arms tycoon

Chapter 310 Encroachment, Invasion

2015, New Year's Day, ten thirty in the morning.

Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, is considered to be in the southern hemisphere. It stands to reason that in January, it should be summer, which is hotter than in July and August. However, Kinshasa is too close to the equator and is basically not affected by the Atlantic monsoon. Therefore, the weather here, coupled with the higher terrain, the tropical plateau is very tormenting.

Fu Ming chose to choose, but still cut off the influence of climate conditions, and chose the safest and most reliable place as the headquarters of Untr to build the Three Nuclear Heavy Industry.

In the central square of Sannuo Heavy Industry, many people gathered. The sun in the morning was so poisonous that people could not lift their heads up. With advanced ventilation and temperature control system, the temperature in the hall makes people feel very comfortable.

Almost everyone arrived at Trinuclear Heavy Industry according to the time of the reception, or three or five people, or a dozen people, forming a small circle, everyone held up their iced drinks and chatted, this untr partner exchange meeting, Covering more than a dozen countries and regions, more than 100 people were invited from all over the world. [

Of course, big figures like Carlos Heckindias, Chen Chuming, and Lin Mao must be present. In addition, Leng Jianbin, head of the Second Division of the Intelligence Department of the General Staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, was also present as scheduled. It sent a delegation to participate. The United Arab Emirates also sent a delegation headed by the president’s daughter for friendly visits and exchanges. Kim Jong-un is even more free and easy. The People’s Republic of Korea has a total of more than [-] people. Although the invitation list There are only three people's names, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo is the host, so naturally Ajax Rilling is the welcome guest of Untr. This qualification is enough.

What made Fu Ming very disturbed was that the Lebanese government did not respond to the invitation letter. He did not want to lose this very important partner. However, Fu Ming still did not expect that Ada Jones would actually be there. In fact, the American side There are people here, of course some important people, most of them are cooperative enterprises after Venezuela's post-war reconstruction, real estate companies and trading companies are responsible. Fu Ming invited these people only out of politeness.

The U.S. government did not accept Ida Jones' request to participate in this exchange conference as the Far East Intelligence Sub-Office. In desperation, Ada could only participate in this exchange conference in her personal capacity. At her request, Rambalal Also entered the hall.

Ever since the two of them got on Untr's special plane in Tokyo, they have been under the surveillance of Untr's security personnel, and their private communication has been strictly restricted. Even if they wanted to send out any intelligence or warnings, it was impossible. , there is no useful information here at all, all the buildings have no special signs, and there are no signs. Only the insiders know which building is used for. If outsiders don't go in, they won't be able to see it at all. After entering the hall, except for the enthusiastic smiles of the waiters in the hall, no one else paid attention to them.

Even the chief executive of a private American company that is doing reconstruction work in Venezuela just greeted them hastily without even showing a smile.

"Oh! We are so unpopular." Ada smiled wryly, and picked up a glass of iced champagne. The hot weather made her feel like she was about to die, and the already thick shirt seemed to be coated. The stickers were tightly stuck to her back with sweat, and she took a sip of iced champagne, blowing on the air conditioner in the hall, and then felt a little more comfortable: "Air conditioner is the greatest invention of mankind in the twentieth century. "She looked at the hall carefully. The crude iron walls were scalded by the sun outside, and they were obviously built temporarily. The bright red carpets and tables, as well as the lighting and music, were extremely professional. Ada could see that, The red patterned carpet under your feet is made of pure wool. Although it is not very expensive, the entire hall is covered with this kind of carpet. No matter how everyone steps on it, the band in the center of the hall plays an unknown light music player. , although Ada has no feeling for music, but one can tell that this is a professional level.

Speaking of the champagne in her hand, Ada licked the tip of her tongue. Just now, she only cared about the cold feeling, but she didn't taste the champagne at all. She didn't know that the half glass of iced champagne she drank in a big gulp just now was worth a lot. More than $100.

The enjoyment of extreme luxury is the embodiment of financial power, and it is the expression of the world's largest economic and arms alliance to show its power. Ada knows this deeply.

"No one wants to touch us." Lamba also picked up a glass of champagne, just took a sip, and immediately raised his eyebrows: "How expensive is this thing, Ada, do you know that he is looking for you? What means."

"I don't know? After all, he won't kill me here because he wants to. Maybe he will do something big today. He wants to invite me to watch me, and maybe he won't let me do anything." Ada Spreading their hands, they leaned against the table. The table was almost occupied by the two of them. There was no one else within five meters. Even the passers-by walked around, and everyone kept their distance from them.

Indeed, Fu Ming has a lot of things to do today. As soon as Ada finished speaking, the north wall of the hall lit up. At the same time, the lights in the hall began to dim slowly. As the background, state 3 began to appear. This is the rocket launcher in the Sannuo Heavy Industry Park, further south.

On this day, UNTR's second satellite, Zenith II, will be launched from here.

"Live broadcast of holographic projection." Leng Jianbin was talking with Lin Mao, Lin Jianping and Chen Chuming just now, and when he saw the image on the north wall, he was stunned: "This technology has actually begun to mature in Untr."

There are two people in charge of security in the venue, Xu Cheng and Song Jiahao. They all know that this technology is produced by Hongan Company, and it was slowly formed under the continuous debugging and modification of t-81192. The advanced technology is not only air projection, but also a large amount of data calculation and engine simulation, all of which require the help of artificial intelligence, biological brain and quantum computer.

The huge energy consumed by this kind of projection is supplied by nuclear fusion reactors.

Harry Cloud, Daisy Sparrow, the technology team led by the two, as well as the scientific research results of Red Coast Company, revealed doubts in this technology. UNTR is not a country, but an alliance, a sage Therefore, the development of science and technology does not need to make any decisions at all, as long as you have money, the execution is quite strong, which is why untr's technology is ahead of the world.

The huge rocket was ready on the launch pad, as if it was undergoing a final inspection. Leng Jianbin observed that even the busy staff on the launch pad were clearly displayed on the projection.

The appearance of the projection made everyone in the hall quiet for a while, and then started whispering. Although the hall is very lively now, Fu Ming stayed in his office.

Only Fu Ming has the authority to open this room, and Wayne Brad stands behind him. [

Under Wayne's correct command, Kim Jong-un won the second Korean War. After all military personnel of UNTR were withdrawn, Wayne also followed him. Today is also the day when UNTR's second conscription officially begins, as He, the chief instructor of recruits, must appear in the venue.

Fu Ming looked at the photos hanging on the wall, full of hesitation, the people in the photos are no longer in this world, Hussein Heikindias, Vasily Ivanovich: "Vampire" Alexander s Wellington, Fu Zhongtian, Chen Yun, Matt Adams, Fu Dong.

"Boss..." Wayne called Fu Ming in a low voice, and ended the ten-minute silence: "Everyone's sacrifice will be worth it."

"T and Jack are going to rest, and the second factory of Tri-Nuclear Heavy Industry on the Korean peninsula needs Xu Cheng and Song Jiahao to assist in the construction. Luther also needs to test the mass-produced general-purpose humanoid combat mech. The conscription here, I can only rely on you, Wayne, thank you for your hard work, our script is finally about to start." Fu Ming rubbed his temples, straightened his tie, and suppressed Untr to an unprecedented height. The economy is completely blocked, technology is not shared, and even the arms business and ordinary trade are difficult to do. Fu Ming is even thinner than a few months ago.

"It's all for untr." Wayne saluted Fu Ming and said forcefully.

There was a knock on the door outside the house.

"It's time."

Fu Ming turned around and walked to the door: "Miss T, I see..." He opened the door and saw Carianna. A trace of hasty sadness flashed through it.

Just a few minutes ago, Fu Ming knew that T needed to rest, but he didn't know what happened just now, Fu Ming always thought that T was still by his side.

"I'm sorry..." Fu Ming held the sad-faced Kariana in his arms, and gently stroked her long brown hair.

"I know you can't do without Miss T, I will do my best." Carianna whispered.

"Everything will be fine, don't be sad, it won't be bad anymore, after all..." Fu Ming pulled Kariana away from his body and stared into her eyes.

Karianna's flustered eyes finally stopped, and she stared at Fu Ming intently.

"After all, we are still very strong." Fu Ming said firmly and confidently.

At the same time, the People's Republic of China, the imperial capital, Zhongnanhai.

"President Xi, it's time to go to rest." A guard knocked on the door of Chairman Xi's office: "It's too late, please take care of yourself."

Chairman Xi has his hands behind his back, holding a white plan 138 reading book in his hand. It was discussed with Leng Jianbin a few months ago. The purpose is to absorb untr for his own use, but Bin was surprised to find that this plan had become waste paper. At the moment the plan just started, UNTR was no longer something that any country could control.

"Now, the untr exchange meeting has already started." Chairman Xi looked at the electronic map in front of him, which was marked with different colors, and untr's sphere of influence was marked in black, which included the entire African region , a large part of the Middle East, two peninsulas along the Mediterranean Sea, and most of Latin America.

"Yes, President Xi, the General Staff is conducting a comprehensive surveillance. They may launch a second satellite...everything is under our control." The guard sighed, walked to the copy of Chairman Xi, and looked at the copy The frightening electronic map: "untr, it is slowly eroding the world."

"It's not encroachment." Chairman Xi shook his head: "In one year, 30.00% of the world's regions are included in the sphere of influence of untr. They can control everything in these areas, including the life and death of everyone. This is not encroachment."

"This kind of speed cannot be called encroachment. They are using the fastest speed to invade the world."

Chairman Xi clicked on the Korean Peninsula on the map, and then chose a color, that color is black, ["_8929876"href"http:24475"ttle"arms tycoon"arms tycoon]"_8929876"href"http:"It looks good The first novel of [] arms tycoon 310

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