big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1003: Broken Ambition!

Chapter 1003: Broken Ambition!
Pei Xing can also be regarded as a rising star. According to the classification of generals in the court, he is also the younger generation and one of Li Yue's capable generals.

After Pei Xing captured his uncle, Li Shilong did not deal with the Pei family directly, but left the Pei family to Li Yue.

Let Li Yue act according to the order.

This is undoubtedly a test for Li Yue. Whether Li Yue kills or retains him is all in his mind.

If he stayed, the Pei family would not go out except to rely on Li Yue. If they were killed, they would lose a lot of help.

Li Yue finally killed all of Pei Weiyuan's lineage. Pei Xing was lost and returned, but his lineage was saved.

Moreover, Li Yue did not kill nine tribes, but three tribes.

Li Shilong was quite satisfied with Li Yue's handling. He was able to resist the temptation and stick to his nature. He was unambiguous about what should be killed and what should be taken away.

However, life in the imperial court was really difficult for Pei Xing's family.

No, when the opportunity came, Gongsun Wuji also sold a good one and let Pei Xing lead the army.

After all, Pei Xing has also worked under Qin Mo, so he is easy to use.

When the two met, they chatted for a long time and decided on the strategy. Pei Xing said: "It's too late today. We will pick up the road from Piao Kingdom tomorrow. We will be able to reach Kamalapa Kingdom in seven days at most."

"The leader of Shelong, who received the Shezhao, said he wanted to do his best." Xue Gui said.

Pei Xing shook his head, "No, this battle is particularly important. The Tianxiang Kingdom is invading Nanfan, and the governor's intention is to destroy the Kamalubo Kingdom.

It’s better not to cause unnecessary problems! "

Xue Guidao: "It is said in Meng Shezhao that someone has been to Piao State and is familiar with the road there. I also want them to lead the way and save some time!

Moreover, this Shelong's sister, Soma, is General Dou's concubine and seems to be pregnant! "

"Dou Yiai?" Pei Xing frowned. Qin Mo went to Nanfan and passed through Nanzhao. He didn't know what he said to this Shelong, but after thinking about it again and again, he still refused: "No, I'm away from home." , it is better to believe in your own people.

These Jimi states were relatively chaotic and did not accept the king's rule. When the governor was in Lingnan, he said that it would take ten years to tame the Jimi states and move these barbarians out to intermarry. "

He participated in many battles, big and small, far beyond what Xue Gui could compare with, so he said: "It is better to be on the right track than to make mistakes."

"Thank you, Brother Pei, for your advice." Xue Gui was frightened for a moment and quickly thanked Pei Xing.

Pei Xing smiled. Xue Gui was still a little too young, and Shelong was also a man who knew how to work hard. But there is a saying that people who are not of my race must have different minds.

Either you want something, or you have a different intention.

After leaving the camp, Xue Gui also directly rejected Shelong.

Shelong had a pity expression on his face, but in his heart he was extremely dissatisfied.

After returning home, Soma, who was pregnant with his belly, asked, "Brother, what's wrong? Has General Xue agreed to let you go?"

Shelong said unhappily: "No, Ganren is as timid as a mouse and refuses to take me away!"

"How about forgetting it?" Soma sighed: "If it doesn't work out, we'll go to Cangwu County to submit a report!"

"What do you know?" Shelong snorted coldly, "The Daqian people used the Piao Kingdom to attack the Tianxiang Kingdom. If I can follow them and perform meritorious service, even if the above list is not included, I can annex the other five imperial edicts by virtue of my military exploits.

What I want is not attachment, but independence as a country! "

"Brother, Dagan will not let go of a country within a country!" Soma said helplessly: "Even the people of Nanfan have to ask for help from Dagan, let alone us?"

Two years ago, Liu Zhao was often intimidated by Nan Fan, and Soma still remembered that feeling.

How could they resist Daqian, who was far more powerful than Nanfan?

Shelong remained silent and could only sigh.

His ambition was shattered!The next day, the army was ready to go and left Nanzhao.

The fastest route to reach the Kamalupha Kingdom is to go up from the northwest and enter from Guangdang City. There are also two small states there, namely the Great Brahman Kingdom and the Little Brahmin Kingdom, occupying the east and west of the Kamalupa Kingdom. horn.

The [-]-strong army successfully passed through Piao Kingdom and arrived at the easternmost border between Piao Kingdom and Tianxiang Kingdom!

At this time, Qunu City was inside.

Alonashun was enjoying the dance music, led by the wife and daughter of the former king.

Even though they all gave birth to children for him, he just liked this feeling. It would always remind him not to be lazy.

Because what he wants to do is unprecedented, and one mistake may ruin this good situation.

Although he is now a Brahmin, he is still a Kshatriya in essence.

Many nobles looked down upon him and secretly ridiculed him as a Ksali who wanted to usurp the throne and was a disloyal person.

Therefore, he will always ride on their heads, completely unify the north and the south, make the emperor always higher than them, and let them serve him.

And how to overthrow these people?
Naturally, it is to gather some people.

For example, people who are also Kshatriyas are given a higher status.

Or, through foreign wars, he could expand his territory and increase his majesty, so that those people would no longer dare to oppose him.

He had read the books spread from the East and knew that the emperor there kept his words true.

Therefore, he also wants to be the leader of the West, a unique one.

Just as he was thinking about it, the minister hurriedly came to report, "Master, come out, something big has happened!"

The hurried and anxious voice interrupted Alonashun's interest in enjoying the dance music. He waved his hands impatiently, and his concubines left one after another.

The minister knelt on the ground and said, "My lord, what's wrong, the Kingdom of Srivasiti was attacked by the Dagan people who suddenly appeared!"

"What did you say?"

Aronashun was stunned and cursed: "This is the Kingdom of Heaven and Earth, where did the Dagan people come from?
Didn’t Samba already capture Nibala? Stop talking nonsense here! "

The minister was so anxious that he was sweating all over, "My lord, King Srivassidi has been killed, and the remaining army has escaped and is now outside the palace!"

If the king doesn’t believe it, you can go and have a look! "

Aronashun did not go there, but very cautiously called his confidant, "Go and see if it is true!"

There are some people in the country who want to assassinate him. Maybe this is the conspiracy of those kings.

If you trick him out, you might get tricked.

"Yes, my lord!"

The confidants left in a hurry, and the ministers were ordered to kneel aside and wait for the news.

Soon, his confidant came back, his eyes full of panic, "Master, it's true, they are all defeated soldiers, more than 3000 of them!"

After being confirmed by his confidant, Aronashun could no longer sit still. How could this happen?
Before he could speak, the confidant said again: "They said that the Dagan people have a magical weapon that can fight at fifty ranges (one range is approximately 25 feet, 8.3 meters), and the city wall cannot withstand it.

Gan Ren was well equipped. When they fled, Gan Ren deliberately let them go and seemed to let them lead the way.

I'm afraid it won't be long before the Dagan people are coming to Qunu City! "

(End of this chapter)

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