arms tycoon

Chapter 296 On the Island Chain

"This is my last advice. I hope you can listen to it." Killer Whale has been working here for nearly 40 years. Although his achievements are not outstanding, he has always been very stable and has never messed up anything. , but in Fu Ming's case, he was completely defeated.The orca let out a sigh, and the guards around him were already looking at their watches and began to urge him.

"Mr. Iskwood, I really hope that you can accept reform and re-education with peace of mind. You don't need to worry about these things anymore." Ida Jones paused, turned her head and looked out, and then whispered . "The conditions inside are good. I greeted the warden. Except that you can't leave the yard, your life is no different from freedom. Mr. Iskwood, you have worked hard all these years."

"Little girl, isn't it time for sharp teeth?" The killer whale finally showed a smile.

"You are a patriot, and I respect you. Mr. Iskwood. You have done enough. You don't need to do anything more for this country. Enough is enough." Ida sighed.

"Okay, I won't say much, and I can't say too much." The killer whale raised its head and looked at the guard who was constantly urging him. "May God bless you and America." Before Ida could answer, Orca hung up the phone. [

Ada listened to the busy tone on the receiver and didn't put down the phone for a long time.

"We're here." Rambalal pulled the hand brake, and the car stopped at the gate of a high-end hotel in downtown Tokyo. He and Ada got out of the car, threw the car keys to the doorman, and put them back on. A green ticket.The war between Japan and the former South Korea has just ended, and the value of the currency, which is not very valuable, has depreciated even more. The domestic economy is in a mess. Although the situation is slightly better than that of the former South Korea, the citizens prefer to get US dollars and RMB in their hands. Or euros and pounds instead of yen.The depreciation is too great, it is a pile of waste paper.

"Ada, don't be dazed." Lamba watched the doorman bow to him, then ran away cheerfully, and poked Ada's arm. "I support you in whatever you want to do, but even if you want to move Coco Heike Indias, you need a specific plan. Now she is with K, so you can't do it."

"This is second." Ada walked while touching her chin. "I'm very surprised why K appeared in Tokyo." You know, Fu Ming is the sworn enemy of the Japanese government.Fu Ming not only snatched the design data and physical model of ll004, but also carried out an air raid on Kanagawa County.

Although it was the US naval base that was attacked, it was Japan's territory after all. However, due to the lack of direct evidence, the Japanese government, military, and intelligence agencies did not dare to move this behemoth. The Japanese economy is like a horse that is about to be destroyed. The crushed camel only needs the last straw to collapse completely.The Japanese government believes that if they really do something like deal with Fu Ming, then UNTR is very willing to add such an extra straw.

"Where is the mortal enemy..." Lamba thought for a while. "I think it's because of Dokdo. Untr should not approve of the continuation of the Eastern Pacific War. After all, the People's Republic of Korea needs to develop. Japan has stricter arms restrictions than China. There is no arms market for Untr here. K this time You may have come here just to see Shinzo Abe."

At the same time, Fu Ming and the others returned to their hotel after lunch.Although untr is not very popular in Japan, there is still a branch office of untr in Tokyo.These daily trivialities are all taken care of by these personnel stationed abroad. As for safety issues, all members of Fu Ming's security forces, except Song Jiahao who is still staying at the Three Nuclear Heavy Industry, and Luther Alex who is injured and lying in bed, the rest of them all around.Even Coco Heike Indias brought a lot of accompanying security personnel, no one wanted to make trouble at this time, except of course, that crazy woman.

"Has there been an answer from the Japanese government? After all, I am here." Fu Ming looked at his laptop in the living room of the presidential suite. If the Japanese government accepted the meeting request immediately, then the email or phone must have There will be, it's just that Fu Minghe is used to asking t.

"I didn't answer, I guess I won't meet again. Boss, why do you insist on taking care of these things? If they are willing to fight the Eastern Pacific War, then let them go. Anyway, in the end, it is only China and the United States who are to blame. The benefits in the later period will not be affected in any way." T looked at Fu Ming in confusion and asked.

"You don't understand this. War is a bottom hole, you know that, but if untr wants to gain a foothold in the Korean peninsula, it can only throw money into the bottom hole of the People's Republic of Korea. If only post-war construction is carried out, then Having engineering teams from China and the United States can be regarded as reducing the burden on untr. If the war really starts between the People's Republic of Korea and Japan, then we cannot afford the military expenditure. Although untr has a lot of money now, but Obviously not enough money. After the war, Japan may be defeated, and the Japanese economy after the defeat is even more blank. Although it is the best time to seize the Japanese market at this time, if it fails to recover and cannot recover the cost, then I will lose a lot." Fu Ming said shaking his head. "I still need a more stable state."

Coco doesn't seem to care about these things. Carlos Heckindias has been in charge of the Heckindias Group's affairs recently, but she has nothing to do.It seemed good to be able to stick to Fu Ming's side all day long.Ke Ke sipped the coffee in the quilt, still echoing the waiter who brought the coffee in just now.

"In this world, the quality of the Japanese is still very high, and they are comparable to us Germans." Ke Ke thought about the respectful look of the waiter just now, bowed after entering the door, and bowed before going out, specifically telling her not to burn with.

T put an arm around Coco's shoulder, "Coco, the quality of the Germans is good, I admit that, but the Japanese, let's just forget about it."

"Why do you have any good ideas?" Coco was immediately aroused by T. "What have you seen?"

T looked at Fu Ming. "You better tell her, I have to rest in the afternoon. This place is so comfortable." T stretched his waist, walked out of the door, and the door slammed shut.

Fu Ming also yawned, obviously feeling a little overwhelmed.

"Why don't you go to bed too? Well... I'll accompany you..." Ke Ke blushed. "But tell me about the Japanese first."

Fu Ming wrapped his arms around Ke Ke's slender waist and held her in his arms. "I'm an old couple, why are you so shy..."

"I haven't done it during the day, I must be shy, so bright... Hurry up, talk about the Japanese thing." Ke Ke seemed a little impatient, and didn't know whether she was in a hurry to go to bed or listen to the story . [

"I'm not saying that the Japanese are bad in their bones, but that the way of expression between different nations is quite hypocritical." Fu Ming cleared his glasses, and continued under Coco's expectant gaze.

"When T and I were in a certain European country, we saw such a scene. We were negotiating business with a local force, and the hotel was of a relatively high standard. There were a bunch of German couples in their 50s and [-]s who had just walked in. At that time, I was very indifferent to the service staff of that hotel. Even if the waiters offered to help with the luggage, they thought it was right, and they had dirty faces on their faces. Later, a few Japanese men came, and they nodded and bowed to thank the waiters. The waiters were overwhelmed."

"Isn't this quality good? It seems to be reversed. Let's continue!" Ke Ke listened very obediently.

"On the contrary. When T and I left the hotel, the waiter fell at the door. Before Miss T ran over to pull her up, the Japanese passed by the waiter Yes. Guess what, those few Japanese who respectfully treated the waiter as a friend a few days ago, saw the waiter fall and saw it, as if they didn’t see it. Wait for me and Miss T to recover , when I wanted to pull her up, the middle-aged German couple arrived, and they pulled the waiter up with expressions on their faces."

Ke Ke frowned, this is something that Fu Ming and T have experienced personally, there can be no fake ones, and Fu Ming can't afford to make up nonsense to deceive her. "You mean, the more respectful the Japanese are to you, the farther the distance will be, and you have the impression that your living conditions are related to them, and you don't want them to remember you at all, is that right? ?”

Fu Ming nodded. "Although it sounds ugly, as a Chinese man, I still feel that the Japanese are very hypocritical. At least, they are very hypocritical to strangers. The smiles and politeness on their faces are all fakes." Fu Ming was actually a little bit aggrieved , as if annoyed that Abe did not see him.

You must know that the purpose of Fu Ming's trip is not to force Shinzo Abe to surrender, but to stop this war from the root.Shinzo Abe didn't give face, so Fu Ming had nothing to say.

"Okay, okay, I know what you're thinking. We still have new enemies, and new things to go to heaven and earth, so don't think too much about it. Let's stick together if there is anything, the big deal is Heike Indias Group pays more money to make up for the shortfall of UNTR, the Korean peninsula, only with enough investment will there be enough returns. If it can really take root..."

Fu Ming nodded. Just as he was about to go to rest, the satellite phone vibrated.He looked at the number hopefully, but it was still not an official Japanese government number.

"Uncle Leng, what's the matter?" Fu Ming answered the phone.

"Fu Ming. Are we still allies now?" Leng Jianbin said unhurriedly.

Fu Ming raised his eyebrows, "Of course forget it."

"Very well, the Korean peninsula is already under the control of UNTR, and the first island chain of the Chinese government should also be taken back. Do you know where the first step is?" Leng Jianbin's tone of a half-smile was terrifying, but in It was nothing in Fu Ming's eyes.

"I know, Taiwan." Fu Ming said firmly. "The second goal is Okinawa, Japan, which is the Ryukyu Islands. Break through the first island chain, and you will have the ability to destroy the entire US Pacific Fleet!"

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