arms tycoon

Chapter 381

"Fiction Field" Watch the latest | Chapter The tall man came out from the alley. He stuffed the pistol back into the holster hanging under his arm. He took out his mobile phone and made a call. The call was blocked within three seconds. Connected.

"It's done. But... will he really be fooled?"

"No." The female voice on the other end of the phone answered very simply. "Lamba, don't look at them there anymore. Come and have lunch with me. The caviar tastes good. I like Nordic wine."

"Before the action, you were so nervous. But when it's time to act, I feel that you have become what you were before I acted." The tall western man was Rambalal.

According to the countermeasures discussed by Lamba and Ada before, I plan to hire a local Latvian. Falsely spread the news of Brikovic Ala. Meet with Fu Ming.

In fact, Cia still wants to capture Fu Ming alive. It's just that the chance is too small. But no matter how small the chance is, it's still worth Ada to do so. First, she doesn't want Fu Ming to die in her heart. Even if it is To be a puppet of the United States, as long as you can live. Second, the benefits to CIA of Fu Ming being captured alive are definitely greater than the benefits of Fu Ming being dead. If Fu Ming is captured alive, then Untr should be under the control of CIA .

"Ada. Since he won't be fooled. Then why do we have to set up such a game. K is so smart." Lamba walked while holding up the phone. He walked into a car parked on the side of the road. Inside the car. The license plate of the car is a local civilian photo. There is no problem.

"He's very smart. He won't be fooled. But that doesn't mean he won't go." Ada is indeed relaxed. "He will definitely come tonight. Because he wants our lives too. Don't d5wx. Baidu |Search "fifth literature" to see the latest chapters. I have thought so much about the chapters. You will know when the time comes. Just leave three people to watch at the hotel entrance. Come back and have lunch." Before Lamba could answer, Ada said Hang up the phone.

Lamba looked at the phone and smiled wryly. Started the car, turned the tires, stepped on the gas pedal with his right foot, and the car turned a corner at lightning speed.

Fu Ming is not stupid. He doesn't completely trust the Latvian who has now turned into a corpse.

After lunch, Fu Ming arranged his place here properly, so he asked Mo Bing to find a car rental company and rent a commercial SUV back. After all, he will stay here for a few days, and he doesn’t have his own car. Rent a car. Taking a car is much more convenient than taking a taxi all the time.

Of course, Mo Bing just asked for a deposit and drove the car back. He removed the gps chip on the car together with the hallucination. Even though this chip is very hidden, it also has an anti-vandalism alarm device. But for Mo Bing and the hallucination It's not difficult. Although there are no weapons on the two of them, there are still a lot of messy gadgets. These gadgets are all obtained from Harry Cloud, Qian Jin, and Daisy Sparrow.

Usually it looks inconspicuous. But it can play an important role in special circumstances. For example now.

The thing that looks like a watch that can be worn on the wrist. It is a positioning signal jammer. When the car's gps chip is damaged, it will send out an alarm. This alarm will also be sent out through the gps. Just don't let the gps emit The signal is fine.

The interference lasted only two seconds. The auditory hallucination carefully removed the GPS chip and the button battery on it. The chip was actually installed in the engine cover. And it is very firm. Once it is damaged, it cannot be put back. Anyway, the auditory hallucinations did not intend to put the GPS back. The two seconds after the signal disappeared, the inspectors of the car rental company thought it was normal signal interference. They did not become suspicious.

Hearing hallucinations, he found a stray dog ​​from nowhere. He tied a GPS chip and battery with a red light on to its neck. Then he touched the stray dog's head and kicked it out.

After dismantling the positioning system, Mo Bing and Hearing Hall dared to hand over the car to the hotel waiter and let him park in the parking lot.

When the two went upstairs to find Fu Ming, they found that the door was opened from the inside before they arrived. The two looked at each other. Why did something happen when they first arrived.

Before they could think too much, Fu Ming's voice came from the room. "I saw you from the window. Come in quickly."

Two people entered the room one after the other. Fu Ming was sitting on the sofa, still staring at the laptop.

"Can't you be gentle? He's a dog anyway." Fu Ming rolled his eyes, sat on the sofa casually, rubbed his neck, and gave Fu Ming a contemptuous look from the auditory hallucinations. He also sat on the sofa On. Slightly tired. "The car is also ready. Our people are estimated to be assembled in the middle of the night today. Tonight's things only let the three of us come. But we have no weapons. Do you really trust that Latvian? He It doesn’t look very reliable. Judging from the previous emails of Brikovic Alla, he should be a very cautious person. Such a person will not send someone to give you news casually. Most At least, the person sent here shouldn't be like that."

"Boss. I also think something is wrong. Do you want to send another email to Brikovic and confirm with him." Mo Bing's expression was not very good either. After all, there are only three of them now. It's not enough to fight.

"I just checked the location on the note." Fu Ming turned the screen of the laptop and pointed at the auditory hallucinations and Mo Bing. "It's in the outskirts of the city. A very famous western restaurant. You can find this location on Google Maps." And there are specific photos. It seems that there are a lot of people.”

Having said that, the expressions on Mo Bing and Hearing Hall became even more confused. "This place actually exists." Mo Bing said in a low voice. "I thought it would be convenient for them to lead us to an uninhabited place. Let’s start. After a long time, it turned out to be a public place.”

"08:30 in the evening. There are quite a lot of people." Fu Ming nodded. "I don't know what they are going to do. It's just that they are in this kind of public place. Even CIA would not dare to engage in a gunfight here with great fanfare." Latvia It is a NATO ally. The last time cia fought with iadc and Fushi Trading and Transportation Company in Berlin, Germany. It was earth-shattering. So many people died. It made Germany have a big opinion on the United States. This kind of alliance between allies Barriers. Difficult to appear. But once established, it is also difficult to break.

"Don't forget your identities. You are killers. For a top killer, anything can be used to kill." Fu Ming smiled faintly. "We will not be in any danger. We have no weapons. They don't know how to use any heavy weapons. How come it's untr. If it's in hand-to-hand combat, maybe we can save a few lives. It's best if Ida Jones can come to see me in person. Maybe I can finish it with my own hands. She." Having said that, the smile on Fu Ming's face gradually disappeared, and a sharp killing intent flashed across his eyes.

"Sigh. I have used guns all the time. I don't even know what it's like to kill people with my hands..." Mo Bing laughed dryly, rubbing his head embarrassingly.

After dinner, Fu Ming dressed neatly and drove to the appointed place. He has now confirmed that the destroyed note was not sent to him by Brikovich Ala.

The driver was an auditory hallucination. Mo Bing sat in the co-pilot's seat, and Fu Ming sat in the back of a commercial SUV. The Audi SUV is powerful. But even in Riga, the capital of Latvia, there will be traffic jams during the prime time of the evening. The speed doesn't work at all.

After all, the car is in the suburbs. The built-in GPS is no longer working. Even the chip has been removed by auditory hallucinations.

The auditory hallucination is using my mobile phone for navigation. But the cursor on the map keeps flickering. According to the map, my car has already driven to the kitchen of the restaurant that should have existed. But the surrounding area is barren land. There is not even a light None. Where is the restaurant?

"I saw the target vehicle. The infrared equipment showed that there were indeed three people inside. The message was sent from the door at nine o'clock. The three people did come out of this car." A CIA officer held the infrared telescope. The engine part of the car was in sight. There are also three body parts. They appear green, orange or red against a black background. There are also excessive colors among these colors.

"Confirm the identity of the target. Don't do anything yet. Wait for them to get out of the car. Don't shoot without my order." Ada squeezed the microphone. The car she was in was about 800 meters away from Fu Ming. The night was very dark. The car Not activated. It will not be found.

"Is the phone broken or the map is wrong. What's going on here." The hallucination knocked on the phone, but it didn't help.

But Mo Bing pulled out his own dagger and held it in his hand. This dagger is just a roadside product. It was bought on the way to pick up the car. He also played a hallucination. It can only be used. With them The iron-cutting saber made of fine steel used in untr. There is still a certain gap. But some use is better than no use. Now the main function of the dagger is not to cut iron. It is to cut people.

Fu Ming seemed to remember something. He turned on the laptop, entered some things and searched, and the results were immediately presented in front of his eyes.

He looked at the search results, and his heart skipped a beat. Today is considered a real failure.

This place was originally a development zone. Later, because of the problem of easy collapse of the soil, the government gave up the whole project. All the buildings were demolished and relocated. Greening was carried out to consolidate the soil quality.

The development zone was very prosperous before. So much so that Google’s satellites captured it here, and it was also displayed on Google Maps. Since the demolition time was not long, Google Maps did not update the specific terrain conditions of this area. That’s why this kind of situation happened It can be found but not in reality.

"Oh no, no way. I found someone else's way." For the first time, Fu Ming felt that he was being tricked.

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