arms tycoon

Chapter 307

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"According to our report, the typhoon code-named Green Tea landed in China's Fujian Province at around [-]:[-] this morning. The relevant departments of Fujian Province made relevant preparations, and the emergency plan was launched immediately. The local military and police officers and soldiers were dispatched in time to avoid large-scale personnel. Casualties, green tea, the wind weakened at noon today, and the scope of the heavy precipitation that came with it will be reported to you in the weather forecast after the news. The following news is that a fleet formation in Japan was destroyed three days ago When unidentified militants attacked the ship, the entire army was annihilated, and the survivors survived. An hour ago, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe paid a silent tribute to the sacrificed naval soldiers. All cabinet members participated in the press conference. According to a person who did not want to be named Japanese cabinet officials stated that the attack on the navy this time was related to the terrorist attack and fierce gun battle that took place earlier in Tokyo..."

Before Lin Jianping finished watching the news video, he closed the website. He is now in the library, sitting beside Zeng Xiaoting and Zhang Lu.He took off his headphones, and no one noticed that he was watching this news video. "It's really big. Isn't the incident in Kanagawa not enough? This time it actually went to Tokyo, and even the Maritime Self-Defense Force didn't let it go...Fu Ming, what do you want to do?"

"Little bitch, what's wrong with you?" Zeng Xiaoting touched Lin Jianping's arm. "Just now I have been staring at the screen in a daze, the exam is coming up next week, if you don't study again, you will fail!"

Zhang Lu gave Lin Jianping a white look, "There are a lot of absenteeism in the first place, and the credits are not enough. If you fail the exam, your graduation certificate... Imperial University's requirements are very high!" [

Lin Jianping hurriedly explained a few times submissively, today is Sunday, the three of them made an appointment to go to the library for review, and the second half of the freshman semester is coming to an end, but Lin Jianping has no energy to study at all.All he had in his mind was about the Qianli Group and Untr.

Lin Mao attaches great importance to cultivating his son. Besides, Fu Ming, the leader of Untr, knows Lin Jianping well and is a good friend. Only Qianli Group can have a chance to cooperate with Untr. As long as Lin Jianping and Fu Ming continue to make friends, then this kind of cooperative relationship will be successful. Will never break.Therefore, Lin Mao entrusted Lin Jianping to do more work in the Qianli Group. Even if Lin Jianping is too young now, after graduating from university, after three or four years of experience, he can still be in charge of himself.At that time, Lin Mao will be able to retire safely.He is exhausted.

Lin Jianping's eyes were fixed on the learning points on the laptop screen, but he didn't turn a page, and his mind had already flown to Sannuo Heavy Industry.The phone in the pocket rang, and the library was very quiet. The sudden ringing of the phone startled many students who were concentrating on their books, and then complained.

"What a nervous breakdown! I forgot to turn off the ringtone!" Looking at the eyes of the people around him, Lin Jianping quickly turned off the ringtone of the mobile phone, then walked quickly to the door and answered the phone.

"Why did you call at this time?" Lin Jianping had already kept Fu Ming's satellite phone number in his heart, and he didn't save it in the phone book at all. After the call, he would also delete the call record very carefully.One is to prevent others from getting Fu Ming's contact information after getting his mobile phone, and obtaining Fu Ming's location through satellite positioning.The second is to avoid the suspicion of people around. After all, it is normal for classmates to look through their phones. If they see the name Fu Ming, they will definitely put a question mark in their hearts.

After all, Fu Ming is already very famous in the world.There are even many girls who regard him as a fantasy object.

"I'm in the Imperial Capital right now. If you're free today, come to the Imperial Capital Liberation Army Hospital. Both T and Jack live here. I think you should come and have a look, even if it's to replace your father. The Qianli Group needs to be here. It's time to show it, I don't want t to have any opinion on you in the future." Fu Ming's tone has finally relaxed now, the conversation with friends and lover is different from talking with others.Now t is also one of the core pillars in untr. It is also a good thing that Lin Jianping and t have a closer cooperative relationship.

"Give me the exact location, and I'll be there right away, do you want to call Zhang Lu and Zeng Xiaoting?" Lin Jianping asked by the way. "The coordinates were texted to me. This route is not safe."

Hearing Zeng Xiaoting, Fu Ming frowned, "You can come here alone." The reason why Zeng Xiaoting was not allowed to come over was because Coco Heike Indias was also here.Although the two girls get along in harmony on the surface, there are always thorns in their hearts, because there is only one Fu Ming, and Zeng Xiaoting can't hold her head up in front of Ke Ke.Fu Ming didn't want Zeng Xiaoting to see Ke Ke.

Fu Ming hung up the phone. He is now in the corridor of the inpatient department, and T lives behind him. Although t is conscious now, he still has some memory loss. Fortunately, the doctor said that this is only temporary, because t still remembers the past events and people.It's slowly recovering, and it's getting better.Ke Ke was accompanying her in front of the hospital bed, and t had just fallen asleep again 10 minutes ago, when Fu Ming found time to run out and make a phone call.

Since Xu Cheng was admitted to the People's Liberation Army General Hospital, he has been guarding the door every step of the way. Even if someone from the Untr Imperial Capital Branch came and wanted to replace him, he would not leave.In the imperial capital, T is not in any danger.

"Hurry up and go back to rest, there won't be any problems here!" Fu Ming looked at Xu Cheng who was sitting on the bench, "You're almost turning into a panda." He was about to take out his cigarette when he remembered this It's a hospital, no smoking.

"I'm fine. I just rested for a while, so I can hold on." Xu Cheng rubbed his face and leaned back on the chair. "I didn't expect that under that kind of firepower, the Weishan Lake could last for so long!"

On that night three days ago, during that naval battle, the Japanese fleet that was on the verge of collapse, three destroyers, one cruiser, and one command ship, under the intensive attack of the Yongcheng and Yonghe on the ship-guided, did not lose any power. With the force of fighting back, the sound of explosions came one after another, deafening.And the underwater Qinglong-class general-purpose humanoid combat mecha is not a fuel-efficient lamp. It not only opened a big hole in the stomachs of these Japanese warships, but also killed their power systems. It was ignited.

It's just that the medicine storehouse can't be kept. Guides, torpedoes, and sub-cannons explode one after another like setting off fireworks. The light emitted by different metals reaching the ignition point and burning is as dazzling as setting off fireworks. The colorful fireworks did not explode in the air, but detonated on the warship.

At the last moment, the fleet general ordered that all firepower be concentrated on the Weishanhu.However, the Japanese fleet, which has suffered a heavy blow, no longer has any qualified firepower output.The torpedo launch pipeline has long been blocked, and the few remaining guides are not enough for launch. After the fire control radar is damaged, the guidance guides can only fly randomly after launch, and there is not even a person who can press the button.And there are only a few cannons left, and there is only one cannon in the barrel!In terms of aiming, due to the severe tilt of the ship and the deformation of the hull, only a rough aim can be made.

Even so, the last round of small-caliber artillery salvos still caused the Weishan Lake to suffer the most serious trauma that night.The distance was too close, and the Weishan Lake had lasted until the last moment. The power system was overburdened, and the turbine was burned out.Coupled with the impact of the artillery, the deck, the side of the warship, as well as the artillery and helicopter landing platform, were all in a mess, and even the Mi-17 luxury transport plane of Untr was turned into a pile of scrap iron. There was a raging fire on the platform, and even the storm brought by Typhoon Green Tea could not extinguish the burning flame caused by the fuel explosion.

This fleet formation of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force survived.Sun Dayong personally took the speedboat and went to the side of the ship that had not yet sunk to conduct investigations before ordering the Yongcheng and Yonghe to leave.

The Weishanhu lost its power and could only drift with the wind in the storm. The people on the Yongcheng spent a lot of effort to shoot the rope hook to the Weishanhu. Under Cheng Hao's dragging, he left the stormy area and returned to the military port in Fujian. [

The wounded on the ship, including T and Jack, were sent to the imperial city by a special plane that had already been prepared for treatment.The Chinese government can only conceal this news. After all, this is not a good thing for Japan and China.They could only claim that the Weishanhu encountered a storm during the return voyage and suffered heavy losses, and they kept silent about the naval battle.

However, the engineer who saw the damage of the Weishanhu knew what kind of fire attack the supply ship had suffered to become like this.The storm will not blow out several large holes that are smoking on the apron and deck.

The Japanese government and the Maritime Self-Defense Force can only swallow this dumb thing in their stomachs. If the Chinese government fights back, some people say that they can ask the Chinese government for compensation and apology, and even sue them in the international court for war and aggression.However, it was Untr's Yongcheng and Yonghe that fired.

Moreover, the Japanese government has no evidence at all.They didn't find the ship's voyage records, nor did they find any traces left by the ship's personnel, and even the commander-in-chief of the fleet didn't send out any information confirmation signals before he died.The Japanese military itself does not have satellites. Although the Americans used satellites to track the Weishanhu and even witnessed the naval battle, they refused to provide satellite pictures on the grounds of satellite maintenance.The Japanese government can only submit obediently.

And in fact, that's what I mean, Ida Jones means.She thinks that UNTR has been hit a lot, and if the Japanese fleet can accept the proposal and not continue to chase the Weishanhu, then they will not die.

"People et they re klle!" This is what Ada said coldly after seeing the battle report.

no Zuo no Die.Many people don't understand.

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