big dry son-in-law

Chapter 103 Longyan Joy

Chapter 103 Longyan Joy
Li Shilong nodded. It seemed that Li Yue did a good job.

"But I see why all the people here are older?"

"The noble man doesn't know something!"

The old man said: "The Eighth Prince is considerate of our old age and frailty. After fifty, we are not allowed to do too much heavy work, such as cleaning the roads in the capital, filling potholes, and clearing ditches.

Your Majesty's education is really good. The Eighth Prince will definitely be a wise king in the future! "

Li Shilong felt extremely comfortable. The old man's words were the greatest recognition for him and made him full of motivation!
"What about the old woman and the child?"

"We were all arranged to enter a wealthy family. My old lady was lucky enough to enter the Duke of Qin's mansion. Although she couldn't do any heavy work, she could still clean the courtyard and sew some clothes.

Also fleeing this time is my miserable little granddaughter, who was also taken in by the Duke of Qin. It’s freezing cold, but they have a house to shelter from the wind and rain, and they can have a full stomach. Even if the old man dies, he can rest in peace. ! "

"But you signed a contract of sale?"

"No, it's not a contract of sale, but a short-term rental contract!"

The old man wiped his tears and said, "The short-term rental contract is only for half a year. If we want to return home after half a year, we can leave at any time.

I heard that the Duke of Qin's Palace has opened two new workshops, which will recruit thousands of people. The old man is really embarrassed to add to the burden on the Duke of Qin's Palace. "

Having said this, the old man looked ashamed and said, "It's better to give those young people more opportunities. Qin Guogong is really a generation of wise ministers. There are sage kings at the top, princes and wise kings in the middle, and wise ministers at the bottom. They will definitely be able to do great things." Sheng!"

Li Shilong was very happy and felt very happy.

"Well said, great things will happen!"

With that said, Li Shilong gave the old man a few taels of silver, "I went out in a hurry this time and didn't bring much money with me. I hope to see you again next time!"

"Noble man, you can't do this!"

"Take it, it will delay your work!"

Li Shilong patted the old man's hand and led the people to move on.

As he walked, he discovered that there were people on the street directing the victims to work.

Everything is in order.

Not bad!

Li Shilong nodded with satisfaction, and when he reached an intersection, he saw a huge stone tablet.

There were several craftsmen carving something next to the stone tablet.

Li Yue sat there with the signboard of the Daqian Charitable Foundation behind him.

"This is a little tribute from me to the victims. Please accept it, the Eighth Prince!"

Li Yue opened his luggage bag. Although it was just some rice, it could feed a family of three for several days.

He bowed to the man and said, "Thank you for your contribution to the victims. Please leave your name. We will leave your name on the merit monument for future generations to admire!"

The man's face turned red with excitement. The Eighth Prince bowed to him and asked to leave his name in front of the monument. As long as the monument is there, his name will always be there.

It can be said that it will last forever!

"The villain Zhang Ergou is not worthy of being worshiped by the Eighth Prince!"

Li Yue smiled and shouted loudly: "Zhang Ergou from Hutong Street, donate twenty kilograms of rice!"

As Li Yue sang and drank loudly, the people next to him quickly took notes, and the craftsmen were also carving quickly.

Zhang Ergou felt that this was the highlight of his life.

But the glory doesn’t stop there!

Li Yue took out a certificate of honor, personally wrote Zhang Ergou's name on it, and then stamped his seal, "This is your certificate of honor, please keep it!"

Zhang Ergou was very excited as he held the certificate of honor.

Everyone else showed envious expressions.

This is a certificate of honor issued by the imperial court. Although it is not an imperial edict, it is enough for them to offer it.

"Thank you Eighth Prince!"

"No, I should be the one thanking you for your selfless dedication. We will deliver the rice you donated to the victims.

Every day, we will post all the food and items we have spent on the city gate, so everyone can see in detail where the items they donated have been used! "

"Your Majesty, the Eighth Prince actually bowed to common people, this..." Gao Shilian was stunned.

Li Shilong's eyes were also extremely complicated.This boy is actually able to bend down in public, and he is actually able to do this for the sake of the people.

Looking at the princes in the palace, how many can do it?

It was him who underestimated Li Yue.

"Water can carry a boat or capsize it. He was right!"

Li Shilong's eyes were full of admiration. On the other hand, although the prince did a good job and ran around for the victims, he did not produce any practical results.

How can it be done if the rules are messed up?

"Your Majesty, do you want to go there?"

"No need, go over and bring him a message for me, just say that he did a good job and I'm very pleased!"

"According to the order!"

Gao Shilian walked over quickly.

At this time, Li Yue was sweating profusely, and he felt that he could hardly straighten his waist.

This was also what Qin Mo had in mind. At first, he felt embarrassed, but after getting used to it, he felt it was nothing.

On the contrary, the effect is very good, and more and more people come to donate money and materials.

Moreover, the reputation of his eighth prince gradually spread in the capital.

This makes Li Yue full of energy!

If you have a good reputation, are you afraid that no one will turn to you?

Just when he was about to bow to the donor, a man appeared in front of him.

He just froze there.

"Mr. Gao, why are you here?"

Gao Shilian quickly made a gesture of silence, and Li Yue quickly shut his mouth.

I saw Gao Shilian here, and he was still wearing regular clothes. There is only one possibility: he came with his father.

He hurriedly searched the crowd.

"Your Majesty, let me say something to you!"

Gao Shilian lowered his voice: "No need to kneel down, just listen!"

Li Yue said nothing and bowed slightly, waiting to listen to the holy words.

"You have done a good job, I am very pleased. You have bent down, but you have strengthened the country. I see everything you do, so work hard, don't let me down!"

Forgive me, Gao Shilian asked: "Eighth Prince, do you hear it clearly?"

"Listen clearly!"

Li Yue took a deep breath and felt that everything he had done was worth it.

"The old slave will leave first."

After Gao Shilian left, Li Yue did not continue to look for Li Shilong. On the contrary, he bowed even harder.

At the same time, Donggong!
Li Xin summoned everyone in the East Palace.

"What should I do? Now Li Yue has a charity foundation and works for relief, and his business is booming, and Gu's limelight has been suppressed.

Everyone praises Lao Ba's virtuous name, but they don't know how much hard work Gu has done for them! "

Li Xin was angry in his heart, but he knew that anger could not solve the problem.

He glanced at everyone, "Tell me, what should we do to win back people's hearts?"

Everyone bowed their heads and remained silent. This was too difficult. It was only possible unless they found a better way than Li Yue.

But how is this possible?

These two methods are the most suitable for the moment.

Just when Li Xin could no longer suppress his anger, Gongsun stood up and said, "Your Highness, I have a trick that may turn defeat into victory!"

(End of this chapter)

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