arms tycoon

Chapter 363

"Wait, you said just have important information about untr?" Ada narrowed her eyes very carefully. She had confirmed it according to the sound monitoring system connected to the landline. The person on the other end of the phone The man was indeed Thorpe MacTavish.

"That's right. So I asked for the help of my companion inside Untr, I need to get out of this ghost place. Now the streets are full of police, and people from Untr are secretly investigating. It won't take long for them to turn the whole of Dubai upside down." The bottom is upside down, and then I can’t leave even if I want to.” Thorpe looked outside the phone booth, and it was already very obvious on the street that many policemen were wandering around there.

"Major MacTavish, I admire your courage very much. I will definitely arrange for someone to let you leave Dubai and return to China, and you will be treated like a hero. However, for the safety of information, please pass this information on the phone Tell me, if it is an electronic document, then you should find a place where you can access the Internet..." Ada was very cautious, since Thorpe said that she had important information, she must get the information first.As long as the information is obtained, even if Thorpe is still in Dubai, it doesn't matter if Fu Ming arrests him.It doesn't matter if Thorpe's life or death, the most important thing is information!

Even after getting the information, Ida Jones would choose to sacrifice Thorpe's life.The United Arab Emirates is the territory of Untr, and the whole city of Dubai is under martial law. If you want to find the undercover lurking in Untr for help, the identity of the undercover may be exposed at any time, and even if you send personnel to Dubai to rescue Thorpe, those Let alone whether the expatriates could rescue Thorpe, it is more likely to cause casualties.

A mere Thorpe is not worth Ada's risky rescue.

Thorpe smiled slyly. "Colonel Jones, please don't take me for a fool. If I tell you the information now, will I still have a chance to survive?" Thorpe regarded the so-called information as a bargaining chip for him to be rescued, as if he could Get access to the chip of that agent lurking inside the untr.

Ada snorted coldly, there is no other way now, Thorpe should not deceive herself, because of the illusory information that I don't know what it is, Ida can only let the undercover contact Thorp.

"You are smart, but CIA will not give up any agent who encounters difficulties outside..." Ada tried to explain something.

"Don't quibble, I checked just now, and my information has been canceled. And it was canceled when my body was not found. If you are not going to give up on me, why are you canceling my life and death? Information?" Thorpe didn't bother to dwell on this matter. "Tell me what to do!"

Ada blushed, and could only say: "Don't leave this phone, within a few minutes, the cia personnel lurking inside UNTR will call this number, you meet with him first, and then discuss about leaving Dubai. He I will help you!" Ada hung up the phone without waiting for Thorpe to agree.She picked up the phone, pulled out a number, hesitated, and called it anyway.

The waiting voice on the phone rang only three times before being picked up.

The man who answered the phone had a very low voice. "You actually called me in person, do you want me to be exposed? Tell me something quickly, I can't leave there for too long."

"Thorpe McTavish, how did he escape? He claimed to have important information about Untr, and he is now requesting rescue. Do you know what that information is?" Ada asked.

"Anyway, K didn't release it on purpose. He injured a lot of UNTR's security officers and escaped by himself. K is now organizing people to hunt him down. As far as I know, Thorpe didn't reveal any information, but he got it from UNTR. What, I don't know." The man was taken aback, and then said. "You don't really want to save him, do you?"

"I don't know what that information is, and I don't know if it's worth the risk for that unknown information." Ada rubbed her temples, as if begging the man to make a decision.

"Give up that information." The man replied almost without thinking. "I don't think that is important information, and now UNTR is conducting a carpet search for Thorpe with the UAE officials. It is very likely that he will be caught. Once he is caught again, it is very likely that he will turn his back and tell us plan..." The man's voice became even deeper, as if he was avoiding someone. "Give me his contact information, and I will contact him, agree on a location, and kill him before the untr people find him."

Ada gritted her teeth, never expecting a man to be more vicious than her.After a few seconds, Ada was relieved. If that person was not vicious and forbearing, then he would not be able to get into the upper echelons of UNTR.

"That's it!" Ada agreed. "The contact information will be sent to your mobile phone in a few seconds." She hung up the phone and let out a long breath.

Unexpectedly, cia personnel are in distress outside, what she has to do is not to rescue, but to obliterate! "For the sake of the United States...Major Thorpe McTavish, I can only wrong you!"

Thorpe only waited for a few minutes before the public phone rang. He adjusted his state, then answered the phone, but did not speak.

"Downtown, Time Café. Get there in half an hour and wait for me to pass. Untr people won't spend too much energy searching public places. I'll help you." That's all the man on the other end of the phone said In a word, he didn't give Thorpe a chance to speak at all, and hung up the phone as if he was in a hurry.

Thorpe sneered for a while, and after hanging up the phone, he put two coins into the payphone and took out a cigarette.This pack of cigarettes was thrown to him by Fu Ming when he was in the interrogation room.

He opened the cigarette case and pulled out a small note from it.On this small note, there is a string of phone numbers written on it.He dialed this number, which was Fu Ming's private mobile phone number.

"Half an hour later, downtown, Time Cafe." Thorpe hung up the phone after finishing speaking, ignoring a coin that popped out because the call time was too short.He put the receiver back on the payphone and let the coins pop out and thump on the ground.

He left the phone booth, lowered the brim of his hat a little more, turned into a small alley, and started heading for his destination.

Fu Ming was still holding his mobile phone. So far, things have gone smoothly.In order to confuse the CIA spy in Untr, he turned around and asked Xu Cheng. "Any news?"

Xu Cheng shook his head with a look of frustration, "As expected of a senior agent of the CIA, there has been no news so far. The police force has been deployed in the Jen Siding section, and Thorpe McTail has been distributed at various airports, train stations, bus stations, and road toll points." Vish's photo. But that's it, I still can't find where he is."

Fu Ming nodded, walked up to Xu Cheng, and whispered beside his ear. "Old Xu, can I trust you?"

Xu Cheng was taken aback, then smiled, "Boss, how many years have I been with you?"

Fu Ming nodded, and then whispered, "Keep quiet, follow me, we have an insider here, this person may not be present, but he must be using other methods to obtain information about our hunt for Thorpe! Let's go to a place, bring him out!"

Xu Cheng looked at the people in the room one by one, looked around, and then nodded quietly. "I'll go with you."

This time, Fu Ming didn't even need a driver, so he asked Xu Cheng to drive that Aston Martin to Time Cafe.

The untr branch office was originally located in the city center, and it didn't take too long to drive to the cafe from here.So much so that when Fu Ming arrived here, there were still 10 minutes before the appointed time.Fu Ming didn't get out of the car, and took out a 9mm Type 92 pistol from his pocket. Compared with the common caliber of 5mm, the 8mm Type 9 pistol has greater lethality, and it is an export version.

Xu Cheng finished wiping his dagger, put the dagger back into the holster under his right calf, covered it with suit trousers, then checked the glock-22 pistol pinned to his waist, opened the gun, and the orange The yellow bullet lay quietly in the chamber, and the weapon was fine.Xu Cheng let go of his hand, and with a click, the bullet was loaded, and he adjusted the pistol to the burst mode. The burst mode of the glock-22 pistol, coupled with the extended magazine, has no less firepower than a submachine gun that uses pistol bullets.

He put the safety on so it wouldn't go off.

"No matter who the traitor is, I will definitely put this bullet into his brain with my own hands!" Xu Cheng said viciously. "Boss, what do you think..."

Fu Ming shrugged. "Don't ask me, I don't know. And I'm not sure if I really want to kill him. He is very likely to be the senior management of UNTR, and it is also very possible..." Fu Ming pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose , Although the air conditioner was turned on in the car, but the windows were not opened, the air was very dull, and beads of sweat flowed from his forehead. "Very likely, it's someone from the security forces. To be an undercover agent in UNTR, you must have extraordinary skills and quick thinking. You have to be more careful. Whether you kill him is another matter. It's best to be able to survive today. I also hope Something stuck out of his mouth!"

Fu Ming squinted his eyes and stared intently at the entrance of the cafe, which was not very far from the parking lot.

A tall westerner in beach shorts, a peaked cap, and sunglasses caught Fu Ming's attention.Fu Ming took a look, and patted Xu Cheng's shoulder, "Look, that's Thorpe McTavish."

Xu Cheng suddenly understood, "It turned out to be your agreement, and you said it while I was leaving. Boss, you are not kind, and you didn't trust me at that time."

"After Thorpe escaped, I observed you carefully. I blamed myself and regretted that you are a responsible soldier. I no longer doubt you. I apologize for the distrust before..." Fu Ming said guiltily.

"That lighter and cigarettes are the tools you gave him to escape! Everything was intentional..." Xu Cheng smiled. "I don't blame you, boss. It's just that this Thorpe is very capable. He can escape with just cigarettes and a lighter. You must know that those untr security officers didn't know in advance that it was an agreement! They are Go all out to intercept. Thorpe still kept his word and notified him of the place and time to meet the ghost, and no one was seriously injured or killed us when he escaped..." Xu Cheng licked his lips. "I admire him a lot."

"Didn't we turn off the surveillance video? If there was a surveillance video, then our guards would have discovered that he was noble in the house, so how could we let him create a fire alarm?" Fu Ming laughed. "I have created so many conditions for him, if he still can't escape, then it will be a waste of the title of a senior CIA agent!"

"Let's follow in, I'm eager to know who the ghost is..." Xu Cheng opened the car door and was about to enter the coffee shop, but when he just raised his head, he saw a man at the door of the coffee shop.He never thought that this man would actually appear here.

Fu Ming's face turned pale, and then became gloomy and cold. "So it was him..."

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