arms tycoon

Chapter 364 The Inner Ghost

The man stood at the door, looking back cautiously.

Xu Cheng quickly pulled Fu Ming down and hid behind a car.They were not discovered by the man. Although the man already knew who they were, Fu Ming still refused to give the order to do anything. Fu Ming even felt that it was entirely possible that the man came here by accident!Fu Ming would rather believe that it was an accident.

"Boss, let's go in too." Xu Cheng raised his head, watched the man enter the coffee shop, and then pulled Fu Ming.

Today is not Sunday. Local people in Dubai are still working in the afternoon. Except for some tourists, there is no one in the cafe.

People in twos and threes sat on tables, and light music was playing in the coffee shop, which turned out to be piano music, which was melodious.Thorpe McTavish ordered a cup of coffee casually, then chose a seat by the window and sat down, looking out the window.This position allows outsiders to see what happened here. Of course, this outsider refers to Fu Ming and the others.

Moreover, it is also very convenient to escape here. Although the tempered glass is hard, it still cannot withstand bullets.Thorpe can easily escape from here by shooting through the glass.

"Major MacTavish. Nice to meet you." The man saw Thorpe's position at a glance, walked a few steps, and sat opposite Thorpe.

Thorpe narrowed his eyes, then looked up and down the man. "I didn't expect it to be you. I guessed a lot of people, but I didn't expect it to be you! You hid it so deeply that K didn't even discover your true identity."

The man chuckled, noncommittal, but put his hands under the table, ready to draw his gun at any time.He was very sure of killing Thorpe when he couldn't react.However, he is still unwilling to give up the important information that Thorpe said.After lurking in Untr for such a long time, although he is at the top, he doesn't take care of the real internal affairs of Untr.Maybe Thorpe really knew something, and used it as a bargaining chip to return home safely. Before killing Thorpe, he still wanted to get this information as much as possible.

"Tell me about your information. I want to confirm whether you are worth returning to China. What is this information about? Inside UNTR, I haven't heard of any major moves they have made recently. The war in Japan, and that The unidentified right-wing underground organization has divided a lot of minds." The man said lightly, if Thorpe said something, he would be able to judge whether the information was valuable, and he would be able to judge whether Thorpe was valuable and brought back to the country. This information is of no value, or if Thorpe is killed and refuses to tell it, then Thorpe can only eat this bullet.

Thorpe was still stalling for time, trying to wait until Fu Ming came.But he didn't know that Fu Ming had already entered the coffee shop through the back door, but he never showed up in the lobby.

Fu Ming has already confirmed that that person is indeed CIA's spy lurking in UNTR, that is not an accident, because that person has already contacted Thorpe.

"I'm sorry to tell you now that you can't guarantee my safety." Thorpe said casually, still looking out the window, but didn't notice at all that the man in front of him had killing intent in his eyes!

"Then I'm sorry." The man's hands were constantly moving under the table. The glock-22 pistol that had already been loaded had also been equipped with a silencer, and the safety was closed with a click!

Thorpe heard the sound and cried out that it was not good. He was about to draw out his gun when he heard a puff, but his hands could no longer use his strength, and a sharp pain pierced through his lower abdomen.

"Your existence puts our intelligence in danger of leaking, so you must be sacrificed. The United States will not forget any soldier who died for her, please rest in peace." The man was expressionless, without any pity or pity, After the first shot was fired, the trigger was pulled continuously, puff puff puff, the sound of bullets spraying out of the gun chamber was endless.The small-caliber bullets did not penetrate Thorpe's body at close range, but stayed in Thorpe's body.

Thorpe felt dizzy and weak, but the pain was gone.He looked down at the wound on his abdomen, the bright red blood flowed out from it, he couldn't sit still anymore!

With a plop, Thorpe lay prone on the table, his body was still twitching, trying to call for help, but he couldn't make any sound.He opened his mouth in vain, and his vision became more and more blurred.

The entire table was hit by Thorpe, and the cup that was originally holding the coffee was knocked to the ground, and the lukewarm coffee was mixed with the red blood on the ground.

The waiter heard the voice here, and was about to rush over to check immediately, and the surrounding customers also cast strange glances at this place.

The man kept doing nothing, and after confirming that there were no untr people and police in the hall, he looked towards the roof again.There is no surveillance equipment here, and on the way here, he also noticed that there were no cameras around.He stood up, put away his pistol, and prepared to leave here quickly.

Thorpe was dying, and there was no need for any replacement guns.Thorpe was sure to die from ruptured internal organs and blood loss before the doctors arrived here!

"Boss, go and check Thorpe's situation, I'll stop him!" Xu Cheng took out his pistol and aimed at the man without hesitation. "stop!"

The man was taken aback, but found Xu Cheng standing behind him.Thorpe fled without any clues, and the investigation was hopeless, but Xu Cheng, who was in charge of tracking Thorpe, appeared at the place where he and Thorpe met.And when Thorpe fled, he didn't kill any of Untr's security guards!A series of things quickly formed a result in the man's mind, this is a trap!

Fu Ming already knew that there was an insider in Untr, and this was a trap for him to show up!

"Jack Davis! The boss treats you well, why did you betray Untr!" Xu Cheng said angrily, pointing his gun at Jack's head, but he didn't shoot immediately.

"I'm just loyal to the United States, it doesn't matter whether I betray or not!" Jack knew that at this distance, Xu Cheng's shooting would almost never miss, but Xu Cheng didn't choose to shoot at the first time, which gave him an opportunity! "Xu Cheng wants to catch him alive!" Jack immediately reflected that Xu Cheng would not shoot himself in the head.He raised the pistol in his hand and pulled the trigger continuously!

Xu Cheng dodged and hid behind a table, and the bullets were nailed to the place where he had just appeared. The cups and saucers on the table rattled, and the bullets that hit the wall bounced off. , hit a customer.

Fu Ming rushed to Thorpe, dragged him to the ground, and untied his blood-stained shirt.Thorpe's stomach was almost shattered by bullets, and the bloody look made the surrounding customers sick.

The people in the coffee shop finally knew what happened here. This is not a movie, this is a real gun battle. One person was seriously injured and his life was dying. The sound of bullets whistling and flying by, proves that all this is true!

People scattered and fled, but no police came in a short time.Tourists in Dubai hid outside their doors and recorded all this with cellphones and DV videos.

Fu Ming tore off the tablecloth on the table and wiped away the blood on Thorpe's belly. The bullet holes were exposed one after another, but the blood was still oozing out and covered the bullet holes in an instant.This is hurting the internal organs!

"Ahem!" Thorpe felt someone pressing his stomach, coughed subconsciously, and spit out a big mouthful of blood with a wow!

"Oops, my stomach was punctured!" Fu Ming immediately realized that Thorpe was seriously injured, and took out his mobile phone to call Jack for emergency treatment, but he found that Jack Davis was standing not far from where he was. And Thorpe's injury was done by Jack himself!

Jack Davis, is no longer a partner.Fu Ming didn't really realize this until now.With a gloomy face, he pressed his phone a few times and dialed the hallucination call.

After the hallucination answered the phone, Fu Ming said immediately. "Bring someone, lock my GPS and come over quickly. At the same time, notify the Dubai police and let their nearest person come over. I need help, call an ambulance!"

Fu Ming hung up the phone without waiting for the auditory hallucination to answer.Thorpe waved his hand in the air, and he grabbed Fu Ming's collar with all his strength, and a bloody handprint suddenly appeared on Fu Ming's clothes!

"I'm destined...not to be able to go home..." Thorpe's voice was very weak, almost humming softly.So much so that Fu Ming had to put his ear to Thorpe's mouth to hear a very faint voice. "Unexpectedly, they actually...cough cough cough..."

Before he finished speaking, another big mouthful of blood spewed out!

"Don't talk, the doctor will come right away, I promise you that you will see your daughter!" Fu Ming held Thorpe's wound vigorously, even though it was useless.

At the same time, Jack has already suppressed Xu Cheng with the pistol in his hand, and his marksmanship is also very precise. The pistol in his hand is the same as Xu Cheng, which is a glock-22. Like Xu Cheng, he has also turned on the burst mode. In terms of firepower, he did not lose to Xu Cheng at all.

Before that, he had already prepared a car for himself. He could escape from downtown Dubai by road, and there were people at the port to meet him and retreat. He left himself a seemingly perfect back road.

How could Xu Cheng watch Jack escape?Just after Jack ceased fire, Xu Cheng chased him out like flying. There were still many onlookers around the coffee shop. He didn't want to hurt others. This would undoubtedly bring huge troubles to Fu Ming.Even if the relationship between Fu Ming and Jie La is not ordinary, Dubai is also the territory of Untr, so it is not good to have a shootout in the urban area and hurt innocent people!

Not far away, a police car Ula Ula was already approaching. Fu Ming did not leave Thorpe, but was still doing his best to stop Thorpe's bleeding.

However, Thorpe's pupils had gradually dilated and he could no longer see.

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