arms tycoon

Chapter 371 Intrigue

"K, don't be so sad all the time, I don't owe you money, I kindly invite you out to eat and relax, you can't treat me like this!" Zyra shook the cup in her hand, and the crystal clear and colorful ice cubes It collides with a transparent glass and makes a crisp sound.

The light yellow Budweiser in the cup slowly bubbles up from the bottom of the cup, forming a piece of white beer foam on the top layer.With a rosy face, Zyra drank the beer in the glass, and the waiter beside her immediately refilled a large glass for her.

The current Fu Ming is not in the mood to go drink with Jie La at all.In this high-end bar, he just ordered a glass of ice water. He watched the transparent ice cubes in the glass melt little by little, as if what melted was not the ice cubes, but the relationship between him and Jack Davis. brotherhood.

"Have you ever been betrayed by someone closest to you?" Fu Ming shook the glass, the ice cubes jingled, and he didn't pay attention to Zyra's current obsession, even though the daughter of the President of the United Arab Emirates had already drank a lot Wine, two lovely blush blooms on the cheeks.

"It's never happened before. The people around me are the most loyal. They won't betray me." Zyra hiccupped. "I said, don't think about those things anymore. I probably know about those things in untr. Don't worry about those things anymore. Things will always pass and life will continue."

"If life can't go on, then what I'm drinking now shouldn't be water. Do I have to be as drunk as you are, and get drunk so that life can go on?" Fu Ming chuckled.

"What do you mean kid? My old lady spared no time to avoid accidents with you, and specially invited you to drink to relax, but you are so good, you actually made fun of me!" Jie La's expression turned cold, and then she burst out laughing again. "Haha, it's just that this is the K I like. Don't be surprised by favor or humiliation, and don't mess up when things happen. I admire you very much. In fact, thinking about it now, if you would collapse because of this, then you wouldn't have the current situation." untr."

"Thank you for your understanding." Fu Ming took a sip of the ice water. The cold water made him feel a little bit comfortable in this hot night, and his restless mood gradually eased. "To thank you, cheers."

"But your glass is full of water! Forget it..." For a while, Zyra had no choice but to raise her wine glass, touch Fu Ming's glass lightly, and then drank it down in one gulp.

"Next, what is Untr's plan? We are strategic allies, so it's not too much to ask you about these things. I heard that the United Nations has already begun to offer an olive branch to Untr."

Fu Ming narrowed his eyes, the United Nations?Although Untr wants to enter the United Nations and want to occupy a place, but this idea has always been suppressed in Fu Ming's mind, and he dare not make the slightest move. Compared with those countries, Untr is still very humble.Although it has its own military power, the most cutting-edge technology, and a huge military and economic alliance, Untr is indeed not a country with independent sovereignty and territory, and there are many obstacles to entering the United Nations.The United States alone has the veto power.

After hearing the news, Fu Ming even felt a little surprised. He didn't expect that the United Nations would take the initiative to find Untr. Moreover, he didn't get the news from Cat or Cariana Soyce, but from Zyra Here is the information.

"I don't know, let's take it one step at a time. It seems that untr doesn't have the qualifications to enter the United Nations." Fu Ming laughed at himself.However, entering the United Nations is indeed a good thing for Untr.However, the status of untr in the United Nations is still open to question.Fu Ming didn't want to arrange Untr into the United Nations with a soy sauce status. In that case, he would undoubtedly be excluded based on his face.No matter where untr goes, one should not look at people's faces, Fu Ming can't stand this.

"If untr wants to enter the United Nations, then my father will definitely be the first to support it. You can rest assured about this. Of course, after entering the United Nations, the core interests of the Middle East and the Arab region..." Zyra smiled slyly, "I think , Our interests are also your interests."

Fu Ming nodded, and just as he was about to speak, the phone rang. "Sorry..." Fu Ming stood up, the call came from the imperial capital of China.Without even thinking about it, I knew it was Leng Jianbin calling.

Jiela curled her lips and said nothing, still drinking cold beer.

"Uncle Leng, how is the investigation going?" Fu Ming asked straight to the point, and the question was naturally about the underground organization of the right-wing forces in Japan.

"We have dug out some peripheral personnel, all of whom are radicals who deal with intelligence and are of little use. The power of this organization is stronger than we imagined. Building a nuclear bomb requires scientists and capital investment. About these two aspects , There is no specific news yet, those peripheral members either don't know anything, or they don't want to say anything, they have a very hard mouth, and they have received special training, so they can't pry it open..." Leng Jianbin sighed Chess Story. "In the past few days, although the transfer of power in Japan has been completed, a new cabinet government is being elected, and the emperor has ceased to exist, our PLA soldiers are still being hurt."

"Every invader will encounter crazy resistance from the local people. Untr has also encountered this kind of thing. Whether it is in Syria, the United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, Lebanon..." Fu Ming comforted. "Most of them are civilians. It's nothing. When they get used to it, they won't resist. The war against Japan didn't destroy too many things, and their lives should be gradually improved under the adequate planned economic system." It’s going to take a long time for everything to get better.”

"China hasn't fought a war for decades, and I still need to learn from you for these things." Leng Jianbin chuckled. "The local civilians can't make much trouble. That underground organization is what I'm really worried about. They have organized large-scale attacks on PLA garrisons and patrol troops. After the war ended, PLA soldiers were still killed. Injuries, the number of casualties has reached more than 200 in a few days! They are well-trained and equipped with weapons, even heavy weapons and helicopters. It is impossible for us to search every inch of land in Japan. These people usually Hiding in their own homes, looking like civilians, but when it comes time to act, they will be fully armed and kill our people. We didn't catch them, and we couldn't find any evidence. You can't arrest people for no reason. International The society is watching! This kind of thing may have been done in the last century, but now, random arrests will not only cause an uproar in international public opinion, but may also cause riots in Japan!"

"It's really more difficult..." Fu Ming scratched his head with a bitter look on his face. "In a few days, I will also arrive in Tokyo to deal with related matters. I will handle this matter personally, and I must find out those people! The pot of shit is on Untr's head, absolutely unbearable! But compared to This matter... I still want to know, what is the attitude of the United Nations towards untr?"

Leng Jianbin was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Fu Ming's news to be so well-informed. He already knew things that hadn't been announced yet. "It was a secret meeting of the United Nations Secretary-General. The content and nature were confidential. There were no more than 100 people in the world who knew about it. More than [-] of them were state leaders, and the rest were the meeting The relevant personnel. The level of confidentiality is very high, and I don’t know the specific content. If you have the opportunity, you can ask Chairman Xi in person. I don’t have the authority to ask about this matter. I only know that they held a meeting about the current international situation and untr The secret secretarial meeting, the real content and resolution, I don't know at all..." Leng Jianbin licked his lips. "I heard that there is a traitor in Untr, and he is still in a high position and at the core."

"Uncle Leng, your news is very well-informed. It was less than 24 hours after I dealt with this matter, and you already knew about it. How many people from the Intelligence Department of the General Staff are there in Untr? You must know that this news is in Untr It is extremely confidential, except for the high-level and a few low-level direct action personnel, no one else knows." Fu Ming's expression turned cold. "I don't want to cause a rift in our cooperation because of the spy issue."

"There are indeed our people in Untr, but you can rest assured that these people are relatively low-level, and there are still very few things they can touch. The information they brought to me is even less. This time it was just a coincidence I just got it. They will not threaten the core interests of untr, even if they want to. There are some things you choose not to tell us, we can only find a way to figure things out by ourselves, and I hope you don't blame me. There are also untr people in the Intelligence Department of the General Staff, so don’t think I don’t know about it.” Leng Jianbin was calm, without the slightest embarrassment, and took it for granted.

Hearing this, Fu Ming couldn't explain anything, but his facial muscles twitched a little. Indeed, there were people from Fu Ming in the General Staff's Intelligence Office, but these informants didn't provide Fu Ming with any useful information. People seem to be excluded, being supervised and unable to touch any core content.

And the Intelligence Department of the General Staff is actually interesting enough, as long as it is related to untr, information, information or even actions, it will always communicate with Fu Ming.And Fu Ming would blackmail the Chinese government in the arms business, it seems uninteresting!

"Ahem... Uncle Leng, I got the news that the United Nations is ready to throw an olive branch to UNTR... The Chinese government, what decision has it made?"

Leng Jianbin rolled his eyes and grumbled, "China naturally supports it. Even if I say nothing about this matter, the decision will definitely be like this. It feels good to have a strong ally in the United Nations. However, China supports untr to enter the United Nations, so untr should also give China something in return..."

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