arms tycoon

Chapter 306 Lessons

Su Jianxiong still accepted Fu Ming's suggestion. Under his order, the Weishan Lake turned around and started sailing westward. Fu Ming made another phone call to Carianna. After the first Korean War, they have been on their way back to the Three Nuclear Heavy Industry. They have not arrived at the Three Nuclear Heavy Industry. The second conscription campaign is just for publicity.

Although the countries and cities along the way did not welcome them, they did not have any reason to expel them. Therefore, the Yongcheng and Yonghe are now near the Philippine Islands.

Sun Dayong accepted this combat mission very happily, but after hearing that T and Jack Davis were seriously injured, he still dimmed down and said that he would arrive within the next five hours.

The Yongcheng and Yonghe are more than enough to fight these Japanese cruisers and destroyers.Fu Ming thought to himself, since the Chinese navy can't do anything, it doesn't matter if Untr does it.

"It's a bit embarrassing for you to vent your anger on us because of this matter. Will untr cause trouble because of this? The international community is very disgusted with the rise of untr..." Su Jianxiong had to admit, although he personally prefers to pay Ming is iron-blooded and decisive, but the order from above is only to ensure the safety of all members of UNTR, other than that, don't make friends with them. It seems that the Chinese government is lukewarm and try not to provoke UNTR, which is also impossible. [

"Anyway, untr is already very frightening, so it doesn't matter if I do something else. My people are bleeding and dying in Tokyo. This matter can't just be left alone." Fu Ming put down the phone, his tone was gloomy and transparent. With coldness and disdain.

Five hours later, the Japanese fleet had stopped bombarding the Weishanhu, and the Weishanhu did not return any fire. Although the damage from the bombardment was not too great, it was too much, and the Weishanhu was dilapidated. The main gun was damaged, the deck was in a mess, and the side of the ship was still leaking.

The commander of the Japanese fleet is also afraid, whether it is true that this supply ship will be sunk, and there are people from Untr sitting on it. They just want to show their prestige, and they don't want to really cause any harm to the people of Untr. After all They cannot afford this result.

"General, we have scanned two ships twelve nautical miles away. They seem to be large in scale and their degree of armament is unknown. Do we need to send a helicopter to investigate!" A Japanese navy soldier stood in front of the general, and then called Salute, said in a low voice and quickly.

"It's only discovered so close?" The general frowned, "Don't send out the helicopter for now, where are they located?"

"The Weishan approaching them, and it is very likely that the Chinese navy or the Untr side came to meet them. Do we still need to follow up?" The tone of the soldier was already a little scared.

The general frowned, "Maintain the original order! We will report after confirming the enemy ships with naked eyes."

Sun Dayong is now sitting in the command room of the Yongcheng, looking at the image on the radar. "Is there still no response from the satellite photos?" When the Yongcheng and Yonghe were damaged and repaired, Harry Crowder added something to the two superstar warships, and the radar ripples absorbed the armor.

In fact, it is armor, that is, a coating. Perhaps to the naked eye, the two warships are just painted pink, which is not good for optical invisibility, and the pink ships are very eye-catching, and they are laughed as "cute" "Warship, but this layer only appears pink in sunlight.

However, the effect of this coating is obviously much greater than people think.After all, Harry Crowder would not put such useless things on the warship.The coating can effectively absorb long-wave radar signals, so it is difficult to detect the existence of these two warships at long distances, whether it is fire control radar or long-wave radar.This, to a large extent, avoided the long-distance guided missile strikes by enemy ships on the Yongcheng and Yonghe.

"It looks like it was discovered. The speed of the Japanese warship has slowed down." A signalman pointed to the signal on the radar. "They slowed down by about a fifth."

"Do you still know how to be afraid?" Sun Dayong sneered, "Is the Weishanhu still within their strike range?" Sun Dayong can now give orders to conduct long-range guided strikes on Japanese warships, but he feels that, The Japanese are likely to fight to the death. After being hit by missiles, the remaining ships with combat effectiveness will throw all their guns and guidance on the Weishan Lake, and Fu Ming may be in danger.

"It's still within the range of their bombardment. The distance is too short, only three or four nautical miles. The Weishanhu is underpowered. The speed of the Japanese warship is still very fast. Do you want to fight?"

"Sweep the fire control radar first, and then shoot after a while. Get ready to launch. If you want to shoot, you can turn them all into scrap metal within a few minutes!" Sun Dayong showed a cunning smile on his face. "Let's send the Qinglong class down first!"

"Attention in the cabin, the pilots of the Qinglong-class general-purpose humanoid combat mecha will gather immediately, and enter the water within 5 minutes to enter the standby state. The number of deployments is five, and priority should be given to concealment. Start checking the status of the cabin door and the body to confirm the mental state and physical condition of the pilots. condition."

"Understood, all drivers have been notified, the hatch inspection is in progress, and there is no problem with the water storage system."

"The inspection of the airframe system is completed, the software system is in good condition, the second test is wrong, and the inspection of the airframe assembly facilities begins."

"The drivers are assembled, their mental and physical conditions are good, and they are allowed to enter the water for combat."

The sound of reports came from the loudspeaker in the command room, and Sun Dayong strategized and took out the satellite phone. [

After only one waiting tone rang, the phone was picked up.Fu Ming is very anxious now, Weishan Lake has a pack of wolves behind it, so he can't wait to think about it. "Are you ready? Let the Qinglong class go into the water and catch them off guard!"

"The Qinglong class has already started to dispatch. Boss, I need you to be in a safe state and position. If you really can't kill in seconds, the Weishan Lake may be subjected to heavy shelling and guided missile attacks." Sun Dayong The safety of other people is actually the so-called, even if the Weishan Lake is sunk, it has nothing to do with him, the most important thing is Fu Ming, Fu Ming can't be hurt at all, otherwise untr will be the leader of the group, No one can replace Fu Ming's position.

"It doesn't matter. I believe that Yongcheng and Yonghe still have the ability of Qinglong level. When you confirm that you can attack the target, start attacking." Fu Ming left the decision to Sun Dayong, and then hung up the phone.

The moment he hung up the phone, he saw several flashing points in the night sky from the cabin, and the flashing points dragged long trails across the night sky.Fu Ming could tell that it was the trace of the director. "I really can't wait."

Before the missile hit the Japanese warship, there was a dull sound not far away, and huge bubbles appeared from under the water surface, and white waves rolled up.

Then the muffled sound turned into a sharp explosion, and the fire light actually emerged from the water. Through the refraction of the sea water, the fire light became soft and miserable, golden yellow as if it wanted to illuminate the night.

"Qinglong class?" Su Jianxiong looked at the situation not far away with a periscope, and suddenly laughed. "I didn't expect Untr's technology to develop to such an extent that it approached the Japanese ships without being discovered at all!"

The Japanese destroyer attacked by the Qinglong immediately began to tilt to one side because of the water leak in the cabin. It seems that the opening of the cabin by Qinglong was too large, and the seawater poured in all of a sudden, which caused this result.

"They're finished!" The driver of the Qinglong class chuckled into the microphone. Before attacking, he scanned the destroyer's structure and found the location of the medicine storehouse in the cabin.

Cannons, guided missiles, machine guns and rifles, and individual rocket launchers are all piled up here.After obtaining Sun Dayong's permission, the driver decisively pulled out the high-frequency vibrating knife, and then just stabbed it lightly, leaving the rest to the water pressure.

The huge water pressure under the water turned this small hole into a big hole, and the driver was very angry and threw a detonation into it.

At the same time, missiles followed one after another, and several missiles hit the two cruisers very accurately. Sparks exploded on the deck, and the main guns in front of the cruiser were blown out, falling far away on the sea surface, splashing There was a burst of sparks.

"General!" The Japanese navy soldiers supported the table beside them. Although their flagship was not attacked, several ships around the flagship were hit to varying degrees. The violent explosion shook the entire sea surface. It also shook. "Can't wait any longer!"

"All retreat!" The general gritted his teeth and issued this order. "It's Untr's ship. It is impossible for the Chinese navy to attack us in our waters regardless." The general knew that they could not provoke Untr now.

After the order was issued, everyone in the flagship command room froze, staring at the general intently.

"Why are you still standing there? If you don't leave, you will be completely wiped out, and there will be no evidence left. If you leave now, you can prove that it was an attack launched by UNTR. We can sue them in international courts, or even through international military forces. Attack them!" Although the general knew this truth, he still said secretly in his heart. "If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have taken advantage of the Weishan Lake."

"I want to leave now, it's a bit late!" Fu Ming held up the binoculars and looked at the Japanese fleet that was turning around. "Don't let them run away, don't leave a single one behind!" He said holding up his mobile phone.

As soon as the words fell, the people on the flagship of the Japanese fleet felt the violent vibration of the flagship, which was not caused by the fluctuation of the surrounding sea.Obviously, everyone knew that they were under attack, and the command room fell into a deathly silence.

"Oops!" the general cursed. "All the firepower hits the Weishan Lake, even if we all die, we must sink them!"

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