arms tycoon

Chapter 380 True and False Invitations

"Boss, I have to say, you are really brave. You know that Ada Jones is here to plot against you, but you still dare to delay our troops and come here alone to make a deal." Looking at the scenery outside the porthole of the plane Gradually stabilized, the auditory hallucination unfastened his seat belt, and helped Fu Ming take off the storage box on top of the laptop's bag.

In any case, Ada Jones and Rambalal's plan was intercepted by UNTR's intelligence system in the first place.It's not that their secrecy work is not good, but for the current UNTR, any confidential information, as long as it is disseminated through satellites or ground networks, will definitely be sent to UNTR's computer host t-81192. t-81192, will tirelessly decipher and summarize all encrypted information.As long as it is useful to untr, it will be intercepted.

With the assistance of quantum computers, the core processor of the artificial intelligence biological brain can decipher any encrypted information at the fastest speed.Those intelligence messages that are encrypted more than 100 times on each character are difficult to decipher for other intelligence organizations, and it will take a long time, but for t-81191, it is no different from transparent.Quantum computers and bionic brains are undoubtedly the most perverted existence.

"It's just that I don't know when and where they will appear for the time being. The intelligence information is very vague." Fu Ming stretched himself, he slept very comfortably on the plane.

"Will there be any danger in doing this?" Mo Bing muttered in a low voice, and after getting off the plane, he walked in front of Fu Ming and carefully observed the surroundings, but found nothing unusual.

"Their target is me, and this time Ida Jones and Rambalal will do it themselves. Unless I don't make any armed defense preparations, they won't do it easily." Fu Ming is putting himself as bait.Previously, he planned to bring the two Yungong-20 "Thor" directly over, but this request was rejected by the Latvian government.Undoubtedly, this NATO member has no friendship with UNTR, and naturally it is impossible for Fu Ming to bring his own armed forces here.

Before boarding the plane, Fu Ming's telephone negotiations with the Latvian government had ended. The result was obvious. Fu Ming was stumped. In the end, he got 500 people from the UNTR army to Latvia to serve as his own escort. He didn't even mention it at all.

But in this way, Fu Ming would have no escort?of course not.These 500 people were completely scattered, some took planes, some took ships, and some came from Russia and Belarus directly by railway or road. Of course, more people were smuggled.

As long as these five hundred soldiers can be brought to Latvia, Brikovic Allah should be able to solve the problem of food and housing for these people, and even the problem of identity.Fu Ming asked Brikovic very cryptically in the email, and Brikovich immediately said that as long as he could sell what he had, it would be fine to give Fu Ming some convenience.

Fu Ming's guess was correct.Ala Brikovic, this person is really not simple.Why not simple?It has been decades since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and in his hands, under his personal name, there is actually a whole piece of equipment of the former Soviet armored division, which is very well preserved and is brand new!Tanks and other equipment require daily maintenance.Brickovich alone would certainly not be able to complete such a huge workload.A tank is not a car, just find someone to learn it for a few days and you can maintain it.

Hundreds of tanks must have at least hundreds of workers, and a dozen engineers wandering around.Just the employment fee of these people is a lot of money, and you can't find people with money!Even if someone has that craftsmanship and brains, they may not listen to him because of money.After all, possession of arms is a felony in Latvia, and so many things are enough to cause a subversion in the small country of Latvia. If caught, it would be enough for Brikovic to die hundreds of times. Once the matter is exposed, all workers and Engineers were not spared.

Fu Ming admired Brickovich very much. This person is so courageous, but he is not foolhardy.At least in the past period of time, no one knew that there were still a batch of t-72 tanks that had not been destroyed, lying quietly in an underground warehouse somewhere in the Republic of Latvia.

The news was blocked very tightly, Fu Ming asked himself, untr can't do this.

There is not a lot of people at the airport, probably because it is already noon, many people seem lazy and move slowly.The ethnic composition of Latvia is complex, and people from about a dozen European nationalities can be seen here.Fu Ming didn't know much about this place, and it was his first time here.After giving the passport to the customs for stamping and taking photos for confirmation, Fu Ming walked out of the checkpoint and took a deep breath. "I can even smell the Baltic Sea."

"The hotel has been booked." Mo Bing glanced at his watch, "Boss, we shouldn't be in a hurry to see those things." Mo Bing reached out to stop a taxi.

Latvia is a member of NATO, and it is also a small place. Untr's hand has not yet reached here.Although the domestic political struggle is very fierce, it has not yet evolved to the time when various parties are about to fight. Untr naturally cannot be mixed.For this small country in Northeast Europe, Fu Ming still doesn't like it.

If you don't like it, you can't look down on it. There is no untr branch office in the local area for Fu Ming. The result is that Fu Ming has to take a taxi by himself, and he has to book a hotel by himself. Not easy to handle.If he shoots and kills someone, he will be dealt with by the local police and armed forces in minutes. It is not Fu Ming's habit to capsize in the gutter.

"We'll talk about the business after today. Don't forget our purpose." Fu Ming nodded, then looked at the slightly shabby taxi and sighed.

"I don't even have a guy in my hand..." the hallucination said helplessly, and looked at Mo Bing.

When they got off the plane, they had a fruit knife on them, and they didn't even have a serious saber or dagger, let alone a gun.This thing can't be carried on a civil aviation airliner. It's okay to say in Hong Kong, just turn a blind eye and close your eyes. When the passport is inspected at the customs in Latvia, once it is discovered, the consequences will be serious.

The three men each carried a fruit knife and got into the taxi.To Fu Ming's satisfaction, the hotel they booked in Riga was quite reliable.At least it looks good.

The hotel was built in a unique architectural style in Eastern Europe. The tall conical roof rose straight into the sky like a castle. The semicircular windows were irregularly dotted on the walls, and the glass was not transparent and colorful.Walking through the gate, although there was nothing extravagant or resplendent, Fu Ming felt as if he had been baptized by divine light.In the center of the hall, there is a plaster sculpture of the latest chapter of Zhidou Wangfu.A thin, scantily clad man was tied to a large cross.

Crucifix, also known as the Catholic cross.Looks like the designer of this hotel was a Christian.

Fu Ming sneered, if God really existed, then there would be no guns in this world.Before Fu Ming and his group came to the front desk, a man who looked like a local from Latvia came towards them.

Fu Ming didn't think it was a killer sent by Ada Jones, and Ada was also afraid of losing the price, so she wouldn't send such a thing over.

"Mr. K." The man took out a photo from his pocket, looked at Fu Ming, and then at the photo.He handed the photo to Fu Ming, "You are much thinner and darker than the person in the photo."

Fu Ming looked down, wasn't that himself!It seems that the photos taken when I entered school will be circulated.It seems that the things about me in China have been dug up by everyone.The current Fu Ming is taller, thinner and darker.The only thing that hasn't changed is that unemotional smile and always clear and bright eyes.

Fu Ming nodded, but did not speak.

"Mr. Brikovichala sent me. You have been targeted by the local intelligence agency. To avoid suspicion, we cannot go to the airport to meet you. Please forgive us for our negligence and irrationality." The man nodded slightly at Fu Ming .

How could Fu Ming not know this?It's just that no one is out of stock in my hand, so it's better to keep a low profile.He didn't use a fake passport when he entered the customs, and all the documents had Fu Ming's name on it.This name has long been resounding all over the world, and the inspector of the customs even took a few glances at Fu Minguo.From the time the passport was scanned, Fu Ming was being watched.

Moreover, it seems that not only people from the local intelligence department, but also people from CIA.

"Mr. Ala invited you to dinner, and I hope to discuss the details of the transaction with you. As for the location of the goods, he will take you to see them tomorrow. For safety, I must convey the news verbally. Finally, I wish you good luck." The man He stretched out his hand and shook hands with Fu Ming, regardless of whether Fu Ming spoke or not, anyway, his work was done.

The man withdrew his hand back, and there was already a small note in Fu Ming's hand.Fu Ming just glanced at it and stuffed the note into his pocket.

He walked to the front. "Hello, I booked three rooms here eight hours ago..."

The Latvian man walked out of the hotel, turned a few corners into an alley, took out his mobile phone and pressed a few words, a text message was sent, and only a few minutes later, someone came to the alley to look for him.

"It's done?" The man who came to him was tall, and the muscles on his arms seemed to explode.

"Everything is according to what you told me." The Latvian man saw the man who came to him, as if he saw the God of Wealth. "This...reward..."

The tall man smiled, "If the matter is done, you will be benefited." As he spoke, he touched the inside of the thin coat with his right hand.

The smile on the Latvian man's face became even more intense, and there was greed in his eyes.

"Bullets are very expensive." The tall man took out an M9 pistol and pointed it at the Latvian man with a smile.

The Latvian's smile froze on his face, and before he could shout out, the tall man pulled the trigger instantly.

The pistol has been equipped with a silencer, and it only makes a popping sound.The Latvian man's face was pierced with several holes, and even if someone recognized his body, his identity could not be confirmed immediately.

"It's really expensive." The tall man carefully picked up the cartridge case and put it in his pocket.This kind of bullet has a small groove in the bullet head, and the psychotoxin injected into the groove can kill a person within two seconds, see blood seal the throat.

The cost of the toxin is one hundred dollars per milliliter.It is indeed very expensive.

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