arms tycoon

Chapter 319 The team of scientists

After receiving the order, all the workers in Sanhe Heavy Industry were mobilized. The production efficiency of Sanhe Heavy Industry has never been so high.

Harry Cloud is naturally the happiest person, because many high-tech military technologies with mature designs can be applied after this full-scale operation. As a scientist and designer, there is nothing more capable than this Excited him.

"Untr seems to have done a lot of things in the year after the construction of the Three-Core Heavy Industry." Qian Jin stood behind Harry Cloud. He was in charge of the computer center t-81192 in the Three-Core Heavy Industry. The daily maintenance work of the core of the artificial intelligence processor, Red Coast has made great contributions to the development of untr after joining untr.Although Hongan Company has always focused on civilian industries, civilian and military uses are inseparable.The development of high-tech will inevitably bring about the progress of new weapons, which is vividly reflected in Hongan Company.

Untr modified the Type 99 tank obtained from China. On the surface, it still looks like the Type 99 tank, but except for the main gun, everything else has been changed beyond recognition!

Harry Crowder's original consideration was that UNTR did not have its own diesel engine, and the Chinese would not provide what they developed, and wanted to go to Russia to buy it.However, the other accessories of the 99 tank, among the three-core heavy industry of Untr, are very cheap, and can already be mass-produced, and the scale is very large, but once mass-produced, such a large amount of engines, even Russia cannot afford it , and the price is very expensive.Harry saw that the situation was not good, and mass production was about to begin. This tank did not have a stable engine, so he came up with a bold idea. [

The tank will be driven by electricity, and the source of electricity is a small nuclear reactor.According to the research theory of the general-purpose humanoid combat mech, the nuclear reactor can already reach the size of a washbasin. The reason why it has not been installed on the tank for a long time is because this thing is really not very safe.

Because a tank is not a general-purpose humanoid combat mech after all, a single anti-tank guided missile may destroy the entire tank, causing the reactor to become unstable, causing explosions and nuclear pollution.The mobility and armor capabilities are not as good as the general-purpose humanoid battle mech, and the chance of tanks being hit is still very high.Moreover, the tanks act in groups. Once a tank is hit by the reactor and the driving part, the resulting nuclear explosion will destroy all tanks in the entire nearby area.It's too risky.

Secondly, the cost of a small nuclear reactor is too high. The cost of a general-purpose humanoid combat mech is around 3000 million US dollars.Small nuclear reactors account for a large portion of the budget.Tanks are going to be mass-produced, and even UNTR can afford this kind of cost.

But Harry Crowder still insisted on installing this thing on the tank.Because, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.In armored combat, nuclear reactors and electrically powered tanks.It will make the tanks better hidden in the dark, even with infrared equipment, it is not easy to find them.Since there is no internal combustion engine, there is no engine roar at all.This tank will be the mainstream facility for future armored vehicles.

The automatic fire control system of the tank, as well as the intelligent system, are works that Red Coast is proud of.The communication facility is the masterpiece of Daisy Sparrow.Although it is impossible to have a quantum computer on every tank, at least. Untr's tank troops have all realized quantum communication.Not only is the signal stable, the transmission distance is long, it is not easy to be interfered and intercepted, and even if it is intercepted, it is difficult to be deciphered.

Communication passwords encrypted by quantum devices cannot be deciphered by modern supercomputers in a few days.

Although the number of tank troops is small, the overall quality has reached the top of the world.The best tank, the best driver, the highest technology, even surpassed the United States.

"Yeah, I've done a lot." Harry Cloud turned around and smiled mysteriously at Qian Jin and Daisy Sparrow. "I'll take you to a place."

Daisy and Qian Jin glanced at each other, followed behind Harry in a daze.After walking out of the tank manufacturing assembly line workshop, the three of them got into a car, and the car started to drive westward. After leaving the newly renovated west gate of the Sanhe Heavy Industry Industrial Zone, Harry didn't ask the driver to stop.

The car drove for more than ten minutes until it reached the beach before stopping.The three got out of the car while the driver remained in the car.He knew he didn't have permission to enter the dock not far from the car.

"This is..." Qian Jin frowned. Although he has not been in UNTR for too long, he has the authority to enter and transfer all the confidential places and facilities inside the Three Nuclear Heavy Industry.However, he has never been to this place, this shipyard outside of Sannuo Heavy Industry, and he has never even heard of it.

Daisy also had a puzzled look on her face, but she didn't say anything, waiting for Harry Cloud's answer.

"You will know when you go in." Harry walked to the gate, and after showing his identification, he personally verified his fingerprints, iris and body temperature before he was allowed to enter.

Under the gaze and salute of the guards at the gate, the three entered the dock.

After Harry entered the house, he looked very skilled. He fumbled for the road and turned on the electric switch.

The fluorescent lamps flickered and turned on one by one, illuminating the interior space.This is a large shipyard, and under the steel plates under his feet, there is sea water, which is already a coast.

And on the huge sea level, there are densely packed iron frames, a total of six iron frames, and the things hanging on the iron frames are like submarines, but they are still empty shells.

Daisy was already mentally prepared to be shocked, but when she saw these things with her own eyes, she couldn't help being startled and covered her mouth. "Is this... a submarine shell?"

"These things have been built long before the establishment of UNTR. Using the very limited resources and financial resources of Fushi Trading and Transportation Company, they rented a dock in a port in Russia, and the workers signed a confidentiality contract. It took eight years. I just built these shelves, and it was really hard work when I think about it!" Harry chuckled, the shells of these submarines were well maintained, and did not become damaged and old due to disrepair. Looks like it's been serviced regularly. [

These things were built when Fu Zhongtian took control of Fu's Trading and Transportation Company.After Fu Zhongtian handed over everything to Fu Ming, he still personally issued an order to Harry to keep the shells of the six submarines. Now it seems that Fu Zhongtian really took great pains at that time and gave them to the future Fu Ming. Okay way.He knew that one day, Fu's Trading and Transportation Company, which is now Untr, will need its own military power.And this military force also includes the navy.

After owning World No. [-] and No. [-], as well as Yongcheng and Yonghe, submarines must also be built.It's just that the financial and technological strength of Fu's Trading and Transportation Company at that time was not enough to manufacture submarines alone.

It's different now, untr is a huge economy capable of mass-producing even general-purpose humanoid combat mechs.

"Manufacturing a submarine takes a lot of time, and the main process is the resistance of the shell and the silence effect of the engine. Other things are similar. Now, we have a perfect shell that can absorb sonar detection, It can also achieve the least resistance underwater, and the hardness is sufficient to resist water pressure when diving. As for the engine part..." Harry Cloud couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart, "Our controllable nuclear fusion research, It's been done pretty well. I think, at the very least, out of the six submarines, at least one has a fusion reactor, not a fission reactor."

"Oh my God, what kind of crazy organization did I join!" Qian Jin smiled wryly and held his forehead, "It's just that it's too late to regret it now, let's do it. If possible, I can do it in this six-month period." All nuclear submarines are equipped with an artificial intelligence control system, as for the fire control radar..." Qian Jin looked at Daisy. "Dr. Sparrow, I still need your help. I think you should know what effects quantum computers and artificial intelligence can produce..."

"The second 81192, don't even think about it. The biological brain is not easy to control, and it may cause problems if you make too many. You only need one of this kind of thing. If you don't need a biological brain, you can use the data of the quantum computer at will. , anyway, they are all untr’s resources, and I can’t enjoy them exclusively.” Daisy nodded, “Oh, by the way, it came with the 99 tank design, isn’t there a Shenguang weapon system?”

"Oh, look at my brain, I almost forgot." Harry quickly turned off all the electric switches here, and then walked out the door quickly, and the three of them got into the car again.

Harry looked at his watch, and then sighed, "It's okay, I didn't miss the time, otherwise the action plan will be delayed by more than 30 hours." He quickly took out his mobile phone and called Fu Ming.

At this time, Fu Ming had arrived in Hong Kong and was preparing to board the plane.Hong Kong is a city with relatively free news broadcasting.After leaving the military port, Fu Ming used the vp channel, but he was still chased and intercepted by many mainstream media.

Of course, there were only a few questions asked.Coco's death, and why untr didn't comment.Some people even dug up photos of Fu Ming and Zeng Xiaoting together, planning to gossip about Fu Ming's relationship.

When a person becomes famous, all kinds of positive and negative news come out.Unexpectedly, someone said again that Keke was disturbed after discovering Fu Ming's adultery with Zeng Xiaoting, and that's why he had a traffic accident.

However, these news are gossip after all, there is no need for UNTR officials to explain it at all, and it gradually disappeared after being passed around.Fu Ming didn't have time to pay attention to the journalists who were blocked by the guards. He walked out of the exit of the military port and got into his SUV.Then the phone rang.

"How long is it?" Fu Ming picked up the phone after glancing at the number. "Almost."

"For half an hour, we shot satellites, and finally we didn't need a guide!" Harry Crowder said. "Live broadcast, we must kill that Goddess of Aurora above! It's too uncomfortable to be stared at by them all day long!"

38 Kanshuwang Haige)s

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