arms tycoon

Chapter 329 Temptation and Conspiracy

"Yokohama." Leng Jianbin's tone didn't change in the slightest. He chuckled, and then explained to Fu Ming using this not-very-secret satellite signal line: "The man-machine in Yokohama is just a tentative attack. We do not want to completely turn Yokohama into a dead city, a large-scale man-machine attack will attract the attention of the US military and the Japanese Air Self-Defense Force, and our real targets are naturally those extremely threatening military installations."

The reason why Leng Jianbin was able to explain this matter to Fu Ming on this line was because this matter did not need to be kept secret at all, because even if the Americans or Japanese tapped this line, they would not be concerned about the matter. As a result, the Air Self-Defense Force and the US fighter jets have already taken off and arrived at the battlefield. Not only Yokohama, but even Tokyo, Osaka and other cities have been attacked by man and machine.

Fu Ming looked at the starlight caused by the firing of those anti-aircraft artillery and machine guns outside, and finally smiled: "So it's like this..." After thinking about it, if his satellite phone was really monitored, then he would suffer in Japan. At the time of the attack, he was on the phone with Leng Jianbin. Didn't it reveal that Untr was related to China's attack on Japan this time?

Fu Ming could only smile wryly and shook his head. It seemed that his intention to conceal this could no longer be hidden: "I think I need to leave Yokohama as soon as possible. After all, I have other things to do."

"Ada Jones." Leng Jianbin asked, but he didn't get an answer from Fu Ming, even if Fu Ming acquiesced: "You should stop thinking about that woman now, she is in the US headquarters, she looks like Before the war between Japan and Lebanon is over, I will not leave the United States for half a step." Leng Jianbin snorted coldly: "No matter how good a spy is, he is also afraid of death, oh yes, the matter of Keke Heike Indias... ...don't be too sad."[

Fu Ming swallowed: "When will the People's Liberation Army be able to land."

"It will take two more days. The American Pacific Fleet dare not come over." Leng Jianbin suddenly thought that in Yokohama, there are still intelligence agents from the General Staff. If Japan fishes it out, at least let Fu Ming stay on the Korean peninsula first: "Keep your current position, I can find a special agent to meet you, no matter what method you use, you will definitely leave this place before noon local time." Ghost place."

Fu Ming agreed, he had a few polite words with Leng Jianbin, and then hung up the phone. He knew that the US fleet was now heading to the Mediterranean, because Lebanon there was also under fierce attack by UNTR, Lebanon, Japan, and the United States It is impossible for a person to give up any place. If you give up Japan, the mainland of the United States will be exposed to Chinese missiles and ships, and giving up Lebanon means giving up the entire Middle East and compromise with the UNTR.

After all, the current Middle East is no longer a place where the Americans could run rampant a few years ago. The conflict between Pakistan and Israel has already eased, and the two sides signed a ceasefire agreement under the influence of UNTR. The US and NATO troops stationed in Iraq are also Withdrawing a few years ago, although it left a mess, it is nothing to untr. After all, untr is an economy, not a country. Americans will only cause destruction, but untr will rebuild. This is the difference between a terrorist state and a terrorist economy.

Of course, this behavior of wiping Americans' butts made Fu Ming very uncomfortable. Apart from Untr's huge investment, he controlled most of the oil fields in Iraq, and the price of crude oil was affected by Untr to some extent. , The several financial turmoil and economic wars launched before this were all based on the oil fields in the Middle East.

In a sense, the Americans have no foothold in the Middle East except Afghanistan, and they have to save face here, so they chose their target, Lebanon.

But the partner chosen by the Americans is too inferior. As a religious and ethnic extremist party, the current Lebanese ruling party obviously wants to use the resources of the Americans to complete its own unification plan, and then carry out anti-American, but Throughout history, almost every regime that has attempted to do so, including Al Qaeda, including the Taliban, including Saddam's regime, has been destroyed by their former founder and supporter, the United States.

But this time, it was not the Americans who wanted to destroy them, but Untr. Before they had time to oppose the United States, Untr had jumped out and carried out a large-scale military coup to put the country back on track. This is Black Lippedal's last wish, this is an agreement between Fu Ming and his friends and partners, at least in his opinion.

It was almost five o'clock in the morning. If it were summer, the sky would have already brightened up. The sky is still gray. Just for a while, outside the house, there are only a few J-8s in the sky left. The planes disintegrated directly in the air, and the disintegrated planes burned into big fireballs with thick smoke, and fell straight to the ground, and then exploded on the ground with a bang, and disintegrated again, leaving only or directly Uncle refused to disperse the traces of thick smoke that slanted or slanted in the sky.

The snow has gradually stopped, and most of the snow on the ground has melted because of the fierce fighting. Yokohama, the grave of the j-8 man-machine.

Whether it's on the roof, on the street, or in the middle of high-rise buildings, on the bridge, in the river, in the parking lot, or in the stadium, there are fragments of man-made aircraft. The entire urban area of ​​Yokohama seems to have been bombed, with thick smoke everywhere. and flames, but these smoke and flames are emitted by the wreckage of the plane.

The people had already hid in the air-raid shelters in the middle of the night, so this air defense battle did not cause many casualties, and most of them were soldiers and policemen on land. The attack effect was not very satisfactory.

However, according to Leng Jianbin, this was just a temptation, to cover up people's eyes and ears, so Fu Ming didn't worry anymore.

After the night passed, he felt very tired, but he knew he couldn't rest now, because he didn't know when the agents of the General Staff Intelligence Office would come to pick him up, and he didn't want to be picked up by Xu Cheng in a daze and run outside .

Beirut at this time is similar to the situation in Yokohama, but because of the time difference, Beirut’s time is already in the evening, and the sky is gradually getting dark. In the low-latitude areas along the Mediterranean Sea, it’s still very late, with a touch of red Xia gradually emerged from the western sky, adding a strong color to the city in the smoke.

The urban area of ​​Beirut, except for the occasional gunshots and explosions, seemed very quiet, as if there were no residents here, but in fact, the gunshots and explosions covered everything, including the screams of the injured and cry bitterly.

Luther Alex parked his Suzaku on the roof of a high-rise building. He was not afraid of any attack, because even the entire Beirut province had no trace of the Lebanese government army.

He opened the hatch of the cockpit and jumped out, leaning on the red feet of the Suzaku class. The vector jet injector has been modified, and the outer armor is more resistant to heat. Only when it is sprayed will it generate a high temperature enough to melt the tank's depleted uranium armor.

He took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, and then touched one end of the cigarette to the nozzle of the vector injector. The blazing high temperature instantly made the other end of the cigarette smoke, and Luther quickly withdrew his hand. , He was afraid that if he stretched out his hand close to the nozzle for too long, he would burn his hand. [

He sucked a few cigarettes vigorously, looked at the sunset glow in the western sky, blew out a smoke ring, and said to himself: "The things here are finally coming to an end."

His eyes slowly focused, shifting from the sunset to the central square of Beirut in the distance.

On the square, more Suzaku-class general-purpose humanoid battle mechs gathered. The pilots had already jumped out of the cabin, breathing the not-too-clean air full of gunpowder smoke. Compared with the dullness in the cabin, this was already It's very good. They may chat and laugh in groups of three or four, or they may be alone looking at the sky and the surrounding scenery in a daze. Luther knows that their hearts are not in a good mood. If they observe carefully enough, it will be obvious The problem is that the number of Suzaku-class general-purpose humanoid battle mechas gathered in the square, even if Luther Alex is added, the total number is far lower than what they just got from World No. [-] and World No. [-]. Quantity at takeoff.

Because the bitter battle before the Lebanese inland sea and Beirut port cost them a lot, Luther threw away the cigarette butt and returned to the cockpit. He was not in a hurry to start the Suzaku class again, but closed his eyes. Want to take a break.

But as soon as he closed his eyes, the battle a few hours ago resurfaced before his eyes.

Luther did not close the communication facilities, but only temporarily stopped the engine. He heard the news from the army entering Lebanon from another direction, the border between Syria and Lebanon.

"This is the UNTR ground force, the No. 015 command vehicle of the vanguard, may I ask if Beirut has been captured, and who is your supreme commander there?" This message occupies the public channel of UNTR, in the area of ​​the Lebanese theater Inside, everyone can hear this message, as long as he is equipped with radio or satellite communication equipment.

Since everyone in the Suzaku-class formation knew that Luther was still alive, no one answered, waiting for Luther to answer by himself.

The voice in the earphones was not very clear. Luther listened with his ears upright before he could understand what the other party meant: "This is Luther Alex, the Suzaku-class formation. It is confirmed that it has arrived in Beirut. The airframe formation is in the territorial waters of Lebanon." There was fierce resistance, but Beirut is already under our control." Luther felt that this war, except for the fierce battle over the sea, seemed a little too simple.

Before entering Beirut, he had already made preparations. Beirut's resistance was many times greater than that at sea.

However, after the Suzaku-class formation entered Beirut, they only encountered sporadic air defense attacks, only some imitations of fn-6 individual air defense missiles, chasing after their tail flames, but how could such air defense missiles It hurt the Suzaku class.

"Sir." Hearing that it was Luther Alex, the people over there immediately became respectful: "I request you to evacuate Beirut city as soon as possible, the sooner the better."

"Why." Luther was puzzled for a while. After so many brothers died, so many troubles, and so much hard work, he took control of Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, in his hands. Now he is going to evacuate. With the arrival of ground troops and the arrival of tanks in Beirut, the change of regime can proceed naturally.

"The ground troops have been severely blocked. Three Thors have been lost. The tank troops are blocked and can't move forward. We are going to the surrounding Beirut province at the fastest speed." The people over there are right, Luther can even Judging from the noisy sound from the earphones, it was being violently blocked over there, and the sounds of explosions and bullets flying by could be heard endlessly.

Luther even speculated that the Lebanese government army sent out all the troops originally used to surround Beirut to block the ground troops of Untr, so they could capture Beirut so easily.

"Apart from this, we also found some other things..." The voice of the commander over there became weaker and weaker.

"Say something quickly, don't talk about it." Luther was already a little impatient.

"We seized a box. On the outside of the box, there is a pattern of careful ionizing radiation, but the inside of the empty." The commander's voice became cold: "If it is really that thing, it is very likely Just hiding in Beirut, ready to take us all at any time, including this Beirut and everyone in Beirut."

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