Chapter 102
Li Shilong's nose was almost crooked with anger.

"I like you alive!"

Qin Mo said: "Then let me go. Hey, father-in-law, I actually like being alive!"

"Hmph, I'm warning you, you only have one year to do this, but don't think that I don't care about you this year. You come to the palace every three days to report to me. If you are lazy and slippery, I will let you come to the palace on duty!"

Everyone looked at each other, since when did being on duty in the palace become a punishment?

This is a good thing that no one else can ask for.

Qin Mo squatted down and stood up, holding his buttocks, "Father-in-law, you hit me too hard just now. As the saying goes, it takes a hundred days to break your muscles and bones. My son-in-law has rough skin and thick flesh. He will need to be raised for two months." I won’t bother you in the palace for a month!”

"It doesn't matter. If it's inconvenient for you, I'll ask someone to carry you!"

Li Shilong was furious, but thinking that Qin Mo was responsible for thousands of victims by himself, he felt a little regretful that he had hit him too hard just now.

This kid is good at everything, but he is not motivated. Apart from that, he still has many advantages.

"Forget it, you just become a senior official and a Renyong captain!" Li Shilong said.

"What, father-in-law, I already told you that I don't want to be an official."

Before he finished speaking, Gao Shilian covered his mouth and said, "Deng Shilang is a ninth-grade literary officer, and Captain Renyong is a ninth-grade military officer. Why don't you thank your majesty?"

Qin Mo rolled his eyes and said, "It's good to be a casual official. They are in name only, and they don't have to be on duty every day. They still have money to get. He hurriedly said: "Thank you, father-in-law, long live my father-in-law!"

Li Shilong was furious when he saw Qin Mo accepting it happily, "Gungun, I'm annoyed when I see you!"

But seeing Qin Mo limping, he softened his heart again, "Gao Shilian, send him back. This useless thing makes me so angry!"

"According to the order!"

Gao Shilian responded and supported Qin Mo, "Captain Prince Consort, our family will see you off!"

After leaving the Ministry of Industry, Gao Shilian couldn't help but said: "Nephew Qin, your Majesty has good intentions for you. Our family has been serving His Majesty for decades, and we have never seen His Majesty care so much about anyone. !”

"How can that be the same? I am his son-in-law!"

Qin Mo rubbed his butt, "Uncle Gao, I don't want to be an official. Anyway, my father-in-law is hereditary, why don't I make more money? If my father-in-law needs money in the future, I will just give it to him."

I work as an errand in the palace, and I am tied up. People who don’t know better think that I am colluding with government officials and businessmen to plunder the people’s wealth.

Uncle Gao, please go back and tell my father-in-law that he is ruling the world well in the court, and I am making money for him outside, so that he can stop worrying about me every day and take care of himself. I think emperors in all dynasties have worked hard. , it is best to let him live a long life. "

Gao Shilian was also stunned, and then looked at Qin Mo with admiration, "That's the truth. People in the world say that nephew is simple-minded, but they don't understand. I, nephew Qin, have a pure heart and can see problems better than anyone else." It’s clear!”

The Duke of the country is a minister of the highest rank.

Qin Mo was also the prince-in-law of the dynasty.

Instead of joining the court and causing trouble, it would be better to be outside and take care of whatever happens.

In the last court meeting, this child almost caused trouble. Once or twice was fine, but if he did more, it would definitely cause public outrage.

Qin Mo scratched his head and smiled naively, "My nephew still has many things he doesn't understand. Uncle Gao will teach his nephew more in the future!"

After sending Qin Mo back to Qin Mansion, Gao Shilian returned to the palace.

Li Shilong asked: "What did I say to you on the road? Did you say a lot of bad things about me again?"

Gao Shilian bowed and said: "Your Majesty, you are wrong. The Prince Consort did not say anything bad about Your Majesty. On the contrary, he did not grant the official rank because of Your Majesty!"

"Ha, what's the reason?" Li Shilong sneered.

Gao Shilian did not hide anything and told Li Shilong what Qin Mo said. Of course, he concealed the part about the Duke of the Kingdom.Li Shilong frowned, "Is this really what he said?"

"Your Majesty, I don't dare to lie. The Prince Consort may seem reckless, but in fact he has a tiger in his heart and smells the roses carefully. He knows what His Majesty needs, so he is willing to engage in a lowly career to relieve His Majesty's worries!"

Gao Shilian knelt down and said: "When I heard this, I was shocked in my heart. Everyone in the world said that the Prince Consort is a fool who has fallen for himself, but in my eyes, the Prince Consort is a loyal minister who loves the king wholeheartedly, even if he suffers I never say anything about my grievances!”

Li Shilong remembered that Qin Mo had said before that he wanted to do business with him, and asked Li Yue to send money to the palace, but refused to give him an official position and even received a beating from him.

He felt inexplicably ashamed.

This son is extremely sincere and pure to him.

Li Xin also beat him, but never held a grudge.

What a good boy!

"Previously, the vassal state paid tribute to the Tianshan Snow Lotus, and the condemned people sent some over."

Li Shilong put his hands behind his back, "Let's go, come with me for a walk outside!"

Gao Shilian was secretly happy, knowing that Li Shilong felt that he owed Qin Mo.

If the king owes his ministers, there will be two consequences. First, compensation.

Second, if you feel that your debt is too deep, you will raise the butcher's knife.

Li Shilong liked Qin Mo very much, so a second breakup was impossible.

Putting on his regular clothes, Li Shilong went out incognito for a private visit.

Wu Tongue led the secret guards to guard Li Shilong.

“The colder the weather gets, the fewer and fewer people are on the road!”

Li Shilong sighed and looked at the thinly dressed people, feeling overwhelmed but unable to do anything.

However, there were suddenly more people on the streets armed with pickaxes and shovels.

These people were busy cleaning up the garbage and gutters on the streets.

Is this cash-for-work?
Li Shilong looked over and saw that there were many people. He pulled an old man and asked, "Old man, what are you doing?"

The old man spoke with a northwest accent. When he saw Li Shilong dressed in luxurious clothes, he bowed slightly and said, "Hello, noble sir, we are cleaning the ditches and street garbage. This is the benevolent policy proposed by the Eighth Prince. Work-for-relief. Not only does it provide for our three meals a day, but also There are still ten cents left!"

"Three meals a day are all porridge?"

"Breakfast is porridge, lunch and dinner are rice, and last night, each of us even shared a piece of meat!"

Speaking of this, the wrinkles on the old man's face relaxed.

"Can the court afford it?" Li Shilong frowned. He was really a prodigal. Forgetting three meals a day, he still had rice and meat for free?

"Hey, the court is in trouble. Years of wars have emptied the treasury. We also know that, but these are all donated by those kind-hearted masters!"

The old man smiled and said: "When the old man came to the capital, he was still wearing a single coat and almost didn't freeze to death. Noble man, look, the old man now has three pieces of clothes. Even if it snows, he is not afraid anymore!"

Li Shilong was shocked, "The clothes you are wearing were also donated by them?"

"Yes, noble sir, the great men in the capital are so kind, take pity on me!"

Tears welled up in the old man's eyes, "He gave us food and clothing, and also gave us money. It gave us enough dignity!"

(End of this chapter)

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