arms tycoon

Chapter 290 Full Counterattack

The three modified j-31s of the recycle bin crew turned on the supersonic mode, lowered their altitude, and the sound of the sonic boom roared. Even Fu Ming and others who were still far away from the plane heard a lot of noise.

The pilot on the Apache helicopter didn't even know what the three J-31 fighter jets meant. Normally, at this distance and speed, there would have been machine guns and anti-air missiles attacking them up.The three j-31 fighter jets just drove the speed to the maximum, and the fire control radar did not scan. The rockets and guides on the Apache helicopter are almost effective for this kind of high-speed j-31 fighter jets. Supersonic speed means That is, very few missiles can catch up with them. Even the oncoming missiles will hardly cause damage to supersonic fighters due to the problem of detonation time difference and explosion radius.

"Could it be that they are going to hit it?" The pilot of the Apache helicopter asked suspiciously. Seeing the fighter jets approaching at high speed, he suddenly came back to his senses.

"Arrow No. [-], get closer to me immediately!" The driver yelled into the microphone almost frantically.

"What's going on?" The person on the other helicopter hadn't reacted yet. By the time he actually operated the joystick and changed the position of the helicopter, the J-31 fighter jet had already arrived here quickly. [

The three fighter jets did not make any attack moves. The two outer fighter jets flew past the outside of the two helicopters, while the middle fighter jet flew through the space between the two helicopters.

The distance between the three fighter jets and the two helicopters was very close. Only after they did this kind of action did everyone realize it.The huge airflow generated by a supersonic aircraft, after flying past the helicopter, is equivalent to putting the helicopter in a high-intensity crosswind.

Both helicopters lost their balance due to the strong air flow, and the air was sucked dry immediately. The air flow caused the helicopter to roll over, and the engine was also turned off because of the air being sucked out. fell down!

The pilot on the plane suddenly panicked, the warning lights in the cockpit kept flashing, and Ula Ula's siren kept ringing.

"Restart the engine now, we are falling! Repeat, we are falling!"

"Hahahaha, you don't even need the guide and the cannon!" The pilots of the recovery station crew all laughed, but to be on the safe side, they turned around and pulled the joystick directly. The two helicopters accelerated.

When the red button was pressed, a few missiles were fired, and hit the two helicopters with their tail flames.The helicopter, which was rolling and falling in the air, was hit by a guided missile. There was a loud bang, and the shattered fragments flew far away. The flames ignited the medicine and fuel tanks on the plane, and there was another violent explosion. It had disintegrated, burned into a big fireball, and fell down faster.

Although the cleaner crew didn't know how many tanks there were on the ground, the untr soldiers on the ground were still very powerful. There were laser guidance marks on the m11 tanks, and the anti-tank guides fell from the plane. An m11 tank directly It was pierced by a missile that fell from the sky, and a big hole appeared above the turret. The whole tank was shaken by the smash, and thick smoke was still coming out from the hole. However, the tank did not explode, and the rotating turret also stopped. It fell down, and the cannon, which had lost power, drooped.The entire tank has stopped moving. It is obvious that everyone inside has been shocked to death or stunned by the shock just now.Even if it is a conscious person, the tank cannot move.

The infantry of JSO finally arrived. Hundreds of soldiers of the US Marine Corps jumped out of the armored vehicles one after another, and rushed to the battlefield for support as soon as they went out. Even tanks, without the support of infantry and air power, could not Can only sit and wait, can't last too long.

Although the tanks and infantry were able to stand here for a while, the helicopters had all crashed, and the support requested from the sea was delayed, which made the killer whale feel that the current situation was not good.After all, Apache attack aircraft and tanks are the main means of destroying the infrastructure of the three-core heavy industry, and the infantry is only used to disperse the defenders.

But now that the helicopters are gone, the tanks are unable to move an inch, and the infantry is also suppressed in the gap on the western border. The killer whale seems to think that this raid has failed.He didn't take into account that although Fu Ming didn't have a general-purpose humanoid fighter mech, there were still fighter jets left behind in Tricore Heavy Industry.

He called Obama. "Mr President."

Obama on the other end of the phone looked very tired, and the jet lag made it still early in the morning in Washington at this time. "Don't talk about it, withdraw everyone, we will not admit this offensive action, and UNTR will definitely not pursue this incident." Obama knew that if Fu Ming really wanted South American In terms of benefits, no matter what the outcome of this incident is, he can only swallow his anger. "We cannot wage a large-scale war on the African continent."

"Then... Rong Tiejun..." the orca said hesitantly. "I don't want information?"

"So many people have died, what information do you need? Mr. Iskwood, wait until you come back. I think I need to re-designate the development prospects through Congress." Obama hung up the phone.

The orca sighed and picked up the satcom device. "Everyone, evacuate immediately, ignore the wounded, evacuate Kinshasa as quickly as possible and return to the open sea. Leave as much explosives as possible."

"Understood!" On the western border of Trinuclear Heavy Industries, in a command vehicle that was directing the battle, a commander of the US Marine Corps put down the communicator. "The battle has failed..." He looked at the scene outside the car.

"They have already begun to retreat, which is good news for us. But..." Looking at the devastated western border area, the entire shipyard has been completely changed, the assembly workshop and staff quarters, as well as the power and energy systems have been destroyed. At the end of the day, more than a dozen destroyed 69-modified tanks exuded a pungent smell, and the air was also filled with the smell of blood.

This area is no longer covered by thick smoke and dust, and it is not as clean and tidy as it used to be. "It needs a lot of money." T looked at Fu Ming who was frowning. [

"Come once, failed to make a deal, and withdrew..." Fu Ming suddenly laughed. "Tell me, what did they plan?"

"What did you draw?" T also started to frown. "Test? Or do you really want to kill us?"

"Beating. They are beating us. Rong Tiejun is also beating us by the General Staff. Although the top level of the US government may have issued an order to kill us, this force is indeed not enough to kill us. They are beating us. Warn us and delay our development process." Fu Ming had already begun to understand in his heart, untr, a piece of fat that everyone wants to get.

The Americans want it, the Chinese want it, and the Russians want it too.

But Fu Ming didn't want to give it to anyone. utnr, can only belong to himself.In other words, untr can only belong to peace-loving people all over the world.

Fu Ming looked at the military vehicles of the US Marine Corps that were getting further and further away, and finally cleaned up the battlefield and refused to pursue them.What interests him the most is the Global Hawk man-machine and the Apache attack plane.The businessman's unique sense of smell let him know that this is a good thing.It is very likely that it will make up for the lack of strength and scope of untr military technology.

And Song Jiahao also jumped out of the damaged Suzaku-class cockpit. He coughed a few times. It seems that after the missile hit the Suzaku-class, the roll and collision of the body, although the electrolyte solution outside the cockpit However, some of the power was exerted on Song Jiahao.Fortunately, just soft tissue bruises in the back and neck, bones and nerves are fine.

"Is there really no need to chase them? With World No. [-] and World No. [-], we can wipe them out..." Song Jiahao rubbed his neck and looked at Fu Ming.

"No need. World No. [-] and World No. [-] are immature, and they don't have an aircraft carrier battle group. Going to battle now is to die." Fu Ming thinks that the American landing ships should be escorted by destroyers and cruisers, and there may be nuclear submarines as well. .And his own Yongcheng and Yonghe are still parked in the North Korean military port in the Bohai Sea.

When mentioning the Korean Peninsula, Fu Ming still felt a little worried.It has been so long since he had a conversation with Park Geun-hye, but the South Korean government still has a feeling that it will fight to the end.This made Fu Ming think whether he should take more tough measures to capture Busan and make the South Korean government completely lose hope.Just then the satellite phone in his pocket rang.

The call came from Kim Jong Un's office in Pyongyang and appeared to be from Kim Jong Un himself.

"Mr. Leader, please forgive me for leaving without saying goodbye. There is a fire at home, come back to put out the fire." Fu Ming sighed. "I don't know what's going on with your great unification cause?" Fu Ming didn't receive any reports about the Korean War in the past few hours, and even Wayne Brad chose not to bother him.

"Mr. K. The South Korean government has surrendered." Kim Jong-un paused, restrained his excitement, and said it slowly. "A nation that has been divided for more than half a century, finally..." Kim Jong-un actually began to cry.

Fu Ming understands how Kim Jong-un feels now. Even if he is a member of the Korean nation on the Korean peninsula, no matter whether the means of reunification is peaceful or not, he will cry with joy when he sees that the Korean peninsula can become a unified country and nation again.

Fu Ming will never forget that this is a credit to the war.It seems that the reunification of the Korean peninsula can also be achieved through peaceful means, but the existence of the United States and China makes it impossible for this incident to happen.

Therefore, only through war can we use the strongest means to achieve this goal.Fu Ming did it.

"What's the matter of being in the same place, supporting the things of the country, and not worshiping foreigners. Hehehe...these four words spoken by Koreans are also written in Chinese?" Fu Ming hung up the phone and said in a low voice.

"The map is about to change."

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