arms tycoon

Chapter 320 Insurance

"Goddess of Dawn? Doesn't that thing only exist in legends?" Qian Jin blinked his eyes when he heard Harry Cloud's words. "Have the Americans really built that five-times-speed man-machine?"

After confirming the following matters with Fu Ming, Harry hung up the phone.The car had arrived at the south end of Sanhe Heavy Industry, and the three got out of the car and stopped in front of a wall.

This wall is all white, about three meters high, no different from other walls, but this wall seems to have no end in sight.Qian Jin ran around the left and right for a few meters, and then ran back, but he couldn't find where the corner of the wall was.

"When I walked from here before, I really didn't notice... Dr. Claude, what is this place?"

"Shenguang." Harry Cloud said mysteriously, then greeted the guards outside, and then calculated the distance.As he approached the wall, his right hand slightly approached a position on the wall, and a green light rose from the wall, scanning his palm prints. [

"Identity information confirmation, permission to enter, the authority is the highest." The mechanical female voice came from nowhere and said slowly, and then an automatic door suddenly opened on the white wall that could not see the gap.

Daisy Sparrow didn't find any sign of a door on the wall at all, and was taken aback by the opened door.And it seems that this endless wall is not a reinforced concrete structure, and the white color is not painted with paint.Daisy didn't go in right away, but wanted to reach out and touch the wall.

"Don't move, this is a very dangerous behavior." Harry saw it and quickly stopped her. "Wait until the door is fully open before touching it. Forcibly touching or destroying the wall, you will be injured by high-voltage current!"

"This is Shenguang? It's a bit different from the Chinese stuff!" Daisy was taken aback and quickly withdrew her hand. If she had touched it just now, she might have been pushed a few meters away by the high-voltage current and suffered a cardiac arrest. Then fell heavily to the ground.

"It's safe now!" Harry sighed, "Touch and see what this is."

Both Qian Jin and Daisy reached out to touch the wall. "This is... a superconducting material?" Qian Jin has been engaged in scientific research for so many years. Whether it is the core of artificial intelligence computers or robots, superconducting materials are widely used, so he only needs to touch it to know what it is.

"Let's talk while walking!" Harry raised his foot and entered the door.

The other side of the wall is different from the dock just now. There are fluorescent lights inside, and many workers are constantly busy.After seeing Harry Cloud and his party, they just nodded slightly and did not stop their work.

Because after more than ten minutes, the newly assembled "Shenguang" system is about to usher in its first test launch.The target is the "Goddess of Dawn" reconnaissance plane that is about to fly over the Three Nuclear Heavy Industry in ten minutes.

"My mind is a little messed up, wait a minute..." Qian Jin held his forehead. "All this happened too suddenly, too sci-fi, our technology has developed to this extent? Did the Americans really create the Goddess of Aurora?"

"Goddess of Dawn, was in service as early as the 80s to 90s of the last century. There have already been experimental models, and they have flown over China and the former Soviet Union more than once for test flights and reconnaissance. The rumors are quite good. But according to reliable Information..." Earlier, Harry had been staying in Russia, so he often had first-hand information on such matters, and knew things that ordinary people did not know. "The Soviets used laser weapons to interfere with the investigation of the Goddess of Aurora. In the early years, they also caused the navigation system and control system of the Goddess of Dawn to fail, and even crashed. It's just that the man-machine carried a self-destruct system, so whether it is Neither China nor the former Soviet Union has any usable information.”

"The flying altitude is close to 71 meters, and the speed is five times the speed of sound... The SR-91 Aurora, which replaced the old SR-2006 Blackbird reconnaissance plane, the US military has been denying its existence until [-]. Although a memorandum of understanding was signed for mass production a year later..." Harry explained slowly. "Five times the speed of sound means that no guide can hit this man-machine while it is cruising, and that altitude is not something that fighter jets can reach. In this case, the Goddess of Aurora is close to the enemy."

"Yes, it's a pity that we have Shenguang." Qian Jin nodded in thought, and he followed behind Harry, constantly observing the things around him.A large number of wires are neatly wound around the periphery, and the closer to the center of the room, the more computers and circuit boards. "Although this thing seems to be different from the divine light that the Chinese side said..."

"The power used by their divine light is produced by nuclear fission. Before launching, the power needs to be stored in a capacitive relay. Press the switch, and the power will be directly input to the laser system, unless the power is exhausted, or manually Turn off the switch, the launch process will be terminated. This design is flawed. In a short period of time, there is no way to control the power consumption. It is possible to miss a hit, but the power is dead. It takes a long time to restore the power reserve Time. And even if multiple power storage facilities are set up, it will take time to switch and miss the shooting opportunity.” After reading the Shenguang system planning form of the Chinese government, Harry immediately knew the major flaws in this system. And make rectifications on this basis, and return the rectification measures to the Chinese side.

This mutual benefit and technology sharing initiative has been well received by the Chinese government. In addition to the design drawings, they also provided a laser shooting system and a fire control radar system, and allocated part of the resources of the Beidou satellite to untr.

Things that the Chinese government can't test, can be carried out by UNTR, just like the Imperial Capital and Great Wall-level general-purpose humanoid combat mechs, UNTR will get the desired technology, and China will also get the desired experimental data.

"Then what is our secret?" Daisy finally followed Harry to the center of the room of the Shenguang system. "Do we have a way to circumvent the above defects."

"Well..." Harry smiled mysteriously. "You'll find out later."

"There are still 5 minutes until the launch time. Prepare for the final debugging work. Various departments have started to test the relevant equipment and summarize them to the information center!" Harry walked to the console, greeted the staff, and then looked at the countdown time, Raised the microphone. [

The sound spread throughout the room of the Shenguang system through loudspeakers.Neither Qian Jin nor Daisy thought that all the equipment of the entire Shenguang system was inside that endless wall.

Of course, this includes eight small controllable nuclear fusion reactors and 36 capacitive relays, and countless circuits and resistor boards are occupied.

Due to the rush of time, many wires were exposed.

"The reactor is normal, the variable power is sufficient, and it is within the controllable range. Start charging the capacitor relay."

"The capacitor relay is charged normally. It has received charging of 5.00%, 40.00%90.00, 110%[-], [-]%. The charging is complete, and the excess is within the allowable range!"

As soon as the voice fell, a wire with a diameter of more than 30 centimeters tied to the roof began to radiate electric arcs, and electric sparks crackled on the wall, swimming like a silver dragon, and the arc was absorbed by the wall of superconducting material ,Disappear.

"The No. 101 capacitive relay is overloaded, and there is an abnormality in the 308-90.00 line. After disconnecting the power supply, the accident should be ruled out and repaired immediately. The degree of completeness is [-]%. Three, we missed a launch opportunity."

"It's okay, just ignore the problem and suspend the work of the fifth capacitor relay." Harry clearly realized that now they don't have much time for maintenance and line replacement, at least the other capacitor relays can work normally.

"Confirm that the medicine is loaded, the insurance status is turned on, and the switch is complete!"

"Medicine?" Qian Jin felt something was wrong when he heard the voice from the loudspeaker.According to the original theory, the Shenguang system is a laser weapon, which uses the laser generated by electricity as the main energy source to kill the target object with heat and energy, and has no kinetic energy killing ability at all.Laser is the medicine of Shenguang system. "Is it necessary to drive the cannon or guide?"

"It's not..." Daisy looked at the busy staff on the roof of the room.Several staff members wearing protective clothing with insulating function are stuffing a semi-transparent cylinder the thickness of a cannon into the place where the eight capacitive relay lines are gathered.

That is a gap, below the gap is the circuit summary, and above the gap is the attack system of the Shenguang system, the laser generating and launching device. "Look, what's inside that cylinder."

Qian Jin raised his head and looked at the roof. The things held in the arms of several staff members were translucent. There are some small contacts distributed.These contacts happen to be able to be stuck in the grooves of the notch for circuit connection.

The more Qian Jin looked at it, the more he felt something was wrong, "Could this be...resistance wire? No..." Qian Jin pondered for a while. "It's a fuse!"

"That's right, it's a fuse. After several experiments, we found this metal material, which works the same way as a fuse," Harry said. "This is our magic weapon!"

Fuses, as the name suggests, are used for insurance.When the resistance wire cannot withstand excessive current and voltage, it will be automatically blown, so that the circuit will be disconnected to prevent the danger caused by electric shock and leakage.

And that translucent cylinder, the inner core, is a material similar to a fuse.Harry wanted to use this material to control the launch and stop of the Shenguang laser attack system.

At the beginning of the attack, an excessive current is input to the Shenguang system. After the current input, the laser system will generate energy, and use the laser to cause thermal damage to the target object.After the excess output, the fuse will be disconnected automatically. At this time, the remaining power will still remain in the capacitor relay, and the laser generator will also stop working.

If you want to fire again, just replace it with a new fuse.This system can reserve power to the greatest extent, avoiding the situation of multiple charging and one-time attack imitating and then attacking again.

Moreover, the shooting interval is very short, which is easy to cause damage to multiple targets.

"I really want to see how your brain grows! You can figure it out!" Qian Jin patted his forehead. This important issue in military science and technology can actually find the answer in daily life!

"The target has entered the scanning range of the fire control radar, at an altitude of 9000 meters, and is being tracked! Correct the trajectory, and the deviation is 30 seconds!" [

"Here we come!" Harry frowned and came to Radar. "I need the radar report and satellite report from the Chinese side, find that man and machine, and kill him with one blow!"

38 Kanshuwang Haige)s

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