big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1002: There is talk of a good harvest in the cassava fields!

Chapter 1002: There is talk of a good harvest in the cassava fields!
Li Yuan nodded at him, still satisfied with Li Shilong's approach of letting go and letting the prince blend into the human world.

How could he not know what Li Xian was like?

To put it bluntly, he is just a master who is just waiting to die. Now he deals with the fields every day, but the key point is that he can really make piles of food grow in the soil.

Isn't this a hundred times better than those masters who moan and groan without any illness and enjoy the beauty of the world every day?
Gongsun Wuji said: “It’s time to start!”

Tian Caoshen, who manages the agricultural affairs, is also waiting for him.

Soon, Li Yuan laid the first hoe and everyone started.

Pulling out a large bunch of cassava that looked like tree roots from the ground, Li Yuan's eyes widened, "Hey, dear, there are so many, this one probably weighs about ten kilograms, right?"

Gongsun Wuji also took a breath, this thing is actually capable of producing sweet potatoes.

"Slow down, don't break the root!"

Everyone was working in full swing, and everyone was working hard.

Half an hour later, everyone weighed the income from one acre of land, and finally came up with an exciting figure: five thousand, 760 kilograms!

Everyone was shocked by this number.

Li Yuan said: "Quickly, clear the other three acres of land!"

He was in a hurry.

This cassava is actually more productive than sweet potatoes. With these three auspicious signs, you don’t have to worry about not having enough food even if you encounter a disaster!
If the cassava wasn't poisonous, he would have wanted to hold it and chew it.

Soon, the total weight of the four acres of land came out, totaling 2 kilograms, and the average yield per mu exceeded 240 kilograms.

Even if you have to go through several processes to remove the skin, it is not a problem to feed a family of several people with two or three acres of land.

"Auspiciousness, after sweet potatoes and potatoes, another auspiciousness!" Li Yuan stood in the field, akimbo and laughing loudly.

He, Li Yuan, could see this scene and die without regrets!
Gongsun Wuji looked at the crops all over the ground and found it hard to imagine that if he inserted a pole in spring, he would harvest a warehouse full of crops in autumn and winter.

Moreover, this thing is also very drought-tolerant, so it is more suitable for planting in places with little rain.

With these crops, will we still go hungry?

Presumably not anymore.

Since ancient times, those who win the hearts of the people win the world.

Those who get the food will have a prosperous world. Within two or three years, these crops will be promoted across the country, and the real prosperous era will come.

The agricultural students began to record it. This was first-hand information to prepare for the coming year.

Mr. Li is a bit stupid, not as good as his sixteenth brother. He likes to play with machines, but he can't learn those principles despite racking his brains.

But he still has some talents in farming.

The more in-depth he studied, the more he understood the difficulties faced by the common people.

When we understand the characteristics of crops and land, and then propose solutions based on these, we will see smiles on the faces of the people when they see increased food production.

He suddenly found his direction.

I also feel that the past ten years or so have been in vain.

Li Yuan sat contentedly on the field and smoked, "It would be great if Jing Yun were here, he would definitely be happier than anyone else.

These grains are the stepping stone for the prosperous age of the Great Qian Dynasty. Let alone the Great Qian Dynasty for all generations, three to five hundred years is always enough, right? "

Wei Zhong said with a smile: "Your Majesty, this servant is really happy. Seeing these grains being taken away one by one, I feel very relieved.

I think of those days when the Eighteenth Route Army rebelled against the king and the people were in chaos. People exchanged their children for food. There was no rooster crow for thousands of miles, and the bones were exposed in the wild. How miserable! "

"This situation will never happen again." Li Yuan poured out the ash from his pipe and put down his rolled-up trousers, "Let's go back to the manor to eat braised pork with pickles and vegetables. Go and call Gongsun Wuji over. "With that said, Li Yuan picked up the hoe and left.

After lunch at the manor, he came to his exclusive room, and then summoned Gongsun Wuji, "Let me ask you something, did Jing Yun go on the Western Expedition?"

"Yes, Qin Mo is going to conquer the Tianxiang Kingdom with an army of [-] people!" Gongsun Wuji said with cupped hands.

"Hmph, the Tianxiang Kingdom actually dares to invade the border!" Li Yuan snorted coldly. Daqian did not have much contact with the Tianxiang Kingdom, but Li Xin recorded his experiences and experiences about the Tianxiang Kingdom.

It is also a quite large country, with a population of no less than 2000 million, but its national conditions are somewhat similar to those of Nanfan.

There are many princes and kings, just like the emperor Daqian and the princes and kings rule the world together.

"Wei Chen has sent 1 people. If nothing else happens, they will have joined Annan's [-] troops. By then, the two armies will borrow the road from Piao State!

"What if Piao Guo doesn't lend it?"

"How dare they!" Gongsun Wuji said coldly: "If they dare to block the road despite being a vassal state of Daqian, destroy them!"

"Okay, although you say you can't deal with Jingyun, you can still deal with big issues like right and wrong!" Li Yuan said: "Although I don't care about national affairs now, I can still see Jingyun's thoughts. If Beinu is divided, the threat will be greatly reduced. .

It is beneficial to Da Gan. With some eliminated weapons, he has gained a thug who can ride in front and behind the horse to trap Gao Li.

You can't make a mistake in every step. If you make a mistake, it will cost you several years of work.

Jingyun asked you to act as the governor because he believed that you would not make mistakes in the face of major issues of right and wrong. "

Gongsun Wuji bowed and listened, not understanding that this was Li Yuan's beating on him.

"I will definitely do my best to help Qin Mo in his western expedition."

"Well, if you have nothing to do, go down. By the way, send the good news back to the capital as soon as possible!"

"Wei Chen retire!"

Gongsun Wuji stepped back and left the room.

But in his heart, he was thinking about whether he could stay with Li Shilong during the northern expedition in the future.

I hope Qin Mo will come back soon. He has had enough of staying in Lingnan.

Doing meritorious service here is not as good as hanging out in front of the emperor. The main thing is to see Qin Mo's happy family and strong offspring. When he thinks about his own family, he feels really bad.

In Nanzhao, the Lingnan army successfully merged with the Annan army.

Su Yun wants to take control of Annan, so the leader of the army is the newly emerged general, Xue Gui!
This man was particularly fierce when he attacked the Feng brothers' family, and his shooting skills impressed Su Yun.

It has been several years since Su Yun came to Annan, and his term of office has also expired.

Nowadays, when the court's policy changes, generals who have been stationed in the army generally will not exceed five years, and they have to change their station and be evaluated based on their merits.

Whether to continue to be stationed outside, to guard inside, or to be transferred back to the court.

Especially after the military power of the Governor's Palace was taken back, the imperial court's control over the four directions reached its extreme.

The emperor's centralization of power reached its peak.

This Xue Gui is the talent cultivated by Su Yun.

If we can achieve great success this time and stay in Annan to guard, the resistance will not be so great.

The most important thing is that Qin Mo owes him a favor, and with Qin Mo's help, there will basically be no problem.

"General Pei, we meet again!" Xue Gui learned that Pei Xing was coming with his army and hurried out to greet him.

Pei Xing dismounted and went up to give Xue Gui a big hug: "Brother Xue, we can fight side by side again!"

(End of this chapter)

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