arms tycoon

Chapter 295 Goal Conversion

Goal conversion

Ada Jones frowned, and regardless of what threats Fu Ming said, she saw the opportunity, and directly held the barrel of the ppk pistol with her backhand, grabbed Fu Ming's wrist with her left hand, and folded her backhand. When my wrist hurts, I can't hold the gun!

The pistol was in Ada's hands within seconds, and she weighed the ppk, feeling something was wrong.As a spy, it is not uncommon to have a pistol on your body.As a female agent, the lighter the pistol on her body, the better.As for ppk, she was even more familiar with it, even with her eyes closed she knew whether the pistol was loaded or not.

This gun is a little light.But in this situation, Ada didn't really care about the abnormality of this gun.

"Mr. K, I've changed my mind." Ada knew that if he didn't kill Fu Ming now, he would really have no chance in the future. Even if he committed a murder in the downtown area of ​​Tokyo, he could kill Fu Ming and spend a few days in prison What kind of?Anyway, the US government will fish her out. [

In fact, Fu Ming is the only pillar of Untr. Fu Ming knows it well, and Ada knows it too.Without Fu Ming, neither T nor Ke Ke, even Xu Cheng and Song Jiahao could support Untr alone.Because these people don't have the special traits of Fu Ming at all, vicious, wise, decisive, decisive, able to reject all external temptations, just like they did just now.Ada thought to herself, if the scene just now had been changed to any other man, that man might have given in already, and now he should be enjoying her service under Ada's body!

"I don't look forward to confronting you head-on on the battlefield, and I'm not that kind of proper person. Mr. K, I'm sorry, there is an old saying in China that it is commendable to die before you leave the army. I send this sentence to you. Here you are." Ada had a sinister smile on her face, and then squeezed the trigger forcefully.

There was a click of the trigger, which drove the firing pin to make a crisp sound. The firing pin just clicked in vain, but no bullet was fired.

Ada looked at the pistol in his hand in disbelief, it was clearly loaded, could it be that it misfired? "It's so difficult..." She recalled her first feeling after getting the pistol just now, this gun is too light!

"No child." Fu Ming rubbed his wrist, and after feeling better, he took the pistol back from Ada who was in a daze, and put it in his lower back again.It was impossible for him to put a pistol with a sub on his body.Otherwise, walking on the streets of Tokyo, if you are searched by some policeman casually and found a pistol, it will be a serious matter. This is suspected to be a trick.You must know that Japan's gun ban is stricter than China's.

"Now, do you want to strangle me with your hands? Or break my neck?" Fu Ming laughed, he heard the noise outside the bathroom.It has been nearly 10 minutes since Fu Ming went to the bathroom. Xu Cheng who was in the restaurant must have become suspicious. The noise outside must be caused by Xu Cheng opening and closing the door.

Still frowning, Ada turned around and kicked open the small door of the cubicle. Just as she was about to rush out of the bathroom, she ran into Xu Cheng who was blocking the door. "Unlucky me!" Ada turned around and shouted, as if she was telling Fu Ming.

Although Xu Cheng reacted very quickly, he still didn't understand who the woman in front of him was at that moment.By the time he reacted, Ada was already behind him.

When he saw Fu Ming, who was pale and sweaty, he immediately understood. He was about to grab it with his backhand, but his right hand only slightly touched Ada's coat, and he didn't grab it at all.Xu Cheng ran after him, but he heard Fu Ming's voice behind him.

"Stop chasing!" Fu Ming sighed, took another mouthful of saliva, rubbed his stomach, and pinched his wrists. The wrists were obviously red and swollen, but the bones were fine. "Little girl, you are quite ruthless."

"Boss, what happened?" Xu Cheng was now filled with guilt. He didn't know anything about what happened to Fu Ming, and he almost killed Fu Ming.One carelessness, one negligence, almost leads to a big mistake. "Who the hell is she?"

"It's okay, she's Ada Jones." Fu Ming licked his lips, walked out of the bathroom door, and looked at Coco Heike Indias and T who were still eating at the dining table.The two girls, like other customers, are looking at the bathroom with puzzled faces, at a loss.

All in sight, a young Western woman rushed out of the bathroom.

"Don't tell Ke Ke and T about this." Fu Ming thought to himself, anyway, he was not injured, and if he told Ke Ke what happened just now, Ke Ke would definitely go to Ada to settle the score.Now that Untr is recuperating, it's better not to go to war with him.

Fu Ming returned to the dining table and sat down slowly, his lower abdomen still had a dull pain, but he was quietly winking at Jack Davis on the next table, telling Jack not to come over for the time being.He deliberately put his red and swollen right hand under the table.

"Eat it up so quickly?" Fu Ming looked at the leftovers on the table coldly, trying to pull T and Ke Ke back from the scene just now.

"Who is that woman?" Ke Ke looked at Fu Ming's pale face and asked uncomfortably.She also saw a photo of Ada Jones on the information just now.But Ada was too far away from Keke just now, and Keke didn't see her face.

"That person, he went to the wrong toilet." Fu Ming said nonchalantly. "Running away with a blushing face, I was taken aback. I thought I had gone to the wrong toilet."

"That's it..." Ke Ke nodded suspiciously and rubbed his stomach. "Oh, I'm full." [

Fu Ming looked at T carefully, and T looked at him with a sad face, the expression on his face seemed to say, you can't fool me about this.

Indeed, Fu Ming couldn't catch it.

After rushing out of the restaurant, Ada slowed down when she saw that no one was following her. Her actions just now had attracted the attention of a large number of passers-by. She hurried into the Land Rover that had been prepared.

"Lamba, drive." Ada sat in the back seat and tapped the driver's head.

Rambalal is Ada's subordinate.Not so much as a subordinate, but as a partner.They have been working together for two years, and no matter what the task assigned by the above is, they have never missed it.Lamba coughed, "I'm older than you, so don't play around all day long." In fact, Lamba admired Ada's ability.In just a few years, the killer whale can be squeezed away. Sitting in that position, Ada is indeed a very extraordinary woman. In terms of courage, courage, and execution ability, she is far superior to those former agents. .

"Okay, okay, Mr. Lal, please drive! If you don't drive, the people from Untr will kill us." Ada clutched her heart that was beating violently. The scene just now was too dangerous.She was even thinking that if Fu Ming really had a bullet in his pistol, then Fu Ming would have killed herself desperately just now.Because for Untr, Ada is the biggest threat now.Even if he is caught by the cabinet intelligence room, Fu Ming will definitely shoot, he will not miss any opportunity.Today's probing action let Ada really know why Fu Ming was able to form UNTR and climbed to the top of the world in just one year.

"It seems that we have to re-analyze and plan. It is too difficult to kill K. We need to start with the people around him." Ada took off her coat, and the windbreaker was about to cover her up. up.

"People around you? Are you talking about his security forces?" Lamba stepped on the pedal slowly, the car entered the main road, and drove slowly, "Or..." Lamba took advantage of the Turning his head while waiting for the red light, "Do you want to touch Coco Heike Indias?"

"As expected of my good partner!" Ada looked very surprised and said happily. "It's Coco Heike Indias. Now, Coco is the only person K can take care of. Kill Coco, and K will definitely launch the most ferocious attack and revenge. At that time, he will make a series of actions after losing his mind. Wrong decisions and judgments, controlling or destroying untr will become easier. The first step to kill a rational enemy is to destroy his sanity!" Ada said firmly.

"Having said that..." Lamba's voice became cautious, he turned his head away, and continued driving after the green light came on. "If Coco Heike Indias is really moved, not only Untr, not only K, but even Germany, Heike Indias Group, will not let us go. Also, how can you guarantee After Coco's accident, K will definitely lose his mind? Maybe he will become more rational, more cautious, and make a more rigorous plan to deal with us..."

Hearing what Lanba said, Ada also fell silent. She couldn't guarantee these, because according to Fu Ming's performance just now, Fu Ming was probably the kind of person Lanba said.She still thought of Fu Ming too simply.A cell phone ringing interrupted her thinking, she stared at the number for a moment, then picked up the phone.

"Mr. Iskwood, I really didn't expect you to call me." Ada was very surprised.In a court-martial a few days ago, Orca was found guilty and sentenced to three years and six months in prison.Although the conditions of the prison are good, and it is specially set up for personnel, even with the commutation of sentence, when the killer whale is released from prison, he will already be a 60-year-old old man.Become a worthless person, leading the subsidy issued by the government, for the rest of his life.

"I think, according to your temper, you should have met K." The killer whale's voice seemed to be a few years older.

Ada didn't answer, it was a tacit consent.

"Well, before I go to prison to reflect on my so-called mistakes, I will tell you one last thing. Never underestimate K, he is more complicated than anyone imagined."

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