arms tycoon

Chapter 343


After two days in a row, Fu Ming stayed with Zeng Xiaoting all the time, not paying any attention to the war between Lebanon and Japan, and China, at least in the imperial capital, was still peaceful, although the war between China and Japan was raging, no matter what There were fierce battles at sea, in the air, or on the Japanese archipelago, but this didn't seem to have much impact on the lives of ordinary Chinese people, and even the price of goods didn't rise. [Baidu search 1 3 Kanwang member login 1 3 Kanwang ]

The Middle East and South America are no longer completely under the control of the Americans. In the past, the Americans would not have needed to send troops to Japan to check and balance China. They only needed to do something in the Middle East to cause international crude oil prices to rise. Strong, but the free trade market will definitely be impacted, which will cause domestic prices to rise, inflation, and the common people will not be able to live. They will naturally complain that the government is fighting outside. Anyway, the Americans have enough crude oil reserves, and the economy will not. There are too many fluctuations.

But now, most of the Middle East is under the control of UNTR, and UNTR is an ally of China. Naturally, this kind of thing will not happen. As major oil-producing countries, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, these countries on the Arabian Peninsula, Even Iran and some oil-rich South American countries are leaning towards China, which keeps crude oil prices stable within a certain range.

Zeng Xiaoting, who was sending Fu Ming to the plane, has obviously looked better in the past few days. I don't know if it's because of Fu Ming's arrival, or because of the nourishment Fu Ming gave her at night. In short, there are always two spots on her cheeks. Blushing, the whole person is quite cute and full of energy, while Fu Ming always looks like he is not awake. Although he has not touched the internal affairs of UNTR these days, he has lost a lot of weight and lacks energy. Xu Cheng sees Looking at Fu Ming, he shook his head.

After getting on the plane, Xu Cheng turned his head, smirked and whispered to Fu Ming, "Boss, there are only exhausted cows, and there is no plowed land! The rifting valley is excessive, be careful of your body."

Mo Bing and Hearing Hall who were standing next to him couldn't help expressing admiration for Xu Cheng's courage, and gave a thumbs up: "Old Xu, you're still awesome."

Fu understood them with a glance. In fact, only Fu Ming knew what was going on here. Although he didn't manage much these days, the time he really spent with Zeng Xiaoting was only a few hours a night. Making Fu Ming look like this with sunken eyes and blackened seal, not caring about things doesn't mean not caring about things. The Japanese Self-Defense Forces are much higher.

Only on the first day of the landing day, the People's Liberation Army occupied all five landing cities and gained a firm foothold, which shocked the Japanese civilians. Those theoretical statements on the Japanese Internet that the People's Liberation Army was much behind the Self-Defense Forces in terms of personnel and equipment, Self-defeating.

The Yongcheng and Yonghe, as well as the four nuclear submarines of Untr, the Lone Wolf [-], also joined the Chinese Navy to set up a sea blockade around the Japanese archipelago.

Japan has played a solid game of survival on a deserted island. Things outside can’t get in, and things inside can’t get out. The economy has already collapsed under the double pressure of untr and sea blockades. Not to mention, even the people can’t survive. It put a lot of pressure on the Japanese government and began to ask the Americans for help.

The Americans naturally dare not act rashly, because the Chinese fleet has been wandering around in the western Pacific Ocean. Although the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force has been defeated and has no sea power at all, and even started a land defense war, the medium-sized ships still did not disperse and return. The meaning of resupply, on the contrary, is to use aircraft, naval guns, and missiles to frantically bomb important targets on land all day long.

The Americans are wary. The Pacific Fleet is just wandering around outside the sea blockade between China and the Untr Fleet, but they dare not attack by force. They are afraid of losing money. Just a technology of Untr will make the United States feel ashamed. Of course, China needless to say Well, something is always hidden, never showing up at all, and blood will be seen when it shows up. Americans know this truth well. This is also the traditional thinking mode of Orientals. It just surprises you. The western part of the Pacific Ocean is at war, and the United States and China intend to fight, but no one dares to cross the threshold. You must know that wars between major powers will not drop nuclear bombs regardless.

A superpower, a country that has stepped into the threshold of a superpower with one foot, the number of nuclear bombs in its hands is definitely not the small number announced to the public. In addition to nuclear bombs, there are even greater destructive weapons. If everything is thrown out, the earth will definitely be destroyed n times. Moreover, the two countries dare not really fight. If there is a fight, NATO allies, the EU, Russia, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization I couldn't sit still, and there was a sign of the outbreak of the Third World War between the flags and drums.

In fact, everyone knows in their hearts that for a mere Japanese island country, it is not enough to cause such a big trouble. Everyone has not lived enough. Naturally, the later the third world war comes, the better.

Although there is not much action between major powers, small frictions are still occurring. Today, Chinese submarines tracked the US aircraft carrier. Tomorrow, the US carrier-based aircraft will take off and use fire control radar to scan and target the medium-sized warship. Of course, On some routes, two warships of different nationalities often "scramble for the way" and then "accidentally" collide. Either the cabin of the American destroyer is hit and leaks, or the stern of the Chinese cruiser is deformed. To put it bluntly, the two countries are still very measured. They often use loudspeakers to scold each other more than 200 meters away, both in Chinese and English. In this way, the only ones fighting each other are water guns.

This water gun is very knowledgeable. It boils the sea water, sprays it out with the water gun, and scalds the hot boiling water onto the deck of the opponent's ship. In addition to cleaning the deck for the opponent, the people on the deck can also wash it for free. A sea bath, but the price of this kind of free sea water rain is a bit too high, because this rain only has hot water, not cold water.

In the past few days, many soldiers on the Yongcheng and Yonghe were also injured. They were not injured by bullets or shell fragments, but were scalded by boiling water.

The corner of Sun Dayong's mouth was twitching all the time, and the soldiers beside him even felt that he would definitely send a shoulder-fired single shot to the Aegis guided-missile destroyer of the US Pacific Fleet, the Alibek, which was confronting the Yongcheng and Yonghe. The soldiers exploded in the air, and Sun Dayong is very likely to do it himself.

The Arleigh Burke guided-missile destroyer is only more than 100 meters away from the Yongcheng where Sun Dayong is located. Sun Dayong can even see that the American soldiers on the destroyer are pointing at him.

On both sides of the Arleigh Burke, surrounded by guided-missile destroyers USS Russell and USS Barry, driven by the waves, the blue water beat on the hulls of these three destroyers. While swinging from side to side, on the contrary, it is very calm. The main guns on the three destroyers are all aimed at the Yongcheng and Yonghe, as well as the Chinese guided missile cruiser behind them. And know.

When Sun Dayong saw it, he became even more angry, picked up the microphone and shouted: "Yongcheng, Yonghe, artillery with a caliber above 40mm, aimed at the USS Arleigh Burke guided missile destroyer, loaded the shells, cleared the missile launching channel, and all the launching ports Open, ready for torpedo launch, carrier attack helicopter ready for takeoff."

"Captain, don't be impulsive, you can't come with real swords and guns with them now." An untr soldier quickly grabbed Sun Dayong and winked at him: "In case these things go off, these are real guns Ah! Once it hits..." There was a trace of worry in the soldier's eyes. The situation in the western Pacific Ocean is like this now. The two sides are facing each other and conflicting. Be the first bird, after all, no one wants to trigger World War III.

If the war ends in the future, it is written in the history textbooks of the younger generations that a certain person caused the Third World War because he took the lead in attacking in the western Pacific Ocean, then this person will definitely become the world-famous culprit who destroyed mankind and be punished. despised by posterity.

Sun Dayong ignored the soldiers' reminders, and still maintained the original order. On the Yongcheng and Yonghe, there were eighteen 155mm guns, 460 24mm guns, and 85 48mm guns. Under the control of the fire controller, the motor began to rotate slowly, and the ninety black muzzles of the two ships aimed at the Arleigh Burke not far away, and the bystanders were terrified.

If Sun Dayong ordered a salvo of artillery fire, then the Arleigh Burke would be bombarded with nothing left. I am afraid that the other two guided-missile destroyers, the Barry and the Russell, would also be destroyed by the scattered shells. hit.

Don't forget, the Yongcheng and Yonghe have surpassed the current configuration range of destroyers and cruisers, and are close to the battleships of the giant cannon ships during World War II. The advanced control systems and flexible steering systems on the Yongcheng and Yonghe And a powerful power system, coupled with advanced attack missiles and interceptor missiles, as well as helicopter take-off and landing platforms, these two ships are no longer battleships in the traditional sense.

On the Arleigh Burke, a U.S. Navy soldier walked up to the gray-haired middle-aged commander, saluted, and said, "Captain, we have been scanned by the fire control radars of those ships. Something's starting to go bad."

The general didn't care: "It doesn't matter, come closer, they don't dare to fire. I know these Chinese people too well." once."

Afterwards, the lame Chinese scolding voice from the loudspeaker pierced into Sun Dayong's ears. He was born in the People's Liberation Army Navy, so naturally he couldn't stand it: "Call me back..." Sun Dayong seldom This grumpy time.

"Call them what you scolded yesterday." Sun Dayong scratched his head, but he still felt that it was not enough. When he scolded people in Chinese, they might think they were praising him?Sun Dayong made a decision.

"Call me in English."

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