arms tycoon

Chapter 288 Heaven, Underground

"How did it come about? Isn't this messing me up?" Fu Ming scratched his hair and looked at cat, "Does she know what's going on with Untr?"

"The plane has already arrived in Kinshasa, and I don't know what's going on... I didn't get any notice before I came here, and even Kariana didn't receive any news. It seems that I want to surprise you."

"There's only surprise, no joy. Add chaos at the critical moment!" Fu Ming frowned. "Quickly ask Carianna to contact the Congolese government and ask the military to protect her." It was obvious that Fu Ming didn't trust the members of the security forces around Ke Ke Heike Indias very much.After all, it was the killer whale in the urban area of ​​Kinshasa, after all, it was JSOC that arrived in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

While speaking, the military vehicle arrived at the war zone. In fact, the military vehicle did not stop in the war zone, but was separated by a distance.Because the roads in the war zone are completely impassable, the wide roads are blocked by the falling stone fragments from the damaged buildings, and the rockets, machine guns, and tank shells have never stopped at all.

"Boss, the 69 tank is here..." cat got out of the car with Fu Ming, and hid in a relatively strong building, serving as a temporary command post. Fu Ming could only contact Carly who was in the combat command center by radio. Anna, give orders to your troops.

"Isn't this sending you to death?" Fu Ming opened his eyes wide and looked at the four 69-modified tanks.Although it is a magically modified model, a lot of modern facilities have been installed in the untr, even laser rangefinders and high-energy aurora dazzling devices, but this is a backward main battle tank after all, its performance and armor are incomparable m1a1 main battle tank.

What's more, the Apache helicopter in the sky is equipped with Hellfire anti-tank missiles, and the arrival of the 69 modified tank is a kind of target.

The driver of the 69 modified tank didn't think so. The whole crew felt that the situation was not good as soon as they entered the battlefield, and the observer yelled into the microphone. "Two o'clock, m1a1, aim the gunner!"

"Loading is complete!" The loader also shouted into the microphone, and then made an ok gesture to the gunner.

"Fire!" The gunner pressed the button, only to hear a bang, and the shell flew out with a whistling sound. The recoil of the high-pressure smoothbore gun shook the entire tank.

"On the way!" The loader opened the barrel and loaded a new shell into it. The shell weighed thirty or forty kilograms, but it was nothing under his powerful arms.

"No penetration!" The observer looked at the M1A1 main battle tank in the observation hole, frowning and shouting.He saw that the muzzle of m1a1 had been aimed at the tank he was in.

"Hurry up and get out of here!" Just as the voice fell, it was already too late.

The 1mm smoothbore gun of m1a125 opened fire. Just from the flame of the muzzle, it is known that the utilization rate of gunpowder is much higher than that of the 69 modified tank. The flame of the muzzle of the 69 modified tank was very dazzling. It looks good, but it shows that the gunpowder utilization rate of the shell has not improved at all. The muzzle velocity and power of the shell are not at the same level as the m1a1, because the smoothbore gun of the m1a1 has almost no flame when fired, only the gunpowder is ejected soot.

The shells roared, piercing the armor of the 69-modified tank, and the whole tank exploded with smoke, and flames and thick smoke burst from the hatch.Everyone in the crew was so shocked that they didn't recover for a long time. When the loader realized it, the ammunition rack was already on fire.

"Quickly evacuate, the ammunition rack is ignited!" Now he has no time to put out the fire, so he can only remind others to evacuate within a limited time.

But before the first person climbed out of the hatch, the shells on the ammunition rack were ignited by the high temperature, and dozens of rounds of ammunition exploded one after another, and the shrapnel produced by the explosion flew out with high temperature, as if it was the night sky. Like the fireworks in the middle, sparks splashed.

But Fu Ming is not in the mood to watch fireworks now. "This is simply death. The tank formation will evacuate immediately, and the combatants and non-combatants will also evacuate immediately, shrink the defensive circle, and wait for the J-31 to take off!" Fu Ming gave an order into the microphone, and the J-31 fighter jets flew from World One It will take a certain amount of time to take off with World No. [-]. The Americans did not bring an aircraft carrier, so naturally there will be no high-speed fighter jets. Fu Ming still has the local advantage.It now appears that the western region has been destroyed, but this is only a small part of untr.And Fu Ming speculates that once the US ground personnel arrive, they will immediately advance to the central area, obtain all information and high-tech, and even find Rong Tiejun.But Fu Ming was not worried that Rong Tiejun would be rescued at all. After all, he was in the hands of the general staff. Even after the Americans found Rong Tiejun, Leng Jianbin would not hesitate to shoot Rong Tiejun.It is impossible for the Americans to get any information from Rong Tiejun.

"Hitting the air superiority strike force...Song Jiahao, how is your situation?" Fu Ming suddenly remembered the badly damaged Suzaku-class prototype.

"Fortunately, the reactor is fine. But the armor was pierced through, and the opposite side probably used a missile specially designed to deal with the airframe." The explosion of the missile just now caused the Suzaku to turn around in the air with flames, abruptly It hit a ground-floor building on the ground.Seeing that the situation was not good, Song Jiahao could only take the opportunity to hide on the ground, not daring to show his head at all, and could only attack the American tanks with guided missiles through the fire control system.

"I might need support to get out of here. I really don't know if the reactor can hold on to a missile like that!" Song Jiahao looked at the body's health panel that was flashing red, and sighed. "It was beaten to such an extent!"

The quality of the soldiers of the jsoc special forces is not bad.After all, this is the special forces of the United States, a superpower, and they are experienced in many battles. Their tactical actions are extremely standard, and they are very disciplined.The western region seemed to have been cleaned up, there were not many untr soldiers left, and many wounded people were lying on the ground screaming, Fu Ming felt distressed.

Meanwhile, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kinshasa airport.

Coco Heike Indias walked out of the VIP passage under the escort of the security forces.These planes are all special planes of the Heikindias Group, with the big logo of the group printed on them.She came here this time to give Fu Ming a surprise. She got on the plane a few hours ago.At that time, the skirmish between untr and jsoc hadn't started yet, and Keke didn't know about it.

After getting off the plane, she met the security personnel of the Congolese military, and only then did she know that UNTR was under attack now, as if it was still serious. This time jsoc not only brought SEAL Team 500 as the vanguard, but also at least [-] marines.

"Miss Heckindias, this is the meaning of Prime Minister Ajax and Mr. K, please follow me to the safe house, the current UNTR is not safe..." a black soldier said softly to Coco , he was wearing casual clothes.Kinshasa Airport is already open, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo has just ended its disputes, and a lot of waste is waiting to be done. Investors, builders, and suppliers are coming and going, and gradually increasing.

A military man, saluting a girl, is more or less strange, and such a high-profile behavior will also attract the attention of cia personnel. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, this is Ajax Rilling deliberately commanded.

"Okay..." Ke Ke also understands that I came at the wrong time. Now that I am going to Sanhe Heavy Industry, I will only cause trouble for Fu Ming in the past, and Fu Ming has no time to take care of her now. It takes energy to take care of her. . "I'll go with you. But I need to get the conflict situation in the three nuclear heavy industries every 10 minutes. This request is not too much."

The soldier nodded. "It's no problem, Miss Heckindias, please come with me..."

In the underground prison of Sannuo Heavy Industry, Leng Jianbin was still circling around the Rongtie Legion.According to his request, Fu Ming specially arranged for Leng Jianbin an absolutely closed interrogation room without cameras.And before bringing Rong Tiejun here, Leng Jianbin had someone check the room with electronic equipment.To be honest, he didn't trust Fu Ming.Such a room is needed to obtain information from Rong Tiejun without Fu Ming listening.

Daisy Sparrow, Leng Jianbin is still determined to lose such a scientist.

"Rong Tiejun, I hope you can face up to the mistakes you made!" Leng Jianbin didn't know whether Rong Tiejun was really stupid or just pretending to be stupid. He had repeated this sentence more than ten times, but Rong Tiejun still had an expression on his face. He stared blankly ahead, his eyes were motionless, and he didn't respond to Leng Jianbin's interrogation.

Leng Jianbin put Daisy Sparrow's photo in front of Rong Tiejun, "Have you seen this person?"

Rong Tiejun's face was still dull, and his eyes didn't even focus.

Leng Jianbin looked at the people around him, and they all shook their heads at Leng Jianbin.

"Boss, it seems that there is no effect..."

Leng Jianbin snorted coldly, "Fu Ming, don't let me catch you." He took out a Type 92 pistol. Tie Jun, although Rong Tiejun is very likely to be brainwashed by UNTR, but he is not sure what technological means the Americans will use to read Rong Tiejun's memory. In that case, not only Untr, but also a lot of information from the General Staff will be leaked.His only option was to end the man's life with a 5.8mm bullet.

The entire western area of ​​the Tri-Nuclear Heavy Industry was in chaos, and it seemed that nothing could stop the Apache helicopters and m1a1 tanks. Fu Ming didn't really realize until now that the gap between UNTR and the US armed forces was not what he imagined at all. as simple as that.

The two camps are not at the same level at all.

Just a tr is a headache, and I don't have the ability to resist at all.

"This is the cleaner crew, we have already taken off, please friendly personnel to mark their own targets to avoid accidental injury!" An exciting voice came from the radio speaker.

"J-31... finally arrived!" Fu Ming sighed, it seemed that the situation was about to turn around.

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