arms tycoon

Chapter 294

Ten days later, the capital of Japan, Tokyo.

Just after the scorching summer, the coolness of late autumn hit very anxiously, but this had little effect on Tokyo. After all, Japan is an island country, and it was still affected by the ocean monsoon, so Fu Ming didn't feel too much coolness.Although Fu Ming is considered a wanted criminal and terrorist here in Japan, and Untr has also attacked Kanagawa, but the Japanese government does not have the ability to engage Fu Ming. The customs and the cabinet intelligence room can only turn a blind eye. eyes.

"It's August 31st this year, so you didn't go back." Xu Cheng sat beside Fu Ming and stubbed out the cigarette butt in his hand.Fu Ming didn't even know when he started smoking.Although this western restaurant banned smoking, the waiter still made an exception for Xu Cheng, so that there were no people sitting at the few tables around Xu Cheng's table.

"With my dad by my side, I don't have to go there." Fu Ming thought about it carefully, but he still couldn't remember what he did in August. "Too many things happened this year, and I don't want to disturb them." To be honest, Fu Ming also wanted to go.It's just that the parents are not in the world now, so that's the case. In the imperial capital branch of Untr, there will be dedicated personnel to sweep the grave regularly.Fu Ming didn't have to worry about these things at all. "How is Luther's health?"

"It won't be so fast. At least it will take 20 days before the arm can move. It's been a long time since we haven't seen each other, and there has been an accident." Xu Cheng lit another cigarette and smoked it. [

"The general-purpose humanoid combat mech has an accident, and there is no way to do it." Fu Ming sighed. If no problems are found during the experiment, and the accident data is not sorted out and collected, then the future models will be finalized and produced. It's not just a matter of one person getting hurt.

"Let's eat first." Fu Ming looked at the sashimi in front of him, unable to swallow it.But T and Coco beside them ate with joy.Anyway, it was Fu Ming's treat, and this shop was the most expensive in Tokyo, and the working class would definitely not be able to afford it.

"People like you are a waste!" T pulled the plate in front of Fu Ming. "Give me what I don't want to eat, and it will rot in my stomach!" T can be regarded as taking this opportunity to kill Fu Ming, which cannot be wasted.

While talking, T patted a document in front of Fu Ming. "Here's our new opponent. Taking over from Orca, Ida Jones. It's a woman, and it's interesting."

Fu Ming opened the file and saw Ada's photo at first glance, "She's still a beauty!"

Ke Ke became unwilling when she heard it, "I'm not pretty?"

Fu Ming hurriedly shouted, "It's the enemy, it's the enemy. But..." Fu Ming looked at Ada's information in surprise. It looks like it was deliberately erased by the internal database. "However, she is still young. Twenty-three years old."

"Everything on the data has been erased. It seems that she has a high status and status, and she is a difficult person to deal with. Now we don't know this woman well, and the data is not reliable. I don't know what kind of energy she had before. It's better to be careful, step by step. Our plan needs to be implemented bit by bit." T was eating, and couldn't even speak clearly.

Fu understood with a glance, and stood up. "Go to the bathroom!"

At the same time, outside the restaurant, three Americans in casual clothes were wandering around the door of the restaurant. "Miss Jones, the target has been confirmed. He has stood up and seems to be going to the bathroom. Now he can do it." A man said into the microphone.

"Don't move for now. It's not the time yet." Although the weather wasn't very cold, Ada still put on a windbreaker, her legs were still wearing black silk, her graceful figure was vividly displayed, and with her pretty face, she seemed to be completely Naturally.She wrapped herself in a windbreaker, walked quickly into the restaurant, and followed Fu Ming.

Fu Ming entered the men's bathroom, first washed his face, then untied his belt, ready to relieve himself.He suddenly felt that someone was watching him from behind. This was Fu Ming's sixth sense that he had developed over the years. He suddenly turned around, only to find that there was a woman behind him, and this woman looked very familiar.

Ada followed Fu Ming into the men's bathroom, looked at Fu Ming with a smile, and then made a sudden attack. She grabbed Fu Ming's shoulders with her hands, pulled hard, and her knees were lifted up, facing Fu Ming's stomach straight.

Fu Ming didn't have time to react, and he didn't train for too long, so his physical function was not as good as before. He couldn't resist, and his stomach was pushed hard by Ada, and he grinned in pain. , unable to straighten up.Fu Mingmen snorted, spat, and was dragged into the bathroom cubicle by Ada.

Ada dragged Fu Ming to the ground, and Fu Ming was half lying on the ground, sitting against the toilet.Ada rode directly on Fu Ming's body.

"Mr. K, nice to meet you. Although I have seen you many times on TV and in photos, I still think you are more handsome in person." Ada teased Fu Ming, but Fu Ming didn't have the intention to talk to her at all. joke.

Fu Ming finally remembered that the woman in front of him was the Ada Jones he saw a few minutes ago.Fu Ming wiped the corner of his mouth. The blow to his lower abdomen just now almost made him vomit. "Miss Jones, I didn't expect to meet you so soon. Your meeting ceremony is not very friendly!"

"Hahaha, Mr. K, you are really humorous. Now I understand why Ke Ke Heike Indias fell in love with you." Ada's lips were getting closer and closer to Fu Ming. "If we are not enemies, maybe I will really fall in love with you, love at first sight, do you believe it?"

"Kill me? Here? Without me, untr will still operate normally, and untr will do everything possible to retaliate against your great United States of America. Do you really want to kill me?" Fu Ming said with a sneer, he I don't think Ada dares to touch him here. [

"Don't worry, Mr. K, I don't have a weapon." Ada's nose was almost touching Fu Ming's. "I just want to taste what such a powerful enemy that I respect is like. This is my habit." Ada pressed her lips against Fu Ming's.

Fu Ming only felt a warm, slippery and flexible tongue slip into his mouth, intertwining and lingering with his tongue, with a little sweet taste.

Ada's hands were not idle either. She pulled out Fu Ming's waistband, which had been half untied. Before reaching out to touch Fu Ming's lower body, she felt that her lower abdomen was being pushed up by a hard column. up.Ada's lower abdomen was tightly attached to Fu Ming's lower body.

Ada's tongue finally came out of Fu Ming's mouth, and she licked her lips. "The number one man in the world, his kissing skills are really good. But I didn't expect you to get hard so quickly. Mr. K, I am your enemy. You don't even have such a little self-control ability, how can you control the whole untr ?”

Fu Ming spat out the saliva and sweetness that Ada brought to him, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "Ada Jones, you think too much."

Ada froze for a moment, and wanted to reach out to grab the pillar and continue with the next step.She wanted to taste what it was like to be the number one young man in the world, even though Fu Ming was her enemy.She thought that only someone like Fu Ming could be worthy of her.Unfortunately, Fu Ming is the enemy.

But when Ada really held the hard column, what was fed back to her was not the warm, soft and throbbing penis. The feeling coming from her hand was cold and very hard. Yes, it's metal.

"Mr. K, you really deserve your reputation. I underestimate you." Ada looked at the ppk pistol on her stomach, and slowly stood up from Fu Ming.

The pain in Fu Ming's lower abdomen gradually dissipated, and he felt much more comfortable, not as out of breath as before.He rubbed his belly and stood up slowly.

A man and a woman were standing in the bathroom cubicle, and Fu Ming was pointing the muzzle of a pistol at Ada's head. "What you do is probably because you want me to kill you. We are enemies, and you are sending yourself to death."

"The former enemy, no one can resist my temptation. But you, Mr. K, I have to admire you." Ada didn't have the slightest fear. "I miscalculated. However, you can't kill me now, and you don't dare to kill me. This is something that will cause trouble."

What Ada said was indeed true, Fu Ming frowned.He also knows that the Japanese Cabinet Intelligence Office has not taken action against him because it lacks a valid reason.However, since Fu Ming got off the plane, people from the cabinet intelligence room have been monitoring him, trying to get some entry points and reasons from him, so that he can arrest Fu Ming justifiably.Intentional killing is such an entry point.Fu Ming really couldn't kill Ada in Tokyo, and he couldn't give the Japanese Cabinet Intelligence Office an excuse to arrest him.

"My heart belongs to this world, and my body only belongs to my girlfriend." The girlfriend Fu Ming mentioned refers to two people, the first is Coco Heike Indias, and the second is Zeng Xiaoting.He didn't want to feel sorry for any of them.

"I feel like I should have a fair game with you to see who we are stronger. So, I beg you to get out of here immediately. If I don't return to my seat in the restaurant within 2 minutes, my security forces will immediately They will follow up and investigate my situation. Although I cannot kill people, members of my security force can kill people." A sly smile appeared on the corner of Fu Ming's mouth.After all, the murder of a member of the security force is only a personal matter. If he is related to Fu Ming, at most he will be responsible for the leadership and his reputation will decline, but it is impossible to really go to jail or be arrested.

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