arms tycoon

Chapter 387

"The real purpose?" Fu Ming glanced at Ada and said with disdain. "Didn't you ask Marblexi Iskwood? He probably already guessed it, so he easily gave you the power in his hands and went to jail. Or, to stay away from all this and enjoy Qingfu is gone. If you didn't attack Ke Ke, you can go this way, but you miscalculated your own strength, and also miscalculated my attitude."

"Please answer my question." Ada seemed to feel that Fu Ming's words made sense, so she didn't argue much, and she couldn't even argue.

After Ada put the bullet into Coco's chest with her own hands, she once questioned this plan.She was restless and agitated for a while, but as time passed, she thought that there would be no problems. Even if the plan failed, she would definitely not fall into Fu Ming's hands.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and no one could count. With the help of Brikovich Ala, the operation to capture the assassination Fuming failed. The whole plan was broken by a tank, and Brikovich was also a man who was not afraid of anything. The lunatics openly confronted the cia and the US government, which put Ida Jones and Rambalal in a desperate situation.

This is a real desperate situation, they may be killed by Fu Ming at any time, and return to God to become his faithful servants.

But Fu Ming didn't intend to kill them immediately.He wanted to bring these two people back to the Three Nuclear Heavy Industry alive, and the trouble was not small.

First of all, Latvia is not a country in war. The borders of this country are guarded by soldiers, and the customs checks are relatively strict. Basically, there is no turmoil. It is impossible to fish in troubled waters.As long as they pass the inspection, the two living people will not be able to hide.

Fu Ming could only look for merchant ships that provided smuggling services, and send these two people out of the country together with [-] UNTR soldiers by smuggling.If the batch of munitions wants to be shipped out, it is estimated that it will have to go through Brikovich's relationship, so it is more appropriate for the two people to go with the batch of munitions.

Fu Ming's hands are long, and he can only reach out to war and ammunition, smuggling, drugs, he can't control them, and he doesn't want to.After all, one must be serious in doing one line of work. Once distracted, even one's old line of work cannot be done well.Fu Ming didn't want to bring UNTR's reputation to a trough because of drugs and human trafficking.At least, in the world, many people still regard UNTR as a sacred organization, serving the whole world.

"We take the world as our mission." Fu Ming knows what the world means.

"So you betray the whole world, trying to break the balance of the world with your own power, re-establish the war order, and let the whole world run according to your ideas under your care, right?" Ada is very smart, as long as With a little click, Fu Ming understood the truth.

Untr has just been established for a few years, and immediately killed the original arms leader iadc, helped China recover Taiwan Island, helped the unification of the Korean peninsula, and even took the initiative to attack Somali pirates, promoted the unification of several countries in the Middle East and north-central Africa, and even put The United States has squeezed out the arms market in Latin America.

In the end, it also helped China break through the first island chain, break the US blockade against China, and allow the Chinese fleet to swim freely in the Pacific Ocean.

The cold war, the hot war, and the UNTR fight were extremely enjoyable, and even things like nuclear bombs were dared to be thrown out, and the throwing was grandiose.

Everything is for two

What is the world?The world is this earth, all the regimes, countries, and creatures on this earth. untr, wanting to control everything.At least, under the control and checks and balances of UNTR, it seems that the third world war will not come so early.

UNTR is an organization, not a regime or a country. It will not worry about territorial disputes, nor will it engage in life-and-death struggles with other countries for any national interests, which minimizes the possibility of itself instigating wars.

And untr will not be too inclined to one country, ordering to maintain a state where everyone eats meat, and does not allow any one family to dominate.You know, UNTR now occupies more than 90.00% of the arms trade in the world, and also controls more than 30.00% of the import and export trade.This is undoubtedly the most powerful monopoly.

Naturally, there will be no large-scale wars between major powers. Everyone knows that swords and guns have no eyes. The promises and treaties signed by those major powers, such as treaties that will not be the first to use nuclear weapons, are all empty paper, and they can be used to wipe their ass. To wipe the ass, it is a piece of waste paper.When they really fight, they are all blushing and thick-necked, who cares about this?When a fight breaks out, the world will be destroyed, and civilization will go backwards. No one wants to be blamed for this, and they don't want to be reviled by future generations for thousands or even tens of thousands of years.

However, between small countries, even in some disputed areas, factions in civil war countries are almost all under the control of Untr.Whoever wants to be strong can achieve his goal as long as he dumps cheap arms on him.If you want to kill anyone, you only need to do something to the source of his arms, and the import and export trade is slightly restricted. If they are not killed, they will be starved to death.

Those warlords have some cheap labor under their hands, which are used to export a large amount of minerals or other raw materials. These labors are very cheap, and each person can only receive bread every day, but they can create huge value.Naturally, the warlord leader would not distribute these values ​​to the labor force to enjoy, no doubt it was to satisfy his own luxury desire, and to have enough armament to obtain more things.

To kill this kind of warlord, Fu Ming has a very good idea.If the Heckindias Group does a little bit of trickery, and the navy of Untr will do some piracy on the cargo ship routes of those warlord leaders to make some extra money, then that warlord force will not be able to maintain its own operation.If the people do not obey, the soldiers do not follow, and the enemy is extremely powerful, it is impossible to invincible it.

Thinking of this, Ada really realized how terrifying the young man in his 20s in front of her was.Those warlord leaders who are like Shura in the eyes of ordinary people are just little bugs in Fu Ming's eyes. Although they are very smelly and disgusting, and they can fart Fu Ming from time to time, but as long as Fu Ming wants to kill them, he can kill them. Just need to stick a finger.

As for the regimes of other small countries, it is even more a joke in front of UNTR's exclusive troops. According to Ada's intelligence, UNTR's current combat troops have two armored divisions, one air force group, and the navy has four submarines and two aircraft carriers. , two super battleships, and infantry can mobilize as many as 8 people.Although these 8 people don't sound like a lot, they are all elites, armed to the teeth, and the dollar conversion of individual equipment is definitely more than that of the US Marine Corps.

This doesn't count the defenders of the three-core heavy industry at UNTR's headquarters, nor the terrifying Suzaku, Xuanwu, Qinglong, and White Tiger general-purpose humanoid combat mechas.

The soldiers of those small countries have little combat effectiveness, and their equipment is not even comparable to that of Somali pirates, so they are totally vulnerable.Instead of dispatching the UNTR army, it only needs to dispatch aircraft carriers, ships and submarines, those carrier-based aircraft, naval guns and missiles, and they can blow up small countries near the sea to the ground without the slightest resistance.Even a small landlocked country can strike vital forces through air force bombing.

Untr, there are J-31, Xiaolong fighter jets, Yun-20, and the modified Yun-20, which resembles the American AC-130 fortress in the sky.For the air force of a small country with backward equipment and only backward models of f-14 and MiG-21 fighter jets, it is simply a nightmare.

untr is already so powerful that it is difficult to understand.Ada didn't even know what ability Fu Ming had to obtain so many advanced things.Not only that, untr's technological strength is also at the forefront of the world, and even in some respects, it is the leader.Artificial intelligence, high-orbit satellite strike system, that is, China's Shenguang, satellite-to-satellite strike system, Zenith [-] and [-] satellites, quantum computers, plus stereo projection, these things are used on the battlefield together, even The United States has to consider whether its intelligence and communication systems can still be used.

Quantum computers and artificial intelligence can completely invalidate the encryption code on confidential information, and it does not take too long to crack the firewall of the enemy's server. The high-orbit satellite strike system can instantly kill the opponent's spy satellite and block image transmission. .

And stereoscopic projection, which is commonly referred to as holographic projection, can even imitate a large-scale army, such as an armored division, or an infantry division, if it is used on a large scale, it will be lifelike under the enemy's infantry and optical viewing, just like the real thing. In the absence of accurate satellite intelligence, the enemy is very easy to be fooled.

Ada weighed in her heart how long it would take to bring down the Kinshasa's Tri-Nuclear Heavy Industry if the U.S. military were to attack on a large scale now, and even if it could be brought down, what huge losses would be incurred.

Ada knows that Untr now has the ability to balance the entire world, and even that Untr is about to enter the United Nations. Although the specific status in the United Nations is unclear, this signal is already very dangerous.Ada, nothing can be done.However, Ada laughed.

"Mr. K, I have to admit that your plan is great, and it will continue to develop for the world in your mouth, that is, the balance of the entire world. However, you haven't thought about how long this kind of life will last? Until you die? ? At most, it will only be five or 60 years. After you die and untr declines, the world will become more chaotic, the repressed humanity will explode in an instant, and even the original untr subordinates will start to rebel. Do you think How to maintain this world?"

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