arms tycoon

Chapter 349 Press Conference

"Now, beautiful lady, you can start asking questions!" Fu Ming stood up with a smile on his face, his magnetic voice with an authentic London accent, very elegant.

The Western female reporter smiled and said with a smile, "Please allow me to introduce myself, Maritis Ferra, I am from the UK, Reuters."

Fu Ming put away the smile on his face, "Nice to meet you, Ms. Fira." On Maritis's face, he saw uncontrollable exhaustion, uncontrollable excitement, and even some anger .

Reuters, headquartered in London, England, can definitely be regarded as the top three in the world in terms of multimedia news, with their distribution in 120 places around the world.But the headquarters in London, England, has been annihilated in the nuclear explosion.

As a reporter, Maritis Ferra always knows more than ordinary people.Of course, there are more believeable and unbelievable intelligence messages received.There have been enough rumors in the international community.London is her hometown.Although all her family members did not die in the nuclear explosion, they were also affected and are still receiving treatment in the hospital.All in all, luck is pretty good.

And the man in front of him, K, is the supreme leader of UNTR who is rumored to detonate a nuclear bomb in London to carry out a terrorist attack.If the nuclear bomb was really detonated by Untr, then the person who gave the order directly was this man!

"We want to know what happened to the nuclear explosion in Beirut." Obviously, Maritis didn't know that the nuclear bomb that exploded in Beirut was American, and he didn't know that the Americans sold the nuclear bomb to ultra-nationalists in Lebanon.

The Americans did not dare to disclose this news. Although they did not give them the launch code when they handed over the nuclear bomb to those extremists, and did not want the extremists to detonate the nuclear bomb, the nuclear bomb exploded.In this regard, the US government has an unshirkable responsibility.This news came from the spies placed by UNTR in CIA, and Fu Ming didn't have any real evidence, even if he had evidence, he would not disclose this news to the international community.

Although the Americans participated in the Lebanon War, they left very little shadow.They didn't want anything to do with the nuclear explosion, so Fu Ming avoided it very cleverly.It means to tell the U.S. government that untr’s Suzaku class is gone. Anyway, Lebanon is now under my control. As long as the U.S. government no longer intervenes, then the Beirut nuclear explosion incident can be handled coldly by untr. Push it on the extremists.Anyway, extremists can't stand up anymore. If there are too many lice, they are not afraid of being bitten, and it doesn't matter if they bear another crime.

As Fu Ming expected, Maritis raised this question.The little bit of resentment in Maritis' eyes was fully seen by Fu Ming.Obviously, Maritis wanted to use the Beirut nuclear bombing to refer to the London nuclear bombing, and asked whether the London nuclear bombing was related to untr.Fu Ming could only smile helplessly. Now that the mastermind behind the London nuclear bombing has not been found out, it is useless for him to say anything. Some people will always believe that he is innocent.

"Ten hours before this press conference, the search and rescue team from China, the UN Security Council investigation team, and members of the investigation team composed of five permanent members of the Security Council have arrived in Beirut. The Beirut nuclear explosion is the cause of everyone What I don’t want to see is not what I can predict. I urge everyone to believe me that the Beirut nuclear bomb was not detonated by untr and has nothing to do with untr. As for why Lebanon has a nuclear bomb and why this nuclear bomb exploded in Beirut, I don’t know. I hope the investigation team can give us a satisfactory answer.” Of course, Fu Ming wanted to shirk responsibility all at once, but this method of shirking responsibility has no evidence, so he added the United Nations at the end. The investigative team is investigating.

Calling it an investigation is actually going through the motions.The nuclear explosion center has become a big pit, and there is no data record at the time of the nuclear explosion, and even if there is, it has been destroyed by the nuclear explosion.No evidence will be left at all.The five permanent members of the Security Council, after coordination, will unanimously determine that this nuclear bomb came from the former Soviet Union. It is a small Soviet nuclear bomb that has not been destroyed. Blame it on untr.

Fu Ming answered in a very official way, which made Maritis feel like she was evasive.

Maritis asked reluctantly. "Since the establishment of UNTR, the military operations carried out around the world are obvious to all. The Middle East, Latin America, Africa, and Asia all have your shadows. In these large-scale wars that UNTR participated in, we often see nuclear explosions The last time a nuclear weapon was detonated in a war was the two nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II. However, within a year, Valencia in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and London in the United Kingdom, Now in Beirut, Lebanon, three nuclear bombs have been detonated one after another. The silence of nuclear weapons that has lasted for decades has been broken, which is inseparable from UNTR. I think, Mr. K, you should give us an explanation!" Martina said The speed was extremely fast, without saving Fu Ming's face at all, and the language was extremely sharp, almost forcing Untr to a dead end.

The meaning of her words is very clear.Whether it is Valencia, London, or even Beirut now, UNTR must be responsible for these three nuclear explosions.

As soon as the question was asked, the audience was in an uproar!This question is definitely a blockbuster. It was raised directly against the nuclear bomb incident in Untr. It was tit for tat everywhere. It was a provocation to Untr's authority. Everyone in the field stared at the young British female reporter, and Manchester United looked surprised.But Maritis Fera seemed to be okay, she didn't care about other people's eyes at all, she just stared at Fu Ming.

Fu Ming was not angered. Once it broke out, the impact on untr in the international community would be extremely huge.Still smiling all over his face, he explained calmly. "First of all, I would like to explain that in Valencia, Venezuela, the nuclear warhead is very weak, and the casualties caused are limited. In the war, untr has the right to use any weapon to win. We have not signed the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. There has been no promise not to use nuclear weapons, and untr is not legally bound by anything, nor has it broken a promise."

Maritis opened her mouth, and just muttered in a low voice, "In terms of morality, doesn't Untr think that the casualties of civilians are a disaster?"

But as soon as she said the words, she felt that this reason could not refute Fu Ming's explanation at all!Because of war, no one is undead!And in war, civilian casualties are inevitable, and UNTR has every right to use all means to win the war.

Fu Ming ignored Maritis and spoke again. "London, England, the nuclear explosion has nothing to do with untr, I can swear to your God!" Fu Ming raised his right hand, stretched it out into the air like a palm, and then put it down again. "After such a disaster in London, as we all know, UNTR immediately dispatched a rescue team, which is many times more professional than rescue teams from other countries. And I myself also flew to the British mainland after the nuclear bomb broke out. The British Prime Minister did not question UNTR and believed in us unconditionally, why would there be a British reporter questioning UNTR?"

Fu Ming paused, and stopped looking at Maritis' face, "My fiancée, Coco Heike Indias, died in a terrible accident when she was accompanying me on the investigation and visit in mainland England. I am so sad." On Fu Ming's face, there was a very ugly expression, which was not pretended by him.When he had no choice but to move Coco out, he used his dead lover to play a card of warmth for himself. "If the nuclear insurance did not happen in London, then my fiancée would not have to accompany me to fly to the UK mainland, and she might not die because of that accident. In other words, the man behind the detonation of the nuclear bomb indirectly killed me Even if it's for this, then I will find out that black hand and seek justice for my fiancee!" The expression on Fu Ming's face has changed to seniority and determination!

It's not that Fu Ming doesn't love Keke, but he can't care so much now, so he can only move Keke out and use it as a shield for himself.In Fu Ming's eyes, what should be used must be used diligently, otherwise it is a waste of resources!Coco's death is also a resource.Even if he really doesn't want to use this resource.

There was a look of disdain on Maritis' face. She didn't expect Fu Ming to bring out Coco. As a woman, Maritis felt ashamed of this man's behavior!But all she can do now is to stand and stare at Fu Ming's face, and continue to listen to Fu Ming's explanation.

"Finally, the nuclear explosion in Beirut, as I said just now, UNTR did not participate in the nuclear explosion in Beirut. Untr's exclusive troops suffered heavy losses in the nuclear explosion in Beirut. We are not stupid enough to use nuclear bombs to blow up our own troops Go." Fu Ming glanced at Maritis jokingly.

There was a burst of laughter, and then calm returned after a few seconds.

"As a result of everything, I still say the same thing. After the UN investigation results come out, untr can be given justice!" Since the nuclear explosion in Valencia, Venezuela, Fu Ming has not shown up, which makes him feel as if untr Still owe the public an explanation.But now, with this kind of press conference, this is an important opportunity. Fu Ming took advantage of this opportunity to explain everything clearly.

Maritis nodded thoughtfully, "Thank you very much for your answer, Mr. K, I'm done asking my questions." After she finished speaking, she sat down directly, ignoring Fu Ming at all.

After her question, reporters from China Central Television and other European media asked questions, and Fu Ming and Hines Alamo also answered them one by one. Since Maritis' question was a surprise, most of the following questions It all seemed insignificant, and Fu Ming and Hines didn't even try to explain it, so they prevaricated.

The press conference lasted about three hours and then ended.Fu Ming, who had been tense all this time, finally relaxed, heaved a long sigh, and then pulled off his tie in the lounge.

It was stuffy, even in Tripoli on the Mediterranean coast.

Hines pushed the door open and came in, smiling at Fu Ming. "Mr. K., the first difficulty has been overcome."

"There are still many difficulties ahead. I hope you can be confident that Untr will give the greatest support to the Transitional Council of the Venezuelan Interim Government!" Fu Ming opened his mouth and was about to say something, but received a message from Carly Anna's phone call.

"I'm sorry." Fu Ming said to Hines, then turned around and walked to the window of the lounge, opened the window, and looked out at the relatively peaceful city.

"London's nuclear explosion... There is news, it is very definite!" Carianna's voice came out slowly. Compared with the first time she received the news of the London nuclear explosion, she was much calmer, and even her voice was deep. down.

When Fu Ming heard it, he became energetic!

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