arms tycoon

Chapter 315 Fatal Mistakes

Just now there were a few civilians watching, watching the remote control car get into the bottom of the SUV car, but after the roar and flames of the explosion, almost everyone was stunned for a few seconds, and then ran away from here .

The shadow of the nuclear explosion gradually formed in their minds, as if in the peaceful streets of Birmingham, explosions are almost normal. The civilians are already psychologically prepared for terrorist attacks, but they are obviously not. Action and conditions ready.Nothing but escape.

What made them feel even more strange was that there was no policeman nearby, and even the call to the police could not be reached.Of course, Ada Jones did not notify the local police department in advance, nor did she discuss with the British government.If you ask them to communicate, then this action will definitely not be approved.After all, Fu Ming came here to help, and if something happened in the UK, the British government could not bear the responsibility.For the UK, whose capital London has been devastated, it can no longer bear more pressure from untr.

In desperation, Ada could only block the mobile phone signal in this area through high-tech means, and also cut off the wired phone signal.Of course, the range is not very large, only tens of meters in radius, but it is enough to buy time.Even if someone really succeeded in calling the police and the operation failed, the incident could still be blamed on the terrorists, who would not admit that they had resorted to any armed assassination attacks in Birmingham.

"Boss, find another way to get out of here first, you can't stay here now." Xu Cheng pressed the microphone on his collar, trying to find other attackers. [

But until now, except for the remote control car just now, and the young staff who had been killed by auditory hallucinations, no one came up.This made Xu Cheng feel a little uncomfortable. The longer the time dragged on, the quieter the surroundings became. He could even hear the sound of the burning car, the flames rushing towards the sky. "This is too strange. Take T and Miss Heike Indias to go first. Mo Bing and I still have an auditory hallucination pad." Xu Cheng pressed the microphone, and these words were obviously addressed to those untr members.

He didn't want these inexperienced people to stay behind and cover them. If there was a large-scale attack, not to mention casualties, Fu Ming would be in danger if they couldn't stop them.

After hallucinating and killing the young white man, he tried to turn around and start his SUV, but when he opened the door, he found that the tire had a hole and the whole car tilted forward.The two front wheels of the car have already been drilled into holes, and they have long been out of gas! "Damn it, there really is a sniper, where is it?" Hallucination got down on the ground and looked around, but there was no sniper.

But if this incident was done by an enemy sniper, then his head would have been worse than this tire!The auditory hallucinations couldn't figure it out, since there were snipers, why didn't they attack them themselves, instead of destroying the vehicle?

"Cross this street and walk about 300 meters further, you should be able to reach the downtown area!" Xu Cheng pointed to a road not far ahead, "They don't seem to want to cause our casualties, hurry up!" He tapped a member of untr on the shoulder.

The three untr guards stood next to Fu Ming, T and Ke Ke, holding pistols in their hands, bending over and looking around, the people next to them looked at them strangely, and the mobile phone couldn't get through.When this group of people approached the civilians, the crowd would automatically get out of the way and keep a distance from them.But no one stepped forward to stop them, because everyone knew that the six were the ones being attacked, and they had guns in their hands.

"Be careful, meet at the hotel." In this case, considering that T and Ke Ke are still here, Fu Ming has no intention of staying.He already had a rough idea in his mind. This attack was probably just a warning. If he wanted to kill them, the sniper just now had already done it. "We need a car!" Fu Ming said to the untr personnel beside him.

"When you walk to the downtown area, there should be taxis."

Xu Cheng, Mo Bing, and Hearing Hall all held pistols in their hands, and they also looked left and right at all the buildings and people around them. They followed Fu Ming not far behind, seeing that the enemy had no next move, and slowly Slowly began to move closer to Fu Ming, ready to retreat.

"It's time to go, suppress the lagging personnel, and don't let them follow! Make the next step." Ada whispered into the microphone. "Lamba, how are you getting ready?"

Rambalal tidied up his baseball cap. He is sitting in the car now, pressing the gear with his right hand, "Everything is ready, there should be no problem." He is now in the downtown area that Xu Cheng said .Although it is a downtown area, with this kind of thing happening in the UK now, few people are willing to go to crowded places, so it looks very deserted here, and there are not even a few taxis.The people here heard the explosion from a few blocks away, and looked at the smoking place suspiciously. They could only see the thick smoke from the burning car from a high altitude, and they didn't know what happened.The nearby patrolmen rushed over with their hats pressed, and there were also good-for-nothing people holding up their mobile phones to sell the news to newspapers and TV stations at the first time. Of course, more people just watched on the spot or called the police on their mobile phones.

Just when Xu Cheng and the others were about to turn around and leave, they heard gunshots not far behind.It was the sniper who launched the attack at the beginning. According to Ada's request, the sniper did not directly target Xu Cheng and Mo Bing, but the auditory hallucination.

It can be considered an auditory hallucination, and it's unlucky to have offended such a woman who shouldn't be offended.

The sniper rifle is equipped with a silencer, and the sound is like opening the cap of a beer bottle, with only a soft pop.But the sound of the child passing through the air still reached the auditory hallucination ears.

Being very sensitive to sound, he immediately realized the danger. Although he turned around hastily, the bullet still missed his head, and the bullet flew past his ear, a piece of skin was wiped off, and the torn The pain caused the auditory hallucination to frown and cover the wound, but the blood still flowed out from between his fingers. He quickly raised the 92-style 9mm pistol in his hand, regardless of whether the range could hit the sniper, he pulled the trigger as soon as he raised his hand, at least Just one sound can produce a certain deterrent effect, making snipers lose their aim to a certain extent!

This 92-style pistol uses a 9mm caliber, which is more powerful than the 58mm version.Under normal circumstances, in the Chinese People's Liberation Army equipped with this pistol, only cadres above the battalion level are equipped with the 58mm version, while other cadres and soldiers are equipped with the 9mm caliber version.The reason is very simple. On the battlefield, senior cadres hardly need to shoot. They have a pistol for self-defense. That is to say, the 58mm version is just a show. In terms of practicality, of course, the 9mm version has a higher muzzle velocity. Longer range.

Mo Bing pulled the hallucination to the back of a car parked on the side of the road, raised his pistol and kept shooting, while Xu Cheng also squatted down and hid behind the bunker, and also carried out cover design.

The crackling gunshots made the surrounding crowd even more panicked, and the terrifying sound made by the guns rubbing against the air made everyone's nerves tense.

Of course, even if the snipers were only more than 100 meters away from Xu Cheng and the others, it was impossible for them to be injured by pistols at such a distance.If there is, then it can only be regarded as their bad luck. [

Generally, a pistol can still hit people at a range of 20 meters, so the shooter's skills can be considered very superb, and he can still hit the target at a distance of 50 meters. No matter where he hits, he can be regarded as a sharpshooter. If you hit someone at 100 meters, it can only be considered that the person hit by the quilt is too unlucky.Because the sub of a general pistol flies about 150 meters, it will fall to the ground due to loss of power and speed.

However, the battlefield is not a shooting range. Being able to hit a target at a distance of ten meters from the shooting range does not mean that you can kill the enemy on the battlefield.

The shooting skills of Xu Cheng and the others are not low. At this distance, although the pistols did not cause any damage to the snipers and observers, the two people who stayed on the roof could clearly feel that the pistols were coming from their heads. They whizzed past, and some bullets hit their bunker, the cement was knocked off, and bricks flew horizontally.

"Save the medicine." Xu Cheng just poked his head out to check the injury of the auditory hallucination, when the quilt was pressed back again.

Many people holding fn sr rifles ran out from the houses on both sides of the road. There were about five or six of them. The firepower of the rifles was definitely a kind of suppression for Xu Cheng and the three who only had pistols.

These people were shooting almost aimlessly. Although the bullets did not penetrate all the steel plates of the car, they still made the car ping-pong. The sound of glass is endless.

"I hate the feeling of being pushed behind!" Mo Bing yelled angrily, but it didn't work.Taking advantage of the time when those people were changing the magazine, Mo Bing could only stretch out his hand and start shooting without any aiming.

But after the two bang bang gunshots, Mo Bing felt a sharp pain in his wrist, and the bullet of the sniper rifle flew past his wrist, and the pistol fell directly to the ground.

"Damn it! It's too bullying!" Mo Bing had a very bad premonition. "Are you going to hang here today? What about the British police?" He was very sure that the attacker was not British.

As soon as the words fell, two local police officers drove over. Seeing this posture, they could only draw out the pistols on their waists and hide behind the car door, holding their guns and loudspeakers, and shouting at the personnel.

"Drop your weapons and raise your hands immediately!"

A contemptuous smile played on Ada's lips. "Ignore them and continue to suppress firepower. Once the police shoot, give priority to beating those two idiot policemen into sieves!"

"Understood!" A man with a rifle changed the case and continued to shoot.According to Ada's order, they just suppressed the fire here, and if possible, killed the man named auditory hallucination.Therefore, they didn't take another step forward, but just kept shooting at the two cars, regardless of whether the guns could penetrate the car and hurt Xu Cheng and the three hiding behind the car.

Xu Cheng was just wondering, the enemy had superior firepower and snipers, and it was a matter of minutes to kill them, but why the enemy only cared about shooting cars, but didn't surround and strangle them?Now Xu Cheng can't control that much anymore, he didn't even dare to lift his pistol again, so he could only pick a place with the thickest armor on the car, hide behind the car, and listen to the creepy feeling of being hit on the car body the sound of.

As Ada expected, the two patrolmen did not dare to shoot. Their unashamed shouting was covered by the furious gunshots. No one knew what they were shouting now.The two policemen also understood that once they shot, they would be the first to die.In any case, two pistols, two people, are not enough to fight those few people with rifles.

Ada put down the binoculars in her hand and left the house. She had already seen that Xu Cheng and the three of them were too heavy to lift their heads. There was no need for her to stay here any longer.But Ada still held the radio in her hands. "Tell me K's position."

"They will arrive at the scheduled location soon." A man's voice came from the loudspeaker. "Do it?"

"Do it right away and proceed to the third step of the plan. Be sure to remember what I told you. Don't hurt K, we just need to catch Coco." Ada thought about it and added. "Others can be killed. After the capture of Coco is confirmed, the operations personnel planned for the first and second steps will evacuate immediately, leaving the wounded and dead bodies alone."

Fu Ming, T and Ke Ke, who were under the protection of three untr personnel, were only a few tens of meters away from the downtown area. They heard the gunshots from afar and yelled that it was not good, but they could only pray for the three of Xu Cheng in their hearts. I can't turn back. Going back now will only be a little more dangerous. Not only will I not be able to help, but it will cause trouble for Xu Cheng and the others.

"That's the sound of a rifle!" Fu Ming underestimated in a low voice. The three of Xu Cheng didn't have a rifle in their hands, so the rifle could only be in the hands of the enemy. He knew in his heart that Xu Cheng was under intense firepower.

"They'll be fine." Ke Ke looked at Fu Ming's frowning. "In Lebanon, they are not even afraid of tanks. The enemy's tanks can even grab them!" She grabbed Fu Ming's arm. "It will be fine, you should trust them."

"Hurry up and find a car." Fu Ming nodded to Ke Ke, and as soon as he finished speaking, a speeding car stopped not far from them. [

The people who got out of the car were the same as those officers, also holding fn sr rifles. As soon as they raised their rifles, the untr personnel moved Fu Ming, T and Ke Ke aside, and then pressed them to the ground.

Before the members could shoot, the three untr members took the lead in attacking, raising their guns and shooting.

The gun hit a person and fell to the ground.Convulsed due to severe pain, his right index finger pressed the trigger of the rifle, and the rifle fired suddenly. Under the action of the recoil, he leaned over, and the bullet shot from the ground to the sky, knocking down several people around him. Dazed civilians.

The others scattered and ran away hearing the gunshots, when the British police finally arrived.The heavily armed swt jumped out of the black armored vehicle, and was thrown to the ground by the personnel just after a face-to-face encounter.

The personnel pulled out a high-explosive grenade from the protective clothing and threw it directly under the anti-vehicle.The grenade exploded a few seconds later with a loud bang, and the vehicle was completely scrapped.The personnel seized the opportunity, while those in swt could only be injured and fell to the ground under the powerful rifle fire.

Even they only have mp5 submachine guns in their hands.

The three security guards of Untr were also injured, and the bullet pierced his abdomen. He was half-sitting on the ground and panting heavily, trying to hold his wound with his hands, but he no longer had the strength to lift his arms. Woke up.His companion grabbed him by the collar and tried to drag him behind the cover, but another bullet followed, and the rescuer was also pierced through the neck.

The two were lying together gasping for breath, but no one shot at them.As someone who has just entered the field, their performance is already very good.

Up to now, Fu Ming has already started to mutter in his heart.The enemy has very powerful firepower, and has a mobile remote control bomb. If you want to kill yourself, just drive the remote control car to the bottom of their suv without warning and detonate it.But the enemy didn't do that.At first Fu Ming thought it was just a warning and there would be no casualties.But the untr security personnel fell to the ground one after another, letting him know that the other party is not a fuel-efficient lamp, but wants to do real work with real knives and guns.

But with this kind of firepower, it was enough to press up, throw Fu Ming in front of him, and give him a few shots to end his life.The other party did not do so.

"Something came at me, what's the fuss!" Fu Ming yelled amidst the chaotic gunfire, but no one heard what he was yelling.He held back the last untr security guard.The security guard originally stayed by Fu Ming's side as a close bodyguard, but after seeing his two companions fell to the ground with serious injuries, he became anxious and wanted to go to the rescue.

Fu Ming pressed his shoulder and shook his head lightly.Even if the security guard went out, he would not be able to save his two companions, and he would be in danger himself, possibly dying.

Fu Ming saw a small road behind him, and at the end of the small road, there was actually a taxi parked. "There's a driver in the car!" Fu Ming quickly pulled up the t-shirt, handed her the pistol in his hand, and pointed at the taxi.

"Take Coco and go first, hurry up!"

"But what do you do?" T took the gun and looked at Fu Ming in a panic. "They're here for real! You can't have an accident, you take Keke and leave first, I'll stay!" T took out his pistol and returned Fu Ming's pistol to him. "Boss, let's go!"

Fu Ming was stunned for a moment, picked up Ke Ke who was protesting, and ran towards the taxi.

"Don't leave Miss T here, take her away, or we'll stay together!" Coco sniffed, trying not to let tears flow.

Although Fu Ming felt uncomfortable, he couldn't control that much now.He could only reach the waist of the landlord Ke Ke, almost dragging Ke Ke for a distance of more than ten meters.

The moment he was about to reach the taxi, two more people emerged from the corner, also holding fn sr rifles in their hands.

Fu Ming gritted his teeth, opened the taxi door, stuffed Coco in it, closed the door, and raised his hand to shoot.

But those two officers, after raising their guns and shooting at Ming immediately, returned to the corner instead, avoiding the shots from the pistol in Fu Ming's hand.

After Ke Ke got into the car, she was too worried about Fu Ming's safety and ran to open the car door, trying to pull Fu Ming in.But she found that after Fu Ming put her into the taxi and closed the door, the door was locked.

She looked at the driver in the driver's seat and shouted loudly. "Open the door quickly!"

The driver turned around and said with a smile. "Miss Coco Heike Indias, welcome to take my taxi." The driver is none other than Rambalal, who has never appeared before.

He had already been waiting here according to Ada's plan.

The first step is to force Fu Ming and their vehicles to stop and destroy the vehicle.The second plan is to separate Fu Ming from Xu Cheng and the others, and to suppress the three people behind the breakup, Xu Cheng, Mo Bing and the auditory hallucination.The third step is to force Fu Ming and Ke Ke to leave the war zone first.

In the third step of the plan, Ada Jones fully considered Fu Ming's psychological state. In the most critical situation, Fu Ming would definitely let Ke Ke leave here first.There was only one taxi here, and that was the one driven by Rambalal.

After Fu Ming saw the people who were chasing him, he would immediately stuff Ke Ke into the car and take cover by himself.As soon as the door was locked, Ke Ke was locked inside.Ada understood Fu Ming's cleverness and decisiveness, and carefully created such a situation.

Ke Ke was the only one in the group who didn't carry a gun.Ke Ke doesn't like to carry a gun, which is what Ida Jones has already figured out.Even with a gun, Lamba was able to put down the protective panel between the driver's seat and the rear seat immediately.

"The target was successfully captured, and all personnel can retreat!" Lamba said leisurely into the microphone. "I want to go back and take a hot shower."

Ke Ke looked at Lamba in surprise, and then slammed on the car door frantically.

Fu Ming was still wondering because the two men with rifles flinched, when there was a bang bang sound behind him.Coco was beating the glass desperately.Fu Ming didn't think much about it, he just thought it was Ke Ke who didn't want to leave by himself.But when Fu Ming went to pull the door handle, he didn't pull it.

Fu Ming immediately realized what happened.He raised the pistol, covered his mouth and nose with his left hand, turned his head to one side, and pulled the trigger with his right hand, ready to break the car door lock with a stick.But it didn't work, the mule just scraped off a layer of paint from the car.

But when Fu Ming was about to shoot the tires, the taxi opened like flying.This car has obviously been modified.

Fu Ming stood where he was, his hands trembling, he didn't know what to do, and he didn't care if there were people behind him.

"Miss Coco Heckindias, may I ask where do you want to go?" Rambalal turned around and said with a smile. "Oh no, I have the final say on where to go."

38 Kanshuwang Haige) e

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