arms tycoon

Chapter 390 Changed Transaction

"Before and after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe underwent drastic changes. If Latvia did not rely on Western countries, it would only be in danger of perishing along with the Soviet Union. At that time, the domestic situation was still unclear. Many citizens were encouraged by Western propaganda to believe in their so-called democracy and equality. , but until now..." Brikovic Ala has experienced those things, although he was only a child at that time and didn't understand anything, but he also knew that this kind of riot in the country was caused by those workers who were bewitched and caused by students.Anyway, this otherwise independent country should not have these things.

However, there was nothing he could do.

"That's right, you couldn't do anything at that time, but now, you can." Fu Ming also narrowed his eyes and looked at Brikovich, and a more grand plan suddenly emerged in his mind.It is now very difficult to transport these tanks out of Latvia and out of NATO territory.Although the United States will not do too many things, it is certain to obstruct it. It is impossible for UNTR to take these things out without paying anything.

"Are you asking me to betray my country and government?" Brikovic looked at Fu Ming with great interest. "First of all, I am a Latvian. No matter how corrupt and unbearable my motherland is, it is still my motherland. I can only safeguard the sovereignty of my motherland, not rebel against it."

"The crux of the matter is that I didn't ask you to rebel against your motherland. untr is not the United States, and it doesn't just want to subvert for its own interests. I just want Latvia to be more independent and free from any influence As the development continues, this influence also cannot come from NATO or the United States. Untr, I offer you this opportunity now." Fu Ming is fully capable of doing this. "Mr. Allah, I respect your attitude towards the motherland."

Brickovich seemed to be tempted, and he understood what Fu Ming meant.Fu Ming wanted to use some method to separate Latvia from NATO without harming Latvia's current politics and system at all, and the United States had no choice but to accept this result.What puzzled Brikovich was how Fu Ming could do this. Untr is powerful, but it is still not so powerful after all.

With the international situation at its mercy, can the member states of the alliance let UNTR split out at will?Obviously, this is impossible.

"If you want to use armed conflict, then forget it, I don't have enough manpower." Brikovich led Fu Ming from the reception room to the main body of the underground garage while speaking.

"Except for the tanks and other equipment of an armored division, my personnel are only maintenance personnel. There are only a few dozen real combat personnel, and there is no establishment at all. To maintain the operation here, most of them rely on non-combatants and peripheral personnel. These are And it burns money, if I hire soldiers again, even if I have money, I will go bankrupt!" Brikovich said deliberately. Untr, the great god, cannot be hired just by having money.In other words, untr wants to take care of this matter, even if it doesn't let you spend money, and you can't let it take care of it!But if you pay untr to take care of this matter, it's not certain whether he will come or not, it will be a great face to you if he comes!

What Brickovich meant was that he had no money to hire untr's mercenaries and asked Fu Ming to send them out.Although he didn't know exactly how Fu Ming wanted to achieve this goal, he already understood that his more than 200 tanks could not be shipped out, so they had to be used here.That being the case, the method Fu Ming wants to take must be related to military operations.

"It's not really going to war. Although I can't guarantee that no one will die in Latvia in this conflict, at least not too many will die. This is not a war, nor a military conflict. I want you to do it, Just play a game with me."

"Acting?" Brikovic became more and more interested in the project.

The two came to a two-meter-wide metal door, and one of Brikovich's men stepped forward, turned the wheel on the door, and opened the metal lock that fastened the door.

The huge metal door creaked open. Behind the metal door was a railing, with a staircase on each side, leading to the garage below.

This is a padded high platform. In the entire garage, only the place behind the door is padded high, so that people standing on it can see all the scenes in the garage as much as possible from a bird's-eye view.

The garage is really too big, the surrounding walls are all khaki, supported by [-] cm thick metal pillars every ten meters, and there are two tank-wide gates in the other three directions, which is convenient for tanks to enter and exit.

"280 T-72 tanks, 35 Mi-8 helicopters, 30 guns with a diameter of 155mm or more, 70 anti-aircraft wheeled armored vehicles, 40 trucks and 10 jeeps, individual equipment, such as ak-47 rifles, or There are countless individual anti-aircraft missiles, and it is very troublesome for me to count them myself, so they are mainly those vehicles. When I buy a vehicle, I will give away rifles, missiles, and ammunition!" Brikovich said to himself The pride is undisguised, but he only revealed the specific quantity, but did not say where he got these things from.

Although Fu Ming has seen many big scenes, he has also seen the tank production line in his Three Nuclear Heavy Industry, and he has also seen what it looks like when the tanks go out, but seeing these 280 brand new T-72s that seem to be endless The tanks all stopped here in the same posture, even the angles of the gun barrels were the same, and it was inevitable that they were a little emotional.

Behind the tanks are armored vehicles and artillery, and lastly are helicopters.All the gun barrels were sealed, and the helicopter was not even equipped with a propeller, and it stood there naked, which looked very funny.

"How on earth did you get these things? The equipment of a tank division in the Soviet era was preserved in such a perfect condition. You buried all the ammunition in the ground, right?" Fu Ming stomped on his feet on purpose. .

"It's right under our feet. Don't worry, it can't be blown up. People go to inspect and maintain it every day. There has never been a problem for more than ten years. And dug out from the ground, those shells and bullets are definitely still usable!" Brie Kovic again avoided Fu Ming's question.

Fu Ming sighed, since Brikovich didn't want to say it, then forget it.The Soviet Union has disintegrated, and these tanks no longer belong to them, so they naturally become ownerless.Since Brickovic can get these things and keep them intact, it can be regarded as one of his abilities.Fu Ming doesn't have the habit of asking the bottom line, sometimes knowing too much is not a good thing. "Although the plan has changed, I still plan to accept all these items as they are ordered. You don't need to give me any discounts, just ask for the price directly!"

Brikovic took a folder from his subordinate.There were eight A4 papers inside, two copies in total, and he handed one to Fu Ming, which was a contract that had been drawn up long ago.

Fu Ming took over the contract and casually flipped through a few pages. Although Brikovich said that he did not have specific statistics on guns, anti-aircraft missiles, and ammunition, the contract clearly stated that the tank division alone All the weapons and equipment in the army took up one and a half pages of paper.Fu Ming took a cursory glance, turned to the last page, signed his name on it, then took out an untr pocket seal from his pocket, and imprinted it with a sigh.The blue seal is very unique. The pattern on it was specially designed by Fu Ming. No one can engrave the second one. The angle drawn by each pattern has a special meaning, which ordinary people cannot see. It cannot be imitated at all.

Fu Ming handed the signed contract to Brikovich, and then, under his surprised eyes, took another contract from him, and repeated the action just now.

"Don't you need to take a closer look?" Brikovich looked and looked at Fu Ming's signature, and studied the seal for a while, as if he couldn't believe that the transaction was actually completed like this! "Each tank is worth 300 million U.S. dollars, not counting the helicopters, armored vehicles, and artillery. This deal is worth several billion U.S. dollars!"

Fu Ming didn't seem to care. After signing, he urged Brikovic to sign the contract.After Brikovic signed, Fu Ming put away his own contract and handed it to Mo Bing behind him.

Mo Bing put it away carefully, and used his mobile phone to send a text message to Carianna Sois to prepare the payment.

The arms deal worth billions of dollars was completed in just a few minutes, and Fu Ming didn't even frown, as if these billions of dollars were nothing more than a drop in the bucket to him.And it is.

"From now on, all the weapons and equipment of this tank division belong to UNTR. And we can also carry out our plan. UNTR has its own tank soldiers with rich combat experience, and they are good at manipulating 99 modified tanks. For these Soviet Union Of course, tanks are not a problem. Now, I can deploy untr's tank soldiers to operate these tanks, and accept your command!" Fu Ming smiled slyly and began to explain his plan.

"Wait a minute, I'm almost confused by what you said. You mean, these tanks are untr, and the tank soldiers are also untr, and you want to lend them to me again, right?" Brikovic scratched Head, everything that happened today was too unexpected for him.

"That's right, the tanks are mine, and the soldiers are also mine. They accept your command, but you must accept my command in order for our plan to succeed. This is the only way for Latvia to break free from NATO's shackles and develop independently. Only then can the Americans be fooled!"

"What the hell do you mean?" Brikovich pursed his lips.

"You'll find out the day after tomorrow." Fu Ming was still playing tricks, he wanted to save this surprise for the last moment.

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