arms tycoon

Chapter 314 The Second Assassination

When Fu Ming arrived in Birmingham and came out of the airport, he really realized that he was thinking too much.This country has suffered too much, no one came to greet him, and no one came to discredit him.The UK is on a state of first-level alert, the airport is also half closed, entry and exit are strictly restricted, and the exits of the airport are empty.And there were no people on the street, and the civilians were already very tired and panicked.

Because they don't know whether the nuclear bomb will explode in their city in the next moment.

Although the UNTR branch in London was destroyed, UNTR still has other offices in Birmingham.These UNTR members distributed in major large cities around the world are responsible for local intelligence collection and reception and security work when the main personnel of UNTR visit. T was previously the head of the untr branch in berlin.

Fu Ming got into the car that had already parked outside the airport exit, and turned on his mobile phone, trying to watch the local TV station through the cable signal.But obviously, the old bb no longer exists, and the current copycat version doesn't have much to look at.

"Don't bother, report control, report control." Ke Ke sat next to Fu Ming, poked his head to glance at the phone screen, and then sat upright without interest. [

Sure enough, Fu Ming watched for a few minutes in the car, only to find that what was broadcast on the TV signal was only the rising number of casualties, as well as the search and rescue situation, and various tragedies at the site of the nuclear explosion. don't talk about it.

"Outside the UK, these things have long been reported to the sky. But in the UK, reporting these things will undoubtedly cause panic and doubts. Sigh... Wayne must be very sad now." Fu Ming did not bring Wei with him this time. Enbride, although Wayne turned his head away after learning about this incident, and expressed that he hated this country and felt nothing about this incident, but in his melancholy eyes and frowning brows , Fu Ming still saw Wayne's thoughts.

"After all, this is the place where he was born and raised. How could he not miss his homeland?" Coco pulled the car away, and the sky had already started to drizzle, "This rain may also be related to the nuclear explosion. There must be fallout." She stuffed two small pills into her mouth. "Iodine tablets, take some, radiation protection." She handed the medicine bottle to T, and then to Fu Ming.

"You're really thoughtful." Fu Ming, Ke Ke, and T were all sitting in the back of the SUV, and Xu Cheng was driving the car, and Mo Bing was in the passenger seat.Hallucinations and other members of UNTR's Birmingham division were in a car ahead.

Xu Cheng just wanted to say something, but when he saw the car in front of him stop suddenly, he stepped on the brakes quickly. It was raining and the road was very slippery. The car slid for a certain distance, but finally did not hit it. "Damn, what's going on, it's not a red light, what are you doing when you stop suddenly?" Xu Cheng shouted into the microphone, the traffic rules in the UK are different, vehicles and pedestrians keep to the left, this has already It made him very upset.

"Obstacles." The auditory hallucination said while pinching the radio microphone. "I'll go down and take a look." The auditory hallucination also felt strange. After the driver of the car stepped on the brakes hard, he came back to his senses. Because he was not wearing a seat belt, his head almost hit the front windshield.

"Did you hit him?" Hallucination looked at the front of the car, the young man on the bicycle who fell on the ground, he quickly opened the door and got out of the car, trying to help the young man.

The man was dressed in sportswear, with a bicycle helmet on his head, and even the bicycle was a highway car, as if he was a cyclist.

"I swear I didn't touch him!" The driver also opened the door and got out of the car, scratching his head in confusion next to the hallucination. "Could it be that you met Pengci? There are such things in Britain!" He stayed in Birmingham for several months, and he never encountered such a thing.

"They stopped, ready to go, kill the first man out of the car, I hate that man." Ida Jones always remembers auditory hallucinations, which made her head have a big bag and hit herself with the head Dizzy man. "Not a gentleman at all!"

Just when the auditory hallucination was about to reach out to help the young man, the young man suddenly opened his eyes, took out his right hand that was under his chest, and took out a Magnum Eagle revolver.In the later stage of the Magnum Eagle revolver, Magnum Company released a 44 Magnum caliber model, which has a huge lethality at almost zero distance, and it is enough to be hit no matter where it is shot.If a shot hits a blood vessel or an internal organ, the powerful twisting and rotation will also shatter all the tissues that the shot passed through, and there is no effective treatment at all, and the victim will die within a few minutes.A few people with dark hearts will smear their heads with poison, and they will die if they hit them.If a shot hits the head, it's something to watch, the scene of the head exploding is very beautiful.

And this gun is the prototype gun of the "Desert Eagle" point 50e caliber.It is rare for prototype guns to be used up to now.After all, both the Magnum Eagle and the Desert Eagle are target guns and hunting guns, and few soldiers actually use them in battle.

The load capacity is small, the recoil force is large, the muzzle flash is also large, and it is very heavy and difficult to control.At a distance of ten meters, the Magnum Eagle can only hit people, not a few rings of the target.Its target is always only human beings.It can only be said that people who like to use this gun have a special preference for guns.

In any case, the distance between the auditory hallucinations and the young man is less than one meter.The auditory hallucination knew something bad was going to happen as soon as he saw the pistol, but he didn't panic. Now it was too late to hide, so he made a bold move.He didn't back down to hide from the hole, but went forward. He pushed the young man hard on the ground with his right knee, clasped the young man's right hand with both hands, held his wrist with his left hand, and pressed the right hand directly. The firing pin of the revolver.

This is a fatal flaw!The rear of the firing pin of the revolver is exposed, as long as the firing pin is held down, the pistol will not be fired no matter how the trigger is pulled.

"What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and let the car behind go first, let everyone in our car get off, don't stay in the car." The auditory hallucination vigorously folded the young man's arm, only to hear a click, the young man The person's right wrist was actually broken.The pistol also fell to the ground with a thud.

The frightened driver heard the roar of auditory hallucinations, and hurriedly gestured to the car behind him, completely forgetting that there was a radio microphone pinned to his collar.

"What's going on?" Fu Ming sat forward, but still saw nothing.

"It seems to let us go first." Xu Cheng looked at the driver in front and gestured, and underestimated in a low voice. "Please report the situation ahead, please call back when you hear it." [

Only now did the driver realize that he can just speak directly! "There's a killer, go!" he yelled into the microphone.At this time, the auditory hallucination had already kicked the pistol away from the ground, and pulled out a USP45 from his arms.He put a pistol to the young man's neck.

"Say something, or I'll kill you!" said the hallucination, while carefully observing the surrounding environment, the airport is in the suburbs, there are no tall buildings, and the surrounding houses are very low, it doesn't look like there are snipers look.

Ada Jones looked at the scene in the telescope, and her lungs were about to explode. Although the preparation time was only a few hours, it was carefully planned, but she did not expect that the auditory hallucination reaction would be so fast. "Forget it, let our protagonist come out today and force them out. Note, our first target is Coco Heike Indias. We must ensure that K is alive. Others say that if there is any hindrance, we can kill them directly!" Ai Holding the binoculars in his right hand, and the radio microphone in his left hand, he whispered.

"The blasting team understands!" A white man hiding at the corner of the road held down his earphones and gave a thumbs up to the person behind him.He adjusted the portable video receiver in front of him, moved the rocker on the control panel slightly forward, and a remote control toy car sped out from behind.

The image from the camera of the remote control car was directly transmitted to the screen of his receiver.What looks like a toy has terrible destructive power.Two kilograms of TNT explosives were strapped to this remote control car. Although it was powered by batteries, its top speed could reach [-] kilometers per hour, making it impossible for the enemy to respond.

"What's that?" T pointed to the back of the SUV car, the little thing that was fast approaching them.

Xu Cheng jumped out of the car, looked back, and quickly opened the rear door. "Get out of the car!"

Inexplicably, Fu Ming was dragged off by Xu Cheng and thrown to the side of the road. T and Ke Ke were also dragged off by Mo Bing and stuffed into a building beside the road.

Xu Cheng thought for a while, but he gave up the idea of ​​kicking this small car away. You know, this car is controlled by people, and they can see everything here. If he goes up rashly, the explosives that the car may carry will explode. .He didn't know how he died, he walked around and hid in a blind spot of a video camera on a small car-at least he thought so.

The great threat of the remote control car is that it can be controlled by remote control and can track the enemy's free movement. After capturing the enemy and entering the killing range, it will explode immediately.

But the operator of the blasting team didn't do this. He just followed Ada's instructions and drove the remote control car to the bottom of the SUV car. After all the people in the car evacuated, he pressed the detonation button.Although he didn't know why Ada Jones gave this order, he still carried out the order.

With a loud bang, the suv that Xu Cheng was in before was blown up more than one meter high, and then hit the ground hard, burning with flames in the drizzle!

38 Kanshuwang Haige) e

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