arms tycoon

Chapter 372 Murder

Fu Ming only obediently agreed a few words, then hung up the phone upset, and returned to his work, but was very anxious to go back to the hotel.Even though he only woke up in the afternoon, he was still extremely sleepy.This made Zyra helpless for a while, but she couldn't refuse Fu Ming.

Maybe Fu Ming needs to adjust himself more than find someone to relieve his mood.Zyra felt she could do enough.

"Do you want me to take you back to the hotel? It's very convenient to have a car." Jie La blinked at Fu Ming.

Fu Ming looked at the bodyguards behind Zyra, and quickly shook his head. "I'm not interested in confronting your gang of burly men." Fu Ming didn't want to get involved with Jiela anymore, and it was already too much for him to come out for a drink and a meal together.He touched the silver-white rose that had been pinned to his chest, and he still couldn't forget his affection and loyalty to Coco Heike Indias.

"You still miss her." Zyra frowned. She still doesn't understand what is so special about Keke other than her family background and appearance.Maybe beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Fu Ming treats Ke Ke like this, and Jie La can't help it.

"Forget it, it's only been a few days, and no one expects you to get better. It's just that I always thought you were a hard-hearted person, and your heart has already become harder than granite!"

"I'm not the kind of person with a heart of stone." Fu Ming seldom defended himself, and then showed a sincere smile for the first time tonight. "Thank you anyway. I would rather consider you as my friend."

"I would rather treat you as my boyfriend. Although it was my father's intention to approach you at the beginning, but now..." Zyra's face became more rosy when she said this. Although Arab women are not as open as Western women, they still Zyra represents the new generation of Arab women. She is unwilling to wear a headscarf because of religious issues, and she is unwilling to hide at home and not go out. She is even more open than Asian women. "I really think you are very interesting, and I am willing to get close to you. Is that Chinese girl really better than me? Give it a chance, read the full text of the handsome guy reborn."

"No chance, goodbye, beauty!" Fu Ming drank all the water in the glass, the ice cubes had already melted into the water, he put down the glass, took out a few dollars from his wallet, and never looked back leave.It's not too far from the sailing hotel, so Fu Ming decided to walk back to enjoy the evening here more.

The CIA spy had just been caught, and Fu Ming didn't think that Ida Jones would choose to touch his safety at this time, which would undoubtedly make Fu Ming take even crazier revenge.

Fu Ming took out his mobile phone and called Carianna. Cariana is not in a good mood right now. Jack Davis, this gentle brother, is actually a spy planted by CIA in the untr. Carly Anna was so kind to him!

Carianna’s voice was a bit dull, as if she had just cried. She was still by Mo Bing’s side. Mo Bing’s health was fine, but the doctor asked him to stay in the hospital for observation to prevent any damage to the brain caused by high-efficiency anesthetics. .

"elder brother……"

"Don't be too uncomfortable. None of us could have predicted such a thing. We can only accept it. The enemy is the enemy, and he cannot tolerate any mercy. If he allows the enemy to destroy our internal structure, he will send us to the morgue." Fu Ming did not Too much comfort, he knew that Kariana had been inside Untr for so long, and he should know this truth, but now he just couldn't accept the fact.

"How could he treat us like this! Mo Bing treated him like a brother, and he actually teamed up with the enemy to hurt his own people! And Sister Keke..." Carianna held back her tears and didn't let them flow. "Forget it, I need time. What's the matter with you, brother?"

"How is Mo Bing?" Fu Ming asked.

"He's as strong as a cow, but he's still under observation. He can get out of bed and walk around. There's nothing wrong with him." Having said that, Carianna's tone eased a bit. The fact that Mo Bing didn't have an accident is the greatest consolation. up.

"What time is the earliest flight to Japan?"

", the war in Japan has just ended, and the domestic international airport is still under the supervision of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. It only provides special aviation needs and military aviation needs, and is not open to the public, so...Dubai International Airport has not yet flown. Civil aviation aircraft going to any place in Japan. I think you should transfer a special plane, apply to the Chinese side for the route and landing time, and let them empty a runway."

The special plane Kariana mentioned was the high-orbit reconnaissance plane that Fu Ming bought from Russia last time. This reconnaissance plane has not yet been put into use, and its flying altitude is above [-] meters, even surpassing the flying altitude of the American goddess of dawn. .When flying, the members are even in a state of weightlessness.

However, this aircraft has added overload equipment, and after undergoing special modifications, it can allow the occupants to walk on the ground, and the flight speed is much less than five to seven times the speed of sound of the Aurora Goddess.Just normal supersonic speed.

The probability of this kind of aircraft being shot down in high orbit is extremely small. Even if the Americans use anti-high orbit missiles to attack, the UNTR headquarters can immediately detect the missile and intercept it before the missile hits the aircraft.

Fu Ming didn't want to use that big guy. After all, taking an international civil aviation flight, even first-class, only costs a few thousand dollars, but flying with that thing, fuel, wear and tear, and other messy things cost tens of thousands of dollars.

"Well, I'd like to see this plane fly from Kinshasa to Dubai within five hours. Contact Jaira ibn Jasdin and use her connections to open a route to Dubai International Airport and we're going to occupy a runway. From the Chinese side, I will leave it to you to contact Leng Jianbin..." Fu Ming had just finished the phone call with Leng Jianbin, and had just left Jiela's place. He turned around to ask for help just after the conversation, always seemed It's a bit insincere.

"Brother, pay attention to rest. You are very tired today. I will keep an eye on these things. If you don't understand, I will ask sister cat. You will not be disturbed in the next three hours, unless it is somewhere Fighting again."

Fu Ming agreed and hung up the phone. Kariana was in the untr, which made him feel more at ease.He was exhausted physically and mentally, as if he had lost his job. Looking at the feasting and feasting on the bustling street, he walked silently with his head down. He lit a cigarette and held it in his mouth, but he didn't smoke the supernatural doctor.He suddenly didn't want to go back to the hotel, so he just sat down on the bench by the roadside.

The sky was getting darker and darker, and I don't know how long he sat there, but there were already piles of cigarette butts under Fu Ming's feet.The patrolling policeman saw Fu Ming and came over to salute him.

"Sir, what difficulties have you encountered?" The policeman was very polite.

Fu Ming immediately realized that he was littering!This is not China or the headquarters of UNTR. Throwing cigarette butts on the ground will be fined, especially in places like Dubai. "Sorry, I'll clean this up right away."

Fu Ming hurriedly bent down to pick up the cigarette butts on the ground. The two policemen looked at each other, but they didn't punish the oriental man. They were very humane.

Looking at the clothes on Fu Ming's body, they seemed to be of great value, but this oriental man's face was gloomy, depressed, and his face was darkened. It was obvious that he had suffered some blow.

"Sir, smoking is not allowed in public places. There is a smoking room in the restaurant not far away. If you need any help, I can help you..."

Fu Ming nodded, "I'm fine, I'm very sorry. Thank you." He picked up the coat on the bench, and it was indeed time to go back to the hotel to rest.

But as soon as he turned around, he felt a cold feeling on his back. After many years on the battlefield, his sixth sense has already been very developed. The sixth sense may save lives, but it may be paranoid.He would rather believe it than believe it, a huge sense of crisis rushed into his heart, just looking back, a policeman who was still standing there, his head suddenly exploded!

Brain, broken bones, and blood sprayed all over the floor, and the head was blown off, leaving only the bare neck that was bleeding out.

The dark blue police uniform was stained black with blood, and the other policeman looked at all this dumbfounded, unable to even move his body!

There was just a terrorist attack in the afternoon. How could there be such a shooting incident at night, and the police were directly shot dead?It was lawless!The surviving policeman reacted and immediately turned his head to look. In the dim dusk, few people had noticed this place.

The police only saw pedestrians pointing, but did not see where the murderer was.Good quality made him realize that this is a sniper, and the target of the sniper is likely to be the oriental man just now!

Fu Ming was also stunned. At this time, the person who dared to assassinate him, could it be cia?Fu Ming immediately rejected this idea. The whole city of Dubai is under martial law, and it is undoubtedly very difficult for CIA outsiders to get in.Ada Jones would not go to any trouble with Fu Ming at this juncture. Cia doesn't want to make a big deal out of Dubai.

Who is it?Who is it!Fu Ming didn't care so much anymore, he knew that the other party's target was him, and it was very likely that it was not just as simple as a sniper.He pulled out a Type 92 9mm pistol from his back, and while the bullet was being loaded, he immediately turned off the safety, and took a few quick steps to pull the surviving policeman back, and the two rushed to the back of the bench, ignoring the broken one The corpse of a police officer with his head decapitated.

Fu Ming removed the magazine, checked the bullets inside, and then sent the magazine back.

"Who the hell are you?" The police almost peed their pants. After so many years of patrolling, they have never seen a sniper kill someone in the street!The one who killed was a policeman, without any hesitation!

"Do you have a gun?" Fu Ming looked at the trembling policeman.

The policeman was stunned and did not answer Fu Ming.

"Do you have a gun!" Fu Ming shouted loudly.

"Yes... yes..." He tremblingly drew out his pistol, which was a glock-18. "I only have one magazine."

"There are only two of us left now. I will explain this matter to you later. In order to survive, we must kill any ground personnel that may exist. There will never be fewer of them!" Fu Ming observed the surrounding area. Murderous like a blood-red cloud.

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