and there was a hazy feeling, like lightning in the clouds, crackling and crackling.

The personnel on the ground were trying their best to find cover, but even so, they suffered heavy casualties. In this round of bombing, at least half of the personnel on the ground were injured.

At this moment, six m1a1 tanks, the vanguard of the ground forces, had already arrived in the battle zone. The thick and long barrels and the extremely modern turrets were daunting, and the salvos of the artillery were constantly destroying all the infrastructure in the area .The triple nuclear heavy industry industrial zone was opened by the Americans from the west, and the invaders continued to enter from this place, and continued to eat away at the basic equipment of the triple nuclear heavy industry.

Listening to the report on the radio, Fu Ming felt extremely distressed. Just the repair costs for the ground personnel and the Suzaku-class prototype machine was a lot of money, not to mention the buildings and infrastructure.The western region is close to the coast, so the shipyard is located there. The shipbuilding industry was underdeveloped in untr, and there were not many warships. Now it will be rebuilt again.

"Boss..." cat looked at his tablet. "Coco is here..."


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