arms tycoon

Chapter 379

On the second day after Fu Ming arrived in Tokyo, he received another letter from that mysterious person.This time, that person didn't hide his identity anymore, instead he exposed his identity and location with great fanfare. In the email, he also attached a photo.

The information of the photo is very comprehensive, including the shooting time, location, pixels, and even what camera was used for shooting, all of which are in the attributes of that photo.

Fu Ming opened the photo, and rows of tanks appeared in front of him!Those t-72 tanks seem to have never been used, they are all brand new, and there is no trace of aging rust even after a long time.

After the identification of untr technicians, all the information of this photo, including the photo itself, has no signs of forgery at all.This shows that the person named Brikovic Allah does have the goods.

Fu Ming looked at this photo carefully. The background looked like a warehouse, but both the ceiling and the walls were all khaki. This should be an underground warehouse, which looked very large.Apparently, this photo was taken in a basement somewhere.

Brikovic Allah.from the Republic of Latvia.Latvia is a country located in Northeast Europe. After the upheaval in Eastern Europe in the [-]s, Latvia was attracted by the United States and Europe and joined the European Union. It is also a member of NATO and the Mediterranean Union, and has completely become a Western power country. .

In such Western power countries, even NATO member states, there are still a large number of Soviet-style tank equipment, enough to assemble an armored division.Fu Ming felt that this was simply unbelievable. These equipment should have been sold by the government long ago, or destroyed after the end of the Cold War. How could they be kept so intact in the hands of one person?

Fu Ming can't control so much, he only knows that this is a big deal, at least in terms of quantity.He replied to the email immediately, indicating that he would fly directly to Latvia this afternoon.Since the airport in Tokyo is still not available for private use, and it is impossible for Fu Ming to take his own special plane and land directly in a NATO member country, whether Latvia will approve a runway and route for untr will not be mentioned for the time being. It means that Fu Ming is looking for death.

Fu Ming could only fly to Hong Kong first, and then fly to Latvia via the airport there.With that highly authentic photo, Fu Ming no longer doubted whether this transaction was a scam. He was very sure that Brikovic Allah did have the goods in his hand.

There was a knock on the door. Fu Ming stood up from the sofa and opened the door himself. Wayne Brad saluted and walked in.

"Don't be so clichéd, do you want to say hello to me before you leave? Or come and tell me that our fleet doesn't need to go to the Philippines anymore?" Fu Ming smiled and sat down again.

Wayne was also very casual, found a very comfortable position and sat down, crossing his legs. "The Filipinos have surrendered. They are drawing up a list of terrorists and starting to clear and arrest people across the country. It is estimated that we will have a result in the evening. Force deterrence is more useful than anything else." Wayne raised his eyebrows, but untr It's not the kind of thing that clamors to hit, but doesn't move at all.

untr In the international community, words must be followed by deeds, which is obvious to all.How can the Philippines not be afraid?

Fu Ming let out a deep breath, it must be good to have one less trouble. "We can't relax now. Send a few people over there and publicly declare that it's supervision work. Since you want to bully people, let's bully to the end!" Fu Ming didn't like the Philippines. Untr and the Philippines had conflicts at sea. If they couldn't beat UNTR, they asked the US fleet directly for help, and the friction at sea could only end hastily.

In history, the Philippines has been colonized for more than 200 years. In these 200 years, it has not successfully resisted, which can be regarded as a wonderful existence.Even the people in the Philippine Islands have been assimilated in the process of being colonized. They say that Europeans are not like them, and Asians are not like them. Even the official languages ​​​​have become Filipino and English, and they are lost. A lot of things, including backbone.

Fu Ming looks down on a country that has no backbone.

"I like this way of doing things!" Wayne laughed. "Boss, when are you going to leave? Anyway, I'm not going to the Philippines anymore. I'll go with you to make a deal."

Fu Ming glanced at his watch, the current time was a little past ten in the morning. "At two o'clock in the afternoon, the special plane will go to Hong Kong, and then fly from Hong Kong to Riga, the capital of Latvia. Don't come with me. The UNTR troops here need a core leader. If you are not here, there will be trouble. After all those people are handed over, they will be handed over to China. We don’t want those prisoners. They will be punished as they should. After these things are over, you can go directly to New North Korea, the second factory of Trinuclear Heavy Industry in Kaesong Industrial Zone The construction has been completed, the army needs to be stationed there, and the barracks have also been built. You can discuss the specific matters with the cat to carry out the handover and stationing of the troops."

Wayne nodded, "Boss, rest then, I'll go prepare the personnel to be sent to the Philippines." Wayne stood up, saluted Fu Ming again, walked out of the room, and closed the door with his backhand.

Fu Ming smiled wryly. Although Wayne didn't look like a soldier, he was a special soldier of Cui Shen, a special service team of the British Royal Air Force, and some things in his bones could not be changed.He began to think about his plan. For China, the first island chain no longer exists.

Japan destroyed the country, the whole country is in the hands of China, the Korean peninsula has also been unified by Kim Jong-un, the People's Republic of Korea is of course inclined to China and untr, Taiwan was also recovered by force a few months ago, the Philippines is a two-headed grass, which side It will run wherever the stick is big, and naturally it will not obey the orders of the United States.

For China, an ally, Fu Ming has done his best.Now, he had to start thinking about his own affairs.Ada Jones, the person Fu Ming wanted to kill with his own hands in his dreams!

Before he knew it, Fu Ming's right hand climbed up to his chest again, stroking the silver rose.Whether it was the Fushi Trading and Transportation Company back then, or the current Untr, or even the IADC, which was in full swing a few years ago, they have all been held back by CIA.Fu Ming didn't just want to kill Ida Jones and Rambalal, his ultimate goal was to bring down cia. The biggest enemy of untr is cia.Without that almost invincible intelligence organization, UNTR would be much larger now, and control the world pattern much faster.

At the same time, Ada Jones was thinking the same thing.

It was past ten o'clock in the evening in Washington local time, but Ada didn't sleep, but had supper with Rambalal.

"Chinese food, I have eaten decent Chinese food in Hong Kong, but the taste of this Chinese restaurant is not authentic." Rambalal curled his lips, although he said it was not authentic, the chopsticks in his hand did not stop at all.

"When something is far away from the mainland, it will always change over time. So does food, and so do people." Ada poked her chopsticks into the rice, but she didn't have much appetite. "Mr. Director has completely handed over the power to us. This is the greatest honor of the operation team, and even the entire intelligence system is under our command." Ada rubbed her temples, "What do you mean?"

"Don't you understand! This is what Mr. President means. From the moment the power is transferred...we really control the CIA. We have to start a new operation. The original method can no longer be used. Jack Day Weiss was also dug out, and the last hole card disappeared, Ada, there is no way out." Lamba's face was serious, but it was not because of the seriousness of the situation, but because he found that he didn't have enough rice!He stretched out his thick arms and snapped his fingers in mid-air. "Waiter, another serving of rice!"

"You heartless guy, you can't forget to eat it already!" Ada said angrily, and then pushed her rice to Lamba.She still has a lot of affection for this loyal partner. "Although those people were not dug out by the nuclear explosion in London last time, we do have untr spies inside. The positions are not high and there are a lot of people. If every operation is handed over to the subordinates from the top, layer by layer The possibility of information leakage is too great. The new operation must be directly led by us, transfer personnel from the military, or directly use JSOC, without the participation of low-level intelligence personnel and agents.”

As soon as the voice fell, the cell phone in Ada's pocket rang.A text message was sent to her mobile phone. The content of the text message was the content of the emails between Fu Ming and Brikovic Ala, and it was all.Of course, that photo also appeared on her phone.After seeing the photos, Ada opened her mouth in surprise. She didn't expect there to be so many tanks from the former Soviet Union in Latvia.

In fact, this news did not come from surveillance Fuming. Latvia is a member of NATO, so intelligence information is naturally shared with the United States.Especially this kind of big news, he dare not neglect at all.People in the Latvian intelligence agency will pay attention to all sensitive information, emails and phone calls, and keep useful things.

One hundred secrets and one sparse, Brikovic Alla was so cautious, and still leaked the news.

The original surprised expression on Ada's face was gone, replaced by a meaningful smile. "Ramba, we have work to do! In Latvia, K must be killed!"

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