arms tycoon

Chapter 362

After a few chats with Leng Jianbin, Fu Ming finally fell asleep at ease. Although Japan has surrendered and the government departments are completely under the control of the People's Liberation Army, digging out that right-wing underground organization is not a matter of one day. Untr's troops still need to be stationed in Japan for at least a week or

Fu Ming, who was sleeping soundly, was woken up by a phone call at around [-]:[-] p.m. local time in Dubai. In fact, Fu Ming did not really go into a deep sleep. Just the vibration of his mobile phone was enough to pull him out of sleep. Ming stared at the phone in a daze for a few seconds, then picked up the phone.

"Brother..." Carianna's voice came from the phone. Judging from the voice, she was just woken up from sleep by the phone. "The tongue that was caught escaped!"

Fu Ming didn't show too much surprise. Instead, he agreed. After hanging up the phone, he washed his face, tidied himself up a little, and then rushed to the parking lot of the sailing hotel. In the parking lot, there was already a local The untr branch office prepared a special car for Fu Ming, and the untr security officer who had been guarding the door of Fu Ming's room acted as the driver, and drove an Aston Martin.

"Sure enough, only in Dubai can you get in such a good car." Fu Ming said from the back seat with his eyes brightened.

"Boss, this car didn't cost from untr, but a gift from the local industry boss, so..." The driver immediately explained after hearing Fu Ming's words. He didn't want Fu Ming to think that untr in Dubai The members of the sub-office embezzled money and bought luxury cars.

Fu Ming waved his hand, the entire country of the UAE is supported by UNTR, and all related industries are inextricably linked to UNTR, even oil exports have to share with UNTR, not to mention weapons and vehicles Yes, the related industries of the Heikindias Group have also penetrated into this place. The import and export trade is basically monopolized by the Heikindias Group, and the cooperation with the government is also mutually beneficial. Naturally, the local giants in Dubai will not Don't make friends with untr, but this kind of friendship is useless. The untr sub-office can't manage so many things. If you want to bribe, you should at least give your daughter to Fu Ming like Suohaoyiben Zhan Siding People with high positions and weights in the untr love evil: God of coldness, please divorce your wife! .

Fu Ming would naturally understand that the local UNTR branch office in Dubai would have a luxury car like Aston Martin, and he didn't blame him at all.

After a while, Fu Ming arrived at the location of the Untr branch office, which was actually a two-story office building. More than 100 peripheral armed personnel, plus a few core office and intelligence personnel, formed this branch office. The place, here is relatively large.

The room where Thorpe McTavish was detained was a room at the end of the corridor on the second floor. This room was originally a separate interrogation room in the branch office, and Thorpe was only temporarily detained.

Xu Cheng, Mo Bing, auditory hallucinations, Jack, and Carianna have all been waiting here for a long time.

Fu Ming walked into the interrogation room and stepped on the water.

"what happened!"

"Boss, before you leave, leave a pack of cigarettes and a lighter for Thorpe." Xu Cheng looked at the top of his head. There were already burnt marks on a smoke and temperature detector on the roof, and the On the top of the automatic fire extinguishing nozzle, water is still dripping down.

"Thorpe smoked the smoke detectors with the smoke from his cigarettes, set off a fire alarm, the fire sprinklers started spraying water, the siren in this small building started to flash, our guard just opened the door, ready Thorpe knocked him down when he was checking whether the room was on fire." Xu Cheng came to Fu Ming's side, "I'm sorry, it was my negligence!"

"Old Xu, don't blame yourself, Thorpe is just too cunning." Fu Ming sighed, walked a few steps and returned to the door of the room, looking at the broken pieces of plastic on the ground.

The color of the plastic block has been burnt to black, but it can be vaguely seen that it was originally a transparent color. Fu Ming remembered that the lighter he left for Thorpe was also a transparent color. Agent, he is also worthy of his status as a former U.S. Marine Corps member!"

"Thorpe used the gas in the lighter and the electronic sparker to create a small bomb, which can cause casualties at a very short distance. The first person on our side who rushed in was injured by this thing. Thorpe snatched his pistol, wounded three security guards, and fled." Xu Cheng picked up a piece of plastic and added a few words, "Fortunately, no one died, and the injured people were all bullets. Abrasions, at most muscle tissue, blood vessels, internal organs and bones are all fine, and they will recover after a few weeks of rest." When Xu Cheng said this, his face was also full of doubts, Thorpe is a serious American agent Anyway, in indoor gun battles, pistols must be very accurate at close range. It is quite normal to kill a few people and exterminate them. Dead people can't speak. For the sake of thinking, Thorpe will definitely kill these security officers of Untr, because these security officers may see the direction Thorpe is escaping from, or the driving route.

However, no one died, everyone was just bruised. Could it be that Thorpe was locked up for such a long time, which affected his ability to move. From the end of the interrogation to his escape, several hours have passed. These hours are enough for Thorpe to carry on. Rested and prepared, probably because he was too hasty when escaping, and didn't think about so many things... Xu Cheng could only explain it to himself.

"Where's the surveillance video?" Fu Ming asked again, and then he realized that his question was a bit redundant, because when the interrogation was about to end, Fu Ming had personally ordered Xu Cheng to turn off the surveillance video, And never opened it again.

Fu Ming gritted his teeth, "Carianna!"

"Brother, what are your orders?" Karianna came up.

"Help me contact Jayla Ibn Jasdin, if you owe her a favor, conduct a comprehensive search within the city limits of Dubai, and be sure to find Thorpe McTavish, seek the help of the local police and army, block the port, the airport , train station, bus station, road toll point, no matter what, he will definitely choose to leave here first, and if there is no news within twelve hours, then expand the search area..." Fu Ming can only believe that the relationship between himself and Thorpe The agreement between them can only trust Thorpe's ability. The latest chapter of Wanxian Guizong.

All the orders he is doing now are not to really catch Thorpe, because he believes that Thorpe has the ability to evade all the strictest scrutiny, and before he is arrested by Untr, he will contact the insider in Untr in advance ghost.

Dubai, a certain street.

The sun at three o'clock in the afternoon is still very poisonous. People who are roasting can't straighten their backs and have no energy. There are very few people on the street. More tourists choose to go to the beach for recreation during this time period, or directly Hide in the hotel for afternoon tea.

A tall white man wandered the street, wearing a large floral shirt, but still can not hide the muscles of the upper body, beach shorts and flip-flops, as if to a local beach businessman, big sun hat and Sunglasses made it difficult to see his face and eyes clearly.

With a bang, the westerner collided with a local, his seemingly strong body stepped back and fell to the ground, then got up and apologized kindly.

The local people saw that the man apologized first after he fell to the ground, and greeted him with a smile. But he found that his wallet disappeared at some point. He remembered the Westerner who bumped into him a few minutes ago, but when he ran back, he found that the Westerner had already disappeared.

This Westerner was none other than Thorpe MacTavish.

Thorpe took out the money in the wallet and threw the wallet into the trash can. He bought a bottle of ice water with banknotes and poured it for himself to resist the high temperature of Dubai in May. When the boss asked him for change, he deliberately asked the boss for a few coins.

He walked to the public telephone booth, dropped two coins, and pressed a string of more than 20 phone numbers.

"Please enter your number and password, and then access the system." The voice prompt in the receiver said.

Thorpe swallowed, and pressed a few more numbers.

"This number has been canceled." The voice prompted this sentence, and then the phone was hung up.

Thorpe was shocked. Sure enough, his information was canceled, which meant that his organization had already treated him as a dead person. Even though the organization did not find his body, once the number was canceled, someone would try to When logging into the internal system with the number already living in the school, the call will be tracked, and the system will automatically record the location of the caller, and cia will naturally send special agents to deal with the caller.

Thorpe suppressed his anger and made another call.

It was an international call, and the destination of the call was Ida Jones' office.

Of course, Ada is in her office now, and the local time in the United States is still in the morning, so Ada naturally has to go to work normally, Ada answered the phone very quickly, and the location displayed on the screen was Dubai, "Hi. "Ada asked tentatively.

"Colonel Ida Jones, I'm Thorpe McTavish." Thorpe looked at the surrounding situation, and a few patrolling policemen came from nowhere on the street, but these policemen didn't notice him, "Look The hunt for me hasn't started yet...Untr's efficiency is quite low." Thorpe narrowed his eyes and thought.

"Major MacTavish." Ada was taken aback, "Didn't you... I received a report that everyone in Dubai has died!"

"Loyalty to the motherland allowed me to survive. K captured me, he didn't torture me, and I didn't say anything. I found a chance and escaped. I got some confidential information from Untr. Now... …I need to go back to China, I know that CIA has installed an agent at the top of UNTR, I think I need his help, I should be on the official hunting list of UNTR and the UAE now.” Thorpe pursed his lips and said, Begging to share

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