big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1014 Dou Xuanling’s shocking words!

Chapter 1014 Dou Xuanling’s shocking words!
"Your Majesty, if you give me a few months, you can definitely raise 10,000+ troops and send them to the Tianxiang Kingdom!" Qu Tuba said: "But it will require a lot of funds!"

"The officials can also help!" Du Jingming said: "I think 12 is a more reasonable number, and it should not exceed 15 at most!"

"The Ministry of Industry is now building state carriages, which can transport the army to the southern border as quickly as possible." Duan Lun said: "It can greatly reduce material losses!"

The so-called state carriage is a long-distance carriage. Dozens of routes have been opened. The effect is very gratifying and very profitable.

It is currently considered a source of income for the Ministry of Industry.

However, among the newly emerging highway administration departments, all six departments are competing for it, and there is currently no good division.

Everyone wants to take a bite, and Duan Lun will fight for it no matter what!
However, when he talks about building a carriage, he only buys important parts from Qinzhuang and builds other things he can build himself.

There is still a distance between it and the carriage produced by Qinzhuang.

Even the Ministry of Rites wanted to get a share of the pie, as preaching and education were the business of the Ministry of Rites.

Li Shilong knew that these people would not let go of the hawk before they saw the rabbit, so he said: "Stop arguing, Jing Mingming's words are reasonable, so he will recruit 15 troops, and the remaining 5 people will mainly be used for education.

Don't say I'm unreasonable, this time the harvest will be divided equally among the six parts.

The Ministry of War recruited soldiers, the Ministry of Households coordinated food and grass, the Ministry of Industry built chariots and equipped them with military equipment, and the Ministry of Rites was responsible for education.

If the new soldiers need training, then recruit more veterans under the age of 40, and then mobilize 2 people from the five metropolitan governorates. "

It is said to be 20 people. If you include the civilians who transported food, it would be at least 25 people.

Li Shilong did not intend to impose corvees. Half of them would be prisoners of war and slaves from other countries, and the other half would be transported by caravans.

to reduce the pressure on citizens.

Dou Xuanling stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, I believe that private caravans should be encouraged to follow the army and occupy the local economy and people's livelihood.

With only 15 troops guarding it, something will happen over time.

A road must be built that can lead directly to Tianxiang. Secondly, the stubborn and ignorant people in Tianxiang must be moved to the country to avoid doing the corvee work of local citizens.

Strongly encourage intermarriage and immigration. Within three generations, they will never be able to make trouble again!
Moreover, it can also exempt the people of the country from the corvee and create a new situation unprecedented in the ages! "

Dou Xuanling's words made everyone present look askance.

Since ancient times, it has been the common people's obligation to perform corvee service.

The complete abolition of corvee means that whenever the country has a war or builds a military fortress, it will be difficult to use free manpower.

For the court, it was a huge expense.

"Having said that, prisoners of war are not available every year!" Zhuge Sui said: "It is too early to completely abolish corvee!"

"Zhuge Shangshu, there are no prisoners of war, but criminals to serve as corvees.

In the future, Nanfan will return to Qian, and Tianxiang Kingdom will return to Qian. The territory of Daqian will be unprecedentedly large.

It is no exaggeration to say that it will take several months for a decree from His Majesty to spread throughout the country.

If the corvee workers in the Tianxiang Kingdom walked on foot, they would not be able to reach the capital for a year and a half. At that time, what would be the point of doing corvee work?

If they died on the road, wouldn't the court increase the burden on the people?
Over time, there will inevitably be complaints and public opinion boiling.

This year, grain production around the capital has more than doubled.

Not only that, the sweet potatoes and potatoes are even more auspicious to the country and can double Daqian’s food supply.

If the people are not short of food or money, then money and food can be used to replace corvée.The court is not short of money and can definitely recruit workers.

It would be a big joke if the people of Tianxiang Kingdom support the people of Daqian and still have to do corvee labor! "

These words were reasonable and well-founded, and many people nodded.

In this way, it is really feasible to abolish the corvee in Daqian.

Qin Xiangru was thinking, isn't this his idiot's idea?
Unexpectedly, Dou Xuanling also started to advocate his idiotic views.

In the battle of Tianxiang Kingdom, Dou Yiai made outstanding achievements. He and Chai Rong captured Alona Shun alive, which was considered to have washed away the injustice of the Dou family.

"This" Zhuge Sui didn't know how to respond for a while.

"Your Majesty, it's time to abolish the corvee!" Dou Xuanling said: "Abolish the corvee first. After it is promoted nationwide and there are no major problems, we will then consider the situation of the court and see if the tax can be completely exempted!"

These words were no less than a bomb that exploded in the court, causing many people to wake up completely from drunkenness.

If the abolition of corvée is still somewhat reasonable, taxation can be abolished. What will they eat?What to use?
By then, I'm afraid I won't even be able to pay out my salary!

"Absurd!" Zhuge Sui said: "The abolition of corvee is because someone replaced it, and the abolition of grain tax is nonsense!
Without taxes, what will everyone eat and use?
By then we won’t even be able to pay military pay! "

Dou Xuanling did not interrupt him, but waited for him to finish speaking before he said calmly: "I heard that Lingnan and Jiangnan are implementing the integration of officials and merchants to pay grain, and I can be sure that this must be the future direction of Daqian.

In the future, commercial taxes will inevitably replace agricultural taxes. In a few years, there will be no shortage of food in the country. The more food is squeezed, the more cheap food will appear!
Once the grain is cheap and the people cannot eat all the grain themselves, those grain merchants will buy the grain at extremely low prices.

Then grain merchants will take advantage of it and raise grain prices, which is very harmful to the people.

As time goes by, no farmers will be willing to grow food!

Therefore, the imperial court must intervene in this matter to give the people confidence and stabilize food prices.

For example, the people grew grain, and the imperial court purchased and sealed the treasury.

No matter in a disaster year or a good year, the people will not suffer losses. Only in this way can the farmers be considered wealthy in the true sense.

In addition, Nanfan, Wozhou, and Tianxiang Kingdom still have to collect taxes.

This can only be balanced by the ebb and flow of one thing and the other.

Therefore, I conclude that five to ten years at most is the best time to abolish the food tax!
The imperial court might as well give it a try! "

It was difficult for everyone to calm down for a long time.

Dou Xuanling's angle of explaining the matter is really tricky, but if you think about it carefully, it makes sense.

This made everyone think of Qin Mo.

That idiot had said before that corvees and taxes would be abolished. Could it be that Qin Mo asked Dou Xuanling to say it?
It's not like that, after all, Qin Mo hasn't returned to the capital for more than a year, so he wouldn't write a letter to Dou Xuanling specifically.

Li Shilong was also a little moved. If he could do this, he would be the king of eternity in the true sense.

Will create a powerful empire that has never been seen before or since.

But the matter of abolishing taxes is still too big. "This is a big matter and needs to be discussed, but the abolition of corvee is indeed feasible. The Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of War have come up with a charter to abolish corvee."

Don't push the envelope, within seven days, I will see a practical solution! "

Now he will kill anyone who dares to stop him from becoming the Khan of Heaven!
(End of this chapter)

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