arms tycoon

Chapter 348 At the Press Conference

Tripoli, Lebanese Republic, [-]:[-] p.m. local time.

A few hours after Fu Ming met with Hines Alamo, the two sides reached an agreement. After only a few minutes, Fu Ming and Hines decided to hold a press conference immediately to form a temporary transitional government committee.

The location of the press conference is located in a hotel in downtown Tripoli.Of course, it wasn't the family Fu Ming lived in.The size of the hotel is not small, so the lobby can accommodate many journalists.The war did not cause much damage to Tripoli, only a few houses and high-rise buildings were destroyed, so the entire urban area is relatively well preserved and can be seen.

As for journalists, Fu Ming naturally had no worries.As early as the outbreak of the war between Lebanon and UNTR, war reporters from various countries rushed to this country immediately. Although the Lebanese government army was led by extreme nationalists, they did not have the guts to touch journalists from these neutral countries.

A journalist who accidentally offends NATO or China will have disastrous consequences.

Of course, UNTR will not touch these people, and Tripoli has become a gathering place for these journalists.Now if you want to hold a press conference, you only need to make a notification, and those journalists will rush to the conference site without complaint.After all, no one wants to miss this kind of big international news, nor do they want to be one step behind others.

Due to the lack of cats around him, Fu Ming could only write the speech by himself, and there were only three people beside him: Xu Cheng, Mo Bing and the auditory hallucination.Jack Davis has finished his recuperation and has returned to the UNTR headquarters. Luther Alex is still receiving further examination and treatment on the warship. Wayne Brad is also training the latest batch of soldiers at the UNTR headquarters. His The position is the chief instructor.Song Jiahao was given a long vacation by Fu Ming, and let cat take over the construction of the Untr branch in the People's Republic of Korea.

Insufficient core staff, especially the lack of Coco Heike Indias, made Fu Ming feel very embarrassed, and there was no one in charge.

Although there are few people around Fu Ming, his safety is still guaranteed.You must know that the whole of Tripoli is already under the control of UNTR's exclusive troops. Although in other parts of the Lebanese Republic, the number of UNTR troops may not be enough to maintain law and order, but in such a large city, Fu Ming can't rest assured that the law and order will be handed over to The Lebanese police did it. After all, when the war broke out, the government was already in chaos, and the police lost their usual functions.Fu Ming deployed about half of his division's troops and stationed in Tripoli to maintain the daily law and order here.The security situation in Tripoli is good, after all no one wants to mess with this untr force.

It's just that Fu Ming has no idea of ​​recruiting new core personnel, and it's too late now.He looked at his watch, and in 5 minutes, the press conference would be officially held.He nodded to Hines Alamo not far away, and smiled back.

Hines also tidied up his suit, and was about to walk up to the conference podium from a different direction from Fu Ming.

The news reporters below the podium were chattering about something. More than 100 people blocked the hall. Some cameramen and reporters were still adjusting their cameras and cameras in case something happened during the press conference. Accident.

One minute before the time set for the press conference, Fu Ming finally waved to Heins. The two walked up to the podium from different directions. Fu Ming was followed by Xu Cheng and Untr. A senior officer in the army.This official is wearing a Chinese 1-style jungle camouflage, but there are no embroidered badges on the collar and shoulders, and the logo on the hat has also changed from Bayi to untr four blue letters.

It's just that the logo on the armband has become a special logo of the UNTR ground forces. Untr's exclusive troops do not have a very strict rank setting, and there are not many people, but the subordinates are absolutely obedient to the superiors.There is no military rank mark, but having a certificate can prove the military rank of an Untr soldier. Even if a senior non-commissioned officer of Untr is caught on the battlefield, he will not let the enemy know that this is a senior officer of Untr. Once there is a chance, he will throw it away. If the certificate is obtained, then the officer may avoid being tortured and will not leak any war information.And after meeting someone on your own, you can identify your identity through the certificate, which is very convenient.

Fu Ming sat down in his own seat, and he sat beside Hines, while Xu Cheng and another officer stood behind him.Behind Hines, there was a large group of people standing.

If you observe carefully enough, the reporters will find that many of this large group of people are very young, with an average age of no more than 35 years old.

If you want to talk about the identity of a politician, it is very difficult to get ahead.It is even more difficult to get mixed up to the point where you can stand behind the top leader of the country.If you're not 50 years old, you don't have political experience, and you don't get stepped on, you can't get to that point.However, the group of people behind Hines Alamo are very young!

To be honest, this is also impossible.Lebanese ultra-nationalists killed some politicians when they launched a coup, and the main leaders and members of other parties were all placed under house arrest or arrested. In the nuclear explosion in Beirut, they were killed in one pot!There are no politicians with strong political qualities in this country anymore!But Heinz Alamo can't be the bare commander, right? A single person, without the assistance of anyone else, formed the Lebanese Transitional Government Committee with the help of Untr. How you look at it looks like a puppet regime planted by Fu Ming here. like.

Furthermore, if Hines wants to hold a press conference, he can't just sit here alone, he must have people from the same party as his backup.But now there is no one, he can only find some Democrats who are still alive, these are young people, young people who are not noticed, so they can escape.Now, they have ascended to heaven in one step!

The layout on the podium is very simple, the cloth on the table is also dusty, and the flag of UNTR and the national flag of Lebanon are inserted on the table.The journalists put their own microphones and recording pens on the table early, and they could vaguely see China Central Television, Europe's Reuters, Agence France-Presse, BBC, and the name of N in the United States.

Fu Ming flirted with Hines, indicating that he could start.

Hines understood and stood up. The entire hall, which was still noisy, suddenly fell silent. Pairs of eyes stared at Hines, and flashes flickered on his body. Everyone was expecting him. speak.

"Dear journalist friends, thank you very much for participating in this press conference. The Lebanese Republic has experienced all kinds of suffering. Now, with the help of untr, the suffering and war have passed, and the Lebanese people are about to usher in a new dawn. Friends journalists, witnessed this moment. You told the world how cruel ultranationalists are, and you told the world that untr is indeed in pursuit of peace. My thanks to all journalist friends who promote the cause of peace , I would like to express my heartfelt thanks for all your efforts and sacrifices!"

After finishing speaking, Hines made a special ninety-degree bow with a pious and firm face.The bow lasted for four or five seconds before he slowly raised his body.

There was a burst of thunderous applause in the hall. I have to admit that these few words are indeed quite useful to these journalists!No one wants to go to this place where the birds don't shit and the shells fly around to report any news. Not to mention the insufficient living standard, and the safety is not guaranteed!When Hines said this, the reporters felt that they were so great that all their hard work was worth it. Few people understood their profession.

Fu Ming just smiled lightly and didn't speak.He also stood up and bowed to the reporters.At the same time, the flash was focused on him again, and the sound of the shutter clicking and clicking could be heard endlessly!

This is untr's top responsible person!He actually bowed to the journalists!

"Now I announce that the transitional committee of the interim government of the Republic of Lebanon has been formally established! I have been elected as the chairman of the committee. I hope that under the coordination of the transitional committee, Lebanon can gradually move towards the right track." Hines sat down again, solemnly Said.

Fu Ming just echoed, nodded and smiled at the journalists, and didn't say much at all, because the protagonist of today's press conference was Hines Alamo, and his presence only made this press conference official. , after all, in this war, untr is the real winner.

In fact, the decision of the chairman of the committee did not go through any elections at all. It was decided after several hours of discussions between Fu Ming and Heins!

Because they couldn't find any better way than that.

There were no lengthy speeches and no formalism. After all, the war in Lebanon had just ended, and Hines was not the kind of person who liked formalism very much, so after the news was announced, he directly announced that he would enter the reporter's question and answer time.

All of a sudden, the attention of the journalists shifted from Heins Alamo to Fu Ming. It was obvious that everyone was very interested in this mysterious Chinese.

Before the end of the war, few people thought that Fu Ming's army could defeat the Lebanese government army, after all, it was the government army!

"Mr. K, please allow me to call you that." A western female reporter pointed out by Fu Ming stood up.

"I'm happy to be called that, thank you." Fu Ming replied very politely.

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