arms tycoon

Chapter 328 Bad News

Yokohama, Japan.

The sky above the city of Yokohama is already filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke, and the smell is very strong. This smell is not from the Japanese f-15 fighter jets, but is constantly being hit by guided missiles in the sky, catching fire, exploding, and falling rapidly. caused by the j-8 fighter jets.

Under the violent impact of the j-8 man-machine, four f-15 fighter jets have been lost, and the man-machine attack shows no sign of stopping.

The Japanese Air Self-Defense Force's fighter jets are very limited, all of which are imported from the United States. Although they are all models that are close to being eliminated, it is better than nothing.

For fighter jets, it’s not that the Japanese don’t have related technologies, but as Fu Ming said, the technology tree of Japan has always been crooked. They have technology, but they just can’t make it. What is needed to develop fighter jets, It's not just technology, so even untr didn't develop their own fighter jets, tanks, or new rifles, at most they made magical changes on the basis of others. [

Therefore, every fighter jet of the Japanese Air Self-Defense Force is extremely precious, because it has to be continuously imported from the United States, and there are only dozens of them imported at one time. , the person in charge of commanding on land finally couldn't sit still, and he immediately ordered to retreat. After all, the urban area of ​​Yokohama was still very safe. He didn't believe that the Chinese dared to directly land and fight, which was considered an invasion of Japan's territory.

In his view, the dispute over the Diaoyu Islands will not lead to a large-scale war between China and Japan, but China's move is so sudden that there is no call or declaration of war at all.

Just when the remaining few f-15 fighter jets were about to return, the American plane was late, but it still arrived over Yokohama.

The high-speed maneuvering f-22 drew a beautiful arc over Yokohama, and it seemed that the heavy snow had changed its direction because of the arrival of these planes.

Four F-22 Raptor fighters loaded with guided missiles and cannons quickly came to the low altitude. The pilots above saw these groups of J-8 fighters and suddenly panicked. There are so many people on the other side!Playing with crowd tactics will also kill him.

But within a few seconds, he discovered that these fighter jets did not seem to find their crews. It is said that the distance is so close that they can be caught by the naked eye without relying on radar. The pod is completely enclosed and is not a transparent material at all.

"It's okay, don't be intimidated by their numbers, these are just man-machines." The pilot whispered into the microphone, then tentatively manipulated the plane, and said to the fire control operator behind him: "Prepare the machine guns, deal with these Things without brains need not be wasted."

"Get ready, let's get started."

The skillful cooperation allowed the two people to immediately understand what the other was thinking. The pilot gently manipulated the remote sensing, and the plane flew away from the formation and dived towards the J-8 man-machine in the lower sky.

After aiming for a while, the fire control operator finally pressed the button, and a string of bright red cannons whizzed out, sweeping towards the j-8 man-machines hovering in the low sky.

The cannon formed long chains like chains in the air, glowing crimson, changing direction due to inertia following the continuous swing of the plane.

Even so, those man-machines who didn't know how to dodge couldn't dodge these guns, and the guns crackled and hit a J-8 man-machine, the entire wing and engine were pierced, and the plane lost flames and smoke. Balanced, but it didn't fall at high speed, it just kept spinning sideways in the air.

The flames were particularly conspicuous in the night sky. The J-8 man-machine, which was flying sideways, lost control and hit another man-machine. It seemed that these man-machines departed according to the programmed programs of the automatic flight system. And there is no remote control by people on the ground or at sea, and they have no drivers themselves, so they don't know what evasion is at all.

The two planes that collided did not separate immediately. Instead, they seemed to be glued together. They spun together and fell to the ground. Another huge fireball rose from the place where the plane fell. A few seconds later , There was another bang, and Fu Ming even felt that the floor under his feet and the glass in front of him were trembling with the huge explosion.

Looking at the scene outside, Fu Ming couldn't help feeling tense. It seemed that the Americans were able to come so quickly because they had already made preparations, and the first batch of air strike teams seemed to have not had time to attack the US Navy and troops stationed in Japan. The attack on the air base, so there is a scenario of American fighter jets participating in the battle.

The two man-machines collided together. Fu Ming first saw a more beautiful and wonderful explosion, with flames and flashing fragments flying across the sky. A few seconds later, there was a huge explosion sound from the air. It was deafening and the sound of the explosion It echoed in the night sky for a long time, shocking the civilians hiding in the air-raid shelters.

At the same time, the Yokohama Ground Self-Defense Force air defense force finally arrived. The anti-aircraft infantry vehicles and anti-aircraft guns were all pulled onto the road and stopped on both sides of the street. machine, shouting something.

Finally, the positions of anti-aircraft infantry vehicles and anti-aircraft guns were set up in just a few minutes amidst the chaotic command. The commander gave an order, and the four-seat 127mm anti-aircraft aircraft on more than a dozen infantry vehicles opened fire instantly. Therefore, in order not to harm the Japanese and American aircraft in the air, they can only choose to fire at the densest place of j-8 fighter jets.

The strings look like fluorescent dotted lines in the night sky, and this kind of dotted lines actually have a golden light. [

The anti-aircraft guns are constantly firing in a very rhythmic manner. Although the 47mm caliber guns are not powerful, they are still effective against personal aircraft. , even if the anti-aircraft guns have fallen behind and are close to being eliminated, it is still possible to attack large-scale transport aircraft and man-machine attacks.

The cannon exploded in the j-8 man-machine group, even if it did not hit the man-machine, the fragments produced by the cannon explosion were enough to kill these man-machines.

After all, other places, such as Tokyo, Nagoya, and Kanagawa, all need a lot of air defense missiles, because there, j-15 and j-31 fighter jets are entering the sky above the urban area, frantically attacking all bases facilities, industrial facilities, military installations for air strikes.

J-8 fighter jets were constantly shot down by anti-aircraft infantry vehicles and anti-aircraft guns, as well as American fighter jets, and one after another fell down.

The location where the air defense position was erected was not too far from Fu Ming's place. Fu Ming even saw several man-machines land on the air defense position when they fell. It was too late to evacuate the cannon, the falling plane was braving fireballs, and hit the ground straight, with a loud bang, an infantry vehicle and several soldiers beside it were immediately buried under the ruins, and the four-seat high-altitude fire The machine gun suddenly misfired, and the soldiers were buried dead without even making a scream.

Around Fu Ming's residence, a group of men in casual clothes were hiding in a corner, smoking cigarettes, and looking at the door of Fu Ming's room from time to time.

Although the curtain was drawn, it could be seen that the lights were on inside.

"Leader, we are really at war and being invaded now! China and Japan will have such a day sooner or later." A member of the cabinet intelligence room threw away his cigarette butt, and then stepped on it with his heel : "Tell me, does this matter have anything to do with K?"

"I don't know, if it has something to do with him, then why did he arrive in Yokohama himself? This is a dangerous war zone!" The team leader looked at the scene of the sky with a sad face, the sound of continuous rumbling explosions, and that The explosive flames comparable to lightning reflected his wrinkled cheeks: "Just watch him carefully. Since this war is unavoidable, let him come early. The only thing we can do now is this." It's..."

Fu Ming just watched all this without any expression on his face. He looked at his personal mobile phone, and there was no signal at all, but at this moment, the satellite phone rang.

"Uncle Leng, the Second Division of the General Staff's Intelligence Department is still in charge of fighting." Fu Ming looked at the number, answered the phone, and said with a smile: "Things are not going well! The resistance of the Japanese is stronger than we imagined." quick."

"There must be the participation of Americans." Leng Jianbin's tone was very relaxed. Even after knowing these things, he didn't care too much, as if everything had been settled long ago: "I really don't know why you Must go to Yokohama."

Fu Ming smiled lightly. On the surface, he only wanted to hunt down Ida Jones and Rambalal, but in fact, he just arrived in Yokohama through this interface to escape responsibility. What he escaped was the key to this war. Responsibility, personally experienced the battlefield, almost no strict guards, and waited until the war broke out. It seems that after arriving in Yokohama, it happened to encounter China's war against Japan, rather than untr's deliberate planning.

This is also the reason why Ida Jones and Rambalal were let go so easily, otherwise Fu Ming would not let them leave easily.

"It's fine if you don't say it. Lebanon is also fighting. Your synchronization rate is quite high. Untr takes care of two battlefields at once. This should be something that has never happened before."

Fu Ming agreed, except for the last simultaneous war between Venezuela and Syria, he had never done this kind of thing before. Furthermore, last time in Syria, it was just a small-scale battle, and there was no war at all. In the fight, the Americans were let go instead. Is it really a bit difficult to control the two battlefields of large-scale battles? "I believe I can do it."

"I just believe that it's not enough. Your personal mobile phone can't be used anymore. It will take some time for the three nuclear heavy industries in the headquarters of UNTR to collect the data, so I'll just tell you what the Beidou satellite saw. This is bad news. The Americans got involved in Lebanon."

Hearing this, Fu Ming's face suddenly darkened: "Here in Yokohama, you have also suffered a lot?"

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