big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1013 Everyone laughs at Yuchi

Chapter 1013 Everyone laughs at Yuchi

When Gao Shilian came to the Qin Mansion with the prince's uniform and many rewards, Qin Xiangru was stunned. "Mr. Gao, my son has made meritorious deeds again?"

"Yes, Jingyun captured the capital of Tianxiang Kingdom and expanded the territory thousands of miles!" Gao Shilian said with a smile: "Your Majesty is happy, but he has a headache right now. Who should be sent to guard Tianxiang Kingdom!"

"This bastard!" Qin Xiangru didn't know what to say. Only two months ago, the rewards came, and he gave them to all the little kids in the family one by one.

This time it was good, the king of his family was directly hereditary and replaced.

Although there is still no fiefdom, the weight of the word "hereditary" is too heavy.

Do your job alone!
"Prince, it's time to accept the order!" Gao Shilian reminded.

"Yes, can you not accept it?" Qin Xiangru said.

"Don't embarrass me!" Gao Shilian smiled bitterly, "Jing Yun has traveled thousands of miles to get this reward, and it is well deserved!"

"Your Majesty, don't you have any other intentions?" Qin Xiangru asked in a low voice.

Gao Shilian patted his hand and said, "Don't worry, I don't mean anything else. In the credit book, Jing Yun has given all the credit to the people below, and everyone gets the credit.

As the head coach, he coordinates all parties and does not need these credits at all.

Now he has the merit of splitting the Northern Slaves, and later he will assist the Southern Fan, assist Prince Shuang'an, and stabilize the political scene of the Southern Fan.

Now, Niboluo and several other countries in the Celestial Elephant Kingdom have been captured, and they have defeated the Beinu army.

A new generation of generals have come to the fore, which is exactly what His Majesty wants to see.

There were more than a hundred dandies that those people had crammed in before, and all of them got credit and benefits.

I owe you a lot of this love! "

When it comes to Qin Mo, credit is not important at all. What is important is how to do it well.

If you pursue meritorious deeds, over time, your merits will surely surpass yours, just like Liu Chenghu, who hides at home every day.

But if you are rushing to do this well, then there is no need.

The contributions of everyone on that list are enough to show that Qin Mo understands his position at the moment.

The letter he wrote back did not ask for women, nor for credit, but for retirement. It was completely written into Li Shilong's heart.

Let me ask, who wouldn’t like such a sensible and capable son-in-law?

Gao Shilian had a clear mind, and Qin Mo's selfless temperament was exactly what Li Shilong wanted to see.

Qin Xiangru nodded, feeling a lot more relieved, "Okay, I, as an old man, also benefit from my son. As long as I don't make principled mistakes in the future, I can lose my family to death!"

"That's right!" Gao Shilian smiled knowingly.

That's right. You have a different surname and are hereditary princes. Why do you need so much fame?
The reputation of a good king is reserved for the emperor's son.

"Prince Qin, please change into the royal uniform and enter the palace?"

"Isn't it too ostentatious?" Qin Xiangru said, taking off his clothes as fast as the wedding night.

Gao Shilian was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly, "Haha, it fits just right!"

Qin Xiangru put on the Jinxian crown and looked at the others, "Look, is this prince handsome?"

Dashan and others couldn't help laughing, "Jun!"

"Let's go find Old Dog Yuchi!" Qin Xiangru ran out quickly. When he met an acquaintance, he showed off.

You can see them gnashing their teeth.

Especially Nobuo Yuchi, who dared not say a word the whole time.Qin Xiangru's dazzling king's uniform hurt his heart.

"Oh, this king's uniform is good in every way, but it's not convenient for riding and shooting. If it goes to the battlefield, you won't be able to use your hands and feet!" Qin Xiangru said very loudly.

Yu Chixin's cock hurt so much that he couldn't bear it anymore and immediately spat: "A pig's nose sticks a green onion in it, what are you pretending to be like? What kind of good man wears royal clothes and goes to war?"

"Yes!" Qin Xiangru nodded in agreement, "I said, Yuchi, didn't you say last time that you wanted to be a prince? Where is your royal uniform?"

Yuchi Nobuo's face turned dark red at that time, and others burst into laughter.

This Qin Xiangru was more powerful than Qin Mo in hurting people.

But when they smile, they can no longer laugh.

Their sons have taken over the baton from the older generation of generals and led the army, while their sons can only eat ashes from behind.

I thought they were laughing at Nobuo Nobuo, but they were all Nobuo Nobuo!

The envoys of the vassal countries were trembling. In order to express their respect for Li Shilong, they enthusiastically presented their country's dance for the enjoyment of "His Majesty the Heavenly Khan".

Li Shilong did not drink Shaodaozi today, but followed Qin Mo's instructions and drank Daqianchun. He only occasionally drank two cups of Shaodaozi during important state banquets.

After all, your body is the most important.

Looking at the envoys of these subordinate countries, he felt for the first time that they were so good at singing and dancing.

After the banquet, Li Shilong stayed with all the ministers and said, "You all know what happened. As for Jingyun, he is currently attacking the Tianxiang Kingdom. I'm afraid that in less than half a year, all the Tianxiang Kingdom will be defeated."

It was a larger land than Nanfan, and the land was fertile.

What I mean is to re-divide the Tianxiang Kingdom, divide the state capitals into states, and send 20 troops to guard the Tianxiang Kingdom! "

20 troops?
Everyone looked at each other.

Du Jingming came out and said: "Your Majesty, how can we get so many troops at this moment? Moreover, Daqian is thousands of miles away from Tianxiang Kingdom. Even if we go there from Nanzhao, it is still a long way.

The baggage consumed by the 20-strong army on the road would probably cost 30 to [-] shi of grain.

In the second half of the year, Qin and Mo were first supported with [-] elites and a large amount of military equipment, and the second batch of supplies was also sent.

In preparation for the Northern Expedition to Beinu next year, armaments still need to be prepared.

Longyou, Tuyuhun, and Supi have more than [-] troops. Even if they don't fight, the daily expenditure is astronomical.

This is the end of the year again. Before the year, we have to settle the banknotes and prepare wine, meat, food and clothes. This is another huge expenditure.

20 is too much! "

Zhuge Sui also stood up and said: "Your Majesty, the Ministry of Revenue has some money, but it must set aside a budget for the coming year, right? You know the plan of the Ministry of Revenue within five years. It is estimated that the cost will be at least 500 million taels of silver. You can't put it aside." Is all the money for next year used?

Na Chen could only go to the street to get a donation box and ask people to donate! "

"Let's recruit more troops!" Li Shilong thought for a moment, "I will allocate 300 million taels of silver from my own funds, but I'll tell you first, when Alonashun and his men are escorted into the capital next year, all the gold and silver captured will belong to me. Got it!"

Yes, why did you forget this time?

Zhuge then hurriedly said: "Since ancient times, most of the war gains have been returned to the national treasury. This is the rule. How can your Majesty abolish the official position for personal gain?

No matter how rich the internal funds are, it is still His Majesty's own money, and the national treasury is related to thousands of people in the world.

Let's do this, 20 troops are too many, recruit another [-] troops to guard the Tianxiang Kingdom! "

(End of this chapter)

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