arms tycoon

Chapter 311 Mutations

More than two months have passed since Untr's cooperation and exchange conference. Fu Ming has already started his plan according to the script. The successful launch of Zenith II is very exciting, and the second conscription is still in progress. Although only two months have passed, more than 70.00 people have signed up, and the elimination rate is close to 7%. Therefore, there are only more than [-] people who can actually participate in the UNTR recruit training plan, but the recruitment is still going on, according to If this momentum continues, the number of new recruits that can be recruited in the second conscription plan far exceeds expectations.

Fu Ming had no choice but to order a second barracks to be built on the outskirts of Kinshasa to accommodate these newcomers. The conditions offered by Untr are very favorable, and in Untr, it is possible to go to war at any time, which makes people all over the world How can aspiring young people not be tempted.

Zenith II was successfully operated. Harry Cloud installed more useful things on Zenith II. The first and most important thing is the nuclear fission reactor. If Zenith II is not affected by any Influenced by external forces, considering its own aging problem, five or sixty years is still a small amount.

Perhaps for an arms alliance, world peace is not a good thing, because they cannot earn benefits through the arms trade, but for untr, this may be a good thing, because the purpose of untr itself is to To create a peaceful world, at the very least, Untr is not the original Fushi Trading and Transportation Company. Apart from the arms business, there are still other money to be made, but this is still beneficial, produced from Untr's military factory All kinds of equipment, whether genuine or counterfeit, can be assembled into Untr’s own troops. The Type 99 tank has also replaced the Type 69 tank and has officially entered service. Although the number is small and the cost is relatively expensive, as the backbone, Still enough.

Oil, daily necessities trade, the strong joining of the Heikendias Group and the Qianli Group gave Untr another way to survive. In Africa, there are only minerals. The local people don't know how to use these things at all. Fu Ming poured them all into Africa. With all my heart and soul, I opened up one industrial production base after another, and various necessities shipped from Germany and China by freighter also revitalized this dead market. [

Since the West began to colonize this place hundreds of years ago, the natural economy here has been greatly damaged. When Westerners no longer want to take care of this mess, this place has been torn apart by them. Man, this is not Fu Ming's way of thinking.

With so many sacrifices, so many deaths, what should be left to this land should not be only those bad things. Fu Ming sat at his desk and examined the next few cooperation agreements with the Republic of South Africa. .

"Resources, labor, everything needs money." Fu Ming muttered to himself, raised his head and looked at t: "Throw away money, first let this land abandoned by God come alive." He did not hesitate On the agreement, signed his name.

"Fortunately, the funds are running normally now, otherwise we would have to file an IOU with the Russian side." T put away the document that Fu Ming had signed: "Thinking about when UNTR started, the start-up capital is really unimaginable now scene."

"Isn't the most difficult moment already over?" Fu Ming nodded and smiled, "Is this just the beginning? To the whole world."

"Two months have passed, where is the first place?" T knew that Fu Ming couldn't help but be silent for two months. After everything was settled, the script would officially start.

"Japan, I've been looking at that place for a long time." Fu Ming said casually.

Carianna Soyce rushed into the office in a hurry, with beads of sweat on her head, and she was panting like she had just gone through a wild run: "Brother..."

"Don't worry, I'm tired of my sister, let's talk later." Fu Ming put down his pen, and then his phone vibrated, and a text message came.

"There's no time." Carianna handed the urgent report to Fu Ming, and then sat down on the sofa: "I'm so exhausted."

Before Fu Ming had time to check the text messages on his phone, he picked up the information that only had one page and four pages, and there were only a few short sentences on it.

After Fu Ming finished reading it, he put the piece of paper into the shredder, and then he checked his text messages, frowning deeply: "It's not good..." After he deleted the text messages, he picked up the With his laptop, he ran to the computer mainframe center.

The holographic projection screen in the entire computer center is broadcasting all the dynamics of this matter with rolling reports.

"What's the situation, I need information from all the media and all government spokespersons, give me the investigation report from China, and I need satellite pictures..." Fu Ming connected the laptop to the mainframe of the t-81192 biological intelligent brain.

"We are searching, it happened too suddenly, I still need a certain amount of time." 81192's voice came out from the loudspeaker.

"This is too bad for us. We must find out the culprit, otherwise we will never get away with it." Fu Ming took out his mobile phone. The impact of this matter was so great that even he was disturbed. He dialed Leng Jian Bin's cell phone, but the voice prompt was busy: "Damn it." Fu Ming threw the phone on the table viciously.

Meanwhile, United States of America, Washington, DC.

In the middle of the night, Ada Jones was woken up from the bed by a phone call. As soon as she heard the news, she immediately fell asleep. After hanging up the phone, she wanted to call Rambalal, but found that Ramba's cell phone was also busy. : "Looks like Ramba has also received the must go to the White House immediately." Ada took her pistol off the bedside table, checked the clip, and then put on her clothes twice, keeping the pistol away. Put it in the holster, hang it under the armpit with the shoulder strap, and put on the leather jacket.

In March in Yangchun, the temperature difference between day and night in Washington was still very large. After getting out of the car, Ada wrapped her coat tightly and took off her pistol at the guard's place. She met Rambalal in the hall. [

"How did you sleep last night?" Ada looked at Lamba's dark circles: "Excessive indulgence."

"Don't mention it..." Lamba sighed deeply: "I really don't know how this kind of thing happened. Do you think related to untr?"

Ada shrugged, and said with a so-called face: "I don't know, before the investigation results of the matter come out, I can't..." Ada said halfway, then changed her words: "I don't think untr can do this kind of thing , although I don’t know their real purpose, but I think they are not just a simple terrorist organization, at least, such things as mass harming civilians have not happened since the establishment of UNTR.”

"The position has changed, and you actually speak for our enemies. It's not good if this kind of words are heard by others." Lamba rubbed his head: "It's the middle of the night, so we can't stop for a while."

"Don't forget, it's daytime in Paris. I'm just discussing the matter. There is absolutely no other meaning. The existence of UNTR does threaten the interests of the United States of America and must be removed." Ada looked at the sky outside.

"Both, Mr. President is ready, please go in." An officer wearing a military uniform saluted the two of them: "Miss Jones, although I don't know what happened, Mr. President's expression is not the same. It's not very pretty, so..."

"Thank you for reminding me." Ada took a few steps forward in the direction he was pointing at, then stopped suddenly, turned her head and whispered, "To repay you, I can tell you what happened." Ada hooked He hooked his finger.

The officer put his ear close to Ada.

"Nuclear explosion in London." After Ada finished speaking, she turned her head and left.

The officer still maintained the posture he had just now, and watched the two people walk into the room dumbfounded.

The People's Republic of China, the imperial capital.

Leng Jianbin is also in a mess here. He just fell asleep and was woken up by the phone. After putting on his clothes, there were already military vehicles waiting outside the compound. He rushed to Zhongnanhai as quickly as possible. Chairman Xi was already in a confidential meeting The room was waiting for him, and there were many officers in different colors of military uniforms, and the glowing touch-screen table displayed the satellite image that had just been sent back.

"Is it really bad?" Leng Jianbin looked at the timeline. The pictures taken by the satellite were cut into photos at a frame rate of three seconds. The central London, which was originally safe, suddenly exploded, bursting out a large group of dazzling The flash of light slowly expanded and spread out in a spherical shape. The air waves generated by the explosion could already be seen on the satellite pictures, and all the surrounding buildings were overturned to the ground.

In the center of the sphere was a fiercely burning flame, as dazzling as the sun. After the air wave spread to a certain distance, even satellites could not capture the picture of downtown London. The picture turned black and nothing could be seen.

"This photo shows the scope of the explosion after the nuclear explosion. This is the most accurate one. Although I don't know the specific explosion equivalent, but according to the scope of the explosion, the degree of damage, and the way of the explosion, it should be Guys from the former Soviet Union, things may be worse than we imagined, this is a premeditated suicide terrorist attack, but, in exchange for a few lives, it is..." A young man pointed to one of the timeline A picture, said with his own glasses.

"Who are you." Leng Jianbin interrupted his explanation: "Where is your permission certificate?"

"Old Leng, he is from the Chinese Academy of Sciences." Chairman Xi only said this. The so-called Chinese Academy of Sciences is actually not the Chinese Academy of Sciences on the surface, but the Chinese Academy of Sciences within the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The research is all black technology, such as China's pan- Most of the technologies and designs of the humanoid battle mechs, the imperial capital class and the Great Wall class, were provided and researched by this department.

"Continue." Leng Jianbin nodded: "You mean, the nuclear bomb that exploded in downtown London came from the former Soviet Union."

"The end of the Cold War, the disintegration of the Soviet Union, large-yield nuclear and hydrogen were disassembled, but some small-yield nuclear flowed into the member states of the Soviet Union, such as Ukraine and Belarus, so... I think everyone should know who this nuclear is. ..."

"What do you mean kid?" Leng Jianbin broke out in a cold sweat. Although he didn't believe that Untr could do such a thing, the researcher in front of him was obviously saying that Untr bought this core from Ukraine. Yes, as for who to resell to...

Leng Jianbin lit a cigarette, signaled to everyone, and left the conference table. He went outside the door to pick up the cell phone that was stored, and dialed Fu Ming's satellite phone.

Fu Ming looked at the phone that was constantly vibrating on the table, and his heart suddenly turned cold: "Sister T, I feel that the guns of the whole world are now aimed at me." ["_8933193"href"http:24475"ttle" Arms Tycoon"Arms Tycoon]"_8933193"href"http:"A good-looking novel first published[]Arms Tycoon 311

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