arms tycoon

Chapter 342 Full Attack

Fu Ming was accompanying Zeng Xiaoting to the large underground supermarket in Xidan, the imperial city. The long-term fast-paced and high-stress life made Fu Ming feel that he was almost out of touch with the whole real society, and he was involved in things like nuclear explosions and aggression all day long. Going around, although the arms business has stabilized and the scale of production has taken shape, there are still many things to worry about.It's just that Fu Ming is more willing to leave these things to cat or Karianna to do, and to sneak in a favor by himself.

But the world doesn't seem to want him to be idle.In fact, it seems that it is not impossible to want to be idle, as long as you leave it alone, untr can continue to run normally, but the script lacks core characters and cannot continue. Fu Ming will not let this happen.

Now Fu Ming was wearing dark sunglasses, got a peaked cap from somewhere, and was dressed in casual clothes, which didn't look so tight.Walking with Zeng Xiaoting like this, I feel a lot more relaxed, and temporarily forget the troubles in my heart.

"It seems that we still need to get in touch with this society more, or we will become crazy!" Mo Bing, who was walking in front, took a look at the auditory hallucination.

The auditory hallucination also nodded in agreement. "The salary is so high, and the flowers are not localized, so I can spend a few laps with the boss..."

Xu Cheng was dissatisfied, and said with a gloomy face, "I came out to protect the safety of the boss and Ms. Zeng, not to let you go shopping!" As a soldier, Xu Cheng was not interested in these things, and just watched the surrounding situation meticulously. , whether there are suspicious persons.There were no suspicious persons, but Fu Ming's ass was followed by a string of tails. It was roughly estimated that there were four or five people. They were all members of the general staff. Even though they were hidden in the crowd and followed Fu Ming in batches, there were still traces. to be found.

"Forget it, Lao Xu, don't always keep a straight face. We won't be in any danger in the imperial capital. CIA is too busy to take care of themselves in Japan. They are not bold enough to make trouble in the imperial capital." Fu Ming smiled and led Zeng Xiaoting He walked slowly with his hands, as if taking a walk, very comfortable.

When they walked to an electrical appliance store, they found that there were a large circle of people there, with three floors inside and three floors outside. Could it be that there was some activity in the store?Fu Ming was puzzled for a while, could it be some kind of store celebration?Free stuff?Fu Ming shook his head, anyway, he was shopping, and he didn't have to buy things, so he might as well go up and join in the fun.

"Go, go over and have a look!" He dragged Zeng Xiaoting into the crowd, and it took a lot of effort to get to the front.It turned out that the electrical appliance store had placed a row of smart TVs outside, and the TVs were broadcasting the news on the hour at this time.

"News?" Fu Ming leaned forward, the TV was turned on very loudly, so he could still clearly hear what the female announcer inside said.

"Earlier today, President Xi Jinping inspected the flagships of the three major fleets of the navy that are heading to the Japanese archipelago through an online video conference. The sovereignty of the motherland, the integrity of the territorial waters and the integrity of the territory and the territorial waters should be the greatest contribution! One hour ago, the State Council and the Central Military Commission unanimously adopted the declaration of war against Japan. This practice violates and damages China's national interests, is an act of aggression that undermines the friendly and peaceful relations between China and Japan, and hurts the feelings of the Chinese and Japanese people. Resolutely fight back with all methods and means!"

"We are ready for all battles, and we are always ready to dedicate ourselves to the motherland and the people. Please rest assured that the people of the motherland will fulfill their mission..." The commander-in-chief of the fleet appeared on the TV screen, speaking at the press conference.

As soon as the words fell, there was a sound of shutters under the stage. The flashlight did not make the middle-aged man in the navy uniform blink his eyes. !

After the news was broadcast, the crowd around whispered and dispersed on their own. The war did not have a big impact on the lives of the Chinese people, and the rise in prices was within the acceptable range. Fu Ming could only look after himself. With a wry smile.

For a country like China that has half a foot into the threshold of a superpower, it will naturally not cause pressure on the lives of the people because of overseas wars.You must know that once the pressure of life is too high, the people will question the correctness of the country's decision-making.

When the Americans went to fight in Afghanistan and Iraq, they would rather borrow money from the Chinese government than squeeze anything out of their citizens. This is the reason.Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it. If the enemy is not defeated, the country will be in chaos first. This is not acceptable.

Fu Ming could only wipe off his sweat. After all, Untr is very rich now, but it is still not as good as China, which is half a superpower. Hundreds of billions of RMB are thrown into the hole of the desperate war, almost to fill that hole. full! Untr is now fighting a large-scale war, and the money and resources it consumes have caused Fu Ming a lot of pain. Fortunately, their main power has now become a nuclear fusion reactor, using seawater to purify tritium as a reaction raw material. Technological breakthroughs have made this energy With almost no cost, Fu Ming could breathe a sigh of relief.If Untr's energy is still dependent on oil, then the few oil wells given to him by Sohowy Ben Justin and Eva de Franco are not enough to squander at all!

These oil wells can only be used by tanks, fighter jets, ships and general mission vehicles in the untr, and maintain a part of the production loss.

Whether it is the war in the United Arab Emirates or the war in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Fu Ming is a beneficiary and has huge profits.In short, untr is similar to the previous iadc, they all make money through war.

It's just that the method used by iadc is the sale of arms, while the method used by untr is the sale and purchase of wars.Of course, untr also has to pick buyers.

Fu Ming knew that, according to the consistent tradition of the Chinese military, as long as such so-called "resolutely fight back" news came out, they would definitely be ready to kill, and the time of action must be earlier than the time when the news was released.Sure enough, as soon as the crowd dispersed, the satellite phone vibrated.

He raised his hand and saw that it was a call from cat.In the People's Republic of Korea, she took over Song Jiahao's work so that Song Jiahao could return to UNTR's headquarters and spend time with his wife and children.

"The landing ships of the People's Liberation Army are divided into five directions. With the cooperation of the Air Force and other combat ships, they are bound for Nagasaki, Matsue, Fukui, Xinhong, and Akita, five port cities on the west coast of the Sea of ​​Japan. In addition, a submarine formation is starting from the southern part of Kyushu Island. Passed, it seems that it is going to go around Yokohama and Tokyo. Those submarines are going to give Tokyo and Yokohama a taste of missiles." Cat said playfully.

"Are you in Kaesong now?" Fu Ming agreed and asked. "How is the progress of the second factory of Sanhe Heavy Industry?"

"How can it be so fast! Prioritize the construction of the soldier station. The soldiers in Kinshasa can't live in tents all the time. It's better to have soldiers on the Korean peninsula." Cat paused, "I'm in Busan. Kim Jong-un's invitation, It seems that the new North Korea has also received a statement from the Chinese government, either to join the war, there will be benefits, or to stand aside, in short, just make trouble."

"Kim Jong-un can't be idle..." Fu Ming shook his head with a smile, "The war between New Korea and Japan was prevented in order to allow our script to start with Japan first. It's just that Blakely died, and Lebanon's That side has held back too much of our energy, so we can only let China conquer it, anyway, I don’t like this place in Japan very much... let’s give it to them. What’s the situation with the garrisons on Jeju Island and Busan now?”

"All ports and airports on Jeju Island are open to Chinese ships and aircraft. Some of the People's Liberation Army landed on the island and directly took over the airports and ports above! There was no obstacle at all. Jeju Island and Busan are too close to Japan. If Put the bomber at Busan Airport, and it can bomb the Japanese eight times a day! You won’t be tired!” The more cat said, the happier he became. "Enough for the Japanese to drink a pot..."

"War will kill people, why are you so happy, I don't remember how much hatred you have for the Japanese?" Fu Ming changed the topic and said with a teasing smile.

"Why is there no hatred? Go to Tokyo, go to Yokohama, there will always be the tail of the cabinet intelligence room behind me. I even suspect that they are watching me when I take a shower. How dare you fucking peek at my mother taking a bath! Kill them!" light!"

Fu Ming burst out laughing, so it was because of this!He sorted out his mood. "So, the Chinese warship didn't go to Okinawa?"

Cat was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Fu Ming to ask this question, "I don't know either. Kim Jong-un very generously shared with me the files that China gave him. The above things are very limited, except cooperation or cooperation, there is nothing of value Instructions on the direction of attack. The deployment and landing location of the ship just now was calculated by t-81192 based on the Beidou satellite photos shared by China. As for Okinawa... it seems that no fleet has been sent there, which is strange... ..."

"There's no need to be surprised. Okinawa is already China's, so why use it?" Fu Ming smiled contemptuously. The Japanese made calculations, but the Chinese still tricked them.

As early as when the Diaoyu Islands incident was in full swing, Okinawa has been fighting for independence, either for independence or for merging into China or Taiwan.Now that Taiwan has been retaken by force, isn't it just merged into China?No matter what happens in Okinawa, it is against the Japanese government.

Before the war started, their own island began to fight for independence. What are the Japanese waiting for if they are not waiting to lose?

Fu Ming knew that it was time for untr to start moving!He exchanged some pleasantries with cat, then hung up the phone and took off his coat. "It's pretty hot..." It's almost April, although there is a lot of snow, the hot and cold weather still makes Fu Ming very uncomfortable.Maybe it's because I'm used to staying in Kinshasa, it's summer all year round, but I'm not used to the four seasons here!

"What's the matter, you're leaving again?" Zeng Xiaoting stood in front of Fu Ming all the time, Fu Ming didn't evade at all when he called, all the words fell into Zeng Xiaoting's ears truly.Although she was full of reluctance now, she still didn't want to force Fu Ming to stay in the imperial capital.

"No hurry, no hurry, I'll leave the day after tomorrow..." Fu Ming looked at Zeng Xiaoting who was full of aggrieved face with distress. "I promised to stay with you for a few days, so I keep my word!" Fu Ming stretched out his hand with a smile, and scratched Zeng Xiaoting's little nose.

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