arms tycoon

Chapter 365

Xu Cheng, don't let him escape! Seeing that there was no hope of saving Thorpe, Fu Ming chased him out with a pistol in his hand.

Jack Davis had already gotten into the car by taking advantage of the chaos. Just as he was about to start the car, he heard a loud crackling sound behind him. The bullet followed his body and hit the car body. The black car was immediately pierced with several holes and the windows were smashed. up.The car had just started, and the wheels hadn't turned a full circle, but Jack, who was sitting in the car, felt that the car was sinking slowly!

The tire on the right side behind the car was pierced by a bullet, and the compressed air in the tire escaped outwards repeatedly. Although the car can still drive, it must not be able to keep up with the speed.The police had already set up a blockade at the intersection, and there were police cars chasing after them. The cars whose speed was affected would definitely not be able to outrun the police cars.

Jack sighed helplessly, it seems that he can only forcefully rush to Wushuang Dragon Soul!

But Xu Cheng never gave him this chance. "Jack, put down the weapon in your hand, maybe the boss will spare your life!"

"Haha, the boss has always been ruthless. Even if I save my life, why not spend my eternity in prison? Then I would rather die for my country!" Jack got out of the car again, and after changing the magazine, he raised his hand to aim at Xu Cheng, bang bang Bang is a few more shots!

"Good marksmanship!" Xu Cheng hid behind a car, the body of the car was pounded by bullets!There were also bullets that passed through the armor of the two-layer car door and flew directly past Xu Cheng's head.

"Isn't it you and Wayne who taught me?" Jack laughed frantically, "Thanks to your teaching, I changed from a field doctor of the Marine Corps to a sharpshooter!" Because Xu Cheng couldn't judge Jack could only shoot according to the direction of the sound. Although the bullets had strong penetrating power, Xu Cheng hid in the bunker, but did not suffer any substantial damage.

Xu Cheng was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Jack, as a CIA agent, would not be able to shoot from the very beginning!Xu Cheng and Wayne Brad almost unreservedly passed on their marksmanship and design experience to Jack Davis.Because they regard Jack as their own, as a brother.But never thought that brothers would betray them.

Not only Fu Ming, but also Xu Cheng was furious!

"You traitor!" Xu Cheng is a soldier. Although he was resentful and wanted to cut Jack into pieces, Fu Ming's order was to capture him alive. Able to kill Jack with one blow!

"Jack, surrender, you are already surrounded. Provide information about cia, and I can let you stay in the team regardless of past suspicions, or you can leave untr from now on, and don't touch cia, everything is up to you You decide, I will give you freedom!" Fu Ming still made the final judgment, he couldn't bear to kill his brother, even if this brother betrayed him.Fu Ming was also leaning against the back of a car in the parking lot, about four or five parking spaces away from Jack, even a little more forward than Xu Cheng.

"Hahaha, boss. I always thought you were ruthless, but I thought you were able to forgive me! Do big things, don't care about small things. Emotional things will make you suffer. However, I still thank you for your forgiveness! "Although he said so, what Jack used to answer Fu Ming was still a few bullets.

"Boss, be careful, don't talk, I'll take care of everything!" Xu Cheng looked at Fu Ming's red eyes, and Fu Ming felt uncomfortable even thinking about it. "It's dangerous here, don't let him know where you are, Jack is no longer the Jack we knew!"

Fu Ming gritted his teeth and finally nodded. "Don't...kill him. Just don't let him run away."

Xu Cheng understood, and Fu Ming already understood what he meant. Jack can't die, and he can't lose his intelligence value. Besides, it's okay to hurt Jack.

The police immediately joined the shootout and tried to surround Jack from behind.But how could Jack fail to see this, he was shot three times when he turned his head, and those policemen hadn't experienced many gun battles, they were not swat members, and they had no actual combat experience at all, so they didn't know how to take cover while marching.

They became active targets for Jack, and three bullets brought down two policemen!Although Jack is only a doctor in the UNTR security force, this guy who was supposed to have little combat effectiveness was trained by Xu Cheng and Wayne to become a steel warrior, not to mention these rookie policemen, even swat or the UAE government army Come, as long as there are not many people, Jack has the power to fight!Just as Jack was about to continue shooting at the police, the pistol in his hand clicked twice, the trigger could no longer be pressed, the chamber had been ejected, and there was no bullet!

He never left his car, and the reason why he didn't move was because this was his arsenal.He opened the back cover of the car with the remote control key, threw away the pistol, and took out an m9 pistol from it again. After the last trip, he opened the safety and put it on his waist, and then took out his own acr-Masada Combat rifle.This gun was still kept by Fu Ming when he changed gears for the UNTR security forces collectively.

Each member of the security force has his own special memory on his Masada rifle, which can be regarded as a lucky character.And on Jack's gun, there are indeed a few words "Rebirth Mold Wife Invincible" read on.The crooked handwriting was engraved next to the speed machine.

This was forcibly engraved on Jack with a saber by Wayne Brad. At that time, Jack stopped Wayne dumbfoundedly, but he didn't stop him after all.

"he does not s**e people, just kill them. (This doctor does not save people, only kills.)"

When Jack saw this sentence, he still froze for a moment, and then showed a helpless wry smile.After replenishing three rifle magazines, he scooped up two more grenades, ready to break through the blockade and leave here.Once in port, he was able to return home safely.There are all kinds of information about untr, which he has already absorbed and stored in his mind.Ida Jones would never leave him to the United States.

"Magazines are made of plastic..." Jack hid behind the car and muttered in a low voice. He still remembered that when Fu Ming distributed these guns, he said that the magazines of these rifles were used to save the weight and The material has already been made of polymer plastic, so it doesn't feel so good.

The sound of a helicopter came from the sky. Fu Ming looked at the sky full of joy, but found that it was not a police helicopter at all, but a civilian news helicopter!

"fu*k!" Jack cursed, the sound of propellers in the sky brought him back to reality from that memory scene, he raised his rifle almost subconsciously, and then another series of bang bang bang bullets, bringing down four policemen. "It's so noisy!"

Jack shot the muzzle into the sky, and the AOG optical aiming cross was aimed at the windshield of the cockpit of the small helicopter very precisely. After several consecutive shots, the windshield shattered into slag, and remained in place with the help of the film , the glass was torn apart, and the entire windshield was also covered with a layer of viscous blood from the inside.

The helicopter pilot was directly pierced by a bullet through his head, brain matter, bone fragments, and blood spurted out immediately, covering the entire cockpit.

The co-pilot didn't expect that the driver died like this, and his brains were sprayed all over his face!He was so frightened that he couldn't cry out, but he still didn't think of continuing to control the plane. The plane fell straight down, the altitude was too low. When he wanted to turn the tide, he found that he was powerless!He gripped the joystick tightly and closed his eyes.

The helicopter spun in the air, and after a few turns, it directly hit several police cars parked outside the parking lot. With a loud bang, the two police cars were directly crushed by the falling helicopter. Dodging the helicopter, one after another came out from behind the police cars. Before they were lucky enough to have escaped, the bullets fired from the rifle in Jack's hand ended their good luck.

Bullets smashed them into a sieve.But they haven't fallen yet.

At this moment, the helicopter, which had hit the police car and stood upright, slowly tilted up, and the propeller slammed on the ground, white marks suddenly appeared on the asphalt road, and the propeller couldn't bear the pressure , It broke off brittlely.The high-speed rotating propeller flew out, and the policemen who had just been hit by the bullet were hit by the large fragments of the propeller, their arms and legs flew around, and blood sprinkled the road.

A piece of debris flew directly to a policeman's neck, and with a second pull, the policeman's head flew into the air, with a look of astonishment on his face!

The blood column flew straight into the sky, and after spraying for three full seconds, the corpse gradually fell down.The scene was bloody and jealous, and the smell of blood filled the surrounding air. Many onlookers at the scene hid away, but their stomachs churned and they still vomited out.

"These idiots!" Xu Cheng immediately got up and raised his gun to shoot, ready to suppress the firepower and give the police a chance to get close.There is no way. Although the police who came here responded quickly, they were only patrolling nearby. It would take a certain amount of time for swat to arrive here, and they could not form combat effectiveness.

"That helicopter is really not afraid of death!" Fu Ming gritted his teeth and said, swat's reaction speed was slow enough, didn't he enter the standby state at the beginning?After I go back, I have to have a good talk with Zyra, and I can't handle things well!If this was a battlefield, the news helicopters hovering in the low sky would have already been shot down by anti-aircraft missiles or bazookas.It's just that even if it's not a battlefield, Jack can still kill the low-altitude and low-speed helicopter with the rifle in his hand. This is a very simple matter for any member of the security force.

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